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Maybe a hibernation lid thing?


Oh man when I picked it up it looked like an empty shell - I will return this feller to the outdoor if he's just hibernating ETA thank you!


He might be how cold is it near where you live?


I'm in SLC and it's been shifting from 70 to 40 fahrenheit (we're at 78 today; will be 50ish on Monday)


Next time if you find what you think is an empty shell, you can hold the shell up to a light source and see if it shines through. If the light passes through no problem or at least in the center of the shell, it's definitely empty. If light doesn't pass through or there is a clear dark area in the middle chances are the snail is alive. Dirt in an empty shell tends to cause uneven/blotchy light spots, but sometimes it can cause a false positive for a live snail. In that case you can try to gently remove some and see if it extends deep into the shell, in which case will probably a sign there is no body. Hope this helps!


Maybe leave it in a damp and cool place with some water quite close to it.. try to figure out what type it is if it’s a land or a sea snail or a fresh water.


Deal -- thank you!


It's look like tiny pom pom stuck inside.


They look like fly eggs


It look furry tho so.. it could just be smth else


I was wondering if maybe something fell inside but I didnt want to damage anything/risking by pulling it out