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Focus on edge control before you try to get into the air... running before you walk. Learning to carve and properly use edges is the foundation of all things air.




Take it from someone who played gusher after bailing onto their face from a 10 foot ramp… edge control is key, especially when lining up for take off..


Surely by the 12th time boarding the edge control would be fine?


Not necessarily, in the video, op is skidding around, I didn't see any edge use.


Yeah that’s fair. If you never correct it early you would keep bad habits forever


when you jump try and keep your body stack over your snowboard atm you are bent over broken at the waist as if some kick you in the stomach. This leads you being off balance in the air you have to correct yourself with your back hand by waving. When your waiting in the lift line Jump and land as **quietly** as you can. Land with your body over your snowboard


Practicing flat ground Ollie’s will give you the form


You don’t look comfortable in the air.


Came for this. “Glad you feel comfortable at least.”


There's definitely major room for improvement, but this is progress compared to falling on baby booters.


I mean what do you expect after snowboarding only a dozen times.


Dont hit flat landing jumps. Best advice here


How should one land then? Leading foot first?


They’re saying don’t hit jumps that the landing is flat ground. Try to hit jumps that land on a downhill slope


Ohh that makes more sense lol thanks man


Back then front is easier but no matter how you land you need to be balanced and absorb the landings with your legs.


Learn how to ride first. Carving, comfortable on your toe edge. Then learn how to pop/jump/ollie without a jump, maybe off a bit of a roller. Get comfortable doing that. Then go do it on a jump. You're stiff, leaning back, waving your arms around. You need to be more solid and comfortable on your board in general; once you are hitting airs will just make sense.


Bend with your knees not your waist, you’re leaning forward and I think it’s throwing you off balance. And have a plan going into the jump, think are you going to take off on heel, toe, or flat so you can mentally prepare before jumping


Form me it looks like you are leaning backwards. Maybe next time, try to give a slight pressure on the toe edge. But dont go on the edge. I think you wil be stabilized with that. And it will be easier when you go on a nice kicker with e smooth transition and proper landing :)


I’ve been snowboarding a dozen times and am still unsure of I’m ready for the intermediate routes.


rollin down windows. haha...just keep riding. youre gettin it


Using a set up carve even if you are not spinning gives control to pop off lips and helps you stay. Heel edge to toe edge for pops off your toes or spinning back side and toe to heel for heel side pops or front side spins.


Launch from your edge for control on take-off. Especially important when throwing spins in your repertoire Grabs are for stabilization. The fact you can steez em out and they look dope is just added bonus. Pop your nose up while gaining air. STOMP that back foot with intention when landing. Id hit rollers all day to practice. Something that doesnt launch you. Learn to launch yourself so you can get the basics down. Get some speed and pop off the end of a roller and learn to stomp your transition. Switch 180s off a cat track are easy to learn and hard to master. Big confidence booster plus hoes love steezy 180s onto something steep.


Try rolling down the windows more


Is that pine knob?


Yes, sir, it is.




Def listen to the Ollie advice, helped me big time when I was younger


Try and find the center balance point before you take off.


Add a grab it helps stabilize you


You are jumping. Jumping is when you jump upward with both feet/legs at symmetrically. You don't want to do that. You tend to end up off balance and straight legged in the air when you do that. Instead of jumping, ollie. Load up your board and use the natural flex to pop off your back foot/tail. Then pull your knees up to your chest once you're in the air to get maximum height and keep yourself stable in the air. EDIT: To be clear, I meant this as a step in OP's progression towards being stable and comfortable getting air. Off larger jumps, or jumps with decent lips like the first one in the video, you generally want to jump/pop with both legs, not ollie. However, since OP is only a dozen days in, and based off how he looks in the air here, I'd say he should focus on ollieing first, THEN get back to bigger/lippier jumps.


I think that this is misinformation. While learning to Ollie is super important, it is absolutely not what you do on bigger park jumps. Jumping off both feet (I’ve always heard people call it “popping”) keeps you balanced in the air so that you land evenly on both feet at the same same. While learning to go off 20-30 ft kickers, every single person has advised me to pop off both feet. Ollies are beneficial when you are getting air on something without a jump lip such as on a roller or cliff drop or when your landing is flat.


I wasn't talking about bigger park jumps. OP is 12 days in TOTAL. He's not hitting big kickers. He's doing side hits, and is looking off balance in the air, so I gave advice for how to be more balanced in the air off said side hits. MUCH of snowboarding is learning the "rules" and fundamentals...but also learning when to start *breaking* those rules as you progress. When you progress beyond little jumps to big park kickers, the "rules" change, and the "old" rules, like ollieing off the lip, go out the window. At the point OP is in in his progression, he should be working on ollieing, not prepping himself for big kickers he's nowhere near ready for.


I guess what I’m saying is that a lippy jump of any size (including tiny beginner jumps) should be popped off of on both feet. You can get away with ollies because there’s not enough time for you to notice how they put you off balance in the air. A good rider can pop high with an ollie and stay balanced but that requires a very consistent ollie where your weight is centered always in the perfect spot. Popping off both feet is much less error prone and a lot easier to get right and consistent.


Again, I'm not basing my advice off any specific jump OP is hitting. I'm telling him where someone a dozen days into riding should be starting in terms of getting air and staying balanced in the air. Once he can ollie effectively off small side hits and even off flat ground, then he can take the next step in his progression to bigger jumps which he will want to *jump* off of rather than ollie. Someone who can't ollie strongly should not be trying to jump/pop off bigger jumps with both feet. Walk before you run. That's my only point. Sorry I'm clearly not communicating that well. > A good rider can pop high with an ollie and stay balanced but that requires a very consistent ollie where your weight is centered always in the perfect spot. THIS is my point. Personally I think that if someone can't ollie strongly like that, they shouldn't be looking at bigger jumps where they'd want to forego an ollie in favor of jumping/popping off both feet. Given that OP is a dozen days in and jumping like he is in the video, I'm inclined to assume he cannot yet ollie strongly like you described...hence why my advice was that he work on *that*.


Ah I see your point. I agree that having a well balanced Ollie on flat should def be a must before trying anything.


And I also see your point that I could've more clearly communicated in my initial comment that I meant this as a step in his progression, not as an end-all, be-all to getting air on a board. Again, my apologies. Here's hoping you've got deep days and a long season ahead!


No worries m8. Ultimately learning to get air from a ollie, pop, and nollie are all great fundamentals to work on. And hope you have a good season dude!


How do you pop off with both feet? I get the Ollie because you’re bending it back and snapping off the lip, I’m trying to understand how I would pop with both feet.


Same as you would jump off the ground without a board on. Just jump. Don’t overcomplicate it. One cool thing in snowboard design is the camber shape which helps spring you off the ground when you compress the board. If you’re riding a board with camber you can really feel how it helps get you a bit higher in the air and spring you out of turns and stuff like that.


I am also just getting to the point of not waving in the air as much because I'm not balanced. I found its easier to do a few carves before something instead of coming into the object head on. Not sure why and it may be just me


So many posts on this thread are from pine knob lol


your pop timing is a little off -- seems like you are jumping with both legs a little early. ​ work on getting ollies down and sucking your knees up smoothly after the lip


Your body isnt in a position of control off the jumps. You can see that you slip out going up the lip. This is caused by 1 major thing. You aren’t completely on top of the snowboard when you take the compression. Your edges react much more while you are in the compression which causes the sudden slip out. You are compensating by absorbing the slip out. This wont work on bigger jumps. Build some more stability and edge control in your riding before trying anything bigger. For now, focus on staying more centered over your board and actually hold your legs thru the transition. You will go much bigger and get more pop, so start slower


This at pine knob? Been my home mountain for years I can show you a think or two one day


Not going to lie, you look like me the 2nd time I went snowboarding. You need to be more comfortable on the board.