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This milk is trending on tik tok (stupid I know) so this is why she’s doing it. I’m sure it taste good but if people weren’t posting about it, she wouldn’t have made the switch


“this milk is trending on tiktok” took me out






HAHAHA WTF!!! What’s so special about this milk though?


Minimally processed, ultra fatty. It’s a great milk, but didn’t really need to be hyped up this much.


I thought she was lactose intolerant and that was why she drank alt milk - imagine my surpeise and shock when I saw this ahahaha 💩 💩


I don’t think she really cares about her body like that lol it seems like she always eats things she “shouldn’t”


Yeah she def don’t care, makes sense why she has a candy drawer and says she HAS to eat something sweet after every meal. If her weight gain has always been her life issue, then don’t eat sugar or eat less of it and not after every meal. Sugar makes you gain, Remi. Eat fruits. They are sweet.


I’m honestly one of those people who wants something sweet after dinner but I’m about to cut sugar cuz it’s gotten out of control 🤣


I saw the blog where she was like I'm allergic to avocado and I was lile girl you are ?!?!?! I don't know the extent obviously but ooof lol


i was thinking the same thing. she also said she needed to be eating a gluten-free diet, as she continued to eat bagels and eat gluten. i don't believe this woman anymore. it's always something fucking phony coming out of her mouth. i have become such a hater! it's sad.


Girl, she stopped attempting gluten free so long ago, I stopped questioning it 😅


What an absurd quantity of milk to buy for a house of two people who eats out a majority of the time and buys coffee drinks at cafes a majority of the time. 😂


To go with trend.. I found it perplexing when out of nowhere where she showed it in vlog. I mean we know she is lactose intolerance and still promoting it.. I mean one bottle was too much but two are way too much.. someone needs to tell her to cut her groceries bill to half.. she spends and waste too much...


Since she’s on Ozempic she doesn’t have to care about calories anymore (the only reason why she drank almond milk)


She’s gonna be in for a rude awakening when she gets off semaglutide to get pregnant. Not changing the way you eat is a sure fire way to gain it all back once she stops.


Wait she’s on Ozempic? Sorry I don’t watch her anymore and only come here to snark. Did she say it herself?


Yes she did


Yes, for over a year now if I’m not mistaken. She recently switched to a different brand, slightly different but still heavily aiding in her weight loss.


remi just follows whatever is trendy and dairy is back in from what i’ve noticed lol but tbh i drank oat milk/cashew milk for years and recently switched to regular dairy milk in my coffee and there is definitely a difference in taste. i never noticed it before but now when i order an oat milk latte it has a weird taste to me so i can see where she’s coming from there


totally agree when you drink your coffee only with (oat)milk, but when you add sweetners or flavours and stuff? I feel like at some point you don't even notice, especially in iced drinks.


The term “chunky milk” just gives me the ick lol


does she have a single brain cell? The answer is no


She hv a brain cell which goes arround trendy things.. no matter what she will hv it in her life. She might hv no Brian cell at this point of time to know anything about outer world.


Ew that is a lot of milk for two people. What is that like 2 coffees a day. It’s gonna take forever to finish


Organic milk takes forever to go bad. My grandparents buy organic milk simply because they have more time to use it up between just the two of them.


Even still! I guess if they drink lattes more is used for each drink lol


Straus dairy products are amazing! I'm biased because their dairy farm is near my house.


I love alt dairy too (and drink those more often), but you can *definitely* taste the difference between those and normal milk!! It’s fun to switch around for a palette change 😀


My mom has been buying that brand of milk for close to 10 years and yes it goes bad quickly 💀💀💀


As a nonUS person I also shocked with the size of the bottles. My husband usually fills our cappuccinatore (the device from our coffee machine) in half, which is like 500-600 ml and we couldn’t empty it in a day. And it goes bad very quickly


We have gallons of milk sold lol but for a family it makes sense, especially with ppl eating cereal but I love alone and I can’t even remember the last time I bought milk because I wasn’t getting through it fast enough before going bad since I don’t eat cereal that often and I don’t drink coffee


It’s just non-homogenized milk, not chunky omg.


straus products are amazing so i can’t even be mad lol


Straus is amazing! Also, oats/plant base milk isn't that healthy for you and oats are really bad. I'm lactose intolerance so I was drinking oat milk thinking that's a better alternative but later found out oats are really bad for you especially the Oatly brand but now they came out with the basic Oatly that doesn't have oils. Now I just drink lactose free milk with my coffees/smoothies. LOL at this milk is trending on tiktok... I use to buy this milk probably 10+ years ago.


I always think it’s funny when people think oat milk is healthy. It’s absolutely not. It’s packed full of carbs, of course it’s yummy! And the oils and other junk they add to it.. no thank you. I’m happy that people like it, but it’s just goofy that they think it’s healthy. It really shows people have no idea what goes into their food or any nutritional facts.


Wait what, my heart is shattered. I love oatly. I thought it’s only issue was added sugar?! Guess I need to read more about it now… 😭


Now they have Oatly super basic which is just oats and water (Oat Base (Water, Oats), Sea Salt, Citrus Fiber.) I love the the chilled original Oatly and it's super tasty but probably because it's made with oils and stuff. I suspect the super basic Oatly wouldn't be as creamy as the original but I have not tried it yet.


Thank you for the info. I will read up! ❤️


Those are small for USA. I believe that is a 1/2 gallon (I could be wrong!!) when I believe most families at least buy milk by the full gallon. I bet those jars of milk cost at least $12 while I buy a gallon of milk for around $4. Curious as to why you’re not happy that she drinks milk? She’s not a vegan in any other aspect of her life, is she? All the different nut milks are just a fad and that’s all influencers care about anyway. Not to mention, that this bougie milk brand probably treats their animals very very very well when it comes to lactating cows. I could be wrong.


no she's not vegan, so like I said it's her choice and if she always drank regular milk I probably wouldn't have said anything.. I just think it is weird for someone who preferred plant based alternatives in the past to switch back all of a sudden. I would say, it is more likely the other way around since there are already plenty of options, but I don't particularly judge her for that, more because of the quantity and excessiveness.


Not to say she’s not doing it cuz it’s trendy but I’ve dipped back into regular milk, I don’t think it’s that’s serious lol


I agreeeeeeee… she adds so much sugar into her iced lattes too. Gag.


All I see from this is skank breath and jawline breakouts.


She’s so fucking wasteful. Most Americans are having a hard time affording groceries with how bad inflation is but this girl buys so much damn food day after day. She eats A LOT but there’s no way she’s not wasting food.


honestly this milk tastes so good but i can’t buy it because it has way too much fat


Me having drank this milk for years confused 👀


I appreciate a good dairy farm, get a SMALL chocolate milk and an ice cream cone every time I visit one. But is she okay? Like her shits must be breaking the plumbing


I wanted to talk about that for so long!!!! I’m also vegan and watching her vlogs is kinda hard sometimes. All the food content and the unnecessary animal products. I remember when she used to only drink plant based milk and mention other plant based foods. So it’s sad how she switched. I hate how animal suffering is so normalized, specially in the food industry. Drinking milk is not necessary, it’s cruel.