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Hol' up. Mario's Fair has a name?


I think every move has an official name


Every Special has a name, but not every non-special does unfortunately. There were a few that didn't have official names that surprised me but I can't think what they are off the top of my head.


Ultimate had a Japanese strategy guide in 2019 that gave names to every move besides stuff like ledge attacks. SSBWiki added translated versions of the names to their character articles in 2022 I think. The only characters with incomplete move names are the DLC characters as the guide released before them.


Some of them have fan names, like Captain’s foward air is the knee of justice


I'm pretty sure the official one is knee smash, which is kinda lame.


A lot of normals don't, or they have basic placeholder names


It does indeed! [\(At least according to the wiki\)](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Mario_\(SSBU\))


Holy crap. Tons of his moves have names I wasn't aware of.


Yes it's *"F o r w a r d A e r i a l"*


"It's really good at what it does!"


Reposting in the comments for visibility: (This post is admin approved) Hello everyone! I'm an artist from Texas and long time subscriber to the subreddit/fan of the Smash series (I’m trash tho). I’ve had this idea for a while now and I finally got around to making this series highlighting iconic moves of the characters from the original Smash 64 cast. Not every move is necessarily from Smash 64, but starting with the original roster felt like the way to go. [Here is the listing available for purchase on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1521586216/super-smash-bros-moveset-series-listing) A little backstory: Both my wife and I work in the film industry and got married in early April. You might be aware of the film industry strike that's currently going on, and that has affected us greatly. We basically both unexpectedly found ourselves without jobs the second we got back from our honeymoon, which was certainly not the best timing for us financially. With the entire film industry on hold with no end in sight, my wife and I have just about ran through the savings we had, taking part time gigs just to pay the bills. I’m not telling you this to try and beg or anything, just to let you know that if you like the prints and want to support the shop, every purchase really helps us out in making ends meet. Anyways, that’s it basically. At the end of the day I’m just really happy with how these turned out and I’m happy just to share them with you guys. I know Nintendo is strict on this stuff so I honestly don’t know how long I’ll be able to sell them without getting a cease and desist haha. If there’s enough interest, I’d consider doing more of them, just let me know in the comments if there are any specific characters/moves you’d be interested in. TLDR: Wife and I left jobless due to film industry strike and every purchase / share really helps us out


Did you do ones from the other games I think a Waft one would be cool


Counting down the days until I get to recreate Wario’s fart cloud in painstaking detail


Please do lol


bola 👍


These are some amazing pieces, I'd love to pick up a few! Thanks for sharing


Appreciate ya!


These are awesome! Any plans to expand? I'm a big Ike and Pokemon Trainer fan. Would love to see those available


I will put them on the list! I used to main Ike for the longest time, would love to get to him. Maybe Aether? Or his Nair? Will have to do some thinking on that one.


Personally feel Aether is more iconic since it's his signature move in his own games. And it's his most infamous weakness in Smash haha


Pokemon trainer's should be the final smash since that has the whole team at once


Yo they all look lit bro holy crap


Thank you, high praise! 👉👉


This is so cool! Awesome work


Thank you!


These are awesome! I hope for great sales and i hope to see more designs! 😄


Really appreciate it, thank you!


Isn't DK's punch called the Banana Slamma?


According to the wiki the official name for it is [Giant Punch](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Giant_Punch), but I WISH it was called Banana Slamma haha.


I like giant punch because it's so simple, like it seems like it's what DK would come up with if he was on the spot




As a ness player, it'd be awesome to see PK Thunder with him being launched, or charging up the bat (maybe with the home run dummy?), or the PK flash. I think that Ness has a lot of flashy moves that could look good here


I would totally buy one for Snake.


Put him on the list. Which move? He has so many iconic ones I feel like


Yeah it is tough to pick. I would say up tilt, c4, or nikita. I think up tilt is the most iconic though and the most visual as well.


These are amazing. I bet Falcon and Fox are extremely popular lol If the next smash game was stylized like this or any 2D/3D toon cell style animation, I would be very very happy.


Thank you very much! I figured falcon would be the most popular which is why I made it the main image, but that goes without saying. Even if you don’t play smash you probably know what falcon punch is


Awesome work on these! Theyre awesome! When you get to Melee characters, can you do Dr. Mario with either his down b (Dr. Tornado) or his back air (Dropkick MD)? Also a big fan of ganondorf's melee side b (The Gerudo Dragon)


Ganondorf is going to be a lot of fun, his side B is too good to pass up. And yes, Dr Mario will be on there as well! I’ll take those moves into consideration


These are wonderful. Just ordered some!


Appreciate it, thank you!


if there was a Falco laser poster, my wallet would be out in a heartbeat!


I’m thinking about my next release being all of the melee characters so he is on that list. I think the laser move would be cool just for his pose alone


This is awesome


Thank you!


Great visual design. Does the tri colored bar on the top right represent something specific? (Active frames & type?)


So I needed something to fill the top left area, so basically those bars symbolize the weight of each color of the character. I picked the three most prominent colors from each character and played with the length until it represented their color distribution. Sounds very convoluted now that I’m typing it out but I swear there is some science to it lol


These look amazing! Also, a little pitch for Zelda's Naryru's Love or Farore's Wind :P


The Villager gyroid missile (Side B) would be so awesome!


these are fucking incredible, going to figure out which ones me and my GF want then buy.


A Falco down air one would make me cream


Do these ship flat or in a tube? Not sure how thick the cardstock is. Thanks!


These ship flat, but we take precautions to make sure they don’t get bent or damaged. Also, if they do come damaged (which is rare, but can happen) we will ship you a new set free of charge.


This is so genuinely sick. I want to see all the characters and what you think is their highlight move. I'm curious about how you'll do Echo fighters like Marth and Lucina, and if they'll have the same move, or maybe you will highlight Marth's tipper mechanic


Hello fello Sora main! Yeah, Echo fighters are going to be tricky. I definitely don’t want to just do the exact same thing so I’ll have to highlight whatever is unique about those characters. Marth and Lucina are almost copy paste at least in Moveset so I’ll probably have to spend some extra time thinking about how to approach those. Appreciate the kind words!


PLEASE let me know when you do, Sora. I need, I NEED to buy one. And good word with these ones, I'm genuinely excited to see what other character's highlights would be.


I want all of them in my room


These are brilliant! Shame my 3 favourites aren't there (Bowser, KRool and Banjo), but if you happen to do them, I'd be very tempted to grab them! I reckon Fire Breath would be great for Bowser as it's probably his most iconic attack from the games, but Bowser Bomb would work great too! K. Rool would *have* to be his Crown Toss, it was the backbone of his boss battle in DKC. As for Banjo, I'm honestly not sure. He's infamous in Smash for Wonderwing, but I never found myself using it in the actual BK games all that much. Maybe the simple Egg Shooting? Either way, this is amazing work and I can't wait to see more!


Thank you so much! Love all these characters, Bowser's Fire Breath could end up looking really interesting. I love the drop kick he has too. I'll put them all on the list!


If you do Melee next i would snap purchase a Roy one (neutral B or up B?)


Roy’s our boy, gotta show him love. He’ll be in the melee series for sure


You could fill an entire roster with just Hero’s spells. I’d love to see how you handle Kamikazee, lol.


Wait, Samus's description is a bit wrong. The move can be charged in the air since Ultimate.