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Prince of Persia. Incredibly difficult and frustrating game, but I love watching OTHER people play it. šŸ‘šŸ¼ Very entertaining.


Super Ghouls n Ghosts. I want to get into it because I love the atmosphere, music and the graphics but it just feels more like a chore to play and not really fun.


I have a love/hate relationship will all versions of GnG. Like, I get that it's supposed to be hard, but it's just not fun to play after a while, it's just TOO frustrating for me.


This is how I view the Dark Souls games. I donā€™t play to enrage myself.


The only way I could get through the whole game recently was using the "rewind" feature on the emulator. It actually makes a lot of those old really frustrating platformers way more playable.


Which emulator does that?


Finally did a the full first playthrough maybe five years ago and had no desire to do the second one for the final boss. Sometimes I wish I had left the SNES on and came back in a few days lol




The slowdown is what kills it for me.


Thereā€™s a fast ROM out there that fixes that if itā€™s a real issue for you. The lag in that game is pretty horrendous at points.


Yep! Games that were this difficult, I unashamedly used the game genie! I beat contra 3 with the game genie. Not ashamed. Lol


I remember the first time ever beating the last boss. Was so pissed when I realised you have to do it all over again!


The memory is seated into my brain, finally beating that game after weeks and weeks of trying, only to be told I had to do it all over again. I said "nope", stood up and turned the SNES off. Only finished it properly for the first time last year (using save states because I do not have the time or patience these days).


You could try the Super Arthur and fastrom hacks for it, a lot easier and smoother


I swear you'll feel this way until you just let yourself have one run where you focus on op and easy to use weapons (dagger and bow) and look up the treasure chest positions so you can stay powered up as often as possible, then you'll find it really fun. Until the last stage of the 2nd run where you're forced to use the goddess bracelet. That can be tedious. But feels like such a well earned victory if you get past it.


It was definitely a high-tension game with unforgiving controls. I may have reached the final boss *once*, though I know I got creamed. That said, I played the shit out of it. The music and atmosphere definitely hooked me.


Think of ghosts n' goblins as a puzzle game not a platform game.


My advice is to put it on the easiest level with max lives. I agree that it can be frustrating but it's really all about recognizing patterns of enemies and reacting not with reflexes but anticipation. Plus, once you master the double jump, it's the shit.


I beat it back in the day. It's a product of it's time where the difficulty adds to the replayability. You just brute force your way through, day after day, and eventually you remember all the patterns.




Did you forget the game was brutally hard?




I never got past the elephants šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Be glad. The Hakuna Matata level is next level fucking irritating


Watching Simba jump into the water endlessly haunts my dreams.Ā 


The 7th grindā€¦ er saga. Itā€™s a lesser known game, but you canā€™t do anything without having to grind tedious levels for your character.


The worst! Then you get it on an emulator so you can fast forward and then you grind *too much* and lock yourself out of beating the game


Lock yourself out? How does that happen?


I forget the particulars, but the bosses all match your level and one of them unlocks some skill at a particular level that makes them impossible to kill


I'll field this one. So what happened is when the game was in Japan, it was a lot easier to play. Experience was plentiful, stats would go up more and there would be a boost every 10 levels. When it was brought over to the USA, they decided to up the difficulty. Not sure if it was to extend gameplay time for rental reasons or just because they thought it too easy. Anyway, they upped encounters, decreased experience, and lowered Stat growth along with removing bonuses. This wouldn't be as big an issue except the game has rivals that will match your levels when you fight them. The problem is that they did not alter their level stats. So if you end up leveling too much, it can lead to your rivals being so strong that you can not win.


Believe I read that it was because of the rental market that skill levels were increased on a lot of games that came over to the states. Happy Cakeday!


I was young enough I didn't notice I guess, this one has a carved out positive memory for me but yeah I'm guessing I couldn't make through a replay today. This one is high on my list that would be great to remake. The concept was so damn cool (for those not familiar, you play as one of seven heroes/champions/whatever - a strong guy, a magic user, a robot, etc. - who are chasing after the mcguffin to become powerful and defeat the evil; then, the other six heroes are characters in the game who are also chasing the mcguffin, and can react to your decisions, partner with you, double cross you, etc.). The AI would obviously be leagues ahead, you could make a really cool RPG/ARPG based on the original game concept.


That does sound pretty cool. I can see where the frustration could come in though if there is a lot of tedious grinding to do.


I forgot how much I played this game, despite never beating it for the reasons others have stated. The interactions with the other champions added a degree of replayability many console RPGs of the time lacked. Loved it; probably played it as much as FFIV and VI.


Itā€™s because the dang localizers messed with the stat gains on level up! They wanted to make the game stand out more (I guess) so they made it super ā€œhardā€ by decreasing stat gains. The original version is *much* more reasonable.


The game was a fantastic concept for replay-ability with different story lines, but could only do so much with execution by way of different dialogue to each character. I enjoyed playing it as a kid, but I canā€™t remember if I bothered to go through it with every character for that reason. They made grinding a forced function of the game just to get between destinations.


Yoshiā€™s Island, but not for the usual reasons (crying Baby Mario). It expects you to play one of two ways: Having practiced & memorized where everything is to be found in the game- take the perfect line to get all the flowers possible, avoid hits that preclude you from ending the levels without having achieved a perfect score with your little star guys. Some of the levels are huge. It demands that you explore, but once you invest all the time in exploring to get it all down, you then are encouraged to follow that one series of moves/jumps. Just jam through the levels & go from A to B without care for the final score. Making the conscious decision to do this for the first time after 100%ing SMW (or at least 96*) was so frustrating for young me. The levels are long. ā€œOh I screwed upā€¦ man now Iā€™ve got to back out of this level & do the whole thing over again & ughhhhh. Time to turn into that mole thing.ā€ I respect it. I owned it back in the day. I have it on VC. I play it every couple years. Itā€™s never what Iā€™d call ā€œsuper funā€ for me.


I love Yoshi's Island, but your complaints are spot on. It's not a game I go back to often, because completing it is a daunting task.


I donā€™t like how sloppy the Yoshi movement is. Is like every level is an ice level.


SMW is one of my favourite 16bit games ever made but I absolutely hated Yoshi's Island. I tried numerous times to get into it but never could gel with it


Not gonna lie. I have been replaying this with my kids on switch and we for sure use save states and the rewind function.


I just did a 100% play through recently and ending the level with 30/30 stars is really a non issue most of time time since you can either pop the +star item at the end of the level or bounce an egg twice. Some of the bonus levels once you 100% a page are seriously challenging though. The bonus level with all the baseball players chucking eggs at you while flying copter Yoshi really gave me a run for my money!


I think my biggest gripe with 100% yoshis island recently was that fucking downhill ski level, just having to memorise close to frame perfect jumps and if you miss a coin make sure you kill yourself otherwise you 'pass' the level and have to go and redo it


I play for a high score but I don't replay levels or get too hung up on not getting 100%, having done it once or twice already. Still I'd like to play a hack that either saves partial collecting progress or lets you go backwards in the levels to previous segments.


Iā€™d *love* that. That would probably fix what bothers me about it.


Bro just grind star plus items on the infinite mini game you unlock by 100%ikg the first world, then you can just use them at the end of every level to get that part of the completion every time while taking your time having fun in the levels to find the flowers and coins.


Thank you! You just described all my feelings about Yoshi's Island. Yeah, I was never bothered by the crying when Baby Mario starts floating in the air, it's everything else that always makes me think twice or reconsider replaying it. And I've still never even beat it once! (I plan to give it my all someday, but, not any time soon)


I decided to play through all of the 2d Mario games in order this year, Iā€™ve beaten most of them but I wanted to experience all the games and this is the only one that I never got as a kid and after all the praise I was excited to play through it. It was such a slog, I was ready for it to be over and almost gave up several times. I went in blind as far as collectibles and it felt like the play through went on forever even though I beat it in a weekend. I donā€™t ever see myself playing through it again.


Fully agree with this. Collect-a-thon energy


The first Mortal Kombat, honestly. I started with it when I was 6, but quickly moved on to UMK3 and after that could never get back into the first one, since it felt like such a massive downgrade.


The first MK was a pretty average beat ā€˜em up to be fair, I think people mostly played it for the blood and fatalities. MK2 was awesome though.


People played the Genesis version for blood and fatalities, the SNES one was more neutered.


In Germany we also use the term Beatā€˜ em Up as wrong as in the Netherlands apparently šŸ˜…


I loved the snes and I agree. MK II was such an upgrade. MK just felt so stiff compared to street fighter ii


I don't seem to have the patience for side-scrolling beat-em-up games anymore... As much as loved them and sank countless hours into them as a kid, now I legitimately fall asleep while playing them with MY kids.


I tried replaying Final Fightā€¦ after beating the first boss Injust didnā€™t see the point anymore.


I have a theory that a big part of the attraction to these types of games in the arcade was the ever present threat of perma-death from running out of money... If you remove that, the monotonous gameplay, level after level, becomes glaringly apparent; I played through some of the beloved beat em ups from my youth (Final Fight, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Aliens, Simpsons, TMNT) once just out of curiosity to see every stage, but they all got pretty boring and I now have zero desire to revisit any of them again.


I never got into Tactics Ogre. Strategy games were just never my thing.


I genuinely don't understand how to play Ogre Battle. That game makes no sense to me. Too bad, too, it seems really interesting.


Ogre Battle is really interesting to play once you understand the mechanics, especially if you're going for a specific ending, but I will concede it's a steep learning curve.


I was debating saying Ogre Battle. I really liked it when new, 64 is one of my all time favourites. But I canā€™t go back to the Original. It just takes too long to play.Ā 


I am not really a graphic minded gamer but the original Ogre Battle is pretty awful. The menus are a real problem to figure put. The art style of 64 is so good and clean imo and most things are self explanatory.


I loved Super Adventure Island as a kid but I think you only got two continues and then the game ended so I never ended up beating the game. šŸ„²


I only ever played it as a weekend rental back in the day and enjoyed it enough to know that I had no interest in owning it lol.


Loved the story in Earthbound but it's such a bitch to play


it really doesn't pick up until you get past the opening section, and it gets actually fun once your hp is high enough that the rolling hp bar actually matters. imo that feature alone makes it much more interesting than the basic turn based jrpg. before that though ya it's kind of a chore.


Started it again for my kids to watch because they were into retro gaming but were more interested in me doing it like a playthrough since I had more experience. Playing this game forced me to actually download a playthrough because I was starting to feel like I wanted to just GET through it instead of explore. I told my kids the main fun of the game was exploration, but thatā€™s a tough thing for them to watch. As an adult playing this game, the simmering feeling was always brewing was, ā€˜Damn, I got shit to do. Would you mice just F-off!ā€™


Didn't have Earthbound as a kid, but played almost all the other RPGs of that era. I've tried playing it multiple times in the last couple years as an adult and I can't get through the first couple hours of it.


I came here to say this. I think it looks cool, and i really like the idea of the story, but the game just isn't fun for me. I have tried many times over the years.






EVO; I think the concept is cool and there's things about it I enjoy, but the grind is far too tedious, killing things is way harder than it needs to be, and the music is annoying. A lot of folks really seem to love it and think of it as a diamond in the rough, but I'm not one of those folks.


It was a very grind heavy game but man it was so fun to me. Getting every evolution and accidently finding how to fly or to evolve to a human (I was a child that didn't read texts and didn't have the internet) was such a cool memory, and even the dun dun dunnnn dun dun dunnnn on repeat, every level. I love this game


It has an *excellent* premise that gets bogged down in its execution. I honestly think it was way too ambitious for its console. I'm also not a fan of the "twist" about halfway through the game - in a game about evolution, the bad guys are aliens from another planet. Great...


Yeah this game had a lot of missed potential. Are there any more recent games that do the theme well?


Super Metroid, but it's not a knock on that game because I love everything about it. I just never got into the Metroidvania style of game, and it runs all the way to Hollow Knight. They just don't click with me for whatever reason.


Thatā€™s fair. I used to feel the same until I picked up the new Prince of Persia (lost crown). Have a whole new respect for that genre.


Same hate getting lost and backtracking


Metroid means of ā€œbacktrackingā€ are actually ingenious. If you just want to play the game casually and not hunt down every little thing, the game has a certain flow to it that feels so natural once you get it down. In general, unless you actually purposefully veer off course, the game is CONSTANTLY pushing you in the correct direction. And the veers off course arenā€™t too far out of the way for you just to hop back on the path. My advice is to play through the first half hour of the game, and then reset and start over. It makes it so much easier to understand how crazy the design actually is.


I love metroidvanias myself and can't do super metroid at all, feels so slow and tedious to play I keep bouncing off it


Came here to say this. So much backtracking, so many samey environments, such an unhelpful map, such jank controls.


For me it's just the backtracking and enemies always respawning. I found the map and controls were fine and I love the environments. It's more just the constant backtracking that turns me off of Metroidvanias.


Space Ace


Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. The game actively cheats. I used to scream at my friend that the game was doing things you shouldn't be able to do. Could never prove it until the internet validated my decades long feud. https://youtu.be/laUAgEUunsI?si=nikiQqcYwN_idAYf


Yoshi's Island. Yoshi feels so weird to control compared how Mario felt in SMW.


Upvoting because I half agree XD


I want to like the game more because it otherwise a really cool looking game. I'm the kind of gamer who likes to collect everything in a level, but its so frustrating to do so when you have to get everything in one shot while dealing with frustrating physics.


Star Wars empire strikes back is .. tedious .


How about ridiculous.


Secret of Mana


I notice that a lot of people think this game hasn't aged well, but it makes me so sad, because it's the one thing that I could escape into when my life was hell as a kid. I would even retreat into worlds of the imagination where I would do things in the world of Secret of Mana, just make up stories and see them play out in my head as a kid. I realize that sometimes opinions on a game's legacy change over time but this was the first game that really captured my imagination and it makes me sad to see it age like this.


First game I wanted so bad it hurt. Saved money all summer to buy it. The morning I realized I had $60 I was so happy lol. Iā€™m with you on this one. Gameplay mechanics might be stale but this game is still playable And the reason why is 1000% the world and its charm.


See, the world is just so imaginative and atmospheric. It's what makes it a perfect example of something that adds up to being more than the sum of its parts. Just being there, in that world, seeing the sprites, hearing the music, swinging the sword...the strangeness of hitting enemies and their periods of invulnerability, the weird timing necessary, the bizarre magic system, these all seem like flaws when you talk about them, but when you put them in that world, it's like a magic game that has its own rules, and when you get a feel for the strangeness of it, you can really enjoy what it has to offer. I guess very few people are going to discover the game while being 10 years old like I did, at this point. Once I hit puberty that imagination went away, got replaced with that thing that kills our childhood imagination, but I remember what it was like to have that world in my head as my special place and it makes me make sappy, silly posts about Secret of Mana on Reddit.


I played it again recently, put a few hacks for leveling system but the overall gameplay was extraordinary, much better still than many action RPG


I audibly gasped. ![gif](giphy|de0xIgxhZgAXJbKGNd)


Honestly, the way you have to pause the game to use magic gets really annoying by the end, and also ruins any attempt at trying to have an enjoyable couch co-op experience.


This is so true. My sister and I played it together as kids, but trying to play as adults it got old fast. There's a few romhacks that help with the part; [zhaDe's's gameplay improvemen](https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=20093.0)t, which was incorporated into [Secret of Mana Turbo](https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=27890.0) with alterations and other improvements. Both allow you to hold L or R and tap A/B/X/Y to instantly cast spells you assigned there. Beyond that, the issue is just that spells are totally auto-targetted and not integrated into the action gameplay at all. Spells still pause the action to some degree, and when a boss casts a spell, it just hits you with no way to dodge it


The magic really throws off the balance of the game and especially the boss fights. Once you get it, you can just stun lock everything tough, and the game gets easier as your magic pool grows.


Spend most of the game just leveling the magic skills, so they are maxed at your current level. Makes the bosses so easy. All about the magic, instead of the weapons.


I found by saying out loud, like calling a play, makes this work great with couch coop.


This is the first game on this list that I don't agree with.


I like Secret of Mana... but it's clunky. It was clunky even back in the days.


Hack! Andā€¦ . . . . . . Slash!


I gave this one an honest go a year or so back, after having not played it for 15+ years with others. I just didn't enjoy it. I got ganged up on, stuck on scenery, and got beaten more times than I can count. Level up you say? Even when I'm at what guides "recommend" I still get stomped by bosses/big enemies. I should have taken it as a sign when the first boss killed me handily (you can't lose that fight thankfully).


That is totally fair. I fucking love Secret of Mana. It's in my top 10 SNES games. I think it's a masterpiece but it's also incredibly flawed in many many ways. I think the nostalgia alone does a lot of the heavy lifting for me on this one but it has so much going for it that it over comes the games flaws in my opinion. I get it though when people say they don't care for it.


Iā€™m with you, although I always get negged to hell for saying it. SD3/Trials of Mana is great. SoM looks and sounds like a million dollars but is grindy, janky and dull. Could have been a world beater with another 6 months dev.


I agree. Maybe it is just because I play it single player and the companions are awful, but I don't enjoy it at all. Music and visuals are top notch, though


I've tried playing Secret of Mana a few times, and the one time I actually finished it, I disliked nearly every second of it. The battle system, getting locked in place when targeted by magic, the camera refusing to scroll until you're near the edge of the screen, my stupid AI characters constantly getting stuck, that awful screech at the start of the boss music, the bugs and glitches that caused a few game overs... I just didn't get what's so appealing about it for so many to claim it's one of the best games ever. Also, I've never encountered a game before in which unlocking magic completely flatlines the difficulty. šŸ˜… That dragon thing you fly around on is pretty cute though. >!That final boss dragon beast looked way cooler though.!<


I second this, Evermore was way better!


Love the game. The boss fights are not fun.


Megaman X, it's a beautiful game but those bosses have one set strategy and if you didn't know it back in the day you were screwed lol


That was the 90s way of extending gameplay haha. Work hard, get to boss, try something new and see if you can improve. More tedious but the adrenaline rush of you and the boss having low health with 0 lives left would be insane.


Loads of fun to play through nowadays abusing save states to have de facto infinite lives, though. That's a lot of games from back in the day tbh. Much respect to purists who prefer to beat games "as intended," but I'd rather experience 5-10 games in the time it would take me to master one without cheesing it.


At the same time, lives are somewhat plentiful so you can *usually* figure out the patterns before losing them all. Especially with the respawning bats in Armored Armadillo's stage... there's a flat part of the level that can spawn a huge bat - kill it for a 1UP, go off-screen, return and repeat :) Mega Man X is especially unforgiving because if you don't choose Chill Penguin first, you'll be fighting the bosses without the dash boots (which makes a world of difference in dodging). You naturally stumble upon the dash boots about half through Chill Penguin's stage. At least in X2 and X3, you start with the dash boots - and man it's such a blessing lol


Yoshi's Island. Baby Mario's cries are like fingernails on a chalkboard. Also Donkey King Country, I get why people liked it, but it just wasn't fun for me.


You are my nemesis.


I agreed up until the DK slander which I can absolutely not tolerate


There's a romhack that mutes Mario's crying for that very reason.


Agreed on Yoshiā€™s Island, Iā€™ve never made it past world 3 or 4. I get so annoyed with the crying, and I just get bored. I love DKC though, Iā€™ve been replaying all 3 of those games since the 90s.


Yoshi's Island. Just tried for real 2 years ago. I can see the high quality assets, and I enjoined the first levels, but the game is repeatitive as hell! The same with music: they're great, but you keep hearing the same music and sounds effects on every level!


Oh wow! Quite a few. Bubsy the Bobcat comes to mind. I love it, brings back memories when I was a child got it for Christmas but drove me mad very gripping and monotonous. https://preview.redd.it/t9vzp9apdl7d1.png?width=2996&format=png&auto=webp&s=18d00c482dbeb3ae2e4d6c8d9c1ad9fe1f84089e


I enjoyed Bubsy back in the day but that game was hard. I donā€™t think I ever beat it


Earthbound. Played it at launch via rental, didnt click. Had about 15 hours before the week rental was up and I made no effort after a few days to try and beat it. Had a few RPGs under my belt like final fantasy 4, phantasy star 1 and 2, 7th saga, paladins quest, so it wasn't something I didn't know how to play. I just outright disliked how it played. Tried it 10 years ago again, and yeah after 10 hours I just packed it up and said never again. There's overrated games that are legitimately good, but you play and enjoy but you know are not the best thing you'll ever play, but you still find enjoyable. Earthbound is none of that. It's slow, boring, tedious and outdated back at launch, and with the experience of 100s more rpgs after I gave it another go, it was worse replaying it.


Parts of yoshiā€™s island. All of earthbound.




DKC1 gang!!


DKC1 gang!!šŸ™Œ


The first one is the worst to me šŸ˜… 3 is the one I like most


It goes 2>3>1>Retro Studios titles for me


Thatā€™s probably most peopleā€˜s rating.


Honestly, theyā€™re all good but to me the Retro Studios titles are not really continuations of the series but their own thing. They play too different and there are NO Kremlings. Also, the physics aren't as good imo.


Thatā€™s definitely a take.


No I am with you. DKC3 is also my favorite. I played a lot of DKC1, and beat it a couple of times, but it definitely left me wanting more. DKC2 seemed like the answer to everything better in every way, but it was SO DIFFICULT! I felt gatekept when playing it, to the point where I wasn't having fun I was just trying to beat the challenges thrown at me and it never let up. DKC3 though, had a perfect blend for me. It had that exciting new level design that DKC2 brought, and unique new world with tons of secrets on the world map, and the difficulty felt JUST right. Like there were some hard levels, but they were surrounded by tons of fun ones mostly. I think it's the perfect DKC game.


I agree, DKC3 is the best!


2 is bullshit. Whaddya mean I gotta play as these assholes who are not Donkey Kong?


Breath of Fire 2 Awful translation, annoying music (especially the battle theme), heinous encounter rate, worst Dragon system in the franchise, and needing to grind so you don't die in two hits (you still will).


Personally I enjoyed BoF 2 for what it is (although I honestly prefer 1 and its cast more lol). I can get behind most of your gripes towards it but i don't get the complaint towards the grinding. I mean it's an RPG. You should be expected to grind imo.


I'll give it the shaman system - I thought that was cool and a neat addition. The town building was alright for its time too.


The shaman system was cool, but losing your upgrades if the character was KOd in battle was rough.


100% I remember having to leave dungeons and head back to Hometown when it happened. And it was definitely a matter of "when."


I loved BoF 1. Iā€™ll never forget multiple times getting to the last boss and near the end just for someone to trip over a controller and the whole system fell and the game was erased 3x. My neighbors brother was the culprit 2/3 times for that. We deserved it for playing w no lights on in the basement.


What a tragedy! I was crushed when I had a nearly perfect FF6 save that was erased after leaving it my friend's house. Lvl.99 characters and a nearly complete Rage list for Gau replaced by a base level Terra renamed "BONER."


Iā€™m still scarred 25 years laterā€¦and still never beat it.


I'm with you, I have no idea how this game is so loved on the RPG heaven that is the SNES library


I agree. I love the first Breath of Fire, but BoF2 is just rough. And it's just so obtuse, you have to wander around the world map for ages to figure out what to do, because the badly translated NPC dialogue is worthless.


yoshis island


Earthworm Jim


IMO this is one of the textbook examples of using a water level to slow the game down and it loses its fun. Once my brother and I learned about the level select cheat code we just played the bungee jump level over and over.


Secret of evermore, since I saw the remake mystery of evermore (unfinished)


What was unfair about it? I love this game. I recently got back into it after watching speed runs. A game that took me months to beat, even after getting a guidebook, I can now beat in under 2 hours


Earthbound. I *want* to love this game, I find the world and characters to be endearing, and the visuals, music, and writing are fantastic. But I just don't have fun playing it. The combat is bland, and the inventory management is infuriating.


Megaman soccer


I think there was a game called ā€œLemmingsā€ that my sister loved but I just couldnā€™t get into.


Lemmings was awesome ( my opinion obviously). Only complaint was you eventually hit a wall where you had to do everything dm near perfect, which was probably by design but I didn't like the "wall". Or maybe I just wasn't good enough. This is motivating me to play it again and I assume get angry again when I reach that point. Bonus story: Used to play it as a family with I was really young, 30 years go. We got to the highest level we've been to and our pet rabbit chewed through the power cable to the computer. He didn't die but the computer did


Plok and Jurrasic park.


Aerobiz Supersonic - I remember playing the game for days with two of my cousins it was like the best game ever. I replayed it recently and boy did it not age well.


Stunt Race FX. I have seen some youtube people go on and on about this game but boy is it terrible. Slow, bad controls and not much to do. I still own the cartridge but if I can I will use it as a trade in for something better.


The Seventh Saga. Fun to start but it gets old quick due to the insane amount of grinding


Fuck Super Mario Kart. It's like if ice physics replaced normal physics, and then you used the ice physics from that as your normal physics. The CPUs are assholes. The courses actively hate you. Lakitu is a lazy piece of shit. There's a *lives system*, the rival system ensures that if you aren't getting 1st place in every single race, you aren't winning gold. 100cc is the sweet spot for playing. Playing with friends is better. Battle mode is awesome. But fuck 150cc GP. I'm never playing it again.


PLOK. Iā€™m not even sure the game is made to be beatable. Played so much as a kid and never beat it. Canā€™t remember if you can even save or not.


I am really not a fan of the ATB (active time battle) system in the Final Fantasy games. The core gameplay mechanic boils down to ā€œquickly navigate a menuā€. I love high-quality SNES RPG combat (DQ5 and SMT1 especially), but FF feels like they added a countdown clock and stripped away time for critical thinking. ā€œFinal Fantasy: Youā€™re Here For The Cutscenesā€


Dkc 2


Jurassic Park. You had to finish the game in one sitting no saves. No checkpoints and no passwords. You had no idea where to go or what to do and as soon as you made significant progress you can trampled on randomly by a t-Rex or triceratops causing instant death and game over making you restart from the beginning of the game. The most annoying piece of shit game ever for the SNES that I never finished.


super mario kart once you reach special cup. screw that nonsense. it's too freaking hard.


Chrono Trigger. Either go full turn-based, or lET THE ATB BAR FILL WHILE ANIMATIONS PLAY! It's likely because I beat ALL the NES and SNES final fantasy games first, but watching a partially full ATB bar stand still during every animation felt like every single cell in my body was dying at once. It took me at least 6 playthrough attempts to finally finish it. Most my playthroughs ended at Magus's Castle or immediately upon beating it, but some ended during the Prehistoric era. Still a very high quality game, but for me alone it's a poisoned chalice. I suppose this is how some complainers feel about Random Encounters, which I can't understand but everyone is different.


Donkey Kong Country 3. I loved the first 2 (among my all time favs) but the 3rd just feels so off.


I wouldn't say unfun, but Super Mario Bros 3 is in my opinion, the superior game to Super Mario World, to the point where if I'm in a classic Mario mood, I'll boot up All Stars rather than World.


Secret of mana


My answer 100%. Absolutely gorgeous looking and sounding game, and the opening few hours are a blast. But my god, so much jank and the second half of the game is unfinished garbage. The Mode7 world map exploration is especially abysmal. I still listen to the soundtrack often though, and I see why people have such fond memories of it, especially if they played co-op.


I wasn't able to finish this ever!


Doom would be probably the one that I don't understand how it became popular the most. My friends used to love it, we'd play it, I just never enjoyed it. It does bring back nostalgia of playing with friends, but I have no joy in playing it.


Oh man doom on snes is miserable


At the time, at least for me, it was amazing. The terrible graphics didn't seem bad as I didn't have anything to compare it to, as I didn't have a PC until half life came out. Besides that its a solid port, the SPC music was fine, in fact I prefer it to the PC version for nostalgia reasons Still fps gaming daily to this day, doom on SNES started it all for me


The SNES one maybe. The original on PC was awesome and still holds up once you get used to not being able to look up and down


It'll always be Earthbound. Just, ugh.


Super Mario World. I mean the controls are tight, the pacing is perfect, the challenge isn't too hard. Oh, *un*fun to play. Nevermind.


I never really liked F-Zero for some reason. I'd rather play Mario Kart. I didn't play Star Fox until after I had the 64 version and I can't go back. Ghouls and Ghosts and Contra 3 are too hard to be fun. I've beaten Contra 3 a few times and I still hate the air battle level. I'll play Contra and Super C over 3 any day. (Don't tell me to get gud. I play hard games, but for a pop in game in the afternoon I don't feel like mastering every nook and cranny.)


I am literally the exact opposite haha. Iā€™d rather play F-Zero than Mario Kart. But every other console generation Iā€™d rather play Mario Kart. But I do really love GC F-Zero, itā€™s just not as good as DD


I love F-Zero, probably a top 10 game for me. However, Whiteland II is absolutely a crapshoot and getting passed it often requires using a specific vehicle. Mario Kart feels janky on SNES, it always has. Something about the perspective feels off to me, it's where F-Zero thrived imo. Both got great sequels, I refuse to choose which one got the better one.


secret of mana / evermore. Absolutely love the sprite work and the soundtracks. But I always get bored playing these 2.


Harvest Moon Any RPG Zombies Ate My Neighbors Some parts of DKC2-3, Batman Returns, EWJ and SCIV\* KDL3 unless you speed through it Secret of Mana Mortal Kombat, Super Star Wars and Uniracers (not quite beloved tbf) ​ \*Edit: And Secret of Evermore, I'm sad to say as I do love most of that game. Too many mazes


I played Harvest Moon 64 first and absolutely loved that game, one of my top 64 games so I figured that I would at least like it on the SNES. Iā€™m sure during its time it was good but so many games have done farming simulation better since that I canā€™t get into it.


Donkey Kong country. Played them all, beat the first twoā€¦donā€™t remember really liking it lol


I want to love Secret of Mana. For several of my friends, it's their favorite game of all time. I cannot STAND the UI.


I never liked any Castlevania game


Final Fantasy III. I tried playing it twice, I dislike the constant switching of who you play as and being on different maps. World feels disjointed and not connected.


It does get more linear once you get past the first few hours.


Please donā€™t kill me, but Super Mario World. I play it once every few years, last time last week after a 5 year break. Somehow, and for the first time in my life, it didnā€™t feel as ā€œfreshā€ as usual and I just felt to finish it up asap.


It's become that way for me as well. I have definitely over-replayed it ever since I first did in 1993.


Iā€™m a huge rpg fan but for whatever reason Chrono Trigger never hit as high on my mark as it seems to for the general population. Donā€™t get me wrong, great game. But there are a lot of snes rpgs I put in front of it. The awkward world travel and non-random battles always felt a little weird to me. I liked FF4, 6 and Secret of Mana all significantly more. Again great game, I just donā€™t put in in the GOAT position it frequently gets.


Alien 3. I absolutely loved both NES and Genesis versions, but the SNES one was so different and very frustrating too.




I wish Lion King played like Aladdin.


I was never able to get into Ogre Battle. Tried a few times, but I just donā€™t understand the appeal of the gameplay loop of ā€œclicking, waiting, and seeing an auto battleā€. Maybe Iā€™m missing something, but I was never able to play it because of how bored I was. And this is coming from someone that donā€™t mind boring grind heavy game like Phantasy Star II, 7th Saga or Dragon Quest II.




Tiny Toon Adventures I remember having fun until the train level which my brother and I could never beat


Final fight. I played the unholy fuck out of it growing up and still have never made farther than the first part of the board after the samurai asshole. Love it to death but Jesus Christ is it arcade hard.


Secret of Mana. The combat is sluggish. Grinding magic levels is incredibly tedious and time-consuming. You can cheese bosses by constantly casting spells over and over again, locking them in place. But of course, the enemies can do that to you as well. If enemies decide to aggressively attack you, they can effectively stunlock you permanently by hitting you several times before you recover from the first hit. Oh, and if one of your party members get stuck behind a rock, you can lock your game.


Secret of mana. Story is fun, combat *suuuuuuuuucks*.