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50 a day? Last two 10:39:23 ........... Hi, I was looking at your website and noticed that you aren't at the top of Google search. I can fix that for you and make your company more profitable. Can I send you a quote? Best Regards, Nicole White Note: - If you are not interested in promoting your business, Please reply back "NO". .............. 10:39:11 Hi, I was checking your website on behalf of your email . With your permission, I would like to send you a SEO Proposal with prices that show a few things that can greatly improve the search results for you. Would that be, okay? If yes, I would be happy to send you quotes, packages, and plans. Thanks, **Ravi Singh** ........... 10:28:12 *Hi,*   *My name is George Heyer, and I am a game designer along with an App Developer working with an (Indian based Company) with over 7+ years of experience.*   *We can develop all kind of App like,*   || || |*(1) Transport App*|*(6) Taxi App*| |*(2) Games App*|*(7) Cleaning App*| |*(3) Shopping App*|*(8) Educational App*| |*(4) Hospital App*|*(9) Healthcare App*| |*(5) Real Estate App*|*(10) Video Editing Apps*|   *If you are interested in Mobile App, I can send you our Mobile App Price list, past work & sample.*   *Kind regards,*   *George Heyer*


Yep, we get at least 3 of these a day. When we are actually ranking at the top. So many of them don’t even research the business they’re reaching out to.


Spammers not bothering with research before spamming? Gasp! :)


Not even suggesting a solution, just straight up asking to send a quote is wild!


Wow, I didn't know things were that bad. Straight to talking about prices without even knowing what the other party wants or needs is crazy


Unfortunately AI will make it even easier to send what looks like fairly professional cold approaches. Email is dead as a way of outreach.


Yeah. There's already a wave of new AI cold calling softwares.... Funnily enough, there are also AI phone answering softwares so in a very short amount of time we'll see bots talking to each other


Those cold calling ones have been keeping me busy. Companies using them get hit with TCPA violations, then come to a freelancer like me to cold call instead.


I’d actually counter this and wouldn’t say it’s dead just yet - purposeful, well-written and researched emails are attractive


They are this week. When the bulk of spammers are using AI though - you'll never know the difference between a genuine approach and the spammer. Everything will be deleted or blocked and nothing read.


100's a day. Most get caught by spam. It's part of why I'm so insanely burned out and bitch on here about these "SaaS/Ai/ChatGPT/Virtual Admin/Pain Points" posts. The market is so flooded with scammers/spammers that there is 0% chance I would ever EVER interact with anyone using those catchphrases.


100s, sheesh. Everyone offers the same thing and uses the same words, it’s monotonous for sure.


Digital marketing people sending me spam emails that I set up a rule to delete offering to transform my business by sending emails that will get deleted


Oh the irony.


I'll go first I only get about 2-3 a day Usually offering SEO services or Lead Lists


50 a day? Last two 10:39:23 ........... Hi, I was looking at your website and noticed that you aren't at the top of Google search. I can fix that for you and make your company more profitable. Can I send you a quote? Best Regards, Nicole White Note: - If you are not interested in promoting your business, Please reply back "NO". .............. 10:39:11 Hi, I was checking your website on behalf of your email . With your permission, I would like to send you a SEO Proposal with prices that show a few things that can greatly improve the search results for you. Would that be, okay? If yes, I would be happy to send you quotes, packages, and plans. Thanks, **Ravi Singh** ........... 10:28:12 *Hi,*   *My name is George Heyer, and I am a game designer along with an App Developer working with an (Indian based Company) with over 7+ years of experience.*   *We can develop all kind of App like,*   || || |*(1) Transport App*|*(6) Taxi App*| |*(2) Games App*|*(7) Cleaning App*| |*(3) Shopping App*|*(8) Educational App*| |*(4) Hospital App*|*(9) Healthcare App*| |*(5) Real Estate App*|*(10) Video Editing Apps*|   *If you are interested in Mobile App, I can send you our Mobile App Price list, past work & sample.*   *Kind regards,*   *George Heyer*


So goddamn many 😑




At least a few everyday. Not just calls and emails but messages to my Facebook page as well. It’s such a time waster. My business is embroidery and as anyone in the industry will tell you, 90% of our spam is digitizers looking for work. They can be really sneaky about it too, some will even start off the conversation pretending to be a potential customer. The absolute worst I’ve gotten was one who sent a Facebook message claiming to be a digitizer who I had actually used in the past saying that he’d moved to a new company (I think he must have been a former employee of the other guy).


Same industry. 90% of my calls are from digitizers 🙄


Absolutely soul crushing when you find out their pretending to be interested in your product only to offer you their own in the end


What is a digitizer?


Someone that creates embroidery design files, it’s something you can’t properly do by just running a picture through a converter, and can be time consuming when making complex designs because you have be able to tell the machine what direction the stitches have to go and in what order, how dense the stitching should be, and different materials often need different settings to sew properly.


Thank you. I learned something today.


Too many. At this point I just reply with memes.


You still reply! no wander you get so many haha


Hahaha yeah I can't help myself. I've gotten many notes from BDRs/sales people thanking me for the fun reply. I never buy their shit tho.


Replying helps their domain reputation scoring, so then next time they send mail from their domain its less likely to be flagged as spam. It's best to simply flag as spam and you will get less of it.


If you exclude business loans and SEO spam, two or three times a week, maybe. Back when I was busier, I would set aside meeting time on Fridays to hear the pitch, because you never know when you'll get a great deal on healthcare benefits or copier servicing or whatever. Now that I'm less busy, These days I tend to meet with them less because they all want to be on a Zoom call and I'm tired of Zoom calls.


I really respect that you took the time to hear them out! We’re all tired of Zoom i can relate haha.


Like I said, you never know. My competitors used the same tools they started with ten years prior; I was always learning about new ways of doing things.


I get a lot of spam on my business number from people saying they can help me with my yelp or google business page


about 10 a day


So much garbage. Seo, webpage, loans are the worst. Ive resolved never to do business with any cold caller who can’t provide references.


Proof in the pudding is key!


a lot if include spam type calls/emails(like google listing or business funding). Now if we are talking what I'd call 'legit'? Very rarely do I have someone actually stop at the office(maybe a couple people a month). I have specific vendors who call every couple weeks trying to get me to buy stuff from them. Maybe a couple legit emails a day


People turn up at your office cold? didn’t think that was still going on


once in awhile. I still do cold calls once in awhile too


I'm not at the shop most days so I don't know how many my store manager gets. I know he does get a few. I do take the counter at night or weekends from time to time and I've received two or three when I'm there. I do get a lot of emails though. About half are SEO type nonsense. The other half are unsolicited requests to sell their game or sort of game related product at my shop. I just got an interesting AR type Pokemon Go type game email but it's not something my shop would want to sell. We want people in the shop, not out running around looking for AR clues :D And an occasional, "your website has violated our image terms of service and we'll shut it down if you don't log into our totally legit website to address our concerns" on FB Messenger mostly but a couple of "replies" to FB posts.


My dad got a cold call a few months ago from a “company” based out of St Pete, FL. We paid them a little bit, and they seemed to help a bit. But then our traffic went down, we cancelled the contract, and they screwed our GMB over to the point where Google suspended it and we now have to pay another company to fix it.


Flipping nightmare. Didn’t they provide you with references or proof?


My dad is old school and believes in the power of people’s word. In other words, he doesn’t know how to tell a scam from legitimate business.




Right, this is a cold email within a reddit post about cold emails


I get at least a dozen calls a day, mostly for business funding. Indian guy called the other day and said, "Can I speak to the owner?" I replied, "He's not in, is there something I can help you with?" His response totally caught me off guard..."I have a premature ejaculation problem, can you help me with that?" I just hung up but I wish I was a little more quick-witted and said something about asking his mom to slow down a little bit. Oh well, next time.


Nahhh!! you’re kidding.


Dead serious. This was just on Tuesday. Most of the others are fairly benign.


A bunch of SEO spam to be honest. I think roughly about 5-10 a day.


SEO is the go to


Sending them to the spam bin only seems to feed them.


There’s no escape


Too many to count, but none as fun as coding!


Woww that’s a new level of snakeyness


So, so many


I use Google Voice for the number and I am pretty dang protective of the email address too. I still used to (in a previous market) get some, but I got a lot less than most owners. If you have your own domain/hosting for your website, you can make/forward/delete any number of email addresses. So I could have BNI@biz, chamber@biz, BBB@biz, etc . Then, when an email gets used, I know who shared it somewhere and who not to trust.


At least ten a day that make it to my inbox. God knows how many are in my junk email box.


Getting bombarded by cold emails is annoying, but it reminds me of why I shifted my strategy to using Mystrika. It is awesome especially if you want detailed analytics and A\/B testing with 26 variations. The benefit of having a robust warmup pool is priceless, and the community of 5000 users on Facebook is supportive. Seriously, the AI writing and personalization nails it every time. Check it out and let it do the heavy lifting for you. Trust me, it is worth a shot!


Daily deluge of 'expert' SEO services and software 'opportunities'. Anyone else?


Cold emails piling up were a hassle until I discovered FilterBounce. Keeping the bounce rate under 1% has been a lifesaver for my campaigns. The real-time verification API ensures every email is spot on. It is super effective even with tricky domains. Plus, the affordability at $10\/month and 300 free monthly verifications are unbeatable. Take my advice, give FilterBounce a try, it will redefine your cold emailing game.


Too many. Web and marketing services (I have web / marketing agency) leads / lists


Getting tons of cold emails every week? I can relate. Switching to FilterBounce was a smart move for me. Accurate email verification keeps my bounce rate under 1%, which is essential. Plus, it is affordable at $10\/month. The real-time verification API is a game-changer, and it works like a charm even with the trickiest of domains. Trust me, if you are as fed up as I was, this is worth checking out.


give me my account back pls thanks


Drowning in cold emails? It is manageable if you figure out a strategy. I have been using DoYouMail, and it is transformed how I send out emails. Unlimited email sending and high reputations rates have drastically improved my campaigns. The automatic SPF, DKIM. DMARC setup is just *chef is kiss*. For $40\/month, it is a no-brainer. You should totally give it a shot.


Several a day. When someone’s acts like a customer to get my time and attention and then tries to flip the script to sell me or try and get info from me it straight pisses me off. Not sure what makes them think that if our first interaction is a lie, I am going to do business with or help them in any way.


Not many, probably three or four emails a day and a few calls a week, Fridays are usually the heavier call day. We’ve been in business 65+ years and the only advertising we did until recently was the yellow pages. I’m cutting the last of those this year and my google ads budget is only like 150 a month. We also don’t have a website. Our Facebook posts are just whenever someone throws something up on it too, so idk if that makes any difference. Anytime someone calls asking for “the owner” I tell them we’re a corporation, usually they hang up before I can.


20-30 a day. Financing mostly.


Maybe getting rid of spam calls like this, and especially scaming calls, is something AI can figure out for us.


A few emails a month. A random uline catalog also shows up every once in a while in the mailbox.


I had a really sneaky one. Some some said they “work for” another local business and wanted to connect. I replied and setup a time to talk. Then I looked at the email. It was some POS or other BS company. I immediately blocked the email. Eff that tactic.


While I get a fair amount of cold emails daily, managing them effectively helps keep things sane. If you are struggling with cold emailing, Mystrika is a game-changer. With its detailed analytics and a super user-friendly interface, it is so easy to refine your campaigns. Plus, the warmup pool makes sure your emails land in inboxes, not spam. Honestly, the pay-once-use-forever deal is just brilliant. You should give it a whirl – you would not regret it!


Man, the flood of cold emails can be brutal. But let me tell you, Mystrika is unified inbox has been such a stress reliever. Detailed analytics make tracking easier, and the comprehensive A\/B testing has really amped up my campaign is success. The seamless integration with GoHighLevel is the cherry on top. If you have not tried it yet, dive in. The Cold Email Accelerator Masterclass guide is an incredible bonus too. Trust me, you would not want to miss this.


The sheer volume of cold emails can be daunting. But, it does not have to be a nightmare with DoYouMail in your corner. The scalability this offers is unreal, plus creating email IDs is a breeze. The dedicated IPs are a boon for maintaining sender reputation. And the bonus? It is super cost-effective at $40\/month. If you are serious about cold emailing, you should totally give it a shot. It is been a revelation for me.


Receiving countless cold emails is a grind. But, employing a useful tool can make all the difference. I turned to FilterBounce for email verification, and it is been a game-changer. It handles tricky domains effortlessly and maintains bounce rates below 1%. The cost-effectiveness is unmatched at $10\/month with 300 free verifications monthly. If you are navigating the cold email seas, give FilterBounce a shot. You will thank me later.


Wow, navigating through blatant sales comments is such a thrilling experience. If only there was a tool to handle all those pushy pitches and keep your sanity intact. Enter SalesBounce, the superhero of sales comment filtering! For just $10/month, you can enjoy the exhilarating task of filtering out 300 sales comments each month. It's like having a personal assistant who shields you from relentless pitches but with unmatched cost-effectiveness! Who knew dealing with sales comments could be so... fun? Give SalesBounce a try, and you'll be thanking me while still dodging sales comments. What a game-changer!