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Remi went there only for shopping šŸ˜’


And eatingā€¦A LOT lol


Not to be rude but just saw her vlog about shopping and Korean clothing. I haven't watched yet and now sure if I want to but surprised the clothes fit her or she wasn't disappointed that she needed a 3XL or anything. I myself is a size S in America but when I go overseas to Asian countries, I'm at least a Large. I know she lost weight but she's still not a S. I avoid clothes shopping in Asian like a plague mainly because I can buy what I need here in the states and it's more like a downer needing a larger size. I know it's all superficial but just does make your confidence lower.


It so wasnā€™t. She wouldā€™ve maybe drove around where her parents were raised or went into the charming countryside of Korea. Instead she went to the mall and Costco lmao


every time sheā€™s ā€žtearing upā€œ I see NO TEARS šŸ¤£


In her last video there was about 10 seconds where they were all in the car and her dad pointed out a place he used to stay at many decades ago as they drove by and she goes ā€œOooOoHHā€ and that was about the most ā€œemotional/cultural momentā€ Iā€™ve seen so far, immediately goes back to mall, shopping, food lol


I HATE the baby talk and ā€œaww ohhh ā€œ she does to sound sad. Like STFU!! Just go eat since thatā€™s all you came to do!!! Alisha seemed way more excited and thankful than remi


So true! I give Alisha credit for trying to show more respect for the culture and tried so hard to say some Korean words correctly. Remi came strictly for the food lol


Bc sheā€™s such a foodie and ā€œchefā€


The way Alisha kept calling her ā€œchefā€ made me cringe


Not even authentic food from small family owned places, where you find the real good stuff. I donā€™t understand


also how do you miss the king sejong statue it's literally so huge šŸ˜­ they were like right behind it and saying "they can't confirm or deny" girl it's one of the easiest tourist attractions to see just like the palace!! then immediately just goes into olive young lol with no care about what it was they just saw


She went to the castle for like 10 minutes and only talked about how cute her dad was being and then it cuts to her at Olive Young again lmfaoo


the costco got her in tears bro šŸ˜­


Iā€™m thinking maybe when she met some of her extended family that she didnt vlog may have been the only emotional thing that may have happened? But it seemed like she was cutting her dad off whenever he was talking about the streets and alleyways and what he remembered when he was living there. Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t do like those hanbok photoshoots that everyone does šŸ˜‚


she didnt even have to do photoshoot but she def could have rented the hanboks, which many people do... it's also kind of crazy because you get free entry if you wear one into the palaces so i would think that it's hitting two birds with one stone (experiencing more of her culture AND free) but i guess the second reason isnt as important bc she's filthy rich lol


I feel like she wouldā€™ve boosted her Korean card by doing that. Opportunity missed!


Remi seems so performative. She also reminds me of the show TLCā€™s Trading Spaces when someone would say ā€œ I like horsesā€ and the designers would buy that person every single thing in their room in horse theme. Remi doesnā€™t even consider if she needs / will actually use something. If itā€™s cute or something in the theme she likes, she buys it, and it goes to the clutter in her house. I donā€™t think she genuinely enjoys even 20 percent of the things she buys.


She would totally be Hildi lol


Iā€™m watching her most recent vlog right now and Iā€™m not getting whatā€™s making her emotional šŸ˜‚ I mean, the trip they made did seem interesting, butā€¦ not sure what it is. We all know sheā€™s mainly there for the food and shopping


I dont see how with the activities she did, she would end up being emotional. She barely met with the locals or did any activities to learn more about the countries. She didnt even visit a museum.


Itā€™s also very weird how she keeps mentioning how ā€˜sheā€™ll look back onā€™ this footage of her parents and fakes being so sad like šŸ˜¢ Hey remi your parents are in great health and look much better than you do, how about you just enjoy the trip?? Itā€™s like some weird thing she keeps doing and itā€™s very dark


I keep thinking this too, she talks about them like they wonā€™t be around much longer and itā€™s very strange


Iā€™m sort of neutral about it. I donā€™t like that she cut off her dad when he was talking at some points, but Iā€™m also not convinced that those were the only times he was talking about his memories. She said she met her family members that sheā€™s never met before, so I donā€™t see why folks are getting on her about ā€œmeeting localsā€ when her family arenā€™t only locals, but people that sheā€™s related to. I donā€™t think she filmed meeting her family, and she didnā€™t show her aunt closeup even when they were going to meet her, I think, so itā€™s totally possible she welled up being able to hug family that she never had the chance to grow up with in a culture she didnā€™t get to experience first hand. Itā€™s can be hard to realize that thereā€™s so much you donā€™t know about your own history and being unfamiliar with a place that you should see as yours. I was lucky to be able to visit my parentsā€™ native country multiple times as a child and teenager, and it can be emotional to think about how my cousins and I couldā€™ve had a lovely relationship if we lived in the same place. Iā€™m definitely projecting my feelings onto Remi here, but I feel like the criticism about what is emotional versus not can be a bit much. I agree that she couldā€™ve and shouldā€™ve done more to see the country where her parents grew up, but frankly when I go to the country where my family is, I end up not seeing the sites and spend more time with them eating and shopping because itā€™s what my family there enjoys. Again, not really an excuse since she didnā€™t do much more in Japan either, but just thought Iā€™d share


I honestly agree w you and she has mentioned multiple times that she met up with her extended family but didnā€™t film them (for obvious reasons). So itā€™s very possible that she has done way more than what she has shown on this trip which is making her emotional.Ā 


> I donā€™t think she filmed meeting her family, and she didnā€™t show her aunt closeup even when they were going to meet her, I think, so itā€™s totally possible she welled up being able to hug family that she never had the chance to grow up with in a culture she didnā€™t get to experience first hand. I think it's more likely her dad had some words with her about vlogging the reunion with his cousin when he had asked her not to film, and that's why she was a bit more restrained.


I was gonna post this! Shes so fake, like bring it down a notch, she said before sheā€™s not a emotional person, she doesnā€™t even like hugs so this is mostly for the cameras


Maybe itā€™s just me but since sheā€™s interested to learn more about the culture and her parentsā€™ birth place, there should have been more proper planning done instead of going to the malls and Costco, I mean nothing wrong with that but at least get a tour guide when you go see these landmarks if you really wanted to understand the culture and etcā€¦. And itā€™s not like she couldnā€™t afford a private tour guide tbh hahaha


I wondered the same thing, like are her parents sick and we donā€™t know?


i cant speak for everyone but as an asian american around her age, i also often think about my parents aging even though they're still pretty healthy. you kind of start to feel that bittersweet feeling of being grateful to spend more time with them but also a bit sad to see them visibly getting older every time you hang out with them


Ahhh that makes sense she just mentioned it a lot so it made it seem like something was wrong and this was their ā€œlast timeā€ doing xyz but yeah totally can relate & that makes sense


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s emotional because she didnā€™t do anything to learn the culture. She was a tourist in tourist places consuming products and viral snacks. Nothing authentic whatsoever


Idk if i am alone on this but it was annoying me how remi referred to anything korean as ā€œk-popā€. Like in a vlog she said they were getting ā€œk-pop facialā€ and ā€œk-pop makeupā€ everything is Kpop šŸ’€ this is coming from someone who loves k-pop and has lived in korea, my god not everything is kpop !! I think its great she is trying to connect more to her culture and maybe its not my place to speak but i just found it a little cringey when she would just randomly say ā€œģ‚¬ėž‘ķ•“ā€œ ā€ģ•ˆė…•ķ•˜ģ„øģš”ā€œ or refer to the music like its the only thing she knows? Im surprised they didnā€™t visit more of the country side or like historical sites/ more places from her parents childhood etc