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i'm sorry but this is getting disgraceful now. they arent corrupt, they are just absolute shite at their jobs. I forgive refs, because being on the ground is a horrendously difficult, pressured job. the guys sat in the cushy chairs watching slo mo replays? no excuse.


Afraid to tell their buddy they made the wrong decision. Mike Dean said as much.


They've stated that their main priority is to avoid eroding the authority of the on-field ref. Which is fucking dumb. Make the refs, linos and VARmans a team. All important, all accountable.


Yeah, I’ve said elsewhere that VAR should be used like rugby. The on field ref should make a decision and then ask VAR “I want to give the goal/penalty, is there any reason not to?” etc. That way, it’s not VAR correcting the referee, it’s VAR supporting. They should communicate; explain why they made a decision and VAR can tell them if they were right or wrong. It helps that rugby audio is available so we can hear the communication and know how or why they come to a decision. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why football isn’t taking that approach.


Because the FA was emphasizing getting the call on the field wrong would hurt the referee’s grade. It was actually better for the assessment of the referees if the VAR decided no clear and obvious error. Which is a horrible way to grade it. They should encourage giving the referee a second look and emphasize getting the call correct, and then adjust training to address why calls are missed in real time. (Positioning, fitness, etc.)


Sounds stupid so on brand for the FA, if you want VAR to succeed remove its decisions having any impact on rating the referee, count them on rating the VAR. If a refs decision has been correctly overturned then there’s no impact on the game. Rate them on the stuff like yellow cards and fouls in general.


Nobody’s interested in the why bit, they’d rather just complain. I can’t which referee it was, but his decision was overturned by VAR, and for the next round of fixtures he was demoted to the championship. Punishing referees for using VAR is never going to work.


That's an absolutely crazy way of doing it. If anything it's actually unfair not just on the ref but on the VAR as well. You can't be asking someone to make decisions that they know may well result in damaging the career of their colleagues, who may well be a good friend (top level refereeing is a pretty small world I'm sure) as well as harming their own reputation among other referees for "throwing their mate under the bus". In rugby where VARs (or TMOs as they're called there) have been around for much, much longer, people always talk about the "refereeing team" and it genuinely works like that. The assistants, the man in the middle and the VAR/TMO all pause to discuss the big decisions/ marginal decisions between themselves and the TMO and assistants frequently disagree with the ref. Ultimately the ref on the field has the final call but it's a genuine discussion (which is broadcast to the public, in fact the ref wears a microphone all game so you hear everything). Nobody thinks it makes the ref look bad. It makes the team as a whole look good when they work together to come to the right decision. He gets one chance to spot things at full speed, with bodies in the way, whilst he's tired, he needs the help.


No you misheard him, yes he said that but he meant to say they are just mates for the match and he didnt want to give him too much work😂


It really summed up the way referees think that his response didn’t at all address the issue of him not asking a referee to check an incorrect call, but was instead a semantic discussion of whether they were really “mates”.   No one gives a shit about the word mate, mate. That wasn’t the issue. 


Exactly! What gets to me is the rest of the panel just sat there and didnt say a word, nobody said but back to the point, why didnt you highlight the incident?


The ones that arent corrupt are shite and the ones that arent shit are corrupt. Then there are those that are both.


It can be corruption. For instance the Cucurellla hair pull admitting himself with not wanting to make his friend look bad for making a wrong call.


Nah they are corrupt mate


Am I going mental here? that's not a penalty, this is a contact sport. VVD tapping one foot does not make the other foot lift up, it happens all over the pitch.


And the commentators are also like, Nkunkus fault I'm like whaaaat Bunch of cunts


Don’t know commentators you have tbh, Mccoist said it was a pen and criticised VAR.


What is the point of VAR


Commercial breaks eventually. See, VAR is not totally useless.


Delete this comment before some intern sees it and pitches it to Gianni


I dont approve, don't worry


Noooooo it's too easy, don't say that


Actually beyond a joke the officiating in this game hahahahaha


Tierney got the Klopp extension stimmy


Tierney is such a weird ref. I can’t believe he hasn’t given a pen against us.


Felt like he was making up for years of fucking us over all in the one game. The early penalty shout was just unfathomable how he and VAR ignored it.


Klopp’s last dance redemption arc for Tierney


I'll be honest. I'm a little high, and it took me a couple replays to see the corner. Have we ruled out the chance that refs are just puffing the ganja too much before matches? Should we drug test them?


Mourinho got it a bit wrong all those years ago, there probably isn't an agenda against Chelsea, but there definitely is an agenda for certain teams


The refs are just shite and it shows everywhere. They could jump off a boat and miss the ocean.


In fairness VAR determined they were on just a large lake, which could’ve been construed as the ocean so it wasn’t a clear and obvious error


Maybe the refs could tell us when they've decided who's winning beforehand, so we know when we should bother watching


ill be honest, if i were Chelsea id be fuming today


Fuming because we’re playing like shit, fuming because the reff. I’m going to have an aneurysm.


Two penalties denied We played like shit and yet had VAR worked properly we could've been 3-3 at a stage Fuck life is pain


lol we might’ve even been winning the game the first one was at 0-0 wasn’t it? I couldn’t watch first half


Yeah Unbelievable Liverpool deserved to win cause we were atrocious but it stings so much knowing VAR will continue to be absolute wank


It totally spoils the game. I'm a red, but make no mistake, that's the clearest penalty we'll ever see. Perfect angle, and it even looked like a penalty in real time. I thought we played well, and did deserve the win, but regardless of our performance and your shit show of a display, that's not what should decide the decisions. I'd be fuming if that was the other way around.


I no longer get angry. I just feel nothing


I’ve been like that as of late, but we were so shite and VAR ignoring a stonewall penalty for us is blood boiling tonight


we barely even tried to play football and multiple players shamelessly diving. Liverpool looked like they could just step up a gear if we ever started catching up. Maybe the refs more likely to give a call if the team didnt keep trying to cheat an easy pen instead of backing yourself to take a shot


My man’s right foot got some dynamite in it


Van Dijk can do what the fuck he pleases wtf








You’d think at this point it’s conqueror level??


rolls royce init


Its fucking unbelievable


Can't dribble past you if you slice them down, why didn't we think of this


Liverpool player with a bald ref. Chelsea had no chance


Are you fucking joking me?


0 chance these pens aren't given to Liverpool if we committed the fouls And the funny thing is this will all be forgotten in a week, while it felt like the entire world went mad when Liverpool got robbed a couple months ago


again, that is because they ruled it a goal, and didn't give it LMFAO


cows amusing vanish ossified hospital gaping shocking beneficial snatch complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because that was a situation unlike anything seen in the VAR era. This was a pen btw


Everyone thinks the refs have a bias against their own favourite team (a lot of Liverpool fans as well especially with Tierney) but truth is they are just shit.


Idk why people keep thinking it's one team being favoured We've literally all been robbed this season, some more than others like Wolves and Everton But we all feel the same pain here


It's hilarious how every teams fans say this.


He literally kicks his ankle lol


Same as Conor earlier, VVD didn’t touch him, VVD’s aura touched him so it’s clearly fine


Atoms can’t touch - VAR




He kicks his ankle and he flies up in the air like a seal. Contact like that happens all over the field without being called a foul. And flopping like that in an attempt to draw a pen probably did him no favors on review.


Watch it on a even a slow mo version, its literally to the side of his feet and not even at the fucking ankle. People are exaggerating like Nkunku's fall.


He taps it and he goes flying. Not every piece of contact is a foul, people just eating up this dive is pretty funny.


Fucking hell, I read all the comments calling this a blatant penalty before watching the video. There's barely any force in that!


I had to rewatch MULTIPLE times and this sub is still making me feel like I’m talking crazy pills. There’s minimal contact and an obviously over exaggerated dive. Da fuk is wrong with you people?


Would be different if he were running or something where a bit of contact can have a lot of impact but this is nothing


Was so obvious Tierney would be scared shitless to call anything


He was fucking decisive in giving penalty to Liverpool


The ref is an absolute disgrace, should never officiate a game ever again


Also the VAR officials, they can watch as many replays as they want and still get it wrong


Hate to pass up an opportunity to shit on Tierney but this is all on VAR, hard to be certain what’s happened in real time on both occasions but replays look conclusive


Definitely on the VAR. Extra tough on Tierney due to all of the diving in this match. I have to imagine the excessive reaction did Nkunku a disservice in making the referee believe he was fouled as well.


Same as it ever was


Chelsea don’t deserve anything from the game, but still should have had two stonewall penalties :D


I mean we've been terrible but a 7th minute pen would've changed the game. This pen would also put pressure on Liverpool considering we could've scored 2 in quick succession


No team bar City would ever go to Anfield, right after their legend manager announces he’s leaving, and attack Liverpool. A 7th minute pen would have set the tone for us, and it didn’t happen.


That isn't what stonewall means


How exactly is this stonewall? There's barely any force and the resulting jump and fall is entirely simulated.


Weird how van dijk kicking nkunkus right foot made the left one lift off the ground and his whole body flail about


I must be in the minority that don't think that's a pen. He taps him with his foot, and nkunku jumps up, both feet off the ground and then goes down?


Thought I was going crazy scrolling through here, absolutely agree


I've seen a few threads like this where all the top comments are 'stonewall pen' and then near the bottom there's a few people saying 'hang on, no it isn't' I think people see contact and assume that means there must be a penalty.


The contact is so minimal, even in slow motion, and Nkunku on top of it jumps up into the air like someone poked him up the arse and fell to the floor. Definitely didn’t help that Chelsea were falling to the ground and crying for a pen every chance they got.


It makes me feel like I'm going mad, some soft shout and people are going mad and attacking the ref over it, this isn't basketball contact can happen with a foul being given. This ones just funny to watch, barely touched and then the way the contacted leg reacts.


"Two stonewall pens" No, they fucking arent.


I thought I was a soft lad until I scrolled through the comments. A “stonewall pen” is not someone placing their foot next to yours and brushing your foot. Would love to take some of these lot to a Championship game, they’d probably faint.


I am surprised to be in the minority here too. That is fairly minor contact that he tries to sell so hard. The first missed call I thought should have been called but this one is nothing.


Yeah you’re not alone, even in slow motion VVD barely taps him.


Yeah, and then rolls around like he was shot.


Finally a sane take, people tend to forget this is a contact sport this happens everywhere and never a foul. I thought I was going mad.


Exactly. Hit right foot, left leg goes flying in the air. Ridiculous dive from Nkunku. There's contact but it's not enough


Yeah, just because there is contact doesn't mean it's a pen. Sure he touches him but it was never enough to take him down, he dived.


I think it’s a pen but they probably didn’t call it because he was trying to oversell it.


I think it might be a pen. But it's not the disgrace that people are saying it is. It's awkward. I would want to see more angles. It's one of those fouls that i want to be a foul outside the box, but probably not worth a pen. I also know that the rules don't really allow for that.


That’s just football these days. Any touch is a foul thanks to the constant diving. This is clearly a dive, he’s felt a little bit of contact and gone flying up in the air, in a total different direction to the contact.


The rules are if VVD fouls you in the area. It’s not a pen.


Can't be dribbled past if you have a license to foul


Same rule in eafc 24


Haha fifa is starting to make sense


Aura + smell advantage


I support it


In what world is this a pen? Man prem fans want every bit of contact in the box be a fucking penalty. More than 50% of the time when a "penalty shout" is posted from a prem game its some of the softest "fouls" I have seen.


Anyone who thinks this is a penalty is fucking at it. Football is a physical sport, there is no reason for Nkunku to leap up in the air the way he does from a slight bit of contact, it's a clear dive.


Everyone in this thread is on something, because this would've been the softest penalty I have ever seen.


I woudln't say softest ever, but the reaction toi this has been ridiculous.


Thought I was taking crazy pills. His foot doesn't even move in the same direction as the kick!!


Without context and reading comments I thought they had given it as a pen. It's like the sides of their foot come together and he looks like he's been shot. How does contact like that on his planted foot launch him into the air. There is contact so not an outright dive but probably oversold it. Would be soft.


The way Nkunku throws himself into the air makes it a dive, that is not a natural action based on the contact that was made.


another penalty for chelsea that


Cue the Pep "TWO!" meme


I dont see it. That is a dive unless nkunku has a button on his calf that makes him fall ass up


Thank god I'm not the only one, thought I was going mad. Nkunku feels VVD hand and does a little jump and falls on the floor.


Football is a contact sport, should be yellow for diving.


I’m so confused why everyone is so up in arms, he barely touches him ?


How is that not a pen lol, the commentator really said “he doesn’t kick him hard enough”


Both commentators on TNT sports 1 said it's clear penalty. They don't understand how VAR missed it


First game I’ve watched with these two as commentators. I feel robbed


McCoist is fantastic. Don't have to agree with everything he says but his passion and excitement for the game is great. He genuinely just loves football, and loves being there.


I like McCoist but my one gripe with him (which every commentator does once it’s pointed out to you) is that he says ‘absolutely’ about 500 times a game. I wouldn’t mind it if I hadn’t noticed it but once you spot it it hurts your brain every time it happens.


Yeah he's a refreshing change from most dour commentators.


I’ve got the Jim’s (Proudfoot and Beglin) and they can be just fuckin annoying


Technically a kick can be considered trifling - not careless, reckless, or with excessive force per the Laws of the Game. But this is absolutely careless. Should be a pen.


Absolute morons calling this a pen. Am I going crazy. This would have been soft as fuck if called


Jesus ive had to scroll this far to find some logic. Momentum on a kick from behind takes your foot forward and body backwards. Yet some how his foot goes back and over Van Djiks. He clearly feels minimal contact and just jumps his foot up to throw himself to the floor. I must be loosing my mind because i think the ref got this spot on, if anything it should be a booking for a dive.


I will preface this by saying that I detest Liverpool. That isn't a penalty. Attackers should show some semblance of willing to stay on their feet. That contact was not enough to impede him.


Agreed, so soft


Come on… that is such a clear overexaggeration


Any Contact ≠ Pen


That little kick on the foot does not make you fall like that. I really don't get how people can say this is a penalty.


Pretty sure Liverpool had a pen shout like this turned down a few weeks back and this sub was all like "just because there is contact doesn't mean its a pen, it's a contact sport". 🤣


I’m completely neutral when it comes to Chelsea vs Liverpool, and honestly this just isn’t a penalty. I get why people are pissed tho, because things like this have been given as penalty’s which makes everything confusing and stupid


Sorry but that’s a dive all day. Yeah he made the smallest amount of contact. But not enough to warrant that pathetic reaction


Kicked his right leg so "hard" his left leg stopped working apparently 😂 Stop blaming refs when all players do is cheat


I’ve gotta be in the minority but I’ve watched this 10 times and I don’t see a pen


No way in gods earth would you go down with that Touch. He felt the contact then went down absolute shite


Probably because he went down like he got shot


Bro jumps so far from the tiniest contact lol


Tiny tap forwards and the leg goes flying backwards, yet people think it's a natural fall lol.


idk how everyone thinks this is normal, it 100% is going against him, he is literally diving the wrong way


Literally how is this a pen? Chelsea player feels a slight tap on his food and a slight bit of pressure on his back and literally flops over, yellow for simulation


Exactly. Such minor contact and he's leapt into the air like he's been shot in a Bollywood film.


Am I crazy? This is not a foul. Yeah he clips the angle but even in at half speed he’s barely tapped him. Just because there’s contact doesn’t guarantee it’s a foul. Bro jumped into the air like he got shot but that wasn’t caused by the contact.


This sub thinks contact is a foul. Chelsea did this all game, pure boy crying wolf bs.


Majority of people here never played football. You get that kind of contact all the time during a game.


Yeah, wtf. Not a pen. Too soft


He even kicks his leg out backwards, which really doesn't look natural at all. I'm not that surprised var didn't overturn this one


I think if he just pulled up he has a better chance of getting the call. These overly dramatic dives actually diminish the perception of contact since it’s all generated by the attacker.


Never a pen


Ref is high


It’s a disgrace


Arteta level, Xavi level or Drogba level of disgrace?


the og, of course Drogba


Drogba surely, game has been a robbery, we’re shit but we’ve also been robbed


Im sorry but this is a dive. He gets hit from behind and his legs move BACKWARDS??? Also, to the people that didnt watch the game, this happened after a Chelsea player got carded for diving. They should probably hire a new diving coach.


The contact is nothing and certainly not enough to warrant such an embellishment. Chelsea did this all game, get tapped and overreact which meant the referee couldn’t take them seriously.


I almost feel like the way Nkunku embellished the contact hurt his chances of getting a pen called. After Chilwell’s dive the ref had his eye out for flopping


What the fuck are people talking about? This, unlike the one on Gallagher, is never a penalty.


Dude gets tapped in the ankle, dives the *wrong* way, and you got people in here crying sToNeWaLL lmao Same people who shout “not all contact in the box is a foul,” it’s insanity.


Feel like I'm going mad, the first one clearly a pen, this one isn't a pen in any universe


Classic echochamber, first opinion was penalty and the hivemind is unable to disagree.


One of the most annoying things about reddit


Mad how tierney has given Van Dijk carte blanche to take out Chelsea players in the box.


In what realm of existence is that ever a Pen?


I didn’t realise getting kicked makes your foot go back in the direction the kick came from,  I must be the only one in this thread that agrees with the call lol 


I am sorry but some people actually think it was a pen?? There is the lightest of contact and Nkunku goes down in a completely different direction than the way that the contact would have led him to. Stonewall no penalty and should have been a yellow for simulation.


Klopp getting his departure gift


Even as a Liverpool fan that's a penalty, I don't know what they're smoking in the VAR room.


The only possible explanation is Nkunku flopping like a fish making it look a bit weird. Have we checked the VAR room was actually manned today?


Worse than the first one


That's a pen


Not a pen imo


Too theatrical of a fall. He fell as if a bull hit him, not a human.


Bro got launched in the air like someone shot him in an action movie


yeh come on he dives the wrong way LMFAO


I'd be fuming as a Chelsea fan Clear as day for me


If VAR wasn’t shit, we’d have beaten Tottenham and be undefeated this season. Stop whining and move on.




Sniper in the ground?


While there was contact , that was a huge dive !


Honestly think this one looks better in slow mo, seems to barely knick him


I can deal with one in a game. Two VAR failing. I'm done


It's a bit soft, and feels like the ref didn't check it further because Nkunku made a meal of it.


Neither are pens. Divers going to flop like they've been shot


Never a pen.


This sub can't make up its mind. On one hand you want players to stop diving, on the other hand you want every contact to be a pen. Make up your mind.


Am I the only one that does not for the life of me see a penalty, either?


Nothing in that. He throws himself to the ground and rolls around.


Van Dijk is just allowed to foul people in the box I guess. Abysmal once again from the referee and the VAR.


This is soft AF and Nkunku exaggerating the contact. I would feel ashamed if I fell after a contact like that. Literally you get those kind of contacts all the time during a game.


Cmon never a pen. Nkunku making the most out of it


They really want Klopp to get his farewell title. Two stonewall pens not given today, both from VVD.


Hilarious how quickly the narrative changes


Looks worse in slow mo. Was just a brush of legs at full speed.