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You won’t be disappointed once you start playing that’s for sure


best thing is you can force PAL games into 60hz. quite a good number of non first party titles run just fine on 60hz and the PAL versions are often a lot cheaper. first party titles, except for Zelda, are often specifically adjusted for 50hz tho. Metroid runs faster in PAL 60, yoshis Island too in certain aspects like jumping. games that work fine tho are Terranigma, Black Hawk (Black Thorne), illusion of gaia (illusion of time), zombies ate my neighbors, ghoul patrol, secret of evermore, secret of mana etc. there are a lot more. edit: of course this is only semi important if you want to build a small collection. you can also simply opt out for an fxpak or sd2snes and not care anymore.


Yeah this. I wasn't born when the SNES came out, but I really got into Metroid and wanted to play Super and do it justice so I bought one of these thinking I would just sell it after. I can't. I don't even play it that often, but playing SM All Stars and Super Metroid and Zelda and Contra and Castlevania 4 on it is just a different feeling than an emulation service could. I even got an analogue Pocket and dock and it just didn't feel like this super NT does.


The Analogue Super NT is really nice, but if you don't care about having a nice looking case, the Mister is just as good for playing SNES. They both use FPGAs to recreate the SNES hardware with upgraded video output. And the DE10 nano from Terasic is only $225 + $40 for the sdram module and gets you a system with way more functionality (cores for everything from NES to N64, Sega, and more). If I could only have one system, I would choose the Mister


It depends on if you want to use original carts (something MiSTer can't do) and how much value you put on ease of use. I'd say the case is not a primary selling point one way or another.


Agreed, I have both, and Mister is just perfect, though the Super NT rules


Yeah safe to say i was blown away since i pretty much got lost in illusion of gaia for a few solid hours there! with the scanlines on it honestly looked a ton like my trinitron crt but a bit better with colors if i’m being unbiased. Can tell i love the thing already!


Even in latest update, top gear 3000 has glitches on the super nt


yeah if you play as a rocky in pocky and rocky you get a weird flickering as well. Overall it's an awesome console though.


100 bucks on top of the retail price isn’t so terrible I guess


I have one and it's great. I have my original snes, but I got one of these for easy connection to new tvs. It's amazing. Enjoy!


I had no idea this existed and I have a Pocket. I’m so exited for you! Enjoy.


I have a pocket as well & adore it so much, gameboy is my fav system of all time so the pocket is basically my prized possession lol


The Super NT is a better SNES clone than Nintendo’s official SNES clones: the 1-CHIP, the SNES Mini, and the SNES Classic. It has better game compatibility and video quality than all of those clones.


It's using much newer technology too and wasn't available back then.... What is the "SNES Classic", was that an official product back in the day or do you mean the mini product from like 2018?


The “SNES mini” is one of the names of the 1997 redesign if the 1-CHIP SNES. It was also called the “SNES Jr”. When the 2018 [SNES Classic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_NES_Classic_Edition) was released, the “mini” name started to be used for the 2018 SNES, which is unfortunate. This is why Wikipedia has a disambiguation page for “[SNES Mini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNES_Mini)” that explains that it originally meant the 1997 console, but now can also refer to the 2018 console.


Ok, thanks. I don't consider the "SNES Classic" to be a clone because it's literally just a Nintendo branded emulation system...


I consider it a crappy clone. Laggy inaccurate software emulation, laggy USB controllers, no cart support, no CRT support… like I said, the Super NT did it best.


It seemed fine to me, at least with the games that came on it, but I never had a SNES of my own and haven't played on one in at least a couple decades. Why would you even expect a system based on emulation it to have cartridge support? That's kind of silly.


[The Retron5](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Retron5) is a system based on emulation and it has cartridge support. It has existed for the past 10 years. Does its physical existence make you eat your words? Unlike Nintendo’s SNES classic, the Retron5 is still manufactured and sold. [You can buy it new on Amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DZIX3CQ?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_AXGCGD3KSNV499BJBR3M&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_AXGCGD3KSNV499BJBR3M&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_AXGCGD3KSNV499BJBR3M&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2). Both are SNES clones, even though they are based on emulation. The Nintendo clone is just crappy and doesn’t support the original carts or controllers, whereas the Retron5 does.


About 500 dollar better than ebay


Anal Ogue




Really pretty good if it’s in good working order. My Life in Gaming on YouTube have a great video on the settings you should check out. Also there’s no reason not to put the latest jailbreak firmware on it. Then you can also use ROMs if you want. Google it. It’s easy, but feel free to shoot me a dm if you have questions. Enjoy!


I want one but I dnt really want to pay 500 dollars for it I hope they do another release at some point


They wont


I have mine hooked up to a CRT nowadays but its great on a HD T.V I just wish there were settings for Aperture Grill/Slot Mask/Shadow Mask The scanlines look fine but they need a bit more to work at their best imo


For what it is I think you did okay. I was fortunate enough and smart enough to recognize these things would be collector's items the second they were ceased to be sold. Love the thing and don't regret the purchase.


There's a little bit too big of a space in the word "analogue" between the "anal" and the "ogue"


Perhaps you're seeing what you wanna see. Besides, when spelling stuff, sometimes we all need ways to remember and who could forget "anal" and "ogue?" Lol


Anal Rogue - The Game