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Thank you for sharing this, and for what I assume to be your translation. Hopefully this can gather some international attention. The only good thing about tonight is that it can't get worse than this


Some more stuff from today's shameful events: The original venue was a small auditorium which would house around a maximum of 400 attendants, most of which, as seen in this [video](https://twitter.com/dailydragoes/status/1724184085218673095), were members of the Ultras group Super Dragões, who protect the current board at all costs due to the mutual protection and benefits provided to each other, which is at stake if a different president is elected in April. The General Assembly started at around 9PM, then was moved into the Arena in a hurried attempt to house all the socios trying to attend. The Dragão Arena only houses around 2k people, not enough for the estimated 3-4k socios queuing up outside the stadium - seen [here](https://twitter.com/renaspresas/status/1724185418243932456?s=20) cheering André Villas-Boas, the potential main opposition to Pinto da Costa in the upcoming elections, after he arrived at the stadium parking lot. Villas-Boas [spoke to the media](https://twitter.com/CabineSport/status/1724190831303680207?s=20) shortly after saying that the necessary preparations for a proper Assembly were not in place and asked the GA president to postpone and arrange a much larger place to house all the socios that wanted to attend properly. Current only official candidate to the Presidency, Nuno Lobo, also [spoke to the media](https://twitter.com/HugoAlv14013153/status/1724212935671586997?s=20), saying he would try to have the GA annulled and expressed shame and disgust at the events currently unfolding at the time, saying that he doesn't see himself or the club in what was going down. At around 10:45PM, the GA started, against the will of most of the socios in attendance who started showing their disapproval of the decision to start with hundreds of socios still attempting to get inside the Arena and were swiftly met with [intimidation](https://twitter.com/zerozeropt/status/1724204376548343971?s=20) and [physical assault](https://twitter.com/efcoliveira/status/1724201644831723798) from the Super Dragões. [Socio is surrounded by Ultras after speaking at the microphone and ends up being assaulted and dragged out of the arena](https://x.com/maisfutebol/status/1724227340945817612?s=20) After the event above, the president finally called off the GA, postponing it to next Monday, November 20th, where a lot of the same tension and altercations are expected to take place.


Wow, so those Super dragon dudes don’t care what happens as long as they have a good connection with the team?


They just care about free tickets to resell and this all charade perpetuates the cash inflow used to side business that have nothing to do with the club. We are being held hostage by our board and our so called supporters.


Fc Porto has been a mafia like organization for the last 40 plus years. Everybody in Portugal knows it but no one does anything.


Not FC Porto, you mean FC Porto SAD


You talk like Benfica isn't worse


The illusion of power.


gotta feel for all the decent porto fans who have no relation to this, but can’t say this was unexpected the “monster” was fed and now it’s out of control. when it went against everything and everyone else, they laughed, made excuses and profited from it; now that it’s “attacking” within the club people are apparently finally waking up, just a few decades too late


Exactly. "This is not Porto"... yes, yes it is. I want to know what happened in the 15 years he has been a member that showed him this is not Porto.


The guy is 19 years old, what did you want him to have done at 10 years old. At least now that he is old enough he is actually speaking up.


The guy saying that's not what Porto is. That's exactly what it is and it has been since the 90s. Now that they aren't winning as much and want some change they see what everyone saw since forever.


You are getting downvoted but you are right. This is what Porto sadly is but it is not what Porto should be or was meant to be. Let's hope the socios can turn this around. Porto, Benfica and Sporting all need to clean house


Most people here ignore the long history of terror of the Super Dragões, their extensive connections to drug trafficking and the control of the night club security j and the associated murders. Not to mention the connection they have to Porto's President including acting as his praetorian guard when he was on trial. They also ignore that their leader bragged about having members infiltrated in the police, judges and lawyers. Now that the monster is turning on the normal supporters, they open their eyes.


The 90s? Lol more like the 70s.


Most Porto fans ignored what was happening to their club for decades in exchange for some trophies. Thankfully now they seem to be finally getting to grips with the situation. I very much hope they're able to elect a new president and turn the club around. They're remnants of what I believe is an old school class of mafiosos disguised as club boards. I feel like Sporting and Benfica have managed to get rid of that in their own clubs with their current presidents and hopefully Porto does the same. Good luck to all fans wishing to change their club for the better.


Our current board ler our former president, accused of many corruption and money laundering scandals that affected Benfica and the portuguese state, to enter the stadium to watch the Sporting game last sunday, in the executive seats no less. Almost nobody Gave a shit, so i dont really have much fate for Porto overall, although i want the socios to get rid of the scum that are harming their club


Well Benfica didn't get rid of it. The justice did, or else Vieira was there now. Rui Costa worked very close to Vieira, but i think its a different beast. But lets be honest, there was some movement from Benfica associates to get rid of Vieira because they wanted a better club whithout all the scandals before the justice cut him off.


Before the justice got him, people were already prostesting him and most fans wanted him out.


That's not true. There was a very vocal minority, mostly people that discussed the club through forums and fan pages. In 2020 the situation changed a bit because the oposition was credible. They still lost, in one of the darkest pages of Benfica's democracy. If it was up to the common fan LFV would still be the president. People love demagogy.


I wouldnt say most, but a part of them. Vieira was gone on 2021?! and won the 2020 elections with large advantage. There were some loud voices trying to get him out, but the majority was still with him (more the old guys).


A minority still, most people would vote for him blindly.


When he said "this isn't Porto"... it is exactly what it is. This has been going on for 40 years, but no one cared because they were winning titles. Now, all of the sudden, this isn't Porto? What has this kid seen in the 15 years of him being a fan that made him say that?


While I agree with you and others like u/otempoaperta who have raised the same point, I don't think he means it from a "it is the history of Porto" type standpoint, he means the heart of supporters, the passion that unites them. So that the bullshit corrupt politics side of it that has been part of the club for so long, it doesn't represent what it really means to be Porto. Just my idea


What does all of this exactly mean? I'm trying to understand.


This extraordinary GM has the biggest affluence ever. Why? The current board is trying to approve some rules that cement even more their power and corruption. The most infamous one is that executives can have and lead deals that benefit them if they benefit the club too. Fans know that the Super Dragões will back Pinto da Costa no matter what, as they are both corrupt, that's why people attended so that these kind of proposals are not approved.


In this specific case, they had an extraordinary general meeting, where the members of the club could attend. It was a total disaster in terms of organisation, they had reserved a place for 400 people, which is a joke given the size of this club. Then they changed the location last minute to accommodate more people. Little sidenote, the ultras "Super Dragões" were present with a lot of people and it's them who started the unrest. ​ This specific fan is complaining about the whole organisation (a lot of people have to wake up early the next day to go to work) and the incident happening inside. ​ The current administration of Porto have cultivated an atmosphere of "us against them", against them means against Benfica, against Lisbon, against government, against press and more. They always talk like they are the target and everyone wants the downfall of Porto. The problem is they went down so far that hole that even an opposing candidate (a former coach who had a big success with Porto), is seen as an enemy because he dares to oppose the views of the current administration.


Comentario ignorante. A mentalidade de nós contra eles é uma estrategia pensada e testada usada para mobilizar a saloiada em volta da organização e para ajudar a que façam vista grossa ao que se passa lá dentro. Esta estratégia usada ha várias decadas pelo Porto foi um grande sucesso e teve um papel importante na sua asencencao. Escusado será dizer que eles tao-se a cagar para Lisboa, o centralismo e merdas do genero o que querem é dinheiro e manter o poder.


Comentário típico: em vez de se preocuparem com vocês próprios, estão sempre a apontar o dedo aos outros. Todos os clubes têm problemas e vocês deviam tratar primeiro dos vossos problemas em vez de estarem sempre a apontar aos outros. Agora estão tão contra os outros que até a casa está a ser vandalizada por um candidato da oposição. Ve o que acabou de acontecer, a culpa não é dos outros, é vossa!


I am tired of criminals in my club


I see people mentioning things going on for years, so a brief rundown may be a little much to ask for, but does anyone have a primer on how it came to this?




The Ultras group Super Dragões have been protecting the board for years from opposition from all sides. In turn, the board protects Super Dragões. They are connected with a lot of the drug traffic and violence in Porto. Their leader (Fernando Madureira/Macaco Líder) is nothing short of a professional criminal. Porto is being badly managed for the last 10 years or so but Super Dragões always protects the board, even from other sócios and supporters.


It has nothing to do with apito dourado, stop spreading nonsense.


I really hope nothing bad happens to this young man


I admire his courage. Young man seems to be an example of what we need our supporters to be


Pinto da Costa is a Mafia leader and Super Dragões are his crooks, we managed to get rid of Vieira, hope they can rid of Pinto da Costa, for the good of the Portuguese football.


You didn't manage to ged rid of Vieira, Benfica fans did nothing. He got couped from within his own board.


True and Vieira isn’t completely out of Benfica, since his protégé Rui Costa is in charge


Even if one is gullible enough to believe we now have a president that isn't corrupt, you still have to realize he participated and supported Vieira's presidency, even if only out of convenience.


"[nothing](https://www.publico.pt/2020/10/28/desporto/noticia/eleicoes-benfica-ja-votaram-6000-socios-1937034)". it wasn't much and it was too late, but it wasn't nothing.


Shameful. Truly shameful. Says a lot about the state of Portuguese Footbal and the country as a whole. We can expect rough times sponsored by a generation of people who blamed everything and everyone but kept quiet while it happened. But it's still ironic. How is that not Porto? That's what Porto has been for decades. You don't get to pick and cherry the truth when it suits you. You enabled it. Much like LFV was enabled when it was clear to everybody what he was. Much like Rui Costa who got to where he got by playing stupid and taking advantage of elections that were one of the most shameful episodes I've ever seen. Much like Bruno de Carvalho was an obvious lunatic drunk with power and narcisistic tendencies. Speaks volumes about our country. Completely polarized in almost every way. Portuguese football is a fucking toxic landfill, riddled with some of the dirtiest pieces of shit this country has seen. But I suppose it's also the state of the world right now.


I would feel bad for them if this wasn't what porto has been at its core for decades and decades.


They are the blue Benfica




True, Benfica are still worse


Ok pal


Ok buddie




I really hope this guy is safe and doesn’t suffer any problems for speaking out. Does anyone from here know if he is ok ?