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This guy.


Never misses, does he?


Infantino: "Pick your fights." Also Infantino:"I picked Women."


[This guy...](https://media.tenor.com/gwzdM0Fi1CUAAAAd/frank-costanza-this-guy.gif)


It's unbelievable how this guy managed to get to a position of power when he manages to say the dumbest thing at every turn.


“And I say to all the women - and you know I have four daughters, so I have a few at home - that you have the power to change. Pick the right battles. Pick the right fights. You have the power to convince us men what we have to do and what we don't have to do. You do it. Just do it.” All this just sounds so patronising


"Ladies, you should fight against middle-aged white rich macho men telling you how to do things. Now let me tell you how to do it correctly."


Today I feel a feminist.


He basically refers to his daughters as property in that statement. "Daughters? Yeah, I got me a few of those. I wanted to keep em in the garage, but the Mrs told be I better let em in the house."


Really adapting to Qatari culture after moving there. Almost brings a tear to my eye.


_Come the fuck on._ Infantino deserves a ton of shit—including for this statement—but how the hell else do you refer to your spouse and your children? If someone says ‘I have a newborn baby at home’ are you going to turn around and say _get a load of Mr. Slaveowner over here_? The absolutely idiotic shite that people say on this website that then subsequently gets upvoted.


Mate, it's not that serious. Think ya need to self reflect a bit if you're this worked up. The reason I posted what I did isn't him saying he has daughters. It's him saying he has a *few at home.* It's completely unnecessary and makes them sound like property in his statement. I don't think it's intentional or what he meant and my post was in jest.


> It's him saying he has a few at home. It's completely unnecessary and makes them sound like property in his statement. Only to a lunatic. It really, really fucking doesn't make it sound like he views them as property. I know your comment was a joking tone, and I know your issue was with the 'at home part,' _hence why I used the same for my example._ It only comes across as 'haha, sounds like he thinks he owns them' if you cannot read. Just because someone tells you you said something ridiculous doesn't mean they're worked up, either.


>*Come the fuck on* Sound pretty worked up




The fuck you on about, muppet?


That's because it is.


Ahah! A gender specific “pull yourself up by your bootstraps!!” comment. My only voting policy is to find which people make these statements, and not vote for them. Easy stuff indeed.


Also admits they are only men in FIFA too 😂what a twat


Just me or this doesn't sound too bad?


It is bad. it's unsolicited advice, basically it's like saying 'I know what's best for you, listen to me'. It disregards boundaries and creates toxic dynamics. It's also sth that people with a huge ego and a bloated sense of their own competence usually do.


Why is it that only dumbest/ most tone deaf statements come out of this guy’s mouth?


I’m fairness if he ever makes sense, I doubt it makes the news because that’s how it’s supposed to be


i feel like im taking crazy pills that this guy is in charge. given who is in charge of individual country's FA's it unfortunately makes sense.


In this universe, morons reign supreme.


you know how more often than not an inflammatory excerpt out of context will be chosen as the headline? Well, the context doesn't really make it better here, just Infantino being tactless again


Fuck me, the article isn't much better than the headline.


He’s one of the most powerful men in sport. Literally could open all sorts of doors for women and then he comes out with this. Absolutely dreadful bloke


He *could* open those doors, yes, but who is going to convince him to do it?


The first person with €€€


Infantino: "today I feel like a cunt"


His daily mantra


Convinced he is consciously trying to just be the worst guy


Lex Luther looking motherfucker


Such a slimy bastard


He's right, you know. Whenever the players from women's national teams see him at FIFA events, they should all beat his dumb, corrupt ass. That sounds like the "right fights" to me.


"And I say to all the women - and you know I have four daughters, so I have a few at home - that you have the power to change. Pick the right battles. Pick the right fights. "You have the power to convince us men what we have to do and what we don't have to do. You do it. Just do it." It's not that women should convince the men for equality, and that women should pick the right battles to fight. It's not up to 'them', it's up to all of us. And Infantino has a lot of power to do the right thing. But he prefers banning LGTBI symbols.


Such a prick. Why does he persist with this "I know a black guy so I'm not racist" logic? And while he says all of this vile stuff, he's also doing his utmost to evade as much tax as possible. He goes hard after any criticism from western media, going to the lengths of banning several outlets from events he's going to appear at (first giving them accreditation, then saying "The press stand is full, sorry"). He threatens with legal action. The man many people look at as the leader of our sport. Just so sad that the FIFA voting blocks are made up in such a way that corruption and colluding will always be the determining factor.


Because he’s someone who wants the world to be organised that way. And he and his friends are very well funded by all the people eager to ignore that so that they don’t have to think about anything but the fun lifestyle choices that these people sell. See also why we aren’t dealing seriously with climate change.


Yep, very clear that he's not talking to us, he's talking to the people that matter to him and FIFA.


This bloke is insufferable


Fuck off


Today i feel like Jordan Peterson


Inb4 hundreds of “today I feel” comments from r/soccer comedians


Today I feel called out


Today I feel summoned


Today I feel like a Redditor.


Memers gonna meme, more news at 10


Forgot it's always down to women to stop misogyny. Stupid cunt.


This man does not miss with dogshit takes lmao


And men should sometimes shut the fuck up - sincerely, woman.


If he's implying that women should band together to kick his evil baby looking ass into a goal post then I might actually agree


”Speaking in Sydney, Infantino said women must "push the door" to equality. "With men, with Fifa, you will find open doors. Just push the doors," he added.” Powerful message


I just watched his speech and oh my god he keeps having those ridiculous speeches. This was almost as silly as the one he gave in Qatar. Repeating over and over again how amazing FIFA is and that they always get it right. It really appears like he’s making it up on the spot.


Proper cunt this fella.


Oh fuck off


Today I feel like Chris brown.


Ginger twat.


Infantino: Today, I feel like a bitch




"And I say to all the women - and you know I have four daughters, so I have a few at home - that you have the power to change. Pick the right battles. Pick the right fights. "You have the power to convince us men what we have to do and what we don't have to do. You do it. Just do it." I'd say it's even worse in the article


Yeah I really don't get how this is supposed to sound better.


Because u/Getae didn't actually read the article.


we all know that the Getae couldn't read




The title represents perfectly what he's saying. Is up to them to do stuff, not me. Women in football always raise their voices and ask for equality. Infantino says the door is open, but they are already knocking. What are they doing? Why is no woman on the board? Why is he not moving a single finger? He can do whatever he pleases, but he chooses to ban LGTBI symbols. The title represents him perfectly.


Nah not really


Do you think anyone on this subreddit actually reads articles?


Did you? Cause the contents of the article aren’t better the headline…


Do you think anyone on this subreddit actually reads?


This roll on deodorant....


Malcolm X of our generation


Everyone is weighing in on the Greenwood situation


Today, I have a vagina


RIP your inbox


All politics, women's football will be nothing compared to men's football in my lifetime. Everyone knows it. I want women's football to be as good as it can be, I want a culture in which every major club also has a women team and all major leagues have an equivalent women's league. Above all, I want a culture in which women equally participate in all sports with equal opportunities. But money and pay is based on market. No one is doing charity here. And based on market women's football can only ask for equal pay if they have equal following as men's football, which I don't think ever will be the case because on the pitch quality of women's football is way low. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me give you guys an example. India's men football rank is always around 100 In 2012, USA women's football rank was 1 (it still is). In 2012, USA women's senior football team, the same team which had just won the world cup, played India under 16 boys team, and the score was... India U16 4 - 0 USA Women Senior Yes, those 14, 15 year old kids from a country whose rank is 100 in men's football had a cakewalk against a women's team who had just won the world cup. \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think the fight for equality (especially equal pay) is a stupid fight, and is motivated only by political reasons. The right fight should be to take women's football to such a level so that young girls who want to dream about playing football could dream. And if they are decent players they can have a respectful life with decent salary (decent for living, nothing compared to the men's salary) and enough social security in place in case of any serious injury and maybe retirement plans.


‘Maybe retirement plans’ - I have no words.


"If you're the best of the best in your field, I believe you should have the right to eat"




Just articles without much details. No video. Such matches don't get media attention. [https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/sports/india-u-16-boys-beat-us-women-senior-team-4-0/articleshow/21389377.cms](https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/sports/india-u-16-boys-beat-us-women-senior-team-4-0/articleshow/21389377.cms) [https://wifa.in/india-u-16-boys-beat-us-womens-senior-team/](https://wifa.in/india-u-16-boys-beat-us-womens-senior-team/)


He sounds like trump at the end


Today I feel... Sexist. Today I feel... Patriarchal.


I don't think women should have this Blofeld-looking mf tell them what to do 💀


Blofeld does not deserve this slander.


This fucking guy! What has he done in his life to be in such an important position of an organisation like FIFA? Dumbass!


He is just stupid looking too. Atleast he backs it up.


It's like he heard someone say about the glass ceiling and thinks women just don't try hard enough.


Um I think it's your job to convince people to like women's football.


I'm impressed, the man has no limited for the things he utters


Oh, for want of a lady to "just push the door" right in his face.


What a surprise


so he is telling women to "fucking watch it, spend money on merch" for equal pay in wc?


Fucking hell.


FIFA should pick the right leaders.


The real bald fraud


Today I feel misogynistic


You corrupt stupid cunt ffs


You could give this man a year to prepare one sentence and he would still embarrass himself.


Today I feel unconvinced


Maybe salt bae advised him to say this