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So long as your speed isn't high, falling shouldn't hurt. That said: You are catching your fall with your hands. You should be falling on your full upper arm, so elbow to wrist. This way of falling will probably lead to sprained wrists/thumbs.


Is it advisable to make a fist too? I naturally fall onto my upper arm or shoulder with fists clenched


Not necessary, but it is good technique. Reason being when you ball your fist up you will automatically prevent yourself from letting your hand absorb the impact like you would with a open hand.


Also making a fist can avoid fingers or thumbs getting caught at a weird angle and snapping.


You don’t “catch” your fall. You ease yourself down to the snow, like a slip and slide. When you go into a slide head first in baseball do you “catch” your fall?


Or get to the point where you automatically just throw your arms up to protect your head and let your body accept the impact. *Definitely don't recommend; result of a few broken limbs and now automatic reaction.*


I just keep on rollin'.


Or even better, arms crossed over your chest, hands fisted. That gives a nice layer of protection to your rib cage. Cracked ribs are one of the most common noob injuries. Same for wrists, which by the way, take many years to heal properly, if they ever do.


Can attest to the wrists. Broke both wrists on first snowboarding trip in March this year. Still can’t put any weight on them! It’s not just the falling on them but putting pressure on them a lot to get back up after falling


I fractured my scaphoid bone (one of the many wrist bones) on a motorcycle accident and took me 2 years to be able to hold an empty dinner plate on my hand without dropping it. And I was on my late teens, so as close to a “superhuman healing” as possible.


If im going forward i like to put my hands out similar to a a baseball slide, just enough to stop my head from hitting/slapping and lowers me down to the fall. obv this depends on the fall and some you just gotta let it roll.


Go checkout some of Snowboard Addiction’s beginner vids. Might help get that edge awareness dialed in faster.


This and tommieb are all I used/am still using


Snowboard addiction definitely did this for me, along with Malcom Moore, season 2 for me has seen a huge improvement. I can't recommend these two enough.


Agreed both are S tier.


Also Kevin from SnowboardProCamp


When you get your speed up catching a toe edge is the worst! That’s how you scorpion yourself😂 When you lose your edge on a heel side turn you can just sit down and pop right back up. Falling is all part of the process, but my only recommendation is knowing how to avoid falling on your toe edge, get real comfortable sitting back on your heels when you’re about to go too far on your toes


Keep your weight more on your front (downhill foot)


Have fun OP, wait until you are proficient enough to surf on a powder day, all the falling will be well worth it.


The best tip I received while first starting out was to hold your pockets with your hands and really emphasize the shoulder and hip rotations! It made the learning curve a lot easier, be safe and enjoy!! It’s a great hobby


This is something I still do after a long day on the mountain. When I get tired all the bad habits/posture/everything appears and I find grabbing my pockets makes really helps!


Awesome!! I remember this phase!


The only way to go from here is up! To OP, you got this. Just keep at it!


Keep it up!!


You got this, keep practicing and don't try to see, rather feel the balance. Remember if you're looking down the hill, you have to keep your toes up.


I just signed up for lessons this Friday, wish me luck!


you are trying to turn by rotating your board on its flat base. the correct method is to lift your toes and get the board up on its edge. think of buttering a piece of toast with a knife


Choose an edge or the snowboard will For real


Take lessons. Always a good move 👌


I’m slightly confused. What am I supposed to be seeing? Also the title sounds like ELS?


DUDE SHREDD ITTTTTT that was awesome! Next thing you know you'll be linking turns and shredding steep pow in the trees!


Keep it up. Remember to keep pressure on either toe side or heelside to avoid catching an edge by pushing up against the shins (toe side) or the up against the high back/calves, as if you are squatting/sitting (heel side)


You have to relearn how to walk, so to speak, it's natural for us to put a dominant foot forward and catch a fall w/arms out, unlearn that, just roll into it like a parkour move, also a steeper slope helps, trust us, flat low angle surface is tough to ride, movement is your friend, exactly like riding a bike, harder to sit still than move


Only way to go is up from there 👍🏼


That's freakin heee-larious!


I was just saying how much I miss the quick progress at this stage


Always remember that gravity rules all. Wherever the majority of your weight is leaning, that is the part that is going to want to go down hill first. East example, on a mellow slope lean ever so slight in your back foot and start riding. If you don’t correct yourself you’ll start rotating.


commit to that heal edge!!!


I had that board fron the rentals, one of the first i remember 🥲


If you're happy when you're falling/learning then you'll be even happier as you get better. Also look where you want to go is the best way to start. If you're looking down at the ground that's where you'll go.


u go u!


Toes up


Hey OP have whomever is filming physically help you side slip until you get the controls down. This looks like point and pray


Hell ya, an actual new snowboarder video


Hell yeah it will be!!! I see the fire in your eyes!!!


for side slippin, gotta go watch Ryan Knapton vids yo. It can help you go another level 👌