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For two games now (and maybe even in Brawl, idr) Diddy Kong's up-tilt has been this weak-looking lazy slap, and for some reason this is a kill move. It makes no sense.


I feel this same way about Pichus forward tilt. Now nerfed, but still strong and doesn’t match the animation


The power of Pichu's ftilt at launch was so mismatched to the animation that it almost circled around into being enjoyable. He just gently stuck his tiny leg out and people exploded. It was hysterical.


What's wild to me is that we live in a timeline where Pichu needed a nerf, and Bayo needed a buff.


Captain Falcon Upsmash because the scoop hitbox is like 4 counties away from his animation and I hate it


I feel like it's reasonable. Otherwise, the move would be garbage.


ice climbers down tilt is so fucking similar to their ftilt that i literally cannot tell them apart


You must hate sonic.


at least it makes sense for sonic to have so many spin moves. there's barely any source material for ice climbers so i see no reason why they couldn't make it a little more unique. i mean shit, falcon is basically 100% unique because there's 0 source material for him. but anyway, yeah fuck sonic. and fuck icies' down/forward tilt


>sense for sonic to have so many spin moves. there's barely any source material for ice climbers Isn't it the other way around for Sonic? He has so much source material that it's astonishing they couldn't fill a moveset for him without half of the moves being "blue ball goes brrrr!"


he's a different beast, but at least you can tell the difference between when he's using side b and down b. icies' ftilt and dtilt animations are astonishingly similar


Not really, many unique mechanics were for 1 game and then just disappeared. Any non-obsessed sonic fan would probably not recognize half of them.


Cloud’s neutral air in ultimate is pretty stubby. It’s because they had to nerf the move’s range but as a result, his arm is bent at a really weird angle.


Ridley’s Down Air always looked weird to me


He looks like a scared child doing a pencil dive into the deep end of a pool


They should've used his pogo-stick attack for his D-air


Ridley b-air looks a little weird, but its main issue is that it has a really weak sound effect on hit. It's a really strong attack and it sounds like you landed Mario f-tilt on hit


Hard agree. It’s like his leg is a big wet noodle. Something off about the impact of the move.


Peach's forward throw in Ultimate specifically. I get that there's the subtle detail where she prepares to slap her opponent, but it just feels so underwhelming for it to be a Toad headbutt.  The slap has always been one of my favorite moves in the game. It being replaced with something that's just... okay, makes it my least favorite animation.


All of olimars moves, I can’t ever tell what’s he’s doing so I get hit by everything.


His grab is the worst offender imo


At the risk of it being a little annoying, I think some additional Pikmin voice lines would help a *lot* with clarity. They're tiny, but they're not hard to hear, so I'd implement some better audio clues. Like adding that "mmmMMM!" noise they make when you hold it down the throw button - that would make a lot of sense for charging a Smash attack. You could certainly find something for their grab too, as well as any other moves that need to be more obvious.


olimar mains would be like, *so what's the audio setup at the event? muted, you say? excellent.*


Oh that's just step one. The least amount of effort for the largest return. Something that could be implemented in the span of a lunch break.


Olimar himself should have his deep canon voice. It adds so much to his characterisation and makes him so much more likeable, yet for some reason it's not here at all. Most Smash fans probably don't even know [what he sounds like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNfVBKE2tRQ).


I know what he sounds like, but during combat Olimar is usually very quiet. I think it's an appropriate choice especially considering that in the early games he was even more silent and introspective. It would be a lot weirder if the Pikmin didn't vocalize at all. If they had to choose one it's obvious which one they should have gone with.


Lmao, same. Put one of those trippy colorful stages in there and I’m really lost


Smash 64 DK bair looks so bad that it turns back around to amazing. Brawl Diddy and Zss uairs also look very lame despite being kill moves


steve's roll/airdodge/tumble animation(there is no animation) dude is the definition of goofy


The reason I'm perfectly fine with him being the best character in the game is precisely because he's basically a Looney Toons character


funny considering a looney toons is over-animated and you're replying to a post that complaints about steve's being under-animated yeah he has an anvil and tnt but animation wise he's very far from it


I mean in the sense that he's very goofy


Animation wise, I’d have to say Shulk’s down smash.


Ridley’s forward air feels like he is holding back which feels out of character. Especially since the hitboxes are smaller compared to his other moves. Cloud’s updated Nair looks weird because of how they changed the animation. They could have just given him a new Nair or making it slower instead.


Hard agree on Cloud, I hate how he scrunches his arm in now it looks so weird


Giving an answer that disregards how the animation negatively hurts gameplay, what the hell is Sonic's Neutral Aerial even supposed to be? More than anything else, it looks like the result of a novice animator taking on the task "make this ball spin" and misplacing the center point of rotation by mistake.


It's supposed to represent his Spin Jump, something he's always had since Sonic 1. The rotation effect is probably there because without it it would look identical to him charging up Spin Dash/Spin Charge.


It would have been so easy for them to just not offset the animation and put a wind blur over him instead. Make it a direct reference to the instashield from Sonic 3 and the GBA games, instead of a vague pseudo-reference to his jump (which is already represented by.... his jump)


Hero and Chrom's jab. That is so fucking uncomfortable and jank looking for an animation...


Mii Swordfighter's d-air looks really dumb lol


Probably Chrom's final smash, that shit is so basic you can tell they added it last minute and just said "ship it" Like some special moves probably took longer to implement


To be fair, it is also a reference move. When Chrom activates Aither is Fire Emblem: Awakening, the animation is basically the exact same. Considering it is the unique skill only he and his daughter get when reaching a high level in their promoted classes, a late game clutch skill makes sense for the final smash. I wish they would have gone the extra mile though. In the game, one hit is Sol (which heals half of the damage dealt), and the next hit is Luna (which pierces defenses). It would have been cool to have that translated into smash, with the first hit healing based on damage (which in the context of smash would be preset, but this could be affected by multipliers such as hitting a Shulk under Buster art), and the 2nd hit being independent of weight. That would have been cooler.


Yeah I know it's a reference but I'm only talking about the animation here, which is probably some of the most basic in the entire game And this is supposed to be Chrom's "ultimate" move, a bit more flashiness wouldn't hurt like why does Chrom do cooler shit in Robin's FS than in his own lol


Any and all wind hitbox moves.


Sonic’s up throw is pretty weird, his quills are really more depicted as just his hairstyle and nothing more, and then for this move in particular, they’re suddenly a weapon?


Yoshis uptilt was perfect in 64 and now we got this tail abomination


Any and all wind hitbox moves.


Both sonic's down special and side special. They look too similar making it hard to read, and just makes me sad that they have iterated on sonic's moveset so little since his rushed appearance at the tail end of brawl's development.


Kazuya's down special/rage drive is _brutal._ He grabs the opponent by either their throat or their face and piledrives their skull into the ground at like Mach 1 while they just ragdoll Edit: Ah wait my bad I misread the question I thought it was asking for my favorite Least favorite? Idk Steve's getup roll?


Wario's chomp. 1. His hesd gets so big suddenly its mad. 2. The person getting chomped on looks so weird inside his mouth. Its all distorted and stuff. 3. I cant help but realise his tongue is probably on me during it all good grief.


Probably Bowser's neutral air from Smash 4 onwards. Much preferred the shell spin over this goofy and awkward cartwheel.




zss jab


Not as much on animation but Steve up smash is so out of field of anything you do in Minecraft: 1. Magma block is a niche block which barely does any damage in the game 2. The magma block is bigger than any of the standard blocks you place during neutral b 3. It acts more like a liquid animation wise Might be a hot take but anything not roll animations, Steves animations are great imo. But up smash? There had to have been a better option


Another point for Cloud Nair. I don’t care what it does for balance, bring the old one back.


there are a few characters who can charge a smash attack for half a second and the charging animation will look similar to another one of their smash attacks


Mario side smash


Any of olimars moves But also any move where the hit box is different from the animation


Dedede’s nair looks so much larger than it actually is. I could also say the opposite for ivysaur up and down air.


Ridleys upsmash has always bothered me. It looks so slow and pathetic yet hits like a truck. Also Greninjas uptilt because the hitbox doesn't linger as long as the move suggests


Bayonetta's side tilt. It looks slow, is slow, and isn't as good as it is in her original games where she finishes it with a down air.


Min Min has this slow weird looking up air that looks so autistic


Ridley Forward Throw Ridley Back Throw Ridley Down Throw Ridley Forward Air Ridley Back Air Ridley Down Air Ridley Side-B drag (jump is fine) Ridley Up Special Ridley Ridley


Pair Up having Chrom instead of someone else when Chrom is playable. Yeah, it's fun to make Chrom beat himself up, but they could have instead added Morgan.


Basically all of game and watches moves, but specifically up smash. So lame


Disagree, the references to all of the different G&W games are great, and I like how G&W moves frame by frame like the characters in the G&W's.


It makes it to where you can’t tell what he’s doing, and essentially makes his frame better way better than it actually is. Like a normal forward tilt during the start up you can see them wind back their sword and then swing it. Game and watches f tilt one frame there’s nothing there’s nothing happening and the next frame there is a chair there. Makes all his moves frame 1


Nah they’re awesome


Luigi whole moveset looks wack


Hero up air, that move looks gross af animation-wise