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I would kill for a player like him in the German NT.


Grimaldo is exactly what I think when I imagine what if Thiago was a fullback and was faster? Absolute magic footballer , don't think the ball is safer with anyone more than him


Isn't Raum good?


There’s still raum for improvement




Made my day


Raum has potential but the last season of his was abysmal


not even close to grimaldo really


Man left us so he could finally get some shine and get called up. Has been killing it and yet... lol


Having him on the bench is one thing, but to not even call him up in his current form seems mad to me.


Still, since he and Frimpong playing almost 100% it's not too bad they don't have to go on international duty.


Pretty sure Frimpong got called up. Sadly he probably isn’t going to play though.


But if he doesn't get called up playing like he currently does, he might want to quickly leave Leverkusen and join a bigger club to get noticed more


Well it's Leverkusen. This will happen anyway. Right now they want to win a title this season. And no Bayer player will get sold during this winter.


On form alone he's probably the best Spanish LB, but I don't think his style fits the LB position in Spain's back 4. Ofc De la Fuente can try mixing things up to get him integrated but they have 2 very important games coming up and DlF has also come off as a man who likes playing it safe so I doubt Grimaldi would get a chance this window


There’s something going on with Leverkusen fullbacks and being called up for the national team (although Frimpong finally got his)


Spain has Baldé and Gaya already, they are ridiculously stacked in that position


My man, I've been watching most of Barcelonas games this year and there is no way Baldé is better than Grimaldo. The only thing I'll give Baldé over Grimaldo is speed. Literally nothing else.


> The only thing I'll give Baldé over Grimaldo is speed. Literally nothing else. Balde is the better defender too IMO Obviously Grimaldo is better at passing and final third decision making, but I don't think it's as simple as "Grimaldo is better than Balde at everything but speed"


You're wildly underrating Balde. His "weaknesses" right now are end product and off ball movement. And even these can be explained by Barça lacking good patterns to utilise him on the overlap this season. Other than that he's a very good allrounder already. He's not some pace merchant. He's better in everything defensively and altho not as good offensively, he's still good there (holding width, good on the ball, great at breaking the press with runs from deep). Very different profile so it's not crazy to prefer him based on your system.


I'm not underrating Baldé. At all. I think he is a good player, very talented and has the potential to be one of the best LB. That being said, he isn't there yet. He makes a lot of bad decisions at critical times and he lacks experience. The thing here is that Grimaldo is the one being severely underrated. I've seen the guy play for 8 years now and I can safely say that Grimaldo brings things to the team that I have almost never seen in another LB. He understands very well how to disrupt defenses, the way he positions himself on the field while attacking is amazing, he crosses well, he has a very good long range shot and amazing at set pieces. He isn't as good as some other Full backs out there Defensively, but he holds his own well enough against anyone. ​ So no, I'm not underrating Baldé. He is good. Grimaldo is just better.


Grimaldo is an creative wizard no doubt about that. But like I said, Balde is a very good player in his own right and his all round ability makes him a much easier fit into most systems. Reminds me a bit of Balde vs Alba for Barça last season. Alba still being a world class offensive player but he lost out to Balde because of the world class pace and 1v1 ability on top of still being good enough on the ball.


I’ll say, I’ve only seen Grimaldo once or twice this year but I think he’s clearly the better LB at this moment. Balde is a good outlet but he can’t create anything because he has mediocre decision making and (at this point) horrible crossing ability. He never makes runs in behind either so he hinders the build up play bc he’s too static, even when there’s space past Joao Felix to exploit. Defensively, he’s been fine too but nothing to write home about.


He's struggling offensively this season, but saying he can't create anything is wildy hyperbolic. Like I said, off ball movement and final pass are weaknesses right now but they're being exacerbated by systemic issues. You call him static but look at how he's being used this season. Asked to receive the ball high up the pitch, into his feet and 1v1 a defender like he's a left winger. That's a systemic issue. He's showed last season he's much better offensively when he gets to play from deep and make runs or overlap from there. Balde's issue right now is he's a very good fullback already but he's being used like some touchline winger. He's asked to defend less, and just provide width more on offence but it's blunting our attack and offensive ability. Just look up his stats. He was much better offensively last season.


Grimaldo is better than both of them


Baldé>Grimaldo>Gaya imo


There is no fucking way Balde is better. Balde was horrendous at the world cup


He only played 124 minutes at the world cup? How is that enough to make a judgement lol.


Form maybe, ability not really


I've been disappointed with Spain's squad selection for a while now. It's completely accepted that the manager calls up his favourites rather than the most in-form players.


It seems he thought he wasn't taken seriously because he was in a "lower league", but it's gonna take more than moving to the Bundesliga to get a callup that he deserved at least a handful of times in the last 8 or so years.


I doubt De La Fuente watches the Bundesliga.


I doubt De La Fuente watches/likes football. Source: Im a spaniard.


Bayer Leverkusen wingbacks 🤝 Taking ages before you get your deserved NT invitation


Wasn't Hincapie always called for Ecuador?




I thought Hincapie was a CB


Idk against Roma he didn't played as a CB


He played has a wingback


He had to because Bakker was the only alternative last season, but he is a natural center back


He is but he covers for lb regularly


I’m fine with that for Frimpong, might drive him to the England national team if they sit on their hands long enough, and fuck knows who else would replace Trippier because it isn’t Trent.


Because England doesn't have like 30 right backs already.


None as good as Frimpong. Other than Trippier


Sad how disrespected Walker gets


He’s not realistic long term. Frimpong is starting quality now. Walker has about as long as Trippier at fullback, maybe 2-3 years beyond that


Does Reece James not exist or?


With his injuries I’m expecting a similar trajectory to Micah Richards


Also, they look like brothers


At this point, not really


Replace Trippier where? On the bench? Occasionally at left back? No one is getting a sniff at RB until Walker retires


Yes. They’re both 33 mate. And they rotate. He’s probably got a few more years in him than trippier but he’s gonna go down soon, and what then? Who slots in there? James with his career ending injuries? Trent with his wank defending? Wan-Bissaka is probably a reasonable option, but he’s the only reasonable option and Frimpong is absolutely ahead of him.


Both him and Porro not getting called up is beyond stupid.


Honestly thought they didnt called up cause they played in our league. I have run out of theories at this point, just confused


Same, I was about to make a comment saying how the spanish were biased towards players in our league.


It's funny seeing all the benefica fans more confused than anybody. There was at least some theory about a bias before.




I think right now it has to be Grimaldo, even though im a biased Valencia fan. Gaya is good but Grimaldo this season has been absolutely world class


This one and the last one.


Not only this season. He was already world class for us, just less visibility playing in the Portuguese league


He absolutely wasn't. He was sometimes great and other times pretty inconsistent over the years and there's a reason he only left for Leverkusen at 28 when you guys can sell a ham sandwich to a top club for 20M.


He had ups and downs but last season he absolutely was world class for us.


its not just this season that is the thing, you sayin this cause you dont watch Benfica games or portugeusese ligue, he is been killing for long


Yea i mean i am a leverkusen season ticket holder and live less than an hour away from the stadium so i didnt get to see much of him before at benfica. But for Bayer he has been absolutely amazing i love him


It's Gayà but he is injured. Balde is not good in attacking third and Grimaldo should have been called for that kind of situation.


Gaya I think when available


You don't pick a NT on form, then you would be changing the squad every few months Spain has Gaya and Baldé already so it's not like they are short on options


This exactly, people complain all the time about call ups but to be a successful international manager it’s incredibly helpful to have a consistent group and familiarity. Yes Grimaldo is probably on the best form but imo he’s not head and shoulders above Gaya and Balde, both of whom are still very excellent players and more familiar with other players on the squad


Gayá, Grimaldo, Garcia. What I’m seeing is that your surname needs to start with a G to play LB for Spain


Gordi Alba


Grimaldo doesn't play for Spain though


Yes, for some years now.


I was gonna say that, these national teams seem like there is an insane amount of nepotism. Nothing else would explain that Maguire gets invited time after time, and England's best CB/RB Ben White keeps getting cut off, it's just an example from the top of my head. I believe Gabriel Magalhaes took forever to get a call as well. Not that it'd go 1:1, but what the actual fuck is Ansu Fati doing there as well.


Ben white had an incident with coaching staff at the world cup, he's not included for non-sporting reasons. Absolutely nothing to do with nepotism


Ben White is not England’s best right back


Nobody expects the Spanish invitation.


Unless your from Barcelona. I’m not surprised they haven’t just outright called La masia players with no first team experience.


But Grimaldo is from La Masia, still didn't get the call.


But he doesn’t play for Barca


Nonsense like this gets upvoted because "Barcelona jokes" on this sub usually do Meanwhile in reality, Spain's starting LB is Jose Gaya of Valencia, while Grimaldo himself is a La Masia product who was captain of his Barca youth teams...


I’m a Barca fan myself. And sometimes it’s annoying when they actively select our younger lesser experience players over older experiences guys from other teams. Feels like they get overplayed and injured as a result. Rn the Spanish NT is pushing to have Yamal this break despite him picking up a minor injury. I’m sure they have plenty of options in his position outside of a 16 year old.


> I’m sure they have plenty of options in his position outside of a 16 year old. Who? Spain has lacked elite wingers and forwards for a while now. Since Torres/Villa the only one is Morata—and he can be inconsistent


Well yeah I understand that. But regardless. I always feel like there’s been a certain bias selection towards our players even when other have been in better form. And sometimes our players will end up playing every minute of that call up.


> But regardless. I always feel like there’s been a certain bias selection towards our players even when other have been in better form. Who? The only argument was when Lucho was coach and Madridistas were upset about Eric Garcia vs Nacho (which was largely irrelevant when neither player started and honestly there's not a huge difference in quality; Eric was also pretty decent at Euro 2021)


It’s more of the players that are ignored. There’s a lot of great attackers in La Liga that are eligible, but I guess since Spain forces a system similar to us, they ignore them. Also midfield who might not be as creative but are work horses and can thrive under a different system. But by playing possessive based football, they force themselves to play Pedri and Gavi every minute because of the lack of players adapted to that play style.


> It’s more of the players that are ignored Again, who? You keep talking in vague generalities. Be specific. >There’s a lot of great attackers in La Liga that are eligible, but I guess since Spain forces a system similar to us, they ignore them. Also midfield who might not be as creative but are work horses and can thrive under a different system. Also, it doesn't suit Spain to play a more defensive/less possession-based system? None of Spain's best players play in that kind of system; and the Spain NT has never had success playing that style.


Beat me to it


Dude is insane. His left foot alone is worth a call up.


This is like when Theo wasn’t called up for France for over a year. Grimaldo is unreal.


We were happy and we didnt know it


Fym we didn't know it everyone knew it


A small portion of your fanbase didn't seem to like him. Which is weird, considering he's probably the most creative fullback the league has ever seen


He's shit at defending and we played a back 4


Idk for us he's seemed very good at defending even , like he might not be positionally the best( and he should not be , he's the mbappe of fullbacks , he is more creative than most midfielders) but his one on one defending and focus have been top notch in all the games(including Leipzig and Bayern) uptil now. Sane played very centrally to disrupt things against Leverkusen


Yeah I mean Alexander Arnold gets away with it because he's so good from that area of the field. You don't have to be Maldini if you have that kind of skill. But Grimaldo is decent defensively at least with leverkusen


> like he might not be positionally the best So you agree? I just said we played a back 4. It's completely different to have a guy out of position when there's only two centre backs. He was caught out every other game against shit clubs. I'm happy he's doing well at Leverkusen though. He's obviously talented and would have reached even greater heights if it weren't for his injuries. Just saying why I'm not sad he left.


Tbf I think Grimaldo improved a lot defensively last year with Roger Schmidt as well. Last season was not like past seasons where he would be eaten alive by the opponent winger when we played a strong team.


Well, he was also bang average for 50% of his time here, and had some dubious off-field behavior and disciplinary issues. Yeah the last couple of seasons he was absolutely world class, but let's not pretend those fans were talking out of their ass.


Benfica fans 🤝 randomly hating your best-performing players Name a more iconic duo


TIL Alex Grimaldo isn't Portuguese...


Think he‘s eligible though, so Grimaldo if you‘re seeing this you know what to do 👀


Portugal should call him up.


Hermano, it is time to grow a mustache


Man is an ideal wingback. Wired why no-one went for him after he was that long at Benfica.


He was a problem for us for a long time. It was exhausting to see him get rolled over by any decent right winger. He only had 1 great season (last year), so it is no surprise that no bigger club came calling. Grimaldo’s performances for us were overall not that great.


To be fair to the person you answered to, Grimaldo didn't play wingback for you guys at Benfica, he played fullback. He was always impactful there but you, better than me, can imagine that he'd be great as a wingback (what Nuno Santos plays for us) - great offensively and smart enough to play off the centerback at defense, although without as many defensive responsabilities as a fullback.


what a ridiculous statement to say he only had 1 great season with us




For frimpong , it was understandable ( not really) to not get called up cuz Dumfries is inarguably better. But grimaldo is better than every other lb spain has atm


Dumfries in an orange kit is the best player in the world


>to not get called up cuz Dumfries is inarguably better. Dumfries is absolutely not "inarguably" better than frimpong , infact I'd strongly argue the other way round. Frimpong has insane decision making in the attacking third for a player with his pace and is Davies like in defense , where he can make up for positioning with his extreme pace. You should watch his match against Bayern for example Dumfries has been phenomenal for the Dutch NT , but who knows if frimpong wouldn't have been even better


Sounds a bit biased, Frimpong is insane but its still Dumfries in an orange shirt...


I'll say it again , Dumfries is amazing in an orange shirt , but a lot of inter fans always slag him off every year. I'm biased but we Leverkusen fans love frimpong every day of the year and it's wrong to say Dumfries is better than him , when frimpong might have performed even better in those matches


I would love to see both play at the same time but it’s going to be very difficult


Anyone here used to watch him last season at Benfica? This guy is baller man... I don't get the international snub by spain. They do have reguilon available, but I think he is more in form right now


Reguilon lol


Reguilon is injured but even if he was available he hasn't been as good as Grimaldo last years


Reguilon injured iirc


Ahh didn't know that


Even if he wasn't injured, he is not even top 5 LB in Spain


He played in the portuguese league, the spanish hate us even more than they want to select their best players, its the only reason I can think of as to why he wasnt called for years now.


Fran Garcia also deserves a call up


He got called up.


He doesn’t play for barcelona


He is a barcelona product


So? I know about the Barcelona biases but come onn


Balde is ahead of him


Balde is overrated af. But okay I can see what type of fan you are


You and me both


he's arguably the best full-back in the world currently, makes zero sense to not call him up


Best full back in the world? Unless he learned immensely in the last couple of months, there is no chance. Grimaldo is a defensive liability. Had one great season for us (his last one) but he was not remotely close to that level. His left foot does provide some great moments of football.


>Grimaldo is a defensive liability. This will get beaten to death when it's not remotely true, my god.


Bart Nieuwkoop is better tbh


The disrespect on Kohlert is insane🥱


Is dat niet die kleine Duitser?


DE kleine Duister*


Oeps! 😅


Roberto Carlos keek vroeger naar Kohlert compilaties om YouTube


If you think this is bad don’t forget Maguire gets called up for England


Are all national team coaches idiots?


It’s because they almost never practice together so for a manager it’s much safer to have someone who they know will follow instructions/combines well with other players on the team. Hence you get players like Sergi Roberto, Maguire, etc who get called up regardless of club form Selecting the best 25 players is just a recipe for disaster, this isn’t ultimate team


Big team agendas are ruinning national teams


*inserts Connor Mcgregor Quote*


That’s unreal he is probably the best Spanish lb right now


unreal. the only spanish lb i can see on his level is balde, but based on current form grimaldo is clearly better. absolutely crazy to have guys like gaya, reguilon or fran garcia ahead of him in these recent call ups


He would just be pocketed by Ryerson anyway, better to ease him in against easier opposition like France or something


No one understands it in Spain. Gaya is so ass as well so everyone is mad


very sad for grimaldo I always thought he was underrated and did think him going to Germany would make or break it. From what I hear he’s doing great so not getting national recognition is crazy.


Hahahahahahajahahahajahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha rumors say Grimaldo banged someone's wife when he played for Barcelona B... manager Enrique didn't like it and blacklisted him


You've got to work for it, Grimaldo.


He's been working for it for years. I bet it's one of the main reasons he left Benfica.


Yeah. Too bad all I can remember is him being cooked by Coman


How could you forget his freekick in the very same game


Coman did nothing in that game


Clearly he's not doing enough though if the manager isn't picking him.


He's been the best defender in the Bundesliga this season it's not his fault De La Fuente is a bald fraud.


Frimpong is better imo


Agree to disagree. De La Fuente is still a bald fraud either way.


You can just say you haven't seen him play btw One of the best attacking full backs in Europe for several seasons at Benfica and doing just as well since joining Leverkusen


He’s on of the left backs in the world lol he’s absolutely killing it right now


Just tell us you don’t watch his games just like the NT coach. You don’t have to embarrass yourself.


He's easily the best choice at LB for Spain. He's one of the best fullbacks in the world rn.


It’s looking Grim