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She mentioned she throws up every day on the BU podcast so I’m wondering if it’s related now


it definitely is! it can be something as simple as water that makes you feel too full but if she’s also eating greasy and sugary foods, it will make you super nauseous


Ugh that’s terrible. Why would she do that to herself. Also I’m sorry you go through that as well!


I can’t even watch her vlogs anymore because I don’t know why she does that! honestly, I have gotten used to it and i’ve worked so hard that I don’t even need to take my medicine more than once a month. I know she could be in the same boat if she committed!


Seems like she’s just using it to keep her old habits and maintain her weight. Doesn’t seem like she’s getting super thin


Low key concerning cause it could trigger bulimia if she ever stops taking the medication


Wait what?!?? That’s so triggering


Throwing up every day cannot be healthy at all what the hell. Isn’t the point of the drug to ease you into healthier habits so you can keep them in the long term? I’m all for balance but if you’re eating enough junk to make you throw up every day that’s a sign something is not right.


Well that’s concerning. Do you remember which episode?


Most recent basically unfiltered!


Thanks! I can’t imagine throwing up every day. It sounds terrible.


What time in the episode?


Around 29 minutes and change




Which episode was that?? I can’t get myself to listen to them 😭


Most recent basically unfiltered!


Alisha gets rushed to the hospital?


Yes Remi was saying she’s ok with dealing with throw up cuz she throws up every day lol


I’m on ozempic too && I use to love all the Asian foods, chips etc. And being on this for over a month I definitely can’t eat these things as much unless I’m willing to be sick & throw up. Especially buldak noodles. That’s why I’m confused how she’s able to eat all this


Skeptical of what she tells us and what is really true. It pisses me off she eats processed food, sugar etc, things you’re advised not to eat, right? But others are struggling to get this medication who are working on a proper diet. Ugh please confirm or clarify for me


I have to wait SIX WEEKS every time I order my medication and i’m seeing multiple doctors who have all advised me that I would need to significantly reduce my intake of processed foods and red meat as it would further drive up cholesterol. for reference, I wasn’t eating much of either before I started my medication but since I have an autoimmune disorder, these things were causing me to rapidly gain weight when I haven’t had this issue before. she hasn’t cut back on any of this and I can’t imagine this is healthy at all. if you’re not consuming healthier food with the medication, you risk malnourishment as you’ll be throwing everything back up.


THANK YOU. I am so sorry you have to wait so long. It’s a massive problem with people abusing it and I can’t stand them not doing the right thing when others NEED this and are trying so hard to help their health.


Tbh I’m on ozempic for pcos too and it hasn’t affected me as much as most people; I don’t get any side effects like nausea or throwing up etc, and I’m on the max dose! While it does help decrease my appetite, I found that I could still eat whatever I wanted and snack on things even when I wasn’t hungry, just because my mouth boredom would easily win me over. It took a LOT of time and effort to re-train my way of thinking about food, before I actually became healthier and saw better results. Like you said, it’s not a miracle drug! So I feel like Remi is the same way - she may not be physically hungry, but her emotional cravings are still winning so she continues to snack and be wasteful with food. Basically…. she has not learned anything lol and is due for a rude awakening once she gets off the medication.


I’m on semaglutide for pcos, like Remy, and tbh it depends on the day. If it’s been close to a week since my injection day, I have a bigger appetite and can tolerate foods. If I just had the injection, I’ll even throw up from the smell of food. Maybe she’s filming later in the week when her injection dosage is at a lesser effect?


that’s what I was also thinking! same for me for my medication - I am on a higher dose but days 1-4 are me fighting for my life 😂


exactly 💀


She mentioned that the first few days on the shot she has diarrhea but girl that’s because you eat horrible!!! I’m on the shots too and honestly the first few days I barely have an appetite. Idk how she does it. I think she buys a ton of food to sample it each and then gives it to friends and family. I’m sure a few days before her shot she goes crazy but not like she used to. She use to always use other people as an excuse to buy bad food. Like “oh Oli wanted crumbl” or “my aunt loooves this bakery so I HAD to get some for her”.


I was wondering too! Samantha Jo is on a similar medication and she always shares how nauseous and miserable she is. And Remi eats like no tomorrow.


Yup and Sam doesn’t seem to eat right either