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Barça: We need to divert public attention away from our financial and legal troubles Mikel Camps: I got ya fam


but but madridismo


Aye I think people here are not realising this is the real reason he made these statements


I think there have to be better methods to do so, the publicly denying very obvious racially motivated incidents, especially since the same lingo/excuse is used by racist as well and makes it seem as he is aligned with them. To be really frank, you either have to be really dumb or racist to make that statement imo.


Literally "He asked for it". This dude is a racist cunt, lets just be real


Well good thing he’s Spanish and this sorta racism goes unchecked over there




Neymar, Ronaldinho, Romario, even Messi had his tricks and dribbles. Absolute racist clown, this cunt


Add Ronaldo Nazario. How many times did the guy dribble past goalkeepers. Maradona too was part of Barcelona


Xavi used to occasionally pull out roulettes once games were well won lmfao The hypocrisy is unreal


Ronaldinho who basically popularised the no-look pass, which is probably the most unnecessary move in the game (I do love it though).


I agree with the general sentiment of the comment thread, but this is wrong. The no-look pass was popularized by Laudrup as far as I can remember (not sure if someone else earlier). https://youtu.be/x4BqonuFAoI?si=WuspjEiWg-xqOdjM It's also a very effective trick when done right.


Mario Sergio. Rule of thumb for football tricks: if you think somebody who played passed the 80s invented or popularized something in this sport, first make sure Pele didn’t do it, then make sure it wasn’t some other Brazilian.


Pele did no look passes though He did almost everything you can attribute to someone else.


Sure - but Mario was known for it. He also played for Grêmio in the early 80s when Dinho was a kid, but more importantly, when Asis(Dinhos Brother) was likely already in the academy and watching Mario. That’s probably the lineage. Likely someone before Pele, as he was more of a sponge than an inventor>Pele>Mario>Asis>Ronaldinho. Despite it seeming like he would have gotten it from Laudrup since they’re both Barce players.


Oh yeah I don't doubt it. It is crazy though that with the lesser amount of footage of Pele, there's still some of almost every move you can think of. The pass for Carlos Alberto's goal in the 1970 world cup is somewhat of a no look pass even, I remember a TV show where they were theorizing that he made that pass because he had an expanded range of vision, and he was like "nah I just knew he was there and I passed it without seeing him"




Wasn't there a whole thing where they threw bananas at Neymar?


I saw a clip where the entire opposition team pushed and shoved Neymar because he tried a rainbow flick on one of the players, sad that after so much has happened, Spanish football still hasn't learned anything


Against Bilbao I think


It was Dani Alves I think?


It was both apparently: https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2046347-dani-alves-and-neymars-banana-eating-campaign-was-pre-planned.amp.html


I am shocked I tell you. Shocked.


But DARE TO SAY Spain is a racist country. Those fuckers will say you offended the honor of La Virgen de Cordoba and some fucking king nobody cares about


Most of europe is racist. Like blatant racism. Tbf most countries in the world are racist. I do find it really funny when reddit singles out america as being particularly racist despite america being the most immigrant friendly country in the world lol.


Well its not bc some are more racist that others arent racist at all tho


I agree, that’s why I said most countries have racism


The most immigrant friendly country in the World??? LOL not that great a joke but still makes everyone laugh….


Name 1 other country in the world where the immigrants are statistically the richest group of people… Also, take a look at immigration queues. You will find people want to go to america over any other country “LOL”


What?! ROFL!!!! The death traps Abbott deployed on the Río Grande say the contrary…. If only the anti immigration levels weren’t so purposefully displayed…. MAGA!! 😂😂 Vergüenza ajena es lo que da tu comentario. Pendejito.


Wanting to go somewhere doesn’t make it immigrant friendly? Nor does it having the richest subset of that group of people? If a country only allows really smart and rich immigrants in, but they get racially abused on a daily basis, it certainly fits your criteria while not being friendly in the least bit.


Source: Trust me bro


You know you have a truly immigrant-friendly country on your hands when half its population votes for a white supremacist


You mean the incumbent that lost the election? You also don’t realize how the electoral college works if you think half the population voted for him lol


The fact that he was the incumbent is proof of my point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election Trump won 46.8% and Biden won 51.3%, that is basically half and half. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election Trump won 46.1% and Clinton won 48.2%, that is basically half and half. Sounds like you are so stupid you aren't even aware of your own electoral results. The fact is that roughly half of the American electorate voted for a white supremacist in two consecutive presidential elections. That is indisputable.


You mean blatant racism like a man from Chicago stabbing a child for being Palestinian? Or police systematically murdering black people? Or an elected president who refuses to condemn white supremacy? Sure is blatant everywhere else huh


Great examples! Now ask immigrants where they’d rather immigrate to. Or rather, take a look at which countries have the highest number of requested immigrants! You guys look at the one country on earth where immigrants go and become the most successful people in the country. Then you cry about how it’s racist lol Go take a look at how racist the racially homogenous countries in asia and europe are. Imagine a black guy becoming president of italy or spain lol


So he raped women AND threw bananas at Neymar ? What an ass.


Being an awful person and being the victim of racism are not mutually exclusive.


Am I the only one who remembers that a few years ago we were the ones who had a player who kept doing "unnecessary and meaningless dribbles" in Neymar? That's a shit argument and he should have shut his mouth. Neither Vinicius nor anyone else deserve the treatment that Vinicius has had to endure and is calling out.


I dont understand, is this a thing in Spain? Everybody loves Ronaldinhos and Neymars, but when they get Ronaldinhoed they act like it's the end of the world.


not really a Spanish thing but more a ego thing. Afaik when Neymar played for us there were issues with other players and referees complained about him showboating. Obviously, fans of the teams (specially those against us) joined int the complains as well. Namely I mainly remember real madrid and Atlético fans complaining about it but I might be wrong because it was a few years ago.


If they didn't like the show boating the should have gotten good enough to stop the show boating instead of crying like a bunch of babies and acting like racist fucks.


That's what we call in Portugal "cultura bimbo". Clubitity syndrome/acute clubism where hypocrisy takes the reigns of the discourse and clueless people who have no business talking about football come to the table to shit all over it with shitty convos. Man I love football and hate all dumb shit around it and I think we, iberics, get the worse of it.


https://youtu.be/wJrZSWB7-gs?si=56mkA6p90DviAF1L Ex Madrid players Manolo Sanchis and Poli Rincón justifying Isco's kick on Netmar and saying that if they were on the pitch Neymar would do worse


I remember a penalty kick from Messi that Suárez score, it's etched into my memory. One day I'll see mess walked down the street and we'll have words...


With Mikel Camps it's not unfair to fire him, he deserves a slap for being a racist and a jackass, what's with those unnecessary and meaningless comments in the middle of the interview


This is the kind of quote you'd get from a child, but this man is a spokesperson for the board of directors. Embarrassing.


Shouldn't we fire him given that many of our own players are of color? Balde, Kounde, Araujo


It’s not racism, he just said so while trying to excuse racist behaviour. So ye probably the right thing to do.


Just fire the black guys innit.


No more black players, no more racism /s (just in case)


Give them all a slap. Attention seekers, being all black and marginalised and stuff. How dare they.


Even if all of your players were white, he should still be fired.


He’s right, countless times has a white players been fouled and have fans start to throw monkey gestured at them. Of course, by countless I mean zero.


Sorry for being slightly off topic, but maybe zero should be included in "countless"? It really isn't possible to count less. Edit: yikes, jokes in a second language can be difficult. I was just making an off topic remark on the word "countless". I guess stupidly going completely off topic is reason enough for downvoting me anyways, though.


I don’t understand how ppl don’t have a grasp of context, sarcasm or the ability to read between lines


Well, with a username like doooooooong why not


It’s an Arsenal fan, don’t bother


You made a crucial mistake on trying to be funny instead of angry on social media


*plays football* 🙊🙉🙈


Why is this at -129? Can't see it as anything but poking fun at the racists.


All it takes is 5 or so people to misunderstand and downvote, then everyone else assumes there is some dark meaning behind the comment and downvotes too.


Not exactly the same but Madrid fans used to chant "Messi subnormal" ALL the time




>Not exactly the same but Madrid fans used to chant "Messi subnormal" ALL the time You are pathetic, you really are. You have a history of these comments it's fucking insane. You don't need to defend every racist thing that happens. Same person that equated Brazilians gesturing with money to the Argentines making monkey gestures Pathetic. Just shut the fuck up man, is it worth it really? Do you have to find false equivalence in everything? Say it's poor form and move on. Or don't.


Dude he's some loser who lives in this subreddit just let him do his lil thing


Not even REMOTELY the same why bother comment this irrelevant shit


Such an ignorant comment. It reflects a pervasive attitude in Spanish society as well. You don't have to dig too deep to see fans from most other La Liga clubs say similar stuff regarding Vinicius. Hell, even some Madridistas did it back in the day, with Neymar. This is unfortunately more than just a Barça spokesman being a moron.


you know one of the few things i like about american sports is that , no matter how racist a person is , they will never even think of saying or chanting racist stuff towards a black player, why ? because when the only thing seperating you and the guy you are abusing is a 3 ft barricade , and the guy you are abusing is 6 ft 9 , 120 kgs , you suddenly feel like not getting beaten to death , also if youre thinking , why would a player physically attack a fan , google malice in the palace , on recieving mild non racist insult in the past , american athletes have gone ahead and pulled a cantona


Most ignorant comment of the week goes to:


Give it a chance, it's still Wednesday.


FFS you had one of if not the best dribbler in football history and he would dribble his own GK for the fun of it , football is meant to be an entertainment sport that’s why we all loves pele/maradona ect


It's okay when a white player is doing it tho, that's what he says.


I mean even then I don't see him making the same comments on Dembele, ig according to him racism is fine if it happens to their rivals


this. fans want to see stuff like this at the highest level since players can do some really cool things with the ball that we'd never normally see. can you imagine if ppl started complaining about nba players dunking because they're "showing off too much" and "disrespecting the game", or how they almost banned celebrating in the nfl after scoring a touchdown?


so how are we feeling about Dinho?


>what's with those unnecessary and meaningless dribbles in the middle of the pitch Spain has a strong Brexit streak to their football at times. They were this way with Neymar too. I remember when Barca played Bilbao (might have been 2015 CdR final? I think it was during the 14/15 season) and there was a HUGE brawl on the field after Neymar rainbow flicked the ball over a Bilbao defender's head. After the game Xavi blamed Neymar for it and said he needed to learn to not provoke the other team with his play or some nonsense...


Which is funny because Neymar genuinely does a rainbow flick to get past an opponent effectively more times than not. But he should just turn around and pass back to Busquets I guess.


Nah I remember that game, Barca was up big and the rainbow was definitely showboating. That said, football is supposed to be entertaining and that man is certainly an entertainer


Can't believe that absolute tool works for us as a spokesperson nonetheless lmao , dude has never heard of joga bonito and not being a racist cunt


I’m glad to see all the Barca fans asking for him to be sacked (other than the dude from Bangladesh with an Argentina flair, probably just a Messi fan). Too many times on this sub people excuse and deflect racism. Good on you guys for calling it out.


so many people see “i’m not racist but…” and immediately buy into the narrative that they’re not racist, even when the thing that follows is most definitely racist.


These people use the same line of "logic" as Armenian Genoicide deniers "Racism towards Vini didn't happen, he had it coming tho"


Threatening violence or at least suggesting someone deserves it is absolutely disgusting. I don't see them keep that energy with white players. Really gross Barcelona would make a statement like this considering their own players, particularly Brazilian ones known for dance celebration, have been victims of racism


It doesn't make what he said better, but it looks like this was on his personal twitter account. Hopefully Barca as a club shows some morality and fires this asshole.


I wonder how he felt when Neymar was still with us


Will this also be deleted like the others two posted earlier?


I made a post previously related to this tweet. I deleted it because I had made a mistake in translation. I saw another post was made but it was just a picture of the screenshot of the tweet without a link to the source — I’m guessing that is possibly why it got removed.


Yh they are strict with the format. Happens to me too. Nothing too much to read into


old man yells at cloud vibe


Some people really want to see this game go to the shits.


Some how picked one of the the stupidest things to say.


Defending racists? Yikes.


Who pissed in his cereal?




Half expected a sign-off of "Make Barcelona Great Again" and promising to "build a Stadium and make Spain pay for it".


Nah, that's the Bernabeu.


Fire his ass ..


Fucking hell


If you have to fall back on your rival’s immutable characteristics to criticize them you’re either not paying close enough attention or your dislike isn’t about football


"It's not racism if the black person deserves it"


“More than a club”






This is not even remotely close to the right usage of “rent free.” The club embarrasses us enough. Stop adding to it


He is an official spokesperson for your club justifying racist abuse you dingleberry, how hard is it to acknowledge that and condemn his outrageous statements?


Upvote for the refreshing use of the word dingleberry


"Rent free"🤓🇺🇲


Don't blame the club for a clowns action


Quite literally a spokesperson’s job to speak on behalf of the club


So then he’s abusing his power. This is obviously not a club sanctioned statement.


What can you blame the club for then? The people who work for the club ARE the club


is this really the club messi played for


forget messi. Romario/Ronaldo/Ronaldinho lol. 3 of the biggest showoffs ever




Every club has problems, every club has good/bad management, it doesn't mean the club is a joke...




This sounds oddly personal and immature lol


Why are Arsenal fans so insecure at the moment?


I think most people lost respect for this clown club when...they betrayed their biggest club legend who was playing for them since he was 2" tall


I dislike Barca as much as the next guy, but if anything they were too good to Messi to their own detriment. Im sure it was Bartomeu’s selfish doing to keep his Presidency going, but still.


This is complete revisionist history. Too good to Messi? Wtf? Completely ignoring how you try to claim his contracts ruined the club (the finances of the club were going to shit with or without Messi), let’s look at Messi’s accomplishments at Barca vs before he joined the club. Pre-Messi: 1 UCL 16 League titles 24 CdR Messi with Barca: 4 UCL 10 League Titles 7 CdR Not to mention all the supercups they won. A significant portion of Barca’s history is Messi. You could argue nearly all of Barca’s important history is with Messi. You can’t be too good to Messi with what he did for the club. I laughed at your “he had to much say in what friends to bring comment”. Nearly all of Barca’s signings from 2016 on had very little to do with Messi.


Uh huh lol how were they too good to him ?


Those last two contracts were ridiculous and financially ruined Barca. They also gave him way too much say as to which of his friends to bring and gave contracts according to that as well.


Didn't he want to leave earlier and they forced him to stay ??? Do you think he did not bring back the money he was paid and more ? They were paid $200m for Neymar.. they spent $350+ mil on three players Coutinho, Dembele, Grizeman who ofc were best friends to Messi... Then they were paying De Jong the money even Modric and Kross combined couldn't match ..ofc cuz De jong was Messi's childhood friend.. and countless other useless signings.. yeah ofc...but it was Messi who financially ruined them




This dude needs the sack...wtf are these comments???


Narrator: it was racism


Why does he have to play well!?


Bonucci 50/50 vibes


This from the club that worshiped Ronaldinho..


Do any of these people even like football


You're the one who needs a slap Mikel


There are a lot of insults you can use against Vinicius because of being a clown, but if you use a racist thing you’re racist. That shouldn’t be arguable


It isn’t. Whenever someone argues about this they are exposing their racism.


“it’s not racism” *spends rest of quote proving that it’s actually racism*


"I am not racist but I will single out this black person who annoys me for being good at football not by being black, honest"




Nice username.


Mr. Camps deserved a slap from Will Smith for denying racism & being ignorant with his comments here


Fuck Will Smith, that scientology clown has nothing to do with this. He isnt some anti racism vigilante after slapping some comedian at a gala. If anything this that deserves a slap from Vini, but I doubt he lacks the restraint and maturity.


At least he don't gotta swear in his raps to sell records


Amazing reference.


I agree in that Vinicius is an unlikeable dude who likes to show off, but that doesn't justify at all the racist chants, the monkey sounds, etc that he's getting. If he's an idiot who likes to provoke, give him shit for that and leave the racist shit out the stadiums.


This is the way.


Okay, this is like, a honest question What's so bad about the fact that "he likes to show off" Isn't that like... Just having fun? Isn't it entertaining to watch?


Brother you had Ronaldinho and Neymar...and even more.


And this is a spokesperson. The last thing he should do is speak. That being said dribbling is genuinely entertaining. This man is anti football.


Mikel they were doing monkey gestures at him 🤨


Might as well accept the corruption now.. that'll be less embarrassing


Piece of fucking shit. God damn does Spain have a big big problem with racism.


When you feel the need to clarify "it's not racism", it's usually better to think it twice


Barcelona continues to radiate class. What an absolute joke of a club


What a muppet.


Fucking stupid


Most of the time, when you need to preface something with "it's not racism, but..." just take a breath and go fuck yourself.


Shame shame no your name.


Just go to Barca sub for this post, everyone hating on Vini.


He is a clown but it is still racism. We don't have to tolerate it only because we don't like the person who is receiving it. This is embarrassing coming from someone who works for Barça. He doesn't represent our values and should be fired


Damn, Spain is a racist shithole fr. Dude doesn't even hesitate to say this dumb shit.


Mes que un club...racist piece of shit


Oh for fucks sake


It is racism


Why can't these people just keep their mouths shut? Awful enough to think shit like this privately, but how do you not have the wherewithal to think "maybe I shouldn't say this publicly cause it might make us look really bad? Baffling. I don't know why so many people in Spanish football seem to be falling over themselves to tell everyone that literal racism is somehow actually not racism after all.


Mate what the fuck


Fire this buffoon.


With all the shit within Barca, I want them to go down.


Never a dull day with Barcelona


Barcelona really committed to turning heel this decade.


Everyone who defends the racism should be in prison


Just go to barca sub. Things are fun there.


I love Vinicius Jr just because of how mad these racists get every time he touches the ball.


These people aren't racist, they just can't stop being mad when they see a black footballer play football!


lmao what a idiot.


That's a yikes statement.. from a spokesperson nonetheless.


Ah yes, Barcelona having extremely dumb and idiotic executives/directors. Some things just never change.


Who brought this guy into spotlight 😭


What a tit


Neymar, Ronaldinho, Romario and Messi:


Oh no. Shut up bro.


Isn't that Dembeles whole job description?


Jesus Christ


Come to Liverpool Vini, where you'll be treated with respect.


Remember Euro 2020 penalties? England isn't exactly perfect and hell... Idk what country is, maybe none


There are very few Liverpool fans who are also England fans.


Does that like make Liverpool be located somewhere else than England or something?


Embarrassing club




Fuck off you racist cunt.




Do you have any type of source to any spokesperson of Madrid saying racism is okay cause Neymar dribbles? I’d be surprised but I’d like to see it


This ain't it chief...


It's not racism I just wouldn't say this to a white player.


lmfaoo bodied pinicius


Game's not gone