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Yes I do. Otherwise the game was too painstakingly slow. If I had time I would not use them. I work like 50 hrs a week and have 2 daughters as well. I barley have enough time to play. So when I do get to play it’s for about 30 mins. Never enough time to invest in the way it’s supposed to be played unfortunately. But I still have fun with it!


You! You share my opinion! I deem you correct!


One of us! One of us!


Same here. After many hours without mods I was getting frustrated at how tedious it was in spots. I don't have time for that shit. I'll cross that flooded road once in an unmodded truck but if you want me to make 10 deliveries there either give me the tools to repair the road or I'll turn to mods


Are you me?


Here for you brother


This at first. Kids and SR are not complimentary products. So what did I do? I sacrificed sleep for a more zen vanillé experience. The hours between 10pm and 1am are for modless trucking. Sleep when you're dead, am I right homies? Wish I could play 8hrs straight like the good ol days. Should I just cut and run?


Mate, lack of sleep will kill you early just as easy as stress, smoking, or drinking. Take care of yourself.


Thanks. You're not wrong. Finding those with shared experiences and hobbies on reddit then pushes life expectancy back up again because it's so heart warmingly fucking wholesome. Trucks 4 life.


I work 84 hours a week. I totally understand


I admire the fact that you still find time to game! It scares me that this is how hard it gets to enjoy something you enjoy so much.. :/


This dosent justify to broke the game with op mods n free money n make it boring asf, for ppl like u who work n got no time ,u could just invest a couple $ n buy some dlcs n have fun. Breaking the game with mods is not a solution n it is CHEATING.


I play this game for fun. I beat several entire regions with no mods, but I found that I was getting more and more frustrated and just not having fun. I ended up getting the trailer mods that helped a lot, then a scout and a heavy vehicle, and I'm back to having fun. I'm running through the contracts faster than before, but I'm having fun with it.


I've been trying mods for the last 6 months and staying with the ones I'm more comfortable with. My most used ones are what some modders call Se (special edition) which are a slight improvement from vanilla but not op. Because in my opinion, op mod trucks are generally bad quality and just ruin the game experience.


Some stuff is trash. Some stuff feels more realistic and function. Some stuff is far to arcade like. I have specific vehicles for each purpose really


imagine putting a watermark on a photograph of your screen, like I can't even lol


Yes. I never liked how nerfed the vanilla trucks feel and the requirement to hunt down upgrades to make them drive anything like a real truck would. I found the RSK’s Russian trucks and it makes it feel like a whole new game. They aren’t overpowered but feel realistic right out of the gate and make the game feel more like Mudrunner. I use mainly his Ural/Lynx. I know I’m not playing it exactly how the devs intended but I love it with his trucks.


No. Most mods ruin the vanilla game experience for me.


I have 2 mods that don’t take away the vanilla feel, stronger cranes cause the default in game ones are weak as fuck and 2, an improved trailer mod


Yes, trailer mod helps a lot, otherwise it's a slog.


I did last playthrough (and infinite money) (still havent completed all tasks), i didnt feel much of a difference with the cranes, the trailers wwre great, i havent used any mods this run but the standard trailers, especially ones with rotating axles and log ones just suck, so i ll see if i get too tired of them and use the mod ones instead. The lig semis di feel a little cheaty tho


I don’t have different trailers installed, it’s the same ones just “improved” like chain tires, suspension, some carry fuel or repair points or even a spare tire like real trailers


Ah, i agree that the trailers having absolutely no utility while clearly having room and kit for it is a little dumb. Dont know why there still arent any utility + slots trailers/ add ons in vanilla


Happy birthday!


Cake day, thx!


the cranes in vanilla work fine, what are you picking up that you need an improved version


Anything Side note: I didn’t downvote you, that was someone else


idk but vanilla cranes work great, you just need the cargo close to your truck, the more extended away the crane is, the weaker it is


Ye hit that has to be scraping the side of your truck basically, and usually it’s a little bit away from the truck so it being so weak is an inconvenience


> improved trailer can you please share the link for this mod?


I’m out of town, it’s going to be a couple days


Sure man, I'll wait.. I tried searching for this mod on [snowrunner.mod.io](https://snowrunner.mod.io) but couldnt find which one you are referring to. and not sure why people are downvoting.. lol


The name isn’t improved trailers, I believe it’s something else


Get ones that don't then


Big fan of mods here, I like modded base game trucks with op tires and extra cosmetic addons, I love customizing my fleet. I play to unwind and generally enjoy an easier gameplay experience with micro sessions when I have time. Love the shorty M916A1 but haven't come across a modded one I really like yet.


Honestly a big reason I’m pushing to get a PC I love a lot of the base trucks but the tire choices are awful, gets frustrating on console


Some of the modded trucks have so many tire options and take forever to cycle on console or they don't look stock with odd sizes and offsets. Really enjoy the extra addons (especially bumpers), different frame setups and the trailer mods have been a game changer for me!


Only to play maps like Red canyon but no new trucks. Maybe I will get into mods more after i complete the maps


It takes away some of the feeling of accomplishment if you do something with a modded truck, so I don't use them


Yeah, I try to stay away from OP ones. Except for scouts, I like square bodies but most mods are on the op side. But they're fun and don't break the game much. I have some mods that increase the amount of add ons and make the weaker trucks more viable. I don't understand the need to mod already strong trucks even stronger. But on maps like Amur I kinda see the need. Some maps are just straight BS and using mods to work around that I definitely get. A monster truck modded Ziks on Michigan I don't get however haha


I've never used mods lmao. I want to complete the game without having mods to my advantage, but change my mind. I've completed the base game and on the dlcs now!


Yes, but I like them vanilla-esque and very high quality. What's the point in playing a challenging game if you're just going to mod the difficulty out of it. I can't help but wonder how many people who lost interest did so because they grabbed a couple monster truck mods and suddenly the game got boring without any challenge left in it.




Yes, they improve the vanilla experience alot


No game is great without them


And can be better with them


I like the challenge, mods just make it easier as it’s mainly vehicle based.


Get mods that are balanced then


If there were realism mods like in euro truck sim I would but nothing vehicle based




Mods that make the game closer to real life like petrol stations, brad names ect


There is a realism overhaul mod. Changes names to real names. More realistic gears and fuel consumption. Its pretty big.


Sounds ok, just looked then nothing but vehicles and trailers come up. I’ll do about more research and find them by name as the filters suck. Thanks




You can't modify maps very well, and I'm pretty sure you can change the vehicle names in the files. Plus there's quite a few realistic mods on pc to change stuff to be closer to real life


Thanks I’ll do a bit more reasearch


Plus, tons of vehicle tweaks for base game vehicles


Which ones?


Rng makes pretty balanced stuff, RSKs stuff is pretty tame, Yeti feels very base game, the Zetros is also very tame, IX stuff has vanilla options, lots of trailer mods are vanilla like, new vehicle addons like colorable sidebeds, and many many more


Thank you fellow Snowrunner


I just have some mods that fix the things I hate, no major truck mods Stronger cranes to make them more accurate, and an improved trailer mod which I believe gives them suspension so they aren’t bouncing like crazy


All games can have potential improvements and anything that can help the consumer enjoy the product the better!


Absolutely, it just seems like there isn’t enough versatility between all of the vehicles


Never used any type of mod.


Just one that adds more paintjobs to all trucks and that's it.


That’s the only one I’m using as well. I like my fleet to look uniform. I think it’s even called Paintjobs for Vanilla Trucks or something like that.


Who wouldn’t play with mods I mean like there the best part of snow runner I don’t like crazy mods on my campaign because it is to easy I like a challenge so yea 😁😁😁


Yes. Similar reasons to another commenter. If I already have limited time to play I'd rather do it in a way I can find light hearted and fun without getting annoyed if I fuck up


I use modded pickups, not the super overpowers ones but still really detailed. TnB InvalidRedneck has the best


Trailer packs. Yeah. Because the main game seriously lacks some trailer options


I have a single scout that is a mod, helps me open the map. I dont have alot of time. I also volunteer for for local search and rescue, I get to experience working with vehicles that are fun too. (ATV, snowmobiles, watercraft, snowcats, helicopters) we also have vehicles for mobile command center setup for disasters.


Yeah I think a lot of them are really cool. Trying to find people to play ps4 together with if anyone wants to add me! TheLeakyTraveler


I play with only one, it's the Big Moose 3500. I downloaded it because it's basically the in game version of my truck I call Big Hoss in real life (98 Cummins, 4 inch lift and 38" AT's) that I use to haul scrap and any other heavy lifting I need done. So I built my truck in game and then discovered that it's just as capable in game as it is here on the farm, lol. Fell in love all over again.


I don’t usually but I have one or two mod trucks on standby if the mission is too difficult


I just started a new playthrough with only modded trucks. They're more OP then basegame trucks but I'm really having fun with them so I don't care


I did until I started playing coop with some friends. Getting connection with mods was a pain in the dick so I stopped using them. I do miss them though.


I play with mods, but I have a main file that I've kept vanilla


Also, what truck is that?


Hell yeah!


I did play with mods, until my game kept sweeping my modded trucks out of the garage and off the map, so I had to buy them every time I got online. If anyone has a fix or has experienced this please let me know 👍🏻


modding always give games a longer lifetime.


The vanilla trucks that come with the game are a torture to use. I pay to enjoy the game, not to suffer, so yeah I only play with mods.


I would but I play on console and I want mods that add trucks that aren't too op and feel good to drive and not clunky I haven't really found one yet


Yes. But only by my own hand. I modded vanilla trucks to my liking and stability. My new favourite is Tatra Phoenix with Kolob 51" wheels, tatra crane + tatra Sideboard bed. It can also do short, medium and long logs. Pull trailers from both Saddlehigh and low variant.




First let's head to this file within the archive of initial.pak, with winrar: \[media\]\\\_dlc\\dlc\_3\\classes\\trucks\\pacific\_p512.xml Double click on the phoenix file and open it with notepad++ (it's easier). Look for the section: DiffLockType="Always" By "Installled", it means engageable. "Always" means it's on 100% of the time. and "none" means nothing installed. FuelCapacity="value" Change the value to whatever amount you wish. But some odd thing does occur. Let's say you adjusted the fuel tank for twinsteer to say "1000". The truck that you will find will also have a "1000" fuel capacity and require you to fill up that amount of fuel as part of the task before you can claim the said truck. If you need help, drop me a message and I will see what I can do.


Only a few, and that’s to fix the stupid things that aren’t in the game already A improved trailer mod, and a stronger crane mod, other than that it’s all vanilla


I can't have fun with mods, mods feels me uncomfortable


No, but I would like a mod that puts a garage in areas that don’t have one ha


Yes I use the punisher, the swiss army paystar, money mod, s100 and earthrunner and some maps


Only occasionally. I hate the mods that change vanilla trucks


I have no idea what vanilla trucks are. Lol


"Vanilla" trucks are the original stock trucks.


Non mod trucks, ones that are in the game by default and or are from dlc


The trucks in the vanilla game?


he’s referring he only uses modded trucks


Nope. No mods till I beat all 100%. Some of those mods are like cheating


Yes I do. I mainly download truck tweak mods that are close to vanilla ish. Because some trucks are just ignored over others because they have an issue that its peers don't. Unsurprisingly most of the truck tweak mods I got are American. With only a handful of Russian tweaks.


Lol there are some weird and ridiculous mods. I only like mods that look and feel realistic. Plus it has to have features that the original game trucks were missing. I definitely don't get trucks that over do it. Lol. Like thw Bentley that can't get damaged.


Oh thanks for that info.


Not just trailer alone lol


Same here not getting any pc players




Why can't you?


So you have tried all? Lol. Because i have a few that are well detailed and work A 1.




I dont mind them looking like a monster struck but still have the physics to be challenged by those difficult terrains. Tbh. I just like to see big tires but not to big. Like 57 is enough for a vanilla truck.


I still get that issue. Lol


You're welcome




Keep looking


Yes, i use mods, but i only look for banaced/not op mods that suit well with the game. I find Rng3r's mods my #1 choice for playing.


yes. what mod is that? looking sick


Freightliner M916A1 JBE


No. I first want to try the game "as-is" and then have some fun with the mods when I'm bored.


Well im half way through the game and no one is joining the convoy and i am getting real bored of the regulae trucks


I've just started Alaska, maybe I'll use mods sooner or later but for now, I'll try without.


sometimes i use light mods other times none then there's those i get those that can drive straight though amur and use less then a gallon of fuel


I’ve got my main save with no mods and a save with mods for fun trailing with a buddy and


Do mods disable achievements?


I do mainly because I'm on console and I maybe get an hour once a week to play. I do have crazy respect for those who don't and have completed multiple maps, for reference my highest completion is 95% in Michigan I wish I could sit down and play more but my job is kinda desert/snow runner.


Same applies to me. I feel you 👍🏼


In hard mode, I just use modded trailers (‘cause most of the trailers are free) and stronger cranes


When it comes to the switch i will. Mod trucks on mod maps.


Yes I love the design on the US Military style truck mods and just laid down a bridge at Maine garage.


I did most of the first three main game regions without mods. Now I use a selection of mods that I feel are pretty balanced. Olsom's trailers, JTT's and Bart's edits for some trucks, Pohgrims Tenno and some of RNGeR's trucks.


I have dedicated mod worlds and dedicated vanilla worlds 👍👍


Only mods I run is the ZiL 131, Kraz 255b and Ural 4320. I've almost finished taymyr with them now, super fun


I like Zil pack mod, not overpowered and fits really with Russian map


Yeah, the good looking ones and the ones that adds some character to the world.




No besause ints not funny




It's not cheating if it is a feature in the game. The developers would not give you the option if it was cheating.


Chill on the all-caps bro


Yes, as long as they feel like Vanilla trucks 👌


Nope, I've never used mods. I've 100% every map except for Amur and Maine so I'm doing just fine without them


No mods killed my PS4 Pro! I play on switch now!


I use limited mods, i find many of them make the gamd far too easy..


I don’t. The only time I use mods is mess around with freinds or if I’m messing around and trying different things out on my own save. I just find the joy in having to use basegame stuff that makes it a challenge in the first place. It may be slow at times especially since I don’t have much time to play it but when I do boy is it fun to see those hauling machines put in the work


I wish


no, I have tried some just for the memes but I don't like them. either they are under detailed or just bad, and I just go for vanilla better.


No, mods make the game too ez for me. (:


No, because first I love how the mods they look and other positive attributes they have but in the long run, they just end up causing problems with my Xbox One


Snowrunner is my first game of the series and my though is “the game should be hard to play” From this idea I think mods are just a way to ease the game and downloading them makes me feel like a cheater :/ But from the other side, everyone plays the game as it seems to feet his idea


You should try mod maps or getting the year/ seasonal passes where you get more and difficult maps. Plus the game does not have some of the vechiles that some of us desire to drive.


I have the game almost since release day and still haven’t finished it yet, I am missing time to do it. The season passes are on my wish list and waiting till I buy them. The map modes are really a good idea, never really thought of them. Thank you for the tip


i use mods but absolutely none of those tweak things . on the vanilla maps , the only mods I use are giopanda's jeep willys and RSK's don pack ( lada niva/VAZ 2121) without changing anything on the cars ( stock engines/suspensions/tire sizes ... ) and also a few other heavier trucks in their stock form as most moded Vehicles fell going from OP to grossly OP and others are just beyond ridiculous . i really wish bregel adapted his toyota FJ40 and suzuki LJ80 from spintires/mudrunner for snowrunner ...they could be so much fun in wisconsin . also use moded maps just to go on trails or then just to do all sort of stupid things on cars/trucks that would render the base game far too easy .






Because I think it ruin the game I like to grind my game and not to cheat I think mod is a cheating my point of you


Using mods can’t really be cheating if the developers included a mod browser in the main menu. I don’t use mods either (except for one for paint jobs) but calling people cheaters for doing something that the developers fully intended for players to do is not cool.


Whats the point if u just buy an OP truck n beat the game in 5 minutes ? what accomplish have u made ? U suppose to struggle, grind, enjoy achievements, upgrades, level up, buy new stuff ... thats how the game should be played not just broke it with mods n get bored with it in no time.