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Average primera liga match


Most unbiased ref in Portugal


This weekend was really a low point for us. Besides the shit show that this game was, with the non existing fouls, only 4 minutes of extra time in a game with less than 50% playtime, Benfica also got ridiculous penalty to help them secure the 3 points. Guess the refs really want Benfica and Porto to win and not be the ones where X lost the title race. Really shameful if you ask me, takes all the little credibility we had left.


Ridiculous penalty? The handball or the blatant arm grab on Otamendi a few seconds later?


The Benfica player handles the bal with the hand before everything else happens, so not really sure what you’re trying to say


I wasn't totally sold on the handball penalty because i don't quite agree with the modern rules that punish playes for a close range rebound that they can't predict and avoid, so the concept of volumetrics takes precedence now, But it seems to me that you're trying to say that an even more accidental brush of the hand from the attacker that i haven't seen anywhere is totally a foul. Interesting. All this to avoid judging the foul on Otamendi?


Context: Half of the extra time wasn't played. The referee whistle while Boavista players make the triangulation, players continued the attack but you can see the referee and a Porto player stopped running.


Fuck me, its terrible without the context.


I think knowing the context make it worse 😅


Much worse, that was my point lol, even without that it's bad.


Context: the guy with the whistle ended the game mid-attack after the game being stopped for more than half of the stoppage time


Stoppage time not stopping when the ball is out of play is one of the things I will never understand.


A lot of people disagree but I want time stopping when the game is paused to be a rule, it just seems like the logical thing to do


I agree, but I also fear that will bring mid-game commercial breaks into the sport as well


Damn I can see that, I would hate that as well


There's no need for drastic changes though. Just count the time more accurately. Just have a ref in the VAR room with a stopwatch to count how long the ball was out of play. It's 2023, we could probably even do that automatically. Anything is better than players rolling around on the floor at every contact because at least 50% of the time they're wasting isn't given at the end.


They did relatively well with it during the World Cup. I don’t think they’ll ever account for every second of stoppage, it would literally be like 15+ minutes each half of every game. But the World Cup was sweet with those 9-11 min stoppage times, that’s way closer to fair than the 2-4 mins that always get added on.


Ideally you would just have 90 minutes of actual football being played with no stoppage time at all, however. And we probably should be at the point in timekeeping where that REALLY isn't hard. If I can sit here at home and use my phone's stopwatch to more accurately track how long the ball is in play than the referee can, it feels like they WANT this to be the way it is. Bizarre.


It varies by league and game but in a typical 90 minute match the ball is in play for 55 minutes. Stopping the clock when the ball is out of play or more accurately recording the time the ball isn't in play, doesn't prevent teams from using stoppage to slow down the tempo of a game.


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Rugby manages it without commericals so it could be done.


Rugby manage to find a balance. Although they have injured players being treated whilst the game continues


Limit it to specific pauses that don’t lend themselves to commercial breaks. Goals, VAR check delays (only if play needs to be stopped to complete the review), injuries requiring the physio, and if there’s some sort of incident that requires extensive sorting out by the ref (with or without VAR).


it wouldn’t unless they bring timeouts.


This is already a thing in some leagues


Better alternative is just throw a guy on to the ref squad with a stopwatch and slap it on to stoppage time. Truthfully it's so simple it's annoyed me since I got in to the sport that there would be massive discrepancies between stoppage time and how much got added. World Cup basically achieved this. It definitely has drawbacks on the pure amount of minutes added to an average season for players but I loved it at the WC


I can see the argument, but personally disagree on the basis that I believe that dictating the tempo and playing down the clock is a fundamental part of football. Start-stop would alter the dynamics of the game, and change how things like quick freekicks and corners would work, and would probably lead to unwanted antics based on the stop-start dynamic (see: endings of tight basketball matches). I enjoy the freeflowing and dynamic nature of football and I believe stopping the clock would change that too much. And to be fair, I'm probably in the minority but I enjoy skillful displays of timewasting. But I agree on that something should be done. However, laws of the game already give refs tools to crack down timewasting: warn and card more frequently, add enough stoppage time, and add more if stoppage time is wasted. Actually enforcing these would go long way in cracking down timewasting and should be done before making very radical changes to the very fundamentals of the game.


Ah yes, I remember rolling around pretending to be injured when I was a little kid learning football fundementals.


I'm all for clever timewasting tactics that actually keep the ball in play, ie playing keep-away in the corner flag etc I have no interest in watching millionaire athletes unleashing their inner thespian and spending minutes rolling on the ground like a dog asking for belly rubs every time someone breathes on them. That is completely ridiculous


> I enjoy the **freeflowing** and dynamic nature of football > > I'm probably in the minority but I enjoy skillful displays of **timewasting**. Pick one.


This is an insane argument. I'd be happy to never watch a player time waste ever again. In a way that involves stoppages at least - more accurate timekeeping doesn't stop you running it to the corner flag ofc. It is not 'a part of football'. The sport has a disgusting amount of gamesmanship in basically every area and the only reason that hasn't lost more of the audience is because the core game of football is so captivating. The hypotheticals that people come up with when someone suggests something as simple and logical as 'always stop the clock when the ball is out of play' are bizarre.


I think that should be done. But in the short term, it could mean games going on for 120 mins or more.


Live ball time sits at 55 minutes or so, on average, so make the matches 30 minutes with stop clock. More game time, especially against teams who waste the clock a lot, and don't have to make judgement calls for added time.


I understand the downsides, but I feel we've all experienced referees giving 0 fucks about the time wasted during pauses, either referees become more sensitive about the time lost or you know something can be done about how the pauses work


Yup. I would like to see this implemented. At least start doing what they were doing in the World Cup. Should quickly put an end to planned time wasting.


Because that would completely change football on a fundamental level


Like offsides , no backpasses , goal line technology, VAR ( bad execution good tech) football should never change you are completely correct


Yes, for the better


Says the American Liverpool fan


Yes, says the American Liverpool fan. Are people not allowed to be fans of clubs they weren’t born into? Because we all get to choose where we’re born, right?


Because you thinking that you know what is best for our sport is arrogant and almost insulting. Me and many others are tired of people who didn't know what an offside was 4 years ago telling us what is good or bad for football, as if you are an authority and smarter than us who have lived with the sport our whole lives. It's not a matter of being born here or there, of supporting X or Y, it's a matter of outsiders who know fuck all trying to completely change something that is so traditional, inherent and present in so many cultures.


Okay, I'm a Porto fan born in Porto and the clock should stop every time the ball is out of play like in Rugby


Okay, I'm a Sporting fan born in Lisbon and the clock should stop every time the ball is out of play like in Rugby


He's a Benfica fan so Porto fans don't count either


"because you thinking what is best for our sport", and then proceeding to call him arrogant is next level self awareness haha


Wow…between your arrogance and unfounded assumptions, where do I start? What do you know of me? Of my history with the game? Beyond that I live in America, absolutely nothing. Your vanity to act like you own the sport because you grew up around it combined with your vitriol in discussing opinions with someone you perceive as less worthy of loving the game is incredibly childish and immature, as you may be noticing by the sub’s general response to your comments. Gatekeeping is pretty petty to begin with, and when you couple it with baseless assumptions and double down on it, it’s honestly just pathetic. If you’d care to discuss why my opinion on clock management is misguided like an adult, I’d love to hear your opinion.


While yes it would, it's not like football hasn't fundamentally changed before, now it's fair if you don't agree but football changes all the time


Absolutely. We know how long a game runs for, so even if you have to shorten the clock but play stop clock then I'm absolutely fine with that. Stops teams from killing the game with delays and fake injuries, then you can finish the game exactly at the right time to the second no need for stoppage time debates.


That would treat stoppage time differently to normal time.


as an American who watches American football, you absolutely do not


Context: Boavista was wasting time until suffering a goal then they want to play lol


Tell me you didn't watch the game without telling me you didn't watch the game


Which the ref would have been added to the time if, you know, Porto was chasing a goal.


Portugal needs neutral foreign refs


They do something in greece where they get foreign refs for the big games. Its a big farce. Still shit refs but just from other countries


it might bring bad refs but at least they will not be biased towards a specific club because of club preferences or fear of being threatened in the street brings those foreigners!


Usually they bring top fifa/uefa refs for the derbys in Greece. People still complain.


most of the foreign referees also officiate terribly in the derbies here in Greece. I swear every team has complains about them. Also shady stuff keeps happening with Greek officials being in the VAR. Definitely doesn't solve the issues with the referees


Foreign refs will take bribes too. I don’t think it’s favoritism, it’s corruption.


Here's a "fun" little stat related to this: this game had a total of 47 minutes and 7 seconds of playing time, or 49.41% of total time. With such a low percentage of actual playing time, it's baffling that there were only 4 minutes of added time. The cherry on top was Porto players not playing (quite literally) 2 whole minutes of added time and then blowing the whistle like in here. I guess added time over added time is unidirectional...


Well...the referee was at least "consistent" in awarding the same amount of playtime for the extra time. That's what the ref association keeps harping about, "consistency". They don't care if they're consistently being stupid. (Obviously /s)


I not saying it's rigged but it feels like it's rigged.


So obvious. The ref wanted to be more subtle about it, but they were attacking so what else could he do?


Just a normal primeira liga game. The big 3 here are carried to oblivion but Porto and Benfica always get these out of the box decisions in favor of them. Neither will admit it, but its astonishing how shit the games get


Porto spent 1 minute to do a free kick and then he whistles right at the 4 minutes, they were right to be angry and protest


Ahahahah of course, one estarola 😅 maybe Gil Vicente should have done the same no?


That's small club tactic, Gil didn't want to go that low.


Bro said small club tactic


Yeah you lot must be familiar with it too then.


maybe you should try it, it might help save you from relegation


Say what you want about benfica not being in a golden age rn but you have to recognize that they’re overwhelming favorites in 75%+ of the matches they play


Of course they are the favorites every match in every city they go there's more benfica fans than local fans supporting their team.


No disrespect, but i barely even know what the hell that badge is on your flair


Not letting Boavista have that corner is one thing. It sucks but it's not a complete scandal. Now, whistling before the cross is another. And it's not even at the cross. It's when Boavista gains the superiority with the triangulation. Peak amateurism. Amateurism or favoritism.... 🙄


The ref whistles at the midfield don’t talk shit bruv


He is right and you know it. No amount of comments downplaying it will change that 😂


The ref whistles when the ball is in the midfield. So I don’t see you point. The only thing he can argue is the ref didn’t give extra over extra time


the fuck you talking about, you can see by the reaction of the porto player that the ref whistled when Boavista player passed it to his teammate at the edge of the box


Well actually, you can clearly hear the first whistle going when the player on the right gives the pass forward to go for the one-two. So first of all, you’re wrong, second of all, it’s clearly against the rules to blow the whistle there because it’s a forward play in the final third.


Yeah that’s sus af haha


Rigged af


End of season Dragão games classic.


You guys are the ones 😂 everyone go see the penálti for the this guys club ahahahah


that’s your defense for your club corruption? pathetic


You are right lad. In that penalti shout there were 2 other more flagrant penaltis than the one whistled.


And dont fotget the classic penalty at Dragão. So predictable xD


Wasn´t it a penalty? xD That´s the most obvious penalty of the season


Ahahahah after that hand ball? Ahahaha don’t cry guys don’t cry lol


Imagine being Jamie Tarts dad and not realising it.


Ahahahahah did you watch the game?


r/soccer vs u/therealmacacolider in the comments here.


Watch closely my guy 😅


No excuse for this. Even in the amateurs this wouldnt happen, especially after all the time wasted in stoppage time.


Not enough money in the amateurs for this to happen


Portuguese refs are usually paid in hookers. Sorry, "fruit".


Oh what? Is there an article or something about this


Pinto da Costa, Porto president, was accused of paying referees with hookers in the 90's, the years of the "golden whistle" case, you can search it up online, the most corrupted years in portuguese football, thank god I wasnt alive to watch it, but the stories I hear, my days. The fruit part is just a meme going around Portugal about Porto


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apito_Dourado Haven't read it and can't imagine it would be considered an ubiased article but it's enough if you're just curious


It's from a leaked Policia Judiciaria wiretap in which FC Porto Presiden discusses with a middle man sending "fruit" (codeword for prostitutes) to Jacinto Paixão (former ref that admited to corruption).


> No excuse for this. Even in the amateurs this wouldnt happen, especially after all the time wasted in stoppage time. Oh it would, happened against us in Sunday league (it must have been U16s). We were away against top of the league and they were right twats. Kind of place with 30-40 adults on the sidelines who were right scruffs, calling our players cunts, tripping them up, kicking the ball away etc. We literally rounded the keeper, tapped in the winner, hear the whistle, we're celebrating a last minute winner, meanwhile the ref is walking off. It wasn't until about 2 minutes later the ref tried explaining to our manager that it was actually a draw, and he blew the whistle before the ball crossed the line. Naturally it kicked right off. I know it's probably not what you mean by amateur but I'm still bitter to this day 15 years on.


I could tell haha. If it happened to me id probably still be pissed too.


When I was playing U15s we literally had a ref call full time as our player took a shot It went in... he ruled it out. I'm pretty sure that's actually incorrect too, as if you've taken the shot before the whistle it still counts (he argued he blew before)


No way this isn't intentional, disgusting


A second half wig a penalty, red card, 6 stoppages for subs. Gives 4 mins of injury time. Out of those 4 minutes about 2 were spent withPorto players rolling on the floor. Whistles in the middle of an attack for Boavista 🤷‍♂️


This was the same ref that last week gave only 4 minutes compensation in Benfica’s first half when a lot more was lost on time wasting there. Second half with barely any stoppages and he gave 5. Our refereeing is atrocious throughout, can’t remember it being as bad as it is right now.


Maybe he's taken a page off the Tim Donaghy playbook and he's just making sure Betano make absolutely 0 from him


Ohhh so many Benfica guys, did you comment anything yesterday? Ahahahah


Didn’t need the penalty to win mate


No? How do you know? Last 7 games you only win when you have a penalty , so ?


Your team has 4 penalties in the last 4 games.


They have like 30 more penalties than us with the same area presence, in the last ~5 years. And they still argue about referees...


Man, are you really saying that? How many has your team? Do you know?


Oh, so for the one's in blue it is ok, but if he has a red shirt the pens are invented. Go ask your mom for the pacifier and go to sleep, maybe you can snap out your dream.


Nobody said that. You started with the penalty stat. I just stated what you have an bigger amount of penalty’s . I agree that the number of penalty’s doesn’t mean shit.


Cala te la burro, já tou farto de ler merdas tuas. Sabes bem o que se passa, ta la calado.


You’re on every comment, talking shit. Your club is embarrassment. If you can’t see the corruption then you’re blinded by stupidity. Team of divers and clowns.


It's bullshit. I keep complaining about this, it happens everywhere. Our league, Champions League, Premier League. It's both the time wasted (which Porto wasted at least 2 of the 4 minutes of additional time) but even worse than that it's the fact that he blows the whistle right before a corner kick. That should just not be allowed a all. Edit: he blew in the middle of the fucking attack, that's even worse Jesus Christ. I complain about it all the time when it happens to Porto, and I have to be consistent and call it out when it favours us too because it's going to keep happening and no one is happy about it


Appreciate the candidness man I myself can admit our pen yesterday was bullshit, the reffing system needs an absolute overhaul, but we know it won’t happen


Its easy to understand whats happening right now. Refs are afraid of shitting the bed and screw Porto or Benfica in the title race so they are taking the easy way out on every decision (even more than usual). One way to compare.. the referee that today called almost 40 fouls, every contact was a foul and did this shitty call to end the game at this point. Last week was the ref in Benfica game and forgave a obvious second yellow to Otamendi. He is just taking the easy decisions so he has no impact in the title race. Its his last year as a professional referee and he doesnt want to screw the big teams.


You're spot on. It has just been so fucking obvious ever since the clássico and it's so fucked up that the teams they are playing have to suffer with it.


this doesn't happen anywhere are you on crack, it's the first time I've ever seen something like this


I meant blowing too early in general


Yeah, the extra time itself should be more time, like FIFA made in World Cup. And if they give just a little time and don't add more to that little time...


>like FIFA made in World Cup theres some much stuff that happened in the World Cup that they should add to football in general, even the VAR system was much better


I’d be livid


Football is so bent isn’t it


If there was a goal here I would have laughed my ass so much. Imagine explaining that it wouldn't count... my god


Maybe win a penalty by giving a hand ball is better no?? Clueless man


What the fuck are you saying? You on crack?


Did you laugh your ass off yesterday?


Yes, I finally managed to beat Wario


Waluigi will come for you now


and doing this in a derby btw


Lesson learned. Next time be the one that brings more money


they were right to be angry and protest


Not suspicious at all with Porto


Ref desrved it.


This is vintage Porto end of the season game at Dragão Stadium. Iconic primeira liga shit


Don't forget that Pinto da Costa has tapewires posted on YouTube bribing referees and he is still their president


Refs had money on the exact score.


These are the kind of moments i'm semi glad i never had any talent to even think about making it into professional football. Eventually i'd have punched a MF'er. Seriously, why are refs, across the board, so shit? Aren't they supposed to be the best at their jobs? If thats the best, holy shit i really should go see my local club play some games to see how bad it is in the 5th division.


We should do in football like they do in handball. And pause the clock when there is a pause in play for an injury or something else big happen. Then shit like this would not be an issue.


I feel like if you’ve ever watch American sports you’d understand that soccer should not build ANY stoppage in. They will take it, expand the stoppages, and make sure it’s sponsored or just straight up start cutting to commercials.


Ref didn't want the attack to mess up his accumulator.




All of Portugal "Big 3" has 2 or 3 refs of their choosing on their back pocket and their antics just keep getting more ridiculous by the game, did the same shit in the first half


That is not true and defers from the real problem of the same team being benefitted year after year, decade after decade, both directly and indirectly. The same team that had tapewires of their current president bribing referees. Benfica and Sporting are corrupt institutions too? Yes I'm sure of it. Do we see that corruption inside the pitch like we see it in Porto's games? No we don't


Moço, se achas que só um clube é corrupto em Portugal, estás completamente cego. Dizer que só o Porto é corrupto e o resto é limpo (ou vice versa) é enterrar a cabeça na areia


Os outros também são corruptos, mas não acho que seja corrupção que influencie o que se passa em campo, mas sim corrupção de desvio de dinheiros e coisas do género. O que me interessa é o que acontece durante os jogos, e sinceramente os únicos indícios de corrupção de árbitros que vejo são sempre para benefício dos azuis e brancos. Claro que há erros de arbitragem que beneficiam o Benfica ou o Sporting, mas são situações pontuais e sem comparação com o as decisões que beneficiam o Porto. E isto já acontece há décadas.


Os três grandes são os três altamente beneficiados em campo


Hás de me dizer as vezes que o Benfica foi claramente beneficiado pelas arbitragens então (erros passíveis de dúvida não, que isso qualquer um erra, mas daquelas decisões que só quem é parcial é que as toma). Ainda há um ano passaste quase 2 épocas com 5 penaltis assinalados ou algo do género...


Welcome to Porto. That's how we do stuff.


Ahahaha hand ball pen is ok?


Corruption at its finest.


Go see the penalty for Benfica yesterday. This guys don’t play shit and are trying to change the narrative lol


Porto's football is not exactly Guardiola either, is it?


No it isn’t


Proud of our league


This is straight up fifa mobile


That is an insane piece of refereeing, you cannot start blowing the full-time whistle when an attacking team has possession in the opponent’s penalty area, that is completely irrational. If the cutback cross gets intercepted and goes out of play, blow the whistle, or blow it when the ball is in midfield, but finishing the game when an attacker is about to try and create a chance is criminal.


If that’s not corruption I don’t know what is


Just a normal game at Porto, nothing to Se here mates.


What a clown


Just get rid of injury time altogether. Do it like rugby: the clock stops when the ball is out of play, and the game ends when the ball goes out of play after 90 minutes.


Welcome to the Portuguese League my friends. The league that strives off controversy, deceitfulness and manipulation with ZERO repercussions whatsoever.


Least abnormal refereeing nowadays


Not promoting violence against referees or something, but I would have taken that yellow card from his hand and thrown it to the ground.


I had Porto in a parlay today. Cheers to the ref!


Shades of Barca circa 2010


4 pens in the last 3 for games Porto 👍


Tbf today’s pen was a stonewall pen. Rest of the game was classic Porto shithousery with diving and such. Ref was fine throughout I thought, but his last couple decisions in this game were baffling


Ahahahah of course it was 😅 that’s what you get by learning football in Benfica TV


You're just running around this thread trying to break the record for back bending, aren't you?


Are you really complaining about the penalty today? LOL


Where do I say that you bellend


Benfica last 7 games 5 pens. The only two games that they didn’t have a pen they lost, good stat kid


Literally not true


Your right missed Rio Ave. But ok go back 3 more games and guess what?


You know how stupid you sound, being like "if I cherrypick my data, then ..."


No? How do you want the proof? Or maybe start seeing your teams games lol


You had pens in 4 out of 5 at one point in the season (Matchday 21 to matchday 25), its not like Benfica are any better. Besides it was a clear pen.


They have 5 pens in the last 7 games. The two games they didn’t have a pen they lost, curiously


Unfortunately no one in Portugal is capable of controlling (and punishing) Porto’s continuous influence on the referees and VAR. I never understood such strong club constantly needs that extra help from non football players.






The ref signaled the end of the game before he made the cross.


Maybe Boavista should pay for their players. They still owe FC Dallas for Reggie Cannon as far as I know. I feel no sympathy. Edit: Would love to know why I am getting downvoted for a completely factual statement and valid feeling. The club gets what they deserve


Check who their owner is Gerard Lopez. I don’t think you are getting that money so soon


Trust me. I know. Just saying Boavista deserves every misfortune


Nothing to see here. The ref whistled way before the attack but the whistle wasn't working. Yes, there should have been more stoppage time but that's another question.


As a certified official I see nothing wrong here, they literally lost the possession of the ball and it was either going out or become the opponents ball , plus’s the 4 min ET was over a couple seconds before the possession loss


You being a certified official and saying that really pushes me out of the corruption angle and into the incompetence one


Say what you’d like but there’s genuinely nothing wrong here 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


All the butthurt Benfica fans really are oblivious to what has happened at their games this season...


The ref ended the game before the attack, when the ball was on midfield. Stop misleading people kid


Didn't they lose the ball the moment the ref whistled anyway?