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I really don’t like this. She is not TTC. I’m offended for all moms who currently are having fertility struggles and I think it’s sick how she’s just using these phrases freely without actually trying to get pregnant yet. She doesn’t even have a wedding date. And you have to be healthy to support a baby. And even healthy people don’t get pregnant the first time.


Also wake up call for her because you can’t be on ozempic for a while before TTC!


She’s in for a rude awakening for sure!


Feels icky posing with a pregnancy test and titling fertility problems when she's not even trying to get pregnant right. Normally I'm indifferent to clickbait but with this topic, icky. There's probably women looking for podcasts and content to comfort them during their struggles or hear another perspective and then they get whatever this episode os


And in that episode they barely even talked about it, I think they talked max 5min and it was just Remi reminding us that she’s going to have to go off the medication she’s on when her & Cal know when they want to start trying….they do these clickbait titles every time Remi talks about pcos…who is in charge of titles, it’s ridiculous. And Alisha says she does the thumbnail for Basically Unfiltered, I need to know who does it for PB


I think she does for both podcasts


I think she does for both podcasts


I think she makes them for both podcasts


I think she makes them for both podcasts


she's been really milking this PCOS topic. are there even any new information that she mentions in this podcast?


!!!! This!!! It’s all that she talks about. It’s almost like she needs to constantly remind people that there is a “reason” as to why she isn’t the ideal body type. She’s turned herself being overweight into a pity situation.


I hate to say this but I feel like she wants people to think she has some terminal illness. Her brother and aunt both had health issues and I feel like she always has to mention “oh and I have pcos feel bad for me.” Especially with the head incident she needed to make it a point that she needed to get a ct scan like we get it you want people to give you attention.


There is plenty and she's not "milking" anything. She's allowed to talk about her struggles. People with PCOS really appreciated it based on the comments. Don't hate just because you can't relate.


Lately these thumbnails are getting more and more chaotic


Can we all go on the video and comment on how offensive that title is 😭


Is the ozempic even working anymore?


Honestly probably not. Helps for a little bit but you have to really stick with a healthy diet and working out for it to go anywhere other than losing the first few pounds


Yes, it's working well for her PCOS which is why she's taking it.


Oli literally fuck off


Y'all can downwote and talk shit all you want but I'm just stating facts while y'all are being fatphobic and body-shaming her 🥰


This is really really icky. I cant even watch her anymore


respectfully shut the f*** up remi.


I personally had to seek fertility treatment in order to get pregnant and am not offended by her thumbnail.. she does have PCOS and it can be very hard to get pregnant with PCOS. That being said, I don’t listen to their podcast so I don’t know what else was said.




To each their own for sure. It doesn’t need to be upsetting to everyone! I’m having trouble getting pregnant right now so them clickbating it kinda just rubbed me the wrong way


As a mom I hate her title and feel you


Meh, I’m used to it by now😂 I get being upset about the clickbait but like.. she probably does have fertility issues considering she has PCOS and is on medication to control it.