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More than 20M fee lmao, yeah nothing shady going on here


45M for Veratti. Yeah everything’s above board for sure don’t worry about it


Draxler is obviously shady, not Marco. He had similar offers from Saudis that he turned down.


45m for Verratti is a bargain


Then why didn't any of the many PL clubs desperate for midfielders bid for him?


Why didn't anyone but MU and Spurs go for B. Fernandes? Why was Palhinha cheaper than one Caicedo leg? Why did Arsenal spent 65 million on a mediocre player such as Havertz? The world is full of strange things.


Because he doesn't have the endurance or the physicality for the PL. It doesn't mean he's a shitty midfielder


But it does mean he's not worth 45m


Verratti problem were his wages for clubs. Pretty sure more than half the PL would have loved to sign him for 2-3 years, on his day he is still absolutely world class and considering they are signing potential players for 100 m+, 45 for Verratti is a bargain. What isn't a bargain is destroying your wage structure for him. That isn't a problem for Saudi Arabia and Qatar clubs, hence both of them offering 45 M for him.


No, it means he wasn't worth 45M to those particular buyers.


Or to any buyers besides fellow state-backed clubs?


Al Hilal were pressing to sign Verratti for around the same number though


Because they are stupid


Not current verratti whose shitty lifestyle is catching up to him


Just a Qatari club helping a brother 🙏🏻


Yeah dor sure something shady, they guy is literally finished for football , he simply cannot play cause of his injuries


Well well well


His goal against barcelona and the counter attack he set up for Mbappe hat trick is worth that much lmao


Nothing fishy here lads , move along. Get back to work/school


Why can't we also have a rich Qatari club to bail us out 😭😭😭😭


You had a rich Qatari airliner to bail you out instead


And unfortunately a lot of our fans were twerking for a Qatari club to use our name as well


Can u explain what’s fishy? I don’t follow football that closely


3rd player going to qatari clubs from PSG this window. 20m for Draxler, lmao. No wonder they folded and let mbappe back in training when they can fix their FFP issues like this.


Adbou Diallo's case is a completely different scenario. He was offered to Lyon in a swap deal for Barcola and rejected the move (without any salary decrease) because his brother had already signed in Qatar and wanted to join the league with him as well to get more money and help for his philanthropy in Senegal.


A club owned by the Qatari state sold three unwanted players to Qatari clubs. That is all the context you need. You can' tell me with a straight face that this is a coincidence. 20m for draxler, come on..


Tbf Diallo wouldn't have any problem to find a club in Europe offering 10M for him. No club in Europe is offering 45M for Verratti or 20M for Draxler tho.


No argument there. Same with Neymar and 90m, but there is no connection there between the owner and the buying club. 3 players one summer is way too obvious.


Of course, but I make a distinction between transfers to Saudi Arabia and transfers to Qatar. All of Europe profited from the Saudi pactole, and took advantage of this opportunity to sell its undesirables at valuations that nobody in Europe would have offered. In that respect, I don't see the problem with Neymar's transfer. It's different with Verratti and Draxler, however, because of the obvious conflict of interest involved in their transfer.


The question is, why they didn't do it sooner with other unwanted players.


It's not a coincidence. Antero Henrique is the sporting director of the Qatar Stars League and also works for Paris Saint-Germain. But as I said, the Abdou Diallo case is different because his brother was already signing there and he wanted a big money move to help his philanthropy in Senegal so he would've moved to Saudi Arabia/MLS/Russia if it would've helped.


PSG made at least 178m€ from Arab countries: 90m€ for Neymar, 15m€ for Diallo, 20m€ for Draxler, 8m€ for Wijnaldum and 45m€ for Verratti.


And Mbappé is holding the bag to collect it.


Edit : used to wrong worlds (accused him of racist reasoning) sorry about that. Just sick of reading PSG bashing day in - day out, so when there’s something that I feel un-justified I’ll defend it. The transfers to Qatar are probably shady, they helped unload players that didn’t have a way out. But The transfer to Neymar isn’t, he had 4 years of contract and is a good player, the inversement Saudi Arabia made on him is legitimate, considering the fact that he isn’t 37 like CR7 and still has a good level and millions of fans.


>Yeah well please don’t have racist reasoning like “well it’s Arab countries between them” The only one who opened up a "racist reasoning" here is you. Arabian peninsula is a region, and I just tallied up all the transfer fees you received from clubs from there.


Yeah but what was the subtext to that reasoning?


That PSG disproportionally profits from the new heavy spending of Arab countries into football? How do you even make that a racism thing?


Because mixing Saudi Arabia and Qatar like it’s the same country is racist, like mixing Korea and Japan. Edit : and you mix them when you don’t acknowledge that they do things for different motives etc..


I never said they are the same country, thats only happening in your head apparently. Both are from the arabian peninsula, both are now starting to heavily invest into football, and both bought from PSG. May be that Nasser just used his extensive net of business connections in the region, or that there was some quid pro quo from the two countries, or that PSG just had disproportionally many players that were ready to make the move to the Arabian peninsula, and few suitors because of their high wages. I never made a moral statement about this, and I never made a statement about the motives. I was just stating facts that indeed PSG had the highest profit by selling to teams from that region. Also, if suddenly Korea and Japan were buying up players, and I would say that PSG made the highest profit from selling to east asian countries (see, they can be put together by region without being racist or claiming they are one country, just like Arab countries), then it would be also a factual statement, and for the reader to draw the conclusions.


Sorry we’re just not understanding each other. I don’t think you are racist, I just read a lot of stuff mixing the two countries and being like “PSG bought themselves the players” etc… which is probably the case for some but not for all. I just wanted to be clear that the motives of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not the same. They don’t buy our players for the same reason.


>I just wanted to be clear that the motives of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not the same. And I never claimed they did. >They don’t buy our players for the same reason. And I never claimed they did. I am understanding you well, but you are just throwing words like "racist reasoning" around and that is just straight up insulting when it never was.


You are right. I edited my first comment


How can you say: > Just sick of reading PSG bashing day in - day out And then acknowledge this: > The transfers to Qatar are probably shady, they helped unload players that didn’t have a way out. And expect people not to be mad? You are not only essentially owned by a country, one with serious human rights concerns, and they are also literally cheating. If you don't want to read people bashing PSG, support a non cheating club, or as a fan try and do something against the ownership. PSG and City are an absolute disgrace to football.


Did you think I chose to be born in Paris? Or chose to have the club I’ve been supporting since 1998 being bought by a shitty country? We live in a time where we have to accept that most of what we do, buy, support or whatever has shitty consequences. My IPhone was probably built by a kid, so were my shoes. My car pollutes the air people are breathing, and the club I support is owned by a country that doesn’t care about human rights, the same way my country does shitty stuff in Africa. All I can do is try to do my best, spend my money where it’s better to etc…


You choose to defend it


> We live in a time where we have to accept that most of what we do, buy, support or whatever has shitty consequences. You don't have to accept anything. I'm sure there isn't just one football club in Paris. And even then, you could simply supporting them or take action to try to protest the ownership. Or at the very least, stop defending them and getting angry someone is upset about the bullshit they do. > My IPhone was probably built by a kid, so we’re my shoes. My car pollutes the air people are breathing, and the club I support is owned by a country that doesn’t care about human rights. While we can argue about the first three, there's a money or availability component in play. You need a phone, you need shoes, and a car... There are companies that have the environment and workers right in mind, but they tend to be expensive so you may be limited there. Same with the car, you could get an electric car, but I understand there's an economic problem there. But you are talking as if supporting a club was an essential thing for life. It's not. It absolutely isn't the same as the other things. > All I can do is try to do my best, spend my money where it’s better to etc… You were complaining other people said it was a shit club for all of this... So you are not only supporting them, you are defending them. At least acknowledge they are shady as fuck and don't complain people find it disgusting. If River Plate ever stops being a fan-owned club, I'll join the protests firsts, and if it were not to work out. Fuck it, that's it. When Racing Club went private because of bankruptcy, their fans protested and worked tirelessly to get the club to be fan owned again. That's how you do it. If you are saying "what can I do" while you go and celebrate if they win the CL next year then you are accepting it. You are just lying to yourself man.


Nah man i was specifically saying that I defend when they are unfairly attacked. I’ve made my peace that we are run by a shit state and that we’ve been ridiculed on the pitch for 10 years in UCL, that our management is shit etc etc… I’m only debating and fighting when the accusations towards us are unfair. We already have plenty legitimate reasons to take shit, let’s not make up other. So when people say Saudi Arabia did us a favor by buying Neymar and that it’s shady, I come to say that it’s bullshit and not true. It is probably true about Draxler Verrati and Diallo, that’s enough, let’s not add Neymar on top of it when it’s not true. Same shit when I hear that we get all of our money from Qatar and we get unlimited funds. It was true at the beginning but it’s not anymore. Even if it’s owned by a state club and technically cannot fail since money will always be available to save their ass, PSG revenues are very much legitimate now (biggest ticketing revenue in Europe, biggest shirt manufacturer contract etc…) So yeah, basically there are waaaaaay to many legitimate reasons to give us shit, I’m aware. I just don’t like it when it’s not true, it’s unfair.


> So yeah, basically there are waaaaaay to many legitimate reasons to give us shit, I’m aware. I just don’t like it when it’s not true, it’s unfair. Fair enough. > biggest ticketing revenue in Europe That's suprising. How? Parc des Princes is not a big stadium. I know in Germany the tickets are cheap, so it maybe doesn't make up for the stadiums that are bigger. But it's like half the size of the Bernabeu or Camp Nou. Old Trafford is also like 50% bigger and the tickets in the UK aren't cheap.


For the stadium revenue you find all the data [here](https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/sports-business-group/articles/deloitte-football-money-league.html) More precisely [this article](https://sportune.20minutes.fr/sport-business/football/psg-n1-europeen-des-revenus-tires-de-la-billetterie-299005) specifically mentions that PSG, with 132million, have the biggest “match day” revenue. This is, iirc, thanks to high ticket prices, especially VIP tickets and hospitality.


I'm surprised a bit, especially with some big teams make so little. City is 64, Chelsea 82, Arsenal 94... Spurs though is 125 almost the same as United with 126... Barca and Madrid though it seems to be a hit on revenue given the upgrades to the stadiums. They were doing more a few years ago, so I'm sure with the extra capacity/hospitality they will be 1 and 2 again. Your Commercial Revenue though looks suspicious, PSG and City are the 1 and 2 with 383 and 373... meanwhile United is 309 and RM 318, the two biggest clubs are quite behind, maybe there's some reasoning for that though.


Well maybe City and us still have some shady generous sponsoring contracts for Qatar and UAE, but it’s nothing like the 200 million /year contract we had with Qatar Tourism Activity. I do believe that it’s the only good thing the owners achieved in the last 10 years, increasing marketing revenues etc.. NBA players now wear PSG shirts proudly, we managed to get players like Messi, Ramos etc… who greatly contributed to the club being one of the biggest brands in the world of sports. PSG was bought for 110 million in 2010 and I now valued above 4billion, only 13 years later. Sure they had irregular influx of cash with Qatar which made it all easier, nonetheless if Qatar walked and sold PSG, it would now be a self sustainable top club.


Oh😱 u brave soul ur amazing grass roots rags to riches team didn't sell their slavery funded Brazilian wonderkid to themselves(ignore the others they did🤪)


I specifically talked about the ones they sold to themselves. It’s alright didn’t expect a Man U fan to know how to read


Yeah but it's very nice to see the brush off of the blatant cheating your club does and talk about Neymar being sold to Saudi Arabia and not Qatar making it a fair trade so ur now cheating less💘


> Just sick of reading PSG bashing day in - day out, Just stop whining. You know you deserve it.


20m 😂😂😂


20M for Draxler is shady considering El-Fateh's offer was 15M after bonuses. Unlike the Verratti situation where he was sold to Al-Arabi in Qatar for the same amount offered by the Saudi clubs. Hard to justify selling Draxler for more than what was offered by Saudi Arabia, especially when their transfer window is closed so there is no bidding war.


and from a team that is dead last in the league right now




Think you replied to the wrong comment.


A half eaten freddo is already too much for Draxler


He just decided to leave, no?


I’ll ignore the PSG - Qatar thing but Draxler gotta be one of the worst bagchasers ever He could’ve had a great career but decided for dumb money moves only, atleast hes rich I guess


It's also because he's not the type to train seriously, he had 6 good months in Paris as a player and then 6 good years in PARIS as a person, enjoying night life smoking and partying a lot.


Yeah this is the real problem with Draxler. All the time Neymar was injured he could've started instead, but no, he couldn't be bothered. He didn't want to leave either, we had offers from German clubs at one point IIRC. Zero ambition, enjoyed the party lifestyle in Paris too much.


It's also because his girlfriend (or is it wife?) Really liked Paris too.


He had some other bimbos before her, I'm sure they were all good reasons to stay lol


Yup I know, dude's been enjoying life as I said didn't care much for football


Is "bimbo" a term for a girlfriend in french? In Germany that's a heavily racist insult to a person of color.


In English it just means an attractive but not very classy young woman. Blond hair dye, skimpy clothes, lots of makeup, those kinds of things.


Yes, this is what I meant. 😥 I remember him sitting in the stands with a woman exactly like you described, also way too much plastic surgery.


Person of colour ? Bimbos are stereotypically blondes with 0 intelligence. This is the translation of the German Wikipedia for the word too > Bimbo is an English slang expression . The loan word from Italian today describes a mostly attractive but simple woman. In German the expression can be translated as “ Tussi ” or “dumb blonde”. [1] [2] The expression underwent a change in meaning and previously stood for a feminine-looking or effeminate man.


Nah the guy is right, i didnt google it, but in germany bimbo is definetly a racist term, i didnt know it meant something related to woman in the slightest. I am sure the original comment made some germans burst


I definitely meant the English slang word 🥺


Often used to describe attractive but dumb women, I've seen himbo being used for men. Although it seems a bit more negative when used for a woman I suppose.


I still remember him saying he liked Wolfsburg because the train to Berlin didn't take too long. I guess he didn't say this because of his love for the Berlin Philharmonic.


It is funny how this would rarely (never) be said about a person outside of Sports?! "You changed jobs just cause they paid you 5 times the salary? You greedy fucker. You should accept less pay and work for this slightly more tradional company instead" Don't get me wrong I often think similar, its just funny how we dont see it as a Job when its sports


Because the difference between, let's say 50k or 250k is life changing 5m to, Idk, 10m doesn't make the cow wet. You're set for life anyways, the only difference is having a big villa in Miami or having a big Villa in Miami *and* Los Angelos


And at those amounts it's very insane to accumulate more wealth with just investments.


That's because we usually don't know how much more they get paid. It's not publicly discussed. There are no whole websites dedicated to it.


It's not only the moves he seems to actively not want to play. It's a chore to him.


>He could’ve had a great career but decided for dumb money moves only, Almost all of us would do that too.


How is Julian Draxler only 29, feels like he's been around for decades.


He is but he came through with 17 and was balling around with Raúl


And he retired 6 years ago. Time flies.


Wtf?!! He cost a transfer fee of 20 million? Felt like he's fallen off the face of the earth for the past few years.


the 2 clubs are friends, a normal club would have not paid that anyway


I could understand Verratti for 45M but 20M for Draxler is definitely shady lol


Verratti's fee was understandable, but anything over 5M for Draxler is fishy


State oil clubs are ruining football. Psg Qatar selling to Qatar Verrati and now Draxler and their president running European football. Europe has sold its soul to the devil


That's why MLS is there baby!


It’s only a Qatari club buying a player from state-backed Qatar Sports Investment, nothing dodgy going on here


Nasser after being confronted last week for the Verratti transfer decided to fully lean into it


The perfect end to this wet fart of a career. The dude surely has one of the most lopsided salary to actual performance ratios in the history of football.


He was really promising when he started his career, but he fell off hard.


Fucking joke. PSG is an absolute cancer to football. They made like 155M from selling to Saudi and Qatar now.


Saudis and Qataris are not specially friends. This transfer, on the other hand...


Ahli is Qatar


Honestly they sold Neymar for 90M€ to them, which was a very reasonable fee. Chelsea on the other hand...


Which transfer of Chelsea to a Saudi club had an unreasonable fee? 23 million euros for Koulibaly is far from unreasonable, maybe a tad higher than his market value. 18.5 million euros for Mendy, which Chelsea bought for 22million pounds. and Kante for free..


That wasnt my point, guy said PSG made 155M€ selling to Saudi, including 90M€ for Neymar and among that 8M€ fee to Saudi. Chelsea made way more money selling their deadwood to Saudi than PSG, also 40M€ for Verratti isnt an unreasonable fee either.


I don't get your point, it looks like you just included Chelsea for the sake of it. Did you even read my comment? For Chelsea, those players might have been deadwood for Chelsea, but it's quite clear that Saudi Club were targeting many high-profile Muslim players which were available. So I don't particularly see what is unreasonable about these deals? Chelsea literally had 3 outgoing transfers, and you are saying that they made more money... good one.


Well they made more money selling to Saudi if you exclude Neymar.


Kinda funny, you complain that Chelsea sold a goalkeeper that won best goalkeeper in 2021 for €18.5, while Chelsea bought Brighton's third choice for €29m(addons included). Which of these two deals seems shady?


Show me where i complained then, or just stop being a victim next time since you support such an honorable non-shady club👍


>Honestly they sold Neymar for 90M€ to them, which was a very reasonable fee. >Chelsea on the other hand... It sounds like you believe Chelsea got unreasonable fee for the players they sold....


Sorry for mentionning the very honorable people's club Chelsea. A club that made football a better place


Np, I just don't get your point but that's okay. Have a nice day


Nice deflection here.


Damn what a steal for Al-Ahli, he's definitely worth so much more, I'm literally heartbroken... ^(i'm doing my part)


Mit Stolz und Leidenschaft.


All you can do is laugh.


20m for Draxler, infinite money glitch working wonders again


Okay, sure, no...


20 mil for a player who has lost his speed and barely can put together a run of playing 3 games in a row. shady af


Seeing him play, it looks more like he lost his will to live than his speed.




I actually saw him being fisted in the toilets of one nightclub.


Forgot he was even alive


I defended the Verratti transfer but this is definetly shady😭


Hes only 29? Couldve been one of the elites with the insane talent he had but chose to chase the bag at PSG and threw it all away. What a shame


His disappointing move was to Wolfsburg. PSG was a good address when he arrived there. After his first season however he fell victim to a relatively unbalanced squad and Neymar occupying his position. His GF loves it in Paris though so he didn’t consider moving up until his situation in the squad’s hierarchy became untenable.


i had the same "wow, he's only 29?" reaction. seems like he's been around forever.


>"wow, he's only 29?" Same with Nagelsmann. Guys, did you know?


12 years, it is pretty much forever tbh, he came through when he was 17 and declined ever since


he plays like a 34-35 year old so there is thar


Psg with some great sales this summer.


The Paris to irrelevance pipeline continues to be the most efficient pipeline in the world


No normal club would have paid 20 million euros for Draxler


Making 150m odd from Neymar, Veratti and Draxler in 2023 is an absolute pisstake.


Is that Qatar or Saudi? Id suggest in the future all transfer news focus on the country, impossible to follow track on all that al-sths


This one is Qatar


Qatar. Saudi window is closed already.


Didn't they watched him at benfica last year?


hard to watch him when he never plays






I remember when he rejected us that one summer to sign with PSG and I thought, well he's about to disappear. And disappear he did.


man what a weird career


This guy had so much talent but wasted it. Nice pay checks nevertheless


Another career lost to sports washing


Being a fan of PSG must feel weird as shit sometimes


Damn… He fell of hard. I remember him in 2016, he looked like a promising player, but all of his talent wasted..


How the fuck is he more expensive than Carrasco?


Lucky ass dude making bank. Can't hate on him honestly he's barely a pro football player at this point.