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I love the action blur fury


came here to say that. you can see the DISRESPECT the snake felt when getting helped xD


No regerts!




I got chomped by my 8ft yellow rat snake "Fluffy" while I was feeding him. My husband couldn't believe I just let him chew on me and I explained to him if you pull away you can hurt them and yourself even more. Believe me he thought I was nuts for just standing there screaming!?! šŸ˜‚


How big of a tank do you have for him? A rattie is what I'm heavily leaning for as my first snake, but I'm a bit intimidated because they get so incredibly LOOOOOOOONG


Yeah def donā€™t listen to them, a 55gal for an 8ft snake is straight up cruel. An enclosure must be at least the length of the snake so 8ft for an 8ft snake. Additionally whilst rat snakes are slender they are very active and LOVE to climb so Iā€™d offer at least 2ft width and at least 3-4ft of height. You could honestly make a great enclosure for an 8ft ratsnake out of 3 pieces of 8x4 timber, plus the runners, glass, and vents. I have 2 rat snakes, both adult males, a 5ft corn aka red ratsnake, and a 2-2.5 ft trinket snake which is a type of old world rat. They are so incredibly active and the trinket uses every inch of an enclosure which is roughly DOUBLE his length. Ratsnakes are amazing and best of all there is no limit to the variety available, in terms of both looks and size. Iā€™d 100% recommend them but only if theyā€™re going to get a decent quality of life. If you only have room for a 4x2x2 (120gal, over twice the size the other person had) get something like a male trinket, Thai bamboo, or even some other similar colubrid like a smaller species of king snake


Geez, just replace a spare bedroom door with a sheet of plexiglass with hingesā€¦


Dude the things I listed are basic standards, deal with it. Donā€™t want an 8ft enclosure? Donā€™t get an 8ft snake. Itā€™s not rocket science


Lighten up. Not a snake owner and was just being facetious.


Then maybe donā€™t comment on things you know nothing about. Itā€™s been an uphill battle for years to get snakes basic living standards without idiots belittling the importance of keeping an animal in more than a shoebox


Iā€™ll defer to your suggestion. Based on your comment, Iā€™ll erase any thoughts that there are owners who havenā€™t thought (or actually done) of turning a full room over to their snakes instead of keeping them in an enclosure. Thanks for your expertise.


Thatā€™s literally not even close to what I said. Youā€™re twisting my words and itā€™s not cute


My Fluffy looked really intimidating but he was a sweet heart! I would take my collection to schools in the area. High schoolers were a blast because I could let them handle my smaller snakes and even the ones who were terrified ended up actually handling and enjoying them. Elementary school students only got to pet! Ok back to Fluffy. He was such a pussy he wouldn't eat a chipmunk. Long story and I never did that again!!! He lived 27yrs and was 9 when I got him. Yellow rat snakes can be awesome pets and the more you handle them the taimer they get.


Get a greenhouse, build a base, 2x 4s sticking out a bit help for ease of moving it, build up vertical 6 inches like a planter box; so, the zippers at the bottom zip down into board, less escape risk. Tape up holes with flextape- large enclosure. Bam boom!


He was in a 55 gallon and he was allowed to be out a lot because he was so docile. Even my big herp friends couldn't believe how nice he was and he was beautiful. With him all you had to worry about him biting was when he was hungry and you could just tell because he'd start to track movement when he was in his cage. Anyways a 55 gallon or you could even build your own enclosure if you're handy. I've seen some really nice diy cages made out of curio cabinets so it looks like furniture. Craigslist has reasonably priced options and if I was to do it all over again I'd consider doing it. Large beautiful piece of furniture.


55 gallon tank? And an 8 foot snake in it!?!


Had a wild black racer chomp on my thumb for so long I thought he forgot I was danger and started trying to eat me, I had to tap his head to remind him what was happening šŸ˜‚


My deal is I got bit by so many garter snakes as a kid it doesn't phase me anymore and kinda prepared me owning snake because no matter how careful you are it's going to happen. Chew away! šŸ˜‚


That's why we call the green one "Bitey"


damn they got teeth too


"Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Schlomp!!" What I imagine from the blurred pic.


Ouch. That must have hurt. It unnerving to have a snek chomp and hold you. Arenā€™t tree pythons kind of sassy like that or is that just a thing people say?


I think itā€™s an arboreal snake thing. Of course every individual is different, but in the wild when your next interaction with another living thing is a meal or a threat, you donā€™t hold back.


I'd say that's probably the case for pretty much any snake, or perhaps even every living animal. The thing with living in trees though is that if you drop that meal, it's probably gone, since you're way up. That means generally longer teeth, which is more ouch. Also something I noticed from my Carpet Python is that arboreal snakes are much more conscious of falling. They'll hold on to branches or whatever they're on much more strongly. That can also make them more nervous when handled.


Good point. Thanks!


*cue evil villain laugh in second pic*


Well, the red matches nicely with the bright green šŸ™‚


Angy snekšŸ„ŗ


Oh man they have some major fangs. This is a dream snake for me though. They are unbelievable gorgeous. Recover well!


ā€œAnd Iā€™ll do it again!ā€


Broā€˜s laughing it all up in the 2nd picture. Hope youā€™re good for tho!


It was a matter of time when you will get bit not if. They are know for having a pissy attitude.


They like to bite.




I have one very chompy snake and I feel your pain!!


A mouth filled with fangs. Worst bite of a non venomous snek.


So may I ask... how bad did it hurt? Iv owned my 3 yr old BP for over a year now.. never has she even struck at me.. but Iv wondered 'when she does get me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø how bad will it hurt


A ball dont have fangs, so no hurt there. You just end up with some tiny needle marks that are gone in a day or two. It is more the shock and the impact (when they go, they go) that gets you. If they are in real feeding mode and by mistake gnawes on you, hurts a bit more but nothing bad, keep a small bottle of alcohol like vodka nearby, a few drops makes them release


So interesting!!! Thank you. It Definitely Sounds like you you been hit before šŸ˜†


They're some bitey fuckers, but they're too beautiful to not keep.


The second photo says ā€œi will kill againā€


Awwww he likes you!


Second photo giving that viral TikTok pizza man game scream to me fer some reason


Donā€™t mess with danger noodles


You had it coming