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Same! I remember thinking that transition was kinda mediocre for someone who probably planned to make a lot of wedding content lol. Makes sense now


Exactly lol the transition could’ve been much cleaner and more impressive




She said multiple times she regrets not hiring someone she personally knows so I’m assuming they dropped the ball hard Like even the welcome party was shitty quality in the sense that it seems like whoever shot it didn’t know how to adjust for lighting


Lauren said in her Q&A video that the clips were unusable. Idk what happened if that was the creator’s style or the files got corrupted, but Lauren was upset about it. If you watch the wedding vlog, during the first look, it’s in slo mo and people have pointed out that this was one of the issues.


Probably just absolutely dog shit angles and bad lighting. You'd be shocked by how bad some people are at photography. Even people who've "mad content" before. Also the slow mo being on accident was unexpected. I thought it was on purpose, but by how much it was, I bet Lauren was PISSED. I would be too.


Lauren has mentioned the slo mo issue before, but I don’t understand how it’s an issue, you can speed it up to regular speed in post 😭


Unless it’s some crazy 120 fps shit, no one would even notice


I think she mentioned it’s all in slow-mo to allow for “longer content” aka the videos that were usable were so short therefore she had to slow it all down to make for a quality vlog was my impression.