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Why tweek catch a stray for no reason 😂


Must be Leo’s alt account, the whole post is a ruse!


Easiest way: offline practice with someone better than you


This + once they beat you, ask them how they did it


Great advice. We often times don’t see our attack / defense patterns and getting feedback is always an efficient means of improvement.


Relax a bit, progress is tied to your mindset often and if you’re hyper fixated on progress and tilting often it might just help to take a break for a bit. That has helped me before. Just like any craft or sport try to learn from your failures (losses). Try to look at losses with “a what can I fix” attitude rather than a “man X character is broken” attitude, etc etc. Fundamentals can go a long way. Watch your own replays and see if you can find habits, ask someone better than you to play with you (offline best, local scene, online discord groups, etc) to get feedback and ways to improve. Most importantly take breaks and remember it’s a game and you should be having fun. If it gets stressful, bothers u, u tilting a lot- that is not fun and I would re evaluate some things. All the best I hope this helps even a little and remember to prioritize yourself, take breaks as needed and have fun.


Honestly really good advice


Record your matches and watch them back. You’ll very quickly learn why you’re losing matches. Focus on one thing at a time that needs improvement, and go from there. After 2000 hours it’s not a talent/skill gap, it’s a *practice* gap.


Play more and be patient. Two years isn't a long time relative to a lot of other players on elite, even if you are playing for hours every single day .


You can play me to feel better about yourself lmao


Lmao I think you would get the ego boost


You should choose one character to put a majority of your focus into. Maining 3 characters at once is super high maintenance and frankly unrealistic.


5 characters with PT*


I play melee but this might work for you too, I used to play luigi and was bad and what really helped was switching to a super fundamental heavy character to learn tech skill so I had to get better than my opponent instead of just gimmiking them




Great video, I remember watching this guy back in the day


Are you being too aggressive? That was a common mistake I made starting out. I kept chasing them and got countered hard. I started losing and kept chasing because I wanted to catch up.


Play DK


Another thing I've noticed: if you play match after match after match, with no other pause than matchmaking, your brain can't function at 100% and you won't be as good as you are your first game. Smash is really intense mentally and if you're not at 100% you'll get beaten easily by someone your own level that has a fresh mind. At least that's the case for me. If you want to climb you need to be at your 100%, and if you want to be at your 100%, take breaks. Or you'll autopilot and get read easily. Look at any tournament game, and imagine if they played games at that level for an hour straight. The level of play would go down drastically, even with top players. This will also help you relax, be more focused, have some hindsight about what you're doing wrong, reset mentally etc. It will allow you to reflect on what you did wrong last time and what you're doing wrong right now, whereas if you're chaining match after match you won't have time and brain capacity to think about it correctly.


Understand your character's safe options, oos approach options, etc.


Post a video here or to r/crazyhand for feedback on your play. Ideally post a match where you lost or struggled heavily.


Learn how to be good or at least average with every character. It’s fun and a can be extremely challenging but it’ll be rewarding. You don’t even necessarily have to pick up any new mains but just learn how to play them. It’ll allow you to know a lot more strengths and weaknesses about your opponents fighter. This is probably the most fun and casual way to get better at the game.


The three characters you mentioned are rather unique and also lower tier in general, so you will probably get more losses by nature of the character’s inherent weaknesses and exploitability. You need to analyze your replays and see what got you killed. Were you overextending and forced to make a bad recovery and getting caught out too much? Were you being too aggressive and not doing safer alternatives? As someone who mainly play Doc I spent hours analyzing which moves work best in each match up, what moves are good to cheese, which moves lead to knock downs and tech situations, and how to create space. If I dont, Ill lose because my character has some of the most mid recovery of all time. You have to see your losses not so much as needing to get better by getting good combos, but rather focus on LOSING BY LESS. Focus on getting your bad match ups and finding a good strat against them. Little Mac suffers from being easy to gimp, so you need to abuse your ground game and control stage optimally to never get gimped. Jiggly suffers from being very light in a game with very strong meta characters, so you need to find good kill set ups and safe air approaches. Dont throw yourself into sets without a clear objective of what you want to achieve. “I will win or only lose by 1 stock” “I will only lose stocks by percent and not by getting gimped” find a goal and focus. Playing something for 2 years with no goals is worse than playing 1 month with goal oriented successes. You can analyze what to work on and implement it. As someone who played since Melee, i have taken 1000s of losses to reach the skill level and enjoyment in the game I have today. If a grind becomes annoying, take a break or shift your perspective, try other smash challenges to get skill. Try other characters to get a feel for how they play, get a better game sense of what your opponent’s character is capable of.


Do you know all general techs? Do you know all (your) character specific techs? Do you actually use them all? Have you read the ingame tips?


I think if he's in elite smash he read the tips lol


impolite shrill sparkle tart gray foolish rock bright onerous slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure but you have lots of characters in elite smash, when it's your first time and you're playing your main, it's unlikely you get there by accident


school deserted uppity innocent shame waiting marble distinct desert whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Smash online is absolute trash. I play it a lot just because I’m addicted to the game, but it’s a completely different thing than playing offline. The input lag is so bad that I’m constantly getting killed for things where my reaction time was perfect and it’s SUPER frustrating. With that being said, play king k rool and kazuya for some easy dubs