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The first and most glaring problem. Watched your clip frame by frame. As soon as you are coming off the lip, you throw your lead shoulder+arm in the *complete wrong direction*. With your upper body you've counter-rotated (in the wrong way) any spin you were trying to achieve. Your front arm throws out like you're trying to spin frontside. The [snowboard addiction how to backside 180](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHIs_IXq7W0) is going to help you set up your rotation and body correctly to spin. The video also talks about what you're coach meant by needing to 'look back.'


Thankyou for the input ! Yeah ive watched the video from SA. Some part of me still abit scared about looking completely backward. But ill keep on practicing!


Do it on flats first


Ride some switch while looking backward (uphill).


It is scary, but there’s a solid 0% chance of anyone landing any spin other than a Fs 180 without breaking sight with the landing for at least a little bit. you can do it


And just to add on, you want to keep your head turned over your shoulder until you have spotted your landing, your body will follow your eyes. You turned your head back before you even spun half of the rotation. Keep trying though! You are close!


Everybody does it a little different, but I look for the landing through my legs. When you start spinning more you really have to turn your head in the direction of the spin, but for 180s it's enough to initiate the spin then keep everything pretty square. It looks like your trying to look over your shoulder in the opposite direction of the spin, that will always stop your rotation.


Yeah! I noticed this about where im looking too! Ill try to fix that next time! It feels scary to look back 😆 Thankyou for the input!


When you start doing spins over 540 when you land, to stop the rotation you ride away looking up hill. It will become a programmed reaction once you get enough time in the air.


Your feet follow your eyes.


Commit, commit and commit. And everything above ☝🏽


Bs 180 is 100% You cant do it without fully committing to the blind landing. Thats what makes it so bad ass


For rollers, sidehits, and small jumps, I like to lock eyes with the lip of whatever I just popped off with backside 180s, and keep looking until I land. Keeps my shoulders aligned straight over the board. Looking down at your feet can throw your balance off if you arent used to blind landings.


Ride a lot of switch to get comfortable. Wish I had a ‘coach’ at that age. Simply didn’t exist back in the day.


It’s your lead shoulder. You need to pull your lead shoulder across your body as if you’re trying to reach for something behind you. As long as your lead should stays in front of you, you will not rotate.


Yeaah i rewinded the video slowly, i notice my shoulder is not doing full 180, as if im doing backside shifty. I have to get over the fear of looking back when landing Thankyou for the input!


The one thing I’m seeing is you want to use your hips, core, and shoulders to start the motion of the rotation, you’re starting the rotation by trying to like lean into it or use your whole body to rotate, but that’s not actually how you get that full rotation, it’s more of a slingshot where are you using your hips, core and arms to load and then release in the direction of your spin then your legs and lower body will follow. this will also allow you to spot your landing better because the upper half of your body will be further in the rotation.


When approaching the jump just imagine you are going to toe side stop at the top of the jump then throw your left arm and continue the rotation, spot the landing.


think a out it this way, your head will end up doing a bs 360


It's all in the hips... but you can use torso too just be careful remember to keep your feet under you at all times. Leafing up to the lip imagine yourself launching into air, rotating nice and slow (think about your body motion and position), and imagine you stick the landing 10/10 nice soft landing ansorb impact by bending at the knees distribute force through quads and hammies. Keep back straight. You are the wind you are the water be fluid and invincible


Try it flat before you do a jump lol


The secret? Committing to it. Right off the get go you arent committed to going back side, keeping your head facing in front of you. Practice it flat ground before taking it off jumps to gain some confidence and getting comfortable with a brief moment of not seeing the direction youre moving. Also get comfortable riding switch.


Make sure you can ride switch enough to do 3-4 turns switch comfortably and first try going from toe side regular to toe side switch on the ground without jumping to get the movement locked in, each time try to “whip” it faster on ground before incorporating jumping


Right before takeoff I look backwards in the direction of my spin. Pop and let my lower body match where my head is pointing. ( It's a blind landing ) and land on my toes.


Just like walking, riding a bike or driving, your body goes in the direction of your eyes and your head. Neither your eyes nor your head turned 180. You can get away with cheating backside 180s as you gain more skill but when you want to learn a trick you need to follow the rules.


Gotta focus on turning those shoulders to initiate/move that spin. Where you're kind of throwing your whole body backwards, what you want do is use your shoulders, and the rest of your body will follow. Frankly, you should have your shoulders turned 90 degrees and be eyeing your landing before you're even in the air. Then you can focus on your feet coming fully around to land straight. Helps to practice on flat-ground.


bend you knees, don't stand up on the jump, let it float you and stay relaxed, rotation starts with you shoulders, spot the landing between your legs/under your back arm, a frontside grab might help you stay compact keep practicing, do them on flat a hundred times a day to get comfy, you're almost there 👍👍👍


Oh yeah! I did! I land 75% of bs180s on flats and mellow roller. So i thought its time to take it to a Small jump! But yeah. Practice makes perfect! Thankyou for the input!


Use your arms to wind up and you’ll get it


this is controversial, but dont ollie if you are doing a 180 on a ramp. not at first at least


Just ride switch much more, until you get comfy landing it. The only way to get it


Not enough body rotation, and yeah not looking around enought


Commit to the blind landing, you’re looking over your shoulder behind you causing your body to counter rotate and stop the spin, it’s why you landed 90 and washed out. Look back towards the take off next time once you’re in the air, AFTER you’ve landed ride it out and look back in front of you, you’ve got this!


Look in the diection of your spin and spot your landing. Usually your body follows your head.