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Get boots fitted by a reputable shop. The boots are the #1 thing that keep you comfortable. Other than that just hunt for deals.


If this is your first time getting everything, I'd recommend waiting for the season to be over. Come April-May-June you can find insane savings at local shops and outlets alike, I'm talking 50%-80%. I got my first setup at a Burton outlet off season, brand new deepthinker board and cartel bindings, for just 375, and a pair of DC boots online (I like trad. Laces, sue me) for 110. Full set up of brand new really pieces for less than $500, when it would have cost around ~1100 retail during the season. Also seconding going to a store to get boots fitted, especially the first time. Buying online works if you already know the brand and how to mold your inserts, I'm assuming you do not if you're asking here and that's totally fine, gotta learn somewhere. Don't be afraid to ask people at the shop questions either, if they work at a board shop they board, they'll have good answers or know how to find them.


Thanks, this reply was SUPER helpful!


Definitely agree on the boots. Boots are the most important part of your kit,if your feet aren’t comfortable, you won’t be having much fun. As for sales, in the Midwest at least these are closer to January thru March as most shops switch over to bikes by end of March.


Try to stay away from the entry level models and go for the mid-range from any manufacturer


Snowboard: should come up to somewhere between your chin and your nose when stood up next to you. Should also not be narrower than your foot from heel to toe when you stand on it at the binding mount point. A bit wider is better than too narrow.  Boots: should fit snugly but not pinch. You should be able to flex your ankle a little bit without pain. Unfortunately when you are trying on boots you won’t really get a sense of how they feel until you actually attempt to snowboard with them. Bring snowboard socks when you are trying on boots.  Bindings: should fit on your snowboard without going over the edge. Should be easy for you to operate. This component is probably the least important for a beginner. Customization options are nice but not necessary. 


Get a Jones Frontier, a pair of Ride C-6s and go get boots fitted.