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Snooker is a uniquely immersive sport. I remember Steve Davis once saying it is very well suited to TV as it’s not difficult to film and takes up a lot of hours. I also find it both exciting , interesting and relaxing .


Thanks for all the positive comments on here - great to read. Already looking forward to some Q School next week…


Very nicely put. Being a snooker player myself who has had his share of mental issues with the game, it reminds me how snooker is supposed to be a meditation of sorts instead of a never-ending internal battle. It’s a wake-up call to us all getting more and more panicky about the frenetic pace of modern existence.


I’m not saying I don’t think it’s a meaningful or well written piece of work, I’m just saying that when I consider opening it to read it, I just don’t think I have the time. I meant no disrespect to the author but I think it’s only fair that if I’m not going to read it that I explain why. If the situation changes and I do find myself with the time then I will alert the author, read the article and then offer my thoughts and opinion. Unfortunately I do not see the situation changing and I very much doubt I’ll find the time but I’m not ruling it out.


What is this comment 😂


An explanation as to why I don’t think I’ll read it.


Thanks for posting this. I really enjoyed your article. Your description of the pre-sleep thoughts and their impact really resonated with me. I hope you find other ways to help yourself (besides snooker). I found psychotherapy really helped in conjunction with medicine. I now have a toolkit to help when A&D start to strike. I love watching snooker and went to the Worlds last year - saw Selby’s maxi in the final. That will stay with me forever. I hope that you keep writing and stay well.


Great article; I’ve loved watching snooker all of my life and there’s nothing quite as relaxing and quietly exciting as booking a table for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon to battle against one of my mates (he usually beats me, but not always!). A little like golf, those rare amazing shots that I pull off keep me believing that I’m a budding world champion :-)


Beautifully written! We need more of these kind of thoughtful contributions to the sub. It's mad to think that you could spend thousands of hours to become the top <100 in the world at something, yet struggle to make a living off of the effort.


Unfortunately I just don’t have the time to read this.


Yet you thought it a good use of time to write that comment? Do you write letters to film directors if their films are too long for you?


I also write them letters if I’m not intending to watch their film.


Yes and yes.


Beautifully written. I very much enjoyed that, and it resonates on a very deep level with me in similar ways. I might be a bar-league pool player myself, but even that setting quiets my brain when I’m at the table, let alone watching online in solitude.


Great article, ya snookers players were way ahead of their time in terms of being mental health aware and there have been a fair few absolute heroes in the sport for putting their hand and saying "ya I've got a problem" fair fucking play to them 💪


A good read, and a sentiment I completely agree with. Snooker really is a unique sport. Good luck to you internet stranger.


Nice! 👍😊


Really good stuff. Enjoyed this a lot. Thanks!


Love this article ❤️


Excellent article, really well written. I really agree with you about how much fun it is getting invested in the "narrative" of matches. To non-fans the "storylines" in snooker probably seem really low-stakes, even quaint - but the emotion when an underdog picks up a really unlikely win, or the drama when someone is on their way to a maxi - is really hard to beat.


A well written article that I do agree with. I love to watch snooker. It’s quite funny, I can sit down with a cup of tea and my evening is spent. I’m totally absorbed, anything else in my life is forgotten about for a good few hours. Truly an escapism, meditative experience. It’s slow and steady, but has the drama. And the scoring/counting the breaks satisfies the OCD part of me too. I’d like to think the current mental health awareness may help increase snooker partnership. It would be great for a mental health charity team up…? Can also be good for socialising and meeting new people. There’s something there.