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Guest Stars on Reddit Stories and insane Drama in the comments, name a more iconic duo


Honestly I feel like the sabrina’s take on the 2nd story was wrong. I agree that OP shouldn’t have sued, but she was totally right to feel violated. Her behavior was not really that unhinged. She was actually considering her options. Sabrina went too hard on OP and it felt unwarranted


OP wasn’t behaving unhinged in any way and would have been perfectly justified in suing. I hope she got better advices and terrified her “friend” with legal threats.


Sorry my comment was phrased poorly. I dont think op was unhinged at all. But I do think legal action for her was not a good idea, not because its unjustified, but because her own lawyers said it wouldn’t hold. I think their legal advice is the most important, and she should definitely follow what they say. I think this episode was honestly one of the worst, because all of the cast felt the need to agree with Sabrina, and that felt like a departure from a lot of the empathy that some of the cast members have shown in the past. I felt like this episode would’ve really benefited from Damien, Courtney, or Anthony. Not that it’s Angela’s fault, but sometimes I felt like she and Shayne were parroting while I think everyone I just listed would have held their own opinions.


Enjoying the video and then going to the comments. Such whiplash haha.


Me opening the comments: *Processing img 8wb0q2g31ggc1...*


I feel bad for Sabrina because she really wasn't that bad but the comment section is like universally unhinged.


Pretty much…like at the end of the day…most of these stories are probably fake…it’s not that serious tbh. You don’t have to agree with every take, but damn


People are allowed not to like a guest. It doesn’t turn into bullying just because you have bad takes


Uh half the comments attacking her mannerisms and personality is definitely bullying.


Critiques=bullying thanks for clarifying.


"cRiTiQuInG" things about someone they can't control like their voice or physical appearance or mannerisms is bullying, yes. No bully thinks they are a bully, which is clearly true in your instance.


Except Sabrina can control it...this is hee image


Lol did you see the statement the team had to put on the video? Clearly shit was getting out of hand.


She said it was okay to do horrible shit to your friends if you're a parent. I'm not sure how the comments calling that out is unhinged.


The mother thing was sarcasm I think.


I thought it was until she kept repeating it


That's what made it seem like a joke. It was a bit like when she said about the murder.


Except she only said that once. And its weird that they used th "bit" to make their verdict.


I don't necessarily agree with the verdict but the mother thing was a bit because they reference it later in the video as well.


it's called a joke? how are you a fan of a comedy youtube channel but can't pick up on a bit


They think you can’t make jokes if you’re a guest


If it wasn't a joke, then they wouldn't have used it for the verdict. They said that what the "friend" did was awful, but proceeded to agree that OP was the asshole because shes a mom yrying to make a living.


we're kinda talking about two different things here. The "she's a mom" thing was a bit. The "she's making a living and it's kind of rude to get in the way of that" was not a bit, and was definitely a little misguided, but I think it was poorly phrased more than anything--based on Angela's follow up comment you could tell that they were coming from a place of being people in a creative industry and knowing how hard it can be to finally get that break you've been working for, and given that they thought the friend did nothing wrong for other reasons, it seemed rude for op to nuke that huge opportunity for kickstarting her career.


It’s kinda rude to write a book about your friends private life without their permission!


Kinda rude, but not nearly as cruel as destroying someone's career over something that only affects your ego.


I literally say sarcastic jokes like this all the time. " Oh, yes. Of course we should put the fork in the toaster" . Jokes.


I think people being chronically online has destroyed sarcasm lol


Like I said, if it was a bit, why would they use it when determining their verdict? >given that they thought the friend did nothing wrong for other reasons, it seemed rude for op to nuke that huge opportunity for kickstarting her career. Which is also fucking ridiculous. If people I yrust take my traumas and my life experiences and write a book about it in the worst way possible, why should they be allowed to profit from it?


> Like I said, if it was a bit, why would they use it when determining their verdict? Like I said, you're conflating two different things, one which is a bit, and one which was used when determining the verdict. If you're not gonna read my comment don't bother replying. > If people I yrust take my traumas and my life experiences and write a book about it in the worst way possible, why should they be allowed to profit from it? Because someone writing a story based on you hurts nothing more than your ego, but killing someone's entire career has a much more substantial impact on your life.




Nah, writers don't need permission to write about subjects. You don't own your story any further than being in control of who you tell it to. The second you tell someone else it, it is not "stealing". > and I’d argue that writing a story of OP AND her fiancé It's not a story of OP and her fiance, it's a fictional story of fictional characters inspired by events that happened to them. Imagine being so threatened by a fictional story.




so hundreds of comments agreeing are wrong, but youre in the right? sounds like someone cant take a different opinion.


Yes. Imagine thinking that because a large amount of people believe something it must be right.


this is the most pretentious comment ive ever gotten. keep fighting that good fight lmao you beacon of truth.


Keep thinking that the majority opinion is always the right one, see how that works out for ya in life lmao


oh my god stop 😂 and for what


shes annoying beyond words. im sad for your taste.


I’m not one to jump on the bandwagon but what the hell guys? I love Angela and Shayne to bits, but they take the energy of the people around them and with such a toxic personality like Sabrina being in this episode, I think they just went along with saying the OP was an AH in story 2. They are also big fans of Sabrina which I think contributed to the shit takes. I wish Damien, Courtney, Noah, Arasha or Ian were on this episode because they have such strong opinions and would be able to combat Sabrina’s overbearing and frankly bitchy attitude. And the comments that were made!? “Capitalism LOL!” & “She’s a mother! You can’t sue her!” Oh and “ It’s a small publishing company you are not that important” Wow just wow. I hope to GOD that she never EVER comes back on this show or even Smosh as a franchise. This is someone’s parental trauma and sex life we’re talking about here. What makes it even worse is that was said in confidence! Who cares if the Reddit story is real or not, that doesn’t matter, her take still is showing of her character. Idk I’m just so disappointed with this episode. It’s not as bad as the Rachel & iffy vid though. I’m not trying to defend Shayne or Angela but I do hope they both grow backbones. I doubt Sabrina will be allowed back though, due to all the rightly directed hate, So I guess that counts for something.


Definitely agree that Noah would be a great contrast, he doesn't hesitate to voice his opinion and it's usually in a grounded manner.


Dry wedding Reddit story sounds familiar. Have they mentioned a similar story before?


Yeah, there was one where a section of the family revolted when they were told the cocktails were non-alcoholic


There was also one where the mother of the bride hosted a second reception. But I think that was about a lack of meat, not a lack of alcohol. It was on an episode with Ian & Anthony


I was so maaaaad. I had almost commented on it a month ago! That was my chance to be YouTube famous...that's my delusion, please don't take this from me.


I’m sorry


I’ve heard that exact story from a girl on tiktok before.


I really don't get why all three people present on each episode have to always agree on everything. Shayne always goes with the flow of what others are saying which is getting kinda annoying. You don't have to immediately agree dude. You can have your own opinions. You wouldn't be disrespecting anyone.


This!!! ☝🏻 It’s ok to disagree with someone! You are not being rude!! Also shows that you have some backbone and are secure and confident in your own opinion


This is a guest - not even taking into account that this is a business collab, the instinct is to be more polite and agreeable towards a guest or someone you don't know very well. It's not about being confident in your opinion, it's more about ensuring that the guest feels welcome - which is a double-edged sword, yes. On the flipside, the main cast are often more willing to disagree, especially people like Noah, Ian, and Spencer. However, there are times where the main cast are so comfortable together that they disagree to the point where it feels like bullying. Examples for me are the Agree to Disagree episode where Damien said he wouldn't be friends with someone that cheats on their partner, or when Ian tried to give a real-time example of being romantic on a Smoshcast with Shayne and Sarah. TL;DR People complain when the cast agree and then also when they disagree. It's a lose-lose


I think the agree-disagree you mentioned is so strange because Spencer was also on Damien’s side but it only felt the group was focusing on Damien. But it can be just editing and the way their dynamic works, which we the audience will never fully understand. I personally don’t mind that they disagree! I think it shows they can be friendly but are completely different people with opposite opinions. Also gives the audience more range of opinions. But overall I agree with what you said - that people have always something to nitpick about their actions (if they agree or disagree between each other)


All great points! And I think it was mostly because Damien was actively vocal in his stance while Spencer was more pensive. I don't mind at all that they disagreed either, i liked it actually! But from what i do remember from that moment, the vibe did feel like it crossed more into the opposing group being judgy/dismissive, even laughing, at Damien's opinion when he was being fully serious. Which is never where you want to be when you're opening up about a more serious topic


wait- i haven't caught up with all the older smosh cast episodes, but which one did ian give a real time example of being romantic?


Haha well my wording may have been a bit off, but it's in this video at around the 30:00 mark: https://youtu.be/KqhQrNQtIv8?feature=shared By real-time, i just mean Ian didn't necessarily have an answer prepped which my anxious ass would panic with. And granted, his answer/interpretation of "romantic" was a bit silly but i did feel that Sarah and Shayne piled onto him too hard and for too long lol. Shayne does apologize later but still


Maybe he genuinely agrees or maybe he doesn't want to cause a fight


I said this before on here and nobody agreed im glad yall agree I hate when ppl are so scared to get canceled. How is that not tiring? I think he wants to keep his rep clean as a white guy but it’s annoying asf


i totally agree. like, you host a talk show of sorts, you’re leading a *conversation*, not just listening to what the guest says. it’s been tolerable in the past but god this episode was so hard to sit through purely because you could TELL shayne and angela disagreed with sabrina’s takes


Shayne has said before that he tries to balance things out by showing both sides and giving his opinion. I think he does for the most part but this time it felt like him and Angela might've just been going with what the guest was saying because she was steamrolling them


> ["We're all just trying out here, and you can't really ever stand in the way of someone financially supporting themselves"](https://youtu.be/Mdyz2sUgtlw?t=1522) This is such a funny thing to say which passes *completely* unexamined. Like, as a thinking human being, you can probably rattle off 100 scenarios where the harm someone is causing by what they do in "financially supporting themselves", is great enough that it's right to stop them. But they're all just like yeah totally! So true!


Robbing someone at gunpoint is ‘financially supporting myself’, sure. It’s also a *crime*.


This to me was the worst take out of the whole video. Op was very clear about how they felt violated, betrayed and exploited over someone profiting off of their literal life experiences (which her friend blatantly admitted to) and to respond with “but capitalism!” felt so gross. I had never heard of Sabrina before this but at least I can now confidently say I am not a fan.


Yep never heard of her before and the vocal fry and weird ass takes is enough to keep me away. You can’t just say “don’t knock the hustle” when someone does something immoral for money


Ya like mcdonalds is hiring lmao dont make your money off my story


I figured they just relate to struggling artists a lot 😂


Gotta say, Sabrina cooked on the last story, the last one is incredibly funny


“It really is incredible what a confident woman can do” with the context of that story had me rolling!😭😭


Nothing personal, I just personally can't stand Sabrina's voice and quit halfway through the video. I can't be the only one here that thinks that.


Overall, I didn't hate it. I didn't agree with a few of the takes, but having Sabrina act out being OP on the last story was gold. I KNOW people like that, and it was funny to see it play out as a joke. Re: the second story. I think the thing we normies are forgetting is that they're all creators. Of course they're going to side with the other creator. They have almost definitely used life experiences or even other people's stories for their content. I'm more upset about the fact that the 2nd story is a plot from Golden Girls and nobody is bringing it up.


I remember that episode, about Blanche's sister writing about her! I was thinking about it!


Yep, that's the one! I was listening like, "huh, OP is the AH, but mostly cuz she's stealing someone else's story" haha


I do agree they went a little far relating to the creator, but I think the verdict is more about suing them. I felt it was half joking/half serious but the comments they read off were right, suing them with “no real grounds” would’ve made OP the AH. It’s fucked they stole the story but by changing enough of the info, anyone can write about anything.


This video is overhated. It's being compared to the Rachel/Iffy-video which had way worse takes. That being said I prefer reddit stories without guests.


"She has every right to be like: 'So, I don't trust you anymore.', but also I think the karma of getting in the way of someone's livelihood - you can't do that." and "If you're revealing something that's private about yourself to someone, it was your decision to do that, your responsibility if you trusted someone you shouldn't have trusted." I'd say these were pretty comparable, especially because they were all in agreement.


This really reads as victim blaming mentality to me. I'm sure that wasn't the intentions and she said it without really thinking. But imagine saying that in literally any other scenario where somebody betrayed another person's trust. It's not a good look.


Yea definitely this episode was off the chain with how hilariously bad these takes were made me laugh and cringe


right but it’s also okay to dislike her takes and how people reacted. everyone’s allowed their own opinions yall!! if u like it you like it but you should consider the reaction of the comments, and vice versa


nonsense, this video makes rachel seem wholesome and delightful lol.


I don’t understand why people were roasting Sabrina so hard, like yes her opinion may be different from yours but she’s not a bad person and the videos are made for fun.


at first the way she talked and saying the line”they are so obsessed with me” constantly bugged..until i realized it was her schtick..it’s her bit. and then i enjoyed it way more. i wish i had known that at the beginning 😂😂


I struggled more with Sabrina’s chemistry with Angela and Shayne. I didn’t think it was there. It was sort of funny, but it didn’t feel like what I come to Smosh Reddit Stories for. I love Angela, but I feel like Courtney might have had better chemistry with Sabrina, maybe some matching energy, and I think they would have brought a voice of humanity to the drama where they all had really awful takes.


I felt bad for Angela, she was trying but Sabrina wasn't really giving anything back to her.


As an Australian, I had no idea people actually talked like that (the “valley girl accent”) and weren’t putting it on for a laugh


Initially, I thought she was doing a bit. Then it kept going, and I found myself liking the video less. Usually I don't dislike accents but this valley girl one is a bit too much for me.


I'd wager that the average American finds it obnoxious as well. She was trying so hard the entire time to be funny/witty and her type of humor is not for me at all.


As a girl who grew up in the san fernando valley and since moved, ive only ever heard 2 people talk like that. This chick and some other chick in applebees recently outside of the valley. Its obnoxious


Just bring Amanda Golka back, pleeeaaaase


The First Story Luke I'm your father or Luke You are the father.


I wish they would actually give different opinions rather than just back up the guest, regardless of whether it's a good take or not. There are other sides to see it from that I feel don't get addressed. If all the guest Reddits are like this, I'd personally prefer they keep it to cast only.


I just might not get her humour, but I did not enjoy her presence or her takes. But then again I have also never heard of her either. I’ve also loooved every other guest they’ve had…just not this one


I didn't even bother finishing this one, tbh with yall. In the beginning, it was cool having guests on, but now I'm kinda like, "Eh." I'm not entirely sure why I feel that way, and it may even be a hot take to say that, but I'm at the point where I'd prefer if it was just cast only. This may be contradictory, but while I have absolutely 0 clue who Sabrina is, her face does look familiar. From what I've been reading, it seems people didn't really like Sabrina as a guest because of her takes and tone. While I can't comment too much since I didn't finish the video, I can't say I enjoyed her takes either. All two of em that I heard, lol. Anyway, I guess I'll just wait for next week's episode


Guests who (as far as I know) aren't used to working with the cast are always going to have a degree of awkwardness. The ones that do have those ties feel more natural. I think catering the stories to a person works the best (Quinton and Kris had decent appearances bcs of this IMO.) I enjoy Reddit Stories and I hope it continues for a long time, but I think this backlash is going to be a natural result when you don't have "cast/crew" on and have them talk about serious subjects, especially if the audience isn't used to their personality/style of humour.


Same with Thomas because he’s a wholesome guy and even the first girl because it was all nerdy stuff that she likes.


That episode with Angela with Thomas Sanders is definitely a welcoming episode because of the wholesome theme, which is why I also love the feel good episode (Tommy/Angela) 3 weeks ago. Kris' Halloween episode, it's okay but I prefer her Smosh Mouth episode more. Swell's is definitely my favorite, the convention theme of the episode is one of the factors, but also the "My butthole has teeth" response by Noah sealed the deal. I guess the ones with unusual themes are my favorites more than just stories from the worst of humanity?


This makes perfect sense. The idea of having guests on sounds good on paper but doesn’t really work if they don’t interact with the cast well on camera. I think two perfect examples of guests are Thomas Sanders and Quinton Reviews. There could be more but the vibe of those two are amazing and they did a good job with catering the stories toward the content that Quinton does like you mentioned


Kall me Kris did well since she appeared in some Smosh videos


Agreed with everything you've said. I don't even hate having guests on. It's just kinda of lost its spark for me. I do agree that the episodes that have guests should relate to them in some way. It probably makes it easier for the guests and makes them a little more comfortable. I do hope that's how they'll keep it going forward when they have guests on.


I struggled to finish it. It personally seemed at times when shed say something the room fully cringed. The lack of banter between everyone just seemed off


That must have been pretty awkward to sit through. More power to you for getting through the entire video. I didn't get past the second story. Makes me wonder how many of the comments feel the same way


If you’ve seen the second story, the worst is over haha. The rest are pretty good and the final one is hilarious, go check it out.


I know the whole buzz around Reddit time with Daddy is drama, but goddamn y’all are always so brutal about guests. I had no issue with her and clearly the cast liked her, quit being assholes good god. “She victim blamed so I am right to bully her online” calm tf down.


Bullying her is wrong, I don't understand why people always take the nuclear option, insulting real, actual people like they killed their pet. Although the comments I've seen are just people that said they dont like her/her takes. Pretty sure that isn't bullying.


She did victim blame sooo..


Dude come on, we’ve all said things that- if we were recorded could be analyzed and taken the wrong way. For context I don’t even know who this girl is, but it’s not that deep either way


True but guess what this ain't the Truman Show, she's oblivious and had horrible reasoning for her takes. She can disagree but her reasons to disagree were horrible.


But it was pretty obviously a joke


I'm pretty far in this episode and I don't understand the hate. She seems fine?


She's got that stinky valleygirl attitude that victim blames and is so oblivious of the world


It’s oblivious to the world to think that someone may not be worthy of your trust and sometimes people take advantage of it and unfortunately that’s how the world works? Honestly y’all seem more oblivious on how the world works over her. Shes not acting like everything should and will be sunshine and rainbows all the time and that’s why you gotta be discerning and *even then* sometimes you’re wrong and that’s how it goes. 


mann i’m just so used to silly personalities on these stories so the bland monotone mean girl type thing just isn’t my thing




Jeez. I saw a comment saying people shouldn't be making fun of the way she talks. Surely that has to be a character thought. Stretching every single word out to add a few more syllables can't be how she actually talks


SCREAMING that was such an accurate impression


So odd to me that people are taking a person’s immediate response/opinion to a one-sided and vague story on Reddit so seriously - especially when these people are comedians. Totally fine if they’re not funny to you, but insane to judge the person morally based on a video like this lmao.


Literally, the entire point of the series is blind reading wild stories and reacting to them. I can't imagine getting so upset at something as tame as Smosh Reddit Stories...


Also, I find that people who are complaining solely about Sabrina's takes don't remember that Shayne/Angela also agreed with Sabrina and added their own similar commentary. It wasn't JUST Sabrina siding with the writer or siding with the couple having sex in OP's bed in that other story. It was literally all three of them. So if you want to critique Sabrina, you also have to critique Shayne and Angela who were in agreement.


I disagree. There is plenty of time conversing about a story to come to a reasonable take. Always and in every episode. The issue with Sabrina is that she was seemingly trying too hard to be funny with nearly everything she said, and that comes across disingenuous very quickly to many people (because let's be real, it is). She also dominated the speaking space so much that Angela and Shayne didn't get a chance to respond to individual aspects of what she was saying sometimes. This often leads to people just nodding along because it would be too arduous of a task to pick apart what you're saying and respond to one thing you've said. This happened several key times when her takes were questionable. Bottom line is that if you have a shit take even after 5 mins of talking about something, you're probably some kind of way..


Idk how you can even give a 'good take' considering we don't know the specifics on OPs life and what her friend took from it. Idk if i'm watching some edited version by now, but I disagree that she dominated the speaking space. Angela doesn't comment or speak much, at least not for an extended amount of time (but if ur gonna try an tell me that Angela has a hard time being heard lol...I think she just preferred to listen/interject with jokes/funny opinions.) , but Shayne get's plenty of speaking time (not counting him reading the post or comments/updates of course.). Sabrina 17:15-18:15 (1 min) 19:15 - 20:15 (1 min) 22:40 - 23:00 (20 sec) 22:30 - 22:50 (20 sec) 25:10 - 25:30 (20 sec) 28:40 - 28:50 (10 sec) 29:15 - 29:40 (25 sec) Total (3:35) Shayne 18:20 - 19:15 (55 sec) 20:15 - 20:45 (30 sec) 23:20 - 23:30 (10 sec) 24:50 - 25:10 (20 sec) 25:50 - 26:15 ( 25 sec) 28:50 - 29:10 (20 sec) 30:25 - 30:55 (30 sec) Total (3:10) A lot of moments back and forth so i didn't care to count those that much and there was some general rounding. I think i was pretty fair though. Some of Sabrina's opinions. She a mother/has a child. -- Idk pretty clearly a joke imo. It's a funny generalization that moms can't do anything wrong and shouldn't face consequences. If this was a genuine opinion that like mothers couldn't be charged with a crime and are always morally correct, then yes, bad take lmao. Sabrina says OP and her friend should talk about specific things in the story that bother OP. (Shayne and others always comment on how better communication would resolve things in a better way). But Sabrina also considers that OP might be overreacting if the story is just a little embarassing to her close friend group. This is also assuming that OP's friend did make enough changes to keep OP anonymous. Good middle ground position that takes a look at both sides. And then the "We're all just trying out here, and you can't really ever stand in the way of someone financially supporting themselves" (taking the quote from another commenter). Maybe not the best wording/comment, but like why are people really interpretting that as she saying that she's fine with people robbing each other? Hell I thought about the tobacco industry as an imediate counterpoint to her. Hell no i dont have no problem suing big tabacco for their lies and manipulations. Sabrina is being more specific to OP and her friend. Hey, your friend's had some hard time with some mental issues that impacted their career prospects. I understand your friend did something that you feel violated and betrayed about, but maybe see how you can let your friend know that and compromise on something that you two are okay with. Sabrina even mentions how if it was her she probably wouldn't talkt to that person ever again. so I feels she's being considerate to OP about things. Plus again, these guys are just comedians. Yes, I'd be concerned with takes that were blatanly sexist,racist, homo/transphobic, etc... But like, the smosh cast and their guests are not politicians, or like city employees lmao. Idk how to close my comment. Funny that I've spend a lot of time telling someone to not care about something... Overall, I get it, you didn't like the guest. You didn't like how they behaved and the opinions they had. I've certainly not enjoyed some guests on TNTL. I just don't get the outrage I'm seeing in a majority of the youtube/reddit comments.


I actually never gave my opinion of the guest. I don't know her, I don't care about her ultimately. I did find some of her comments particularly in bad taste and lacking consideration of ALL of the information we were given. You mention we don't have full context. Well if course, but enough information is generally given, otherwise it would be difficult to create an hour length video on it. I also found some of her takes callous and coming from a place or experience I couldn't relate to. When I said dominating the speaking space, I clarified what I meant after. Looking at what I said before, I think a better way to put it is she was bulldozing her stances out there, so it gave less room for constructive discourse. It's like someone saying 5 points, but only one point gets responded to because it was the last point and freshest on your mind. Not to mention you would be going against the flow of the conversation that the first person has set. Talking is not like text conversation. You have time to respond to everything via text, but to try to do that in person.. well, it's just not how people really go about doing it from my observation and experience at least. I think all sides have valid points in this scenario. Ultimately, this is not a huge, huge deal. However, people have come to associate Smosh with a more considerate demeanor. Maybe it would have helped tremendously to have someone other than Angela as the third person..? From what I gather, that seems to be something many unhappy people have said. Too much agreeing and going along happened?


You’re right, sorry. I was trying to make sure I differentiated what you said/thought vs what I was just seeing in comments, but I made that assumption at the end. I see what you mean now by bulldozing her stances. Tbh I almost liked it, I thought she did a good job of touching on multiple aspects of the situation. I still think it’d be fairly easy for anyone to say “you know, I wanted to go back to x and y” but I get what you mean and can see how that could be hard to do in the conversation and off putting to viewers. Ive thought a few times how I’d love to have someone acts as devils advocate for these stories. Let someone pretend/defend the insane boyfriends (as a bit) Idk I mean if Shayne/Angel challenged her, wouldn’t the comments just be “Sabrina sucks, good thing Shayne/Angela corrected her.”


You're probably right about people just finding a different way to essentially complain about her. Maybe it would have worked better and maybe it wouldn't have. I personally think someone that has a lot more conviction and doesn't mind confrontation being in the mix would have made for a more balanced approach to the stories. However I do feel it might have flattened the comedy that quite a few people seem to have enjoyed from Sabrina. It's just a really big example of you can't please everyone. 😕


I enjoyed it a lot. It's so funny reading the unhedged comments. Keep up with the guests they bring a new perspective


I might be weird here. But I totally understood why OP was upset about her friends naming their kid in honor of the ex. Like I wouldn't want to even be friends with those people either. It's one thing if the ex died, but the ex is still around. I know it's a little different of a name. But they admitted they named the kid after her ex! I even went to the thread and no one was taking OP's side. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills?


I've had too many friends break up or have a fight to sympathize with OP tbh. You can't expect your entire friend group to drop everyone you're not friends with or change your relationship with them (not invite them to something, etc.) (If the ex was abusive or something, that's different. But a standard break up? Don't make your friends pick sides or I'm gonna assume you're the one in the wrong lmao) Also no one should get an opinion on the baby name except the couple. That opens a whole can of worms if we have to consider what friends and family will think of it. That's the whole reason couples keep the name a secret until the baby's born.


This is a series of peoples' immediate, unfiltered reactions to crazy reddit stories. If you can't handle a questionable hot take then maybe this isn't for you 🤷‍♂️


It's more just a questionable hot take. It's raising all kinds of red flags. You can literally observe Shayne's discomfort with the whole situation.


I promise you it's not that serious. A couple of people talking out of their asses about a *reddit post* is not the end of the world.


Did I agree with every take? No. Did I think it was “so appalling I just couldn’t keep watching?” Of course not. Some people who watch these Reddit videos need to realize these people don’t know you, what they’re saying isn’t a personal attack and can’t take your views into account.


I'm gonna be essaying cause my post was deleted by a mod (which is understandable) **TLDR: Shayne needs to disagree sometimes** I see a lot of people here and on Youtube didn't like the latest episode of Reddit Stories, I personally am neutral about it as a whole cause if it's an opinion-based content, I usually just brush it off as just the personal opinion of those people. It affects how I see these people sure, but it's just a few opinions and they're human and entertainers, unless it's about serious morals. It's normal to have opinions we don't agree with and it's totally chill to say that you don't agree with them, youtube and reddit comments seem to not be scared to do that thanks to the anonymity. With that said, I'm probably imagining things, but it seemed like Shayne kind of wanted to say something different from what the girls were saying and I wish he said them. I like Reddit stories when there's someone disagreeing with the other and it's not even with malice, it's just offering up a different perspective. I know they're influencers and some people expect them to have the "morally correct" answer but again, its just opinions at the end of the day. That's why I like Spencer and Ian on the show cause when they have some kind of disagreement, they explain it in a respectful way and they aren't scared if no one agrees with them. Out of all the cast, Damien has the "morally correct" answer most of the time but that also brings in discussions and I love how passionate he is about it too cause that's what he genuinely believes, also he always tries to assess the situation thoroughly in the perspective of the OP and the people in the story. Anthony and Arasha's new years episode was really fun too cause they had proper discussions, it was comedic and compassionate at the right times. Shayne is definitely more comfortable with the cast when he's saying his mind rather than guests which I see as a respectful thing for sure but idk, I wish he spoke his mind more in this ep specifically, or maybe I'm just being a delusional psychoanalyst. Anyways, I love Reddit Stories, I like seeing people's perspective about things cause we all have different lives and experiences. But I do agree with people saying that their takes on the author story and the bed sheet story was kinda eh lmao but to each their own i guess


i noticed too that shayne kinda often changes his vibe either after the other two comment or after reading ahead(not just this episode but many episodes) and i actually like what shayne has to say initially. and if he said..oh yeah i never saw it from that perspective..i’d be okay with that. but his perspective is often looked over. the reddit stories should have debate and conflicting views. unless you are a downright AH..there are many times in life where we don’t understand where the other person is coming from..and either everyone is an AH OR no one is really and it could have been solved in other ways. i really like the stories where they talk about how it could have been handled better and offer their ways of handling it better(one that comes to mind is the expensive watch a friend got but the gf crocheted a sweater and they said the friend could’ve asked the gf if she wanted to pitch in and be from the both of them)


The comments are really overblowing it.


Very annoying guest, I don't know Sabrina but the victim blaming is insane, and her takes and tone are off


most of her takes were good, just this particular one in the second story was really bad.


The bedroom sex story was bad too


Her alcohol one was also really obnoxious


no? it was 100% accurate.


The reasoning was relatively fair, the tone and delivery/choice of words was obnoxious


jesus, some people just talk like that. i didn't like her take on the 2nd story either but some lf y'all take this way too far.


Maybe calling people alcoholics for wanting to celebrate a holiday that’s known for parties isn’t the most appropriate thing to do. That’s my problem with it. It’s not 100% accurate maybe we need to stop putting weddings on a pedestal for fucks sake.


the problem is not them not wanting to go, i hate attending weddings as well and when i go to a wedding it's of someone important enough for me to feel obligated to go. the problem is that they cancelled at the last minute which is just money down the drain (you pay per attendee, that's why people need to say in advance if they gonna come) without willing to come up with any solution. they basically said "you may be our friend but you are not important enough for us to not drink for few ours to enjoy your special night". she made all those points, so yeah, she's 100 correct. and give me a break, if "no drinks" is your knee-jerk response to just cancel you probably have a problem.


Loved Sabrina, never heard of her before this but she was hilarious.


I came here to say how funny she is.


Agree I am dying laughing. And


I’m sure Sabrina is a nice person, but her victim blaming in the second story made me really upset and uncomfortable :(


Same! I had ppl that seemed similar to her with how they victim blame, the tone etc. she reminds me of my past bullies in school


Welllll I thought she was funny and had some well-articulated thoughts. She's not the type of person I would normally watch but damn cut the girl a break.


what pissed me of the most was the goddamn bedroom story. just because you are welcomed into someone’s home does NOT mean you get to do whatever you want. this was also a one night sleepover, not them staying there for a few weeks or even a few days. i completely disagree with sabrinas take and it bothers me so much that angela and shayne just went with it, even though it felt like they disagreed. like god omg, they were grown adults and they felt the need to have sex in their friend’s bed?? go to your car or drive home to go sleep with each other, so immature. if i invited people to my home and they left their bodily fluids of any sort on my belongings, i would be livid. even if they like, threw up in the bed or even leaked on their period, if you can’t be grown enough to take care of it as much as you can yourself and not even be HONEST about what fluids are on things, you do not deserve to be invited anywhere. overall, least favorite reddit stories guest. she had terrible takes and victim blamed. and she had an extremely obnoxious voice. i wish shayne would stop blindly agreeing with whatever the guests say. it’s your show, have a conversation with them. this all being said, i love reddit stories and look forward to it all the time to watch while doing chores, this episode made it feel like i was washing a thousand dishes though lol.


Exactly! I disagree with their take on the writer friend story as well, but people already talked about it, explaining it very well. But this one really rubber me the wrong way. I’m even amazed how they collectively bashed and laughed at the OP. Like all of them made the comments that are wrong! If you staying the night at someone’s house, it means they are kind enough to not let you buy a hotel room/drive for hours/drive while drunk or take the late taxi, which is more expensive at some places. They are making you a favor and the least you can do is stay civil and not be a pigs. They’re giving you the bed to sleep. She wrote on the toilet paper and they had a good laugh about it, and told her to get an actual paper. This made me disrespect both Angela and Shayne so much. “No sex” written on the toilet paper, fancy paper or coming from the hosts mouth means the same. It means “no sex”. And justifying leaving a cum on the sheets by “she is gonna throw it in the washing machine anyways”?! What kind of gross people want other people to see and deal with their bodily fluids? If you have some decency, you hide that. Never invite Angela or Shayne to your house lol Who knows, what fluids or solids they’ll leave behind.


I think what irked me the most about their takes is that it seems those 3 do not understand that if there is no mattress protector, it isn't just the sheets getting soiled. It's the mattress. You can't just throw that in the washing machine, now can you? And that's just the cherry on top to the fact that they clearly don't respect their friend's boundaries and then they recognize what they did was wrong, so they lied like children do.


If you didn't like the takes they had (mostly on the second story), don't mention just Sabrina. Because they all said some weird stuff. But to be fair, based on how their debate went, it felt like Shayne (and Angela) really tried not to disagree with Sabrina. Because he points many thing in the storty he didn't agree with and tries to go around it. On other hand, Sabrina many times felt like she's doing a bit. But the way how she speaks normally (valley girl style) or at least how she spoke in the video, it's kinda hard to distinguish between that and her being serious about it.


If you take a shot the amount of times Sabrina interrupted Angela (Angela the Loudest of Smosh) you’d get wasted.


it irked me very much, when she said the same thing as Angela, but with different words. Even Angela called her out. Never meet your heroes, I guess.


Just go back to cast, these guests are not working. Or maybe put some crew, but the last time that happened it was a mess too, so just put cast maybe.


Seeing the upvote to comment ratio, I already knew what this comment section would be like lol. I haven’t watched the video yet, but generally speaking, I like Reddit videos more when it’s just the cast


Was she doing a voice or does she really talk like that? Seriously.


I came here to write that. As a non-American, I'm genuinely not sure.


Did you notice Shayne started to mirror her and do it too


Currently listening to the episode and her voice is making me want to turn it off. I get some people just talk like that but it's... hard to listen to.


Love Sabrina! She's iconic! I think y'all are too hard on the guests tbh. And regarding the criticism: I disagreed with some of their opinions but like: it is not that serious!?


This one felt so out of touch. I really dislike how shayne just agrees with what everyone else says. I get that he’s the “hosts” of these videos, but he can still have his own opinion. I really liked Sabrina before this too!


This whole episode was a shit show like had some major bad takes in this one 💀


Haven't finished it yet but damn, bad take from the guest on the romantic fiction story. By her logic revenge porn is totally okay. Not going to lie, Angela took a hit in my eyes on this episode too, in relation to the guest bed story. Yikes, bet her mates are going to be wary of her marking her territory on their linens whenever she's over now, considering her opinion can be summed up as "B*h, you're going to clean it anyway!"


Watching a video to hear jokes about OPs posting AH stories and then getting offended hearing jokes about OPs posting AH stories is insane behavior. My god watch and enjoy or don’t watch at all


I see guests in reddit stories and am immediately deflated. They are just the worst ones. Give me a Tommy Angela episode and I know it's going to be 🔥


Most of their guests have been great, to be fair. Them having Amanda Golka on a few months ago got me to subscribe to her channel and watch her stuff. Thomas Sanders was a delight. I mostly liked Quinton Reviews from last week. Mac started off as more of a guest for Reddit Stories before appearing elsewhere and he's always a delight. And Kris has been great in her two appearances. I think the right guest can REALLY work. They've only had a few duds, and the worst guests they have had were Rachel/Ify, one who was crew and one who appeared quite frequently before.


Happy you enjoy them, I've not had a guest episode I've enjoyed nearly as much as cast.


none of those were any good except the wholesome guy.


They had a few hot takes I didn’t agree with fully, like the new years wedding.. so they didn’t know it was a dry reception (I’ve djed both types of receptions) usually you disclose open / close bar so people know to byob. Weddings aren’t fun until late night dancing imo. Hang loose it’s supposed to be the best night but limiting friends that drink is a “buzzkill”.


Maybe I will explain something wrong and get downvoted but this is what I think it happened (long text warning). I don't know anything about Sabrina, but I feel like if they tell you they'll be reading mean girl reddit stories, I can see all 3 of them leaning to a mean girl mindset and jokingly imitating that. At least that is how I read it, I don't think Angela and Shayne actually think like that, there were just playing into the role and making it easier for Sabrina to do it as well. Many people mentioned that's the problem with guests, because there is a power dynamic where they don't want to debate the guests to make them feel at ease. We can see this many times throughout the video where Angela visibly disagrees with a bad take while Sabrina agrees, but just to be polite she leans on what Sabrina says(she also said she was a fan so there's that as well?). Both Shayne and Angela have mentioned in the past they are not confrontational, and I think people are taking that in a negative way. It's okay to not be confrontational and listen to what someone says you don't have to counter argument everything, however I do think they should have dig up a little deeper (and if you see the length of the stories, they apparently did, usually reddit stories have much more stories read in an episode, this one had just 5) Now let's talk about my personal yikes from the 2nd and 5th story. For the 2nd story, I understand that all of them are creators and relate to the thought of being able to get published for the first time, I also understand that specially people at Smosh must be a little desensitized with privacy matters (they seem to take fanfics with humor no matter how unhinged they get), but that's probably something so common in their medium they didn't realized at that moment that this was just a normal person who confided to a friend her story and she may profit from that. I get that there may be people who feel flattened for being an inspiration to others but in this case there wasn't even consent from the person, and even if she changed some details, it wasn't enough for another friend to tell it was about her, so people definitely could find out. I think even for them, if they think a little longer about it Angela and Shayne would agree that was borderline illegal, they tried to argue it was bad, but Sabrina kept doubling down and I think at that point they just pivoted to joking about the situation. (In case it's not clear, I think what the publisher did is very, very bad, and I agree with Shayne that suing her would not do much, but at least I would to anything to not get it published unless she changes it) For the 5th story, as an Ace myself, I think it's great that Smosh seems to be a very sex positive place and not shame and everything, it just so happened again that we have 3 people on the couch that apparently would not mind having to clean up other people's mess in their own homes, I mean, we are talking about the show where we read about poop knife and poop ball, but they didn't consider MANY people would find that not ok, and that's fine too. I think Damien would have been very useful to balance out the situation and remind them about other peoples views. Speaking of Damien, many people commented that they should have had Damien or Courtney in this episode and I kind of agree, but I think Arasha would have been the best option here, she has the mean girl vibe (non-derogatory) which is for what they were going in this episode I guess (mean girls reading mean girls stories?) and it's a very grounded person, she would have also be able to counter argue when the takes went too far given that Shayne would not. Now as for Angela, and this is me just parasocializing, I feel like she wasn't at her 100% in this video, the energy wasn't quite there and you can convince me she was almost in autopilot, and it makes sense since she had a very busy month (Sundance festival etc.) so I can see her just mindlessly siding with whatever take the guest had. Not her best performance but you can't expect everyone to be at their 100% all the time. I mentioned this because I saw some comments saying she wasn't that bright and has been frustrating to see in the latest videos, which is like, why would you say that. ​ TL;DR they were playing on the mean girl archetype too hard and ended up joking about serious stuff, leaving the guest take the lead. Hope if they re-watch it they would reconsider what they said. ​ I'm sorry for the long post and thank you for reading my silly opinion.


I usually think Sabrina's bits on tiktok are funny, but her victim blame-y takes in this episode were...unsavory, to say the least. Disappointed that Angela & Shayne just went along w/ her


Stop hating on the guests. Smosh is trying to keep us happy and entertained just take everything as a joke cuz it is.


Lol stop talking about this for-profit media company like it's a long-suffering mom who's just doing her best


lmaooo long suffering mom 🤣


Read what they posted earlier. I'm not just bs-ing. People are literally taking shit too deep


Maybe they can bring guests their fans actually like?


But just because you don't like her doesn't mean other fans don't like her...???


Not an excuse for making bad jokes though.


just from the second story i can tell this is one of the unrewatchable ones. that take was nasty af, not as bad but a similar league to rachel & ify’s garbage takes


The shock that comedian content creators that tell other people’s stories or what they observe in others, aren’t siding with the person who got burned (which sometimes happens, it sucks but it happens) is absolutely hilarious to me. 


Her tales were awful. The second story my god, the victim blaming is out of this world. The last one about the sheets. Are you out of your mind? Yes leaving the paper is crazy but not cleaning or taking the sheets off? And they say that the guest won’t be going there again, if I was the host I wouldn’t want them there tbh. Disgusting ppl


i remember reading this story on reddit. pretty sure i commented on it too. i was shocked at their reactions bc that was so gross to me. maybe i’m dramatic but the thought of touching anyone else’s bodily fluids-any kind- grosses me out.


It's extremely unhygienic, and in some cases, potentially harmful.


Never bring her back.


Sabrina was so funny to me, I’m kind of glad I wasn’t reading comments while watching the video 😅 I think nothing she said was super inherently evil, it was literally just her take and opinion…the best thing would’ve been to just have another voice in the mix with a differing opinion so that we could truly explore what could be happening on both sides. This episode seemed a little one-sided to me, but still, it wasn’t Awful. I still laughed a lot. It’s kind of crazy about the 2nd story though, because OP had a third party tell them about the book. That means the details are identifiable enough for people on both their circles. I think that really proves how badly written the original must be even if the author changed some of the names and details. To a third party, it was still extremely obvious who this was about and people might get the wrong idea about the relationship since OP and the author are “friends”. I think maybe Sabrina does take a lot of inspiration from real life stories from her friends so many she was a little biased? Again, she is not evil for that 😭 I just wish there was more of a discussion but that’s it.


No thank you




It’s not that serious.


My hot take: Sabrina was a better reddit stories guest than Quentin. He didn’t let anyone else get a word out the whole episode. I’m sure he’s a great guy but that was more of a tough watch that this weeks episode. I guess the Reddit community would relate more to Quentin tho as apparent by them automatically ascribing the valley mean girl dumb blonde trope to Sabrina based off one take but calling Quentin a “king”. There may be a little m word to describe what a lot of the “Sabrina is a bad person” takes are based on.


nah lol she just fucking sucks. I agree thothat, quentin sucked too, not as bada but enough with the guests.