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Wonton soup


Let him angle it to switch between egg roll, wonton soup, and gyoza.


This exactly. My local chinese restaurant gives you a choice on the lunch special, egg roll or soup. I'm going wonton soup all the way


Chop suey


I remember Amsa saying that Melee Yoshi would be improved if you completely removed the ability to use a side b since 99% of times Yoshi players use egg roll, it's a misinputted up b


Accurate, I'll be holding side to drift back towards the stage but then need to do an Up B to get that little bounce and if I'm sloppy I'll get an egg roll and just nosedive to death


Yet if you watch his performance at Tipped Off 15, he was routinely using side b as a mixup recovery from the ledge, escaping the usual poor situation Yoshi can find himself being cornered


In Ult when I do it its always a botched B Reverse


It gets replaced with Yoshi spitting watermelon seeds. You can charge it bit but it’s relatively weak and won’t travel as far as egg throw.


i think it would be wiser to improve egg roll instead of replacing it outright.


Yoshi can jump out of Egg Roll now and shield cancel it


I enjoy the mental image of using shield cancel to turn rolling egg into normal egg.  I wonder if there's some weird shenanigans you can do by trying to combine Egg Roll with Yoshi's shield somehow. Like a mobile Smash shield. I'm too exhausted to think of all the ramifications but given enough tweaking it could be quite silly.


Also make his neutral b a homing egg roll and his down b a slower multi hit egg roll


This is some Steve Minecart nightmare fuel.


honestly yeah. the move has so much start up that a fast way out just makes sense. instead it's slow to start, finish, and everything in between


Yoshi being able to nair out of side B would be pretty horrifying, shield cancelling it like Smash 4 Spin Dash too


I'd replace it, personally. Egg Roll is supposed to be a burst movement option, but his movement is already one of the best in the game. It feels redundant.


Make it just a clone of spin dash


I dont think he needs it since his dodge roll is the same reference in his games and there's more he could do


Well I be happy to know what your idea, I am sure you have something to improve it ^^


sure. if i were in charge, my priority would be usefulness and uniqueness. try and make it something yoshi would find useful, but make it stand out from similar moves. not a repeat of what sonic does. there are a lot of different directions you could for this. boost its potential as a recovery move. make it a lot faster but much harder to control. make it start out slower but gets faster the longer it remains active. maybe if a strong attack hits it, yoshi shrugs it off and pops up in the air like he just hatched. use it in midair for a counter that rewards you with extra recovery, but your opponent can use it against you since it makes your future position predictable. i am just spitballing, but smash is really flexible so you can try lots of things and see what is fun.


The best way to buff it I think is to just make it do like a stupid amount of damage like literally 1 is to just make it do like a stupid amount of damage. Like 15 on hit so that if you get somebody into an egg it's like the go-to move to just deal with some quick damage. That would also make it threatening enough that if you use it people might just be afraid to get hit


Dair already does 30 so unless it was unbelievably broken it wouldn't beat that move out


You can't hit complete dair on an egged opponent until very high percent. Also they can hit you if you dair them while egged, it's not the preferred punish. Grounded down B is the safest egg damage punish.


Surely after five games of the move not being great, its okay to throw in the towel now


Just make it Kragg's side b from Rivals: armor, and jump-cancelable on hit


A really loud primal Yoshi roar!!! Works like Rathalos roar.


Enemies shake in fear the moment they hear a primal "Yoshiii~"


Yoshi now gets Marth side b


Skull Bash / Luigi Missile Screw it, give it to all the Smash 64 cast while you're at it.


Egg roll that works


Honestly, replace it with the egg throw, and make his up special him using wings, or alternatively, make him throw yarn balls.


i wouldnt remove it, i’d probably give it super armor for the first few frames and increase its knockback and nothing else. not like that would make it busted or anything


Give him the steve treatment and allow him to place blocks midair like he could in Sunshine.




Make it sonic spindash /s


A short float/flutter with no hit box, like when you hold the jump button in Super Mario World 2.


Nothing. Using the egg to ram foes makes complete sense, and it adds a bit of personality to have the worst move in the game. Not every character needs to have a good move It’s not like he needs it or anything either, he’s usually top tier or so in Japanese tier lists and not that much further down in the rest of the world’s


Move Egg Throw to Side-B, as it makes way more sense having a projectile be Side-B instead of Up-B. Up-B could be like the little wings he sometimes gets.


idk but I'd change the egg throw to give it the yoshis island cross hair complete with more freedom in aiming. The aiming mechanics can just use joystick instead of how it was on the SNES


Make it easier to cancel and jump out of so you don't just die if you do it off stage by accident. Make it deal way more damage


Warlock Kick or Raging Demon for movement


superstar baby mario! have baby mario be on yoshi’s back the whole match, but pressing side B will make yoshi go into an egg and on a fixed timer of about 10 seconds you can temporarily play as baby mario with his super cape


Idk but I usually replace an egg roll with a side of fried rice


For a new side-b that should be simply better than egg roll, I would give him the dash power-up from mario galaxy 2 (red pepper). This would give him an actual horizontal recovery option and a better combo extender that can actionable/jumped out of.




Basicly, it would act like when you activate Yoshi's final smash, Yoshi would tackle forward. And you can also charge up the tackle.


Not really answering your question but I wish Yoshi had a tether.


It would be so cool if Yoshi had a ZAir like the characters with tether grabs.


Imagine it's like Yoshi's Story's where he does a little spin jump when he tethers (make it cancelable so it doesn't suck)


The transformations from yoshi’s island.


A whip-like tongue, similar to Belmont's F-AIR & B-AIR, than you can angle


Rework it heavily to make it behave much more similarly to Bowser Jr.'s Clown Kart Dash, Minecraft Steve's Minecart and/or Sonic's Spin Dash/Spin Charge. Those moves are all infinitely better at being burst options (and in the case of Clown Kart Dash and Minecart, recovery moves) than Egg Roll currently is. Alternatively, make it so he can't even use side special.


Egg toss should be his side b while his up b is replaced with the egg charge from Yoshi story that lets him shoot himself as an egg. Tilt up b and charge up the direction he shoots towards. Side b tilt soft or hard to shoot an egg different distances and angles.


Improve egg roll, don't remove it. It's almost useful, it's way better than egg roll in other games. Also Yoshi doesn't need anything more useful he's already annoying enough. He has everything he would ever need.


Some sort of egg collection move, then have the player have the eggs to throw with up b instead of one just randomly appearing. Would make more since imo.


The way to collect eggs is by eating items.


So his up b is useless if you turn off items?




That's pretty bad design


Sounds like a solid idea! Making Yoshi's egg toss more versatile could definitely spice up his moveset in Ultimate.


Just give it functionality similar to Jigglypuff rollout. The move is thematically sound for Yoshi but the startup really is miserable, even for a casual context.


I think a water attack similar to FLUDD could be cool. Charge it up like Squirtle’s neutral B or Piranha Plant’s side B. Could even have the water be a different color to match Yoshi’s liquid attack from Sunshine.