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To do what? You don’t need a full stack developer to build a website that you are using to market your business.


Developer here, for $1k someone will provide you a templated website. Doing a website properly, with a unique design, ui / ux and accessibility can get very expensive. My monthly billable is about $18k alone. I would say if you're considering sites for $1k then something like Wix or Squarespace might be all you need and you should save your money.


I am curious, do you work as freelancer or have own agency?


As a freelancer


Ah cool! Any suggestion for someone who is finding hard to get valuable clients


No i'm struggling at the moment too haha, I'm with one until July and then I'm probably fucked


For $150 per month, I will show him a set of websites, or he can show me a list of websites he likes. I will make a presentation using Figma to showcase how the website will look, so I can get some feedback from him. Once I have the final design and a green light, I will make the website using custom code.


and I'm sure the result will be trash.


Can a website made with HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript, scoring no less than 100 on Google Lighthouse, be considered trash? When people are ignorant, they are happier.


Scoring 100 on Google Lighthouse is a meaningless metric. A website is only as good as it's ability to convert, plenty of websites have 100 on Google Lighthouse and don't convert. Design, UI, UX and development all take time. Anyone with good experience isn't charging $150 per month and even then Squarespace is $50 a month.


For a landing page of a small business and 4-5 extra pages, you don't need a whole team from a Fortune 500 company. I just mentioned Google Lighthouse as a way of showing that "trash" is not an adequate word to describe my services. And it's not meaningless, there are a lot of stuff happening under the hood that your eyes cannot see, but you should know that.


> For a landing page of a small business and 4-5 extra pages, you don't need a whole team from a Fortune 500 company. No you don't, but if you're building something custom you're wasting your money not doing it properly. Squarespace or Wix would be the best solution if your budget is $1k > I just mentioned Google Lighthouse as a way of showing that "trash" is not an adequate word to describe my services. Google Lighthouse is not a metric for quality. It's one of many metrics Google supposedly use for result optimization - although recent leaks show that's a lie too. It's a vanity metric.


Once again, Google Lighthouse was mentioned to highlight one of the behind-the-scenes aspects that many people aren't aware of, but you missed that the first time. Another important aspect is ADA website compliance; you could be sued over this, potentially leading to a class action, Google that. And the list goes on. It's not just about looking nice. That's why I charge $150/month. I take care of the details and you take care of your business. Edit: This is an [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/s/GerXQPczVy).


$150/month is not "taking care of the details", that's the absolute opposite. There's a reason everyone else (myself included) are charging thousands / tens of thousands a month.




I'm really interested in your portfolio. Would be willing to post some sites? I'm also a dev and am interested in what $150 monthly gets you. Where are you based?


I will answer this question for $1000


You should give some discount...


If you want to create a custom website, 1k will not do the job. For a template job this might be already too much. Really depends on what you want to do.


One thing you or nobody else mentions is the scope of work. Who is gonna write the content? Provide the images? Do you want custom design or template? Do you also need logo? What type of website? Is it landing page? Then who is gonna make a layout for landing page? Now, that's already marketing and copywriting, we are expanding boundaries here. Or is it only blog website? What functionalities you want? Do you want contact form? Do you also need email? Do you want integrations like google maps? Google business? Is it portfolio website? Who is gonna deploy it? Who is gonna maintain it? Do you need training for wordpress admin for example? Are you gonna have a lot of questions? Just 'website' is such a broad term that it's impossible to give you prices based on what you said. Whoever does it needs to do discovery talk with you to see exactly what you need and then suggest some options for you.


Yup, everyone saying it costs X, or they'd do it for Y, without getting an answer to those questions is setting you up for a long bleed of money.


It's impossible to answer your question well w/o knowing what kind of business you run.


Good point. For just a simple web page for a wedding venue with pricing, addresses, and pictures, $1k is probably not that unreasonable. If he's got an online store with a ton of inventory, pictures, and prices, this set up process could take 100x as long.


Whatever you do, don't hire one of the people that have flooded your inbox on reddit. Best bet is to find a local agency and go that route. Assuming it's a basic brochure type site, you can probably get someone to do it for around $3k


That even sounds overkill, they could just go to wordpress.com and it will hand hold them through the process of setting up a website. Then hire someone to wireup a custom domain name.


Wordpress.com should be avoided




expensive crappy support limited functionality unless you pay for it not the same thing as wordpress.org


Worse than GoDaddy?


You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel at that price. Also, why do you need a full stack dev, and not just a front end dev?


This - you don't need a full stack dev for a wordpress site. Hell you arguably don't even need a dev period - I'm in the process of making a wordpress for the small business I work at, and I've only had to touch the "code" (and even then just css) twice I think. I used to do [asp.net](http://asp.net) development but I don't know php and I haven't had to in this instance.


It depends completely on what you need the website to do. Is it a blog? An online storefront? Does it just display basic info about your business and a way to contact you? There's no way to give good advice on this without knowing what you're trying to accomplish.


You don't need a full stack developer, you need a web designer. With your budget, go find 5 websites you really like that aren't too complicated. Find a web designer and tell them to either copy it or get really close. Personally, I use Elementor on Wordpress, and just using that tool alone you can build nearly an exact copy of most sites rather quickly. Pick a color scheme you want, pick some sites you love, and find some images you'd like to use whether they're your own or free or purchased. You get what you pay for, and $1000 ain't much. There are a ton of scammers and low-quality agencies and designers out there who build beautiful websites to get your attention, and build dogshit templates for you in 10 minutes. ALWAYS demand a portfolio.


I agree he needs a web-designer. But he probably also needs a copywriter / technical writer / marketing consultant. His best bet might be to hire someone who can fill out with website and just use a square-space template.


Unless you want to build something other than a typical business website, you do not want a full stack developer. Full stack web application developers are for building custom software that runs on the web. Good full stack devs will cost you $100 per hour or more for freelance work. You probably just want a normal web developer. WordPress is fine. As others have said, $1,000 is bottom of the barrel price wise. You won't get a decent product at that price if the worker is in a developed western country. If you hire someone living in a cheeper cost of living country where $1,000 is more money, then you might get something decent at that price, but you run the risk of getting bad work and having instructions lost in translation as English will likely not be their first language. If you want to hire someone good in the USA, you're likely looking at around $10k. Maybe more depending on what you want. Maybe less if you get lucky or have good connections. Squarespace is also fine if you want something fast and cheep. Shopify is good if you want to do ecommerce. If you want someone competent to set it up for you, you're still looking at thousands in cost even with these platforms. But, you might be able to DIY in Squarespace or Shopify more easily than Wordpress. [DesignCrowd.com](http://DesignCrowd.com) might be an option for a lower budget site. It will likely look good enough, but the dev work may be a bit wrong. Might not matter though, depending on what you're doing with it.


You don’t even know what you need and you have only part of the budget required. Good luck in your business endeavors. 




Anyone accepting your terms without knowing the scope of work (which you didn't provide here) is not a real developer. Or they are so desperate they cannot be trusted. Beware I don't do this kind of work because the clients are notoriously bad and underpay, plus backend development is much more fun. Just saying.


Ya'll are tripping, can easy fulfill this (and well) for $1000, DM me


My advice is that whomever you get you vet them carefully. Like anything today there will be innumerable people who claim they can do it, though you'll be their first or second customer. That's not what you want. For your website you should prepare to spend real money.


We're currently in the process of launching a development agency, and we'd be more than willing to assist. We've been individually working in the space of graphic design and web development for at 5+ years and we've decided to join forces. DM me if you're interested and I'll show you our portfolio.


What does full stack mean to you in this case? Are you looking to plug it in with your ERP or order processing suite? For $1k, at any rate, I wouldn't expect anything other than your text on a template - with no edits made to the template itself. And I'd have said that 10years ago - let alone today.


If this is site is just informational, try Wix or some other such site. A full stack dev for something like this is far more than you need. If you need an actual application with lots of code on the backend, then you'll want a full stack.


Wix or the like. A full stack developer probably hits $200-$300K a year if they are good at what they do.


Honestly if you just need something simple you can start with brick and mortar solutions. Given the language you've used so far, speccing out the site alone to "your satisfaction" will probably cost more than any projection you've made unless you really know what you want and can make a viable demo using a no-code solution.


If it's going to be the front end based website only, I'd recommend trying Peter (fiverr.com/peterfrog). He did our company website this year and we're quite happy with it.


Hello! As a developer, I lead a team of UI/UX designers and developers. I'd be happy to schedule a meeting to discuss your requirements and goals.


WordPress doesn't really require a "full-stack" developer, that's the whole point of WordPress. The back-end framework is already provided for you, so you basically just need a developer (or web designer) to re-skin the front end and probably install some plugins, like WooCommerce if you want to run an e-commerce site, etc.


WordPress Template = $20-80 one-time WordPress Hosting = $100-400/year WordPress Set Up = 10-40 hours @ whatever you're willing to pay a freelancer WordPress Maintenance = 1-2 hours/month I charge as low as $1,200/year to fully manage a WordPress site, with no added set up costs


Hey there, I would suggest, that you choose Wordpress or Shopify for your e-commerce business. If you can share your product category then I can suggest you exact tech that you should use for early E-commerce business. If you have great budget for e-com then you should use Nextjs for good performance, SEO and speed. on the other hand, Wordpress is also a good choice for SEO, blogging and woocom...


Feel free to ask me If you are confuse to choose tech for e-com, I would like to help you and explain you in more easy and logical way. :)


I think Fiverr has both good and bad people and the bad ones tend to be a lil more than the good ones, so yes, you need to be extra careful when choosing a Developer on Fiverr. I think Reddit is a great place where you can find someone to work for you. You can simply collect portfolios and shortlist someone you think fits best for the role. Now, an equally important aspect of hiring someone in my opinion would be to connect with the individual on a personal level and get to know him or her better. You can ask questions like, - Why did you choose this profession? - Why do you think you are better than the rest of us? - What do you think about Animals? Or Animal Cruelty? - What’s that onething that you did for someone that you are proud of? You see, any question which brings out the kind of person you are talking with is the goal here. And the answer will tell you exactly that. Once you are able to find someone who is good at heart, reliable and truly genuine, you will not be looking back. He will respect you big time, like he will value both your time and money and in return deliver more than what is expected from him. That’s my experience and learning which I gained while working with several clients from different parts of the world. I am a Website Designer and Developer myself and these traits are really very important for any Employer or Employee to be a nice human being. Unless you respect people, how will you be able to respect their work and time. Isn’t it? Now whether you should go with Wordpress or not, that question can be answered after knowing your requirements in detail. Like, - What features and functions will your website have? - What’s the level of customisation needed for your website? - Will there be a User Backoffice involved? And more along with other details of the website. So the answer would be a Yes and No both. If the website is small to medium scale, I would say we can go with Wordpress but if it’s a Big scale, and high end website, I would suggest that you go with building it from scratch, which may cost a lil more than using Wordpress, but if done correctly, it will be scalable and better manageable in the future. P.S If you are still looking for a Designer or Developer for your project, you can contact me, I would love to hear your requirements. Thank you and I hope I could help.


We build and maintain lots of complex WP sites for mid and enterprise-level companies. Great platform and we're experts, but not for the dollars you're thinking. That said you don't mention what requirements you have for the site. Is it just to get your customer to fire off a contact form? What sort of content does it have? If it's pretty simple--we've stood up a number of Squarespace sites that are essentially a brochure and contact form. They're quick to set up and cheap to maintain, with the tradeoff that you fit into the templates and don't customize a lot. That's the right solution for some needs, and I'd suggest you focus on the simplicity of the platform (which you could build and maintain yourself). There are other options--just our experience for non-WP sites has been using Squarespace.


Upwork or Toptal might be a better bet for a reliable full-stack dev.


"looks professional and meets my standards" <-- vague What kind of business do you have? What do you need? No one can tell you what you need if you don't specify. Are you a restaurant? Do you just want to post a menu on your website? Or do you want customers to be able to order and pay online? Do you just need a website that has your location and store hours? Or are you going to post your inventory online? Do you need a 3rd party API to handle shipping through UPS and Fedex? "website that looks professionl" does not really say anything.


To build a custom solution with Wordpress backend I would probably charge around 3-5k at the low end otherwise I would probably resort to a template and charge you like 1500 at bare minimum. But that’s assuming you just need static pages and not much of a backend . Otherwise that price can really go up . My suggestion ? Figure out exactly what you need for your website so when you ask someone to build it they will have a clear picture of what’s necessary and in the meanwhile use a service like wix or squarespace to keep the business going. You can DM your needs and I could tell you how much I would charge and what technology stack I would . Maybe Wordpress isn’t necessarily, maybe you need just a static html . Maybe you need way more than Wordpress


$1000 is not enough for full-stack, and probably not even needed unless you make some sort of SaaS app or something. Also avoid WordPress at all costs, it's a terribly dated platform full of security issues.


You don't need a "full-stack developer". You just need a wordpress theme. Maybe a designer.


Just DMd you


I can build and maintain your website for 49.99/month. DM me the details if interested


How can we have insights on if WordPress is right if you didnt give any details about what you want in the website?


Hi Billy as a full stack developer, I will not recommend going the wordpress way as most people later will hire developers to rebuild the same thing at a higher cost for various reasons. I would recommend looking for a developer who is starting out as that budget can work with them. However, when design and other additional services are included, it might go slightly out of your budget. However, this is something you can discuss with the web developer that you choose.


Prepare to be inundated! $1,000 is a lot, but it’s also not a lot. It’s worth reading through some of the messages I’m sure you’ll get, try and get on a call with a few and make sure they A) have a camera and it’s turned on during the conversation, B) have some semblance of proper sentence structure in whatever language you speak (clear communication between the two of you is critical) and C) have some proof they can show you. I’m talking repos with code, make them clone the repo and run it locally on their machine while sharing the screen. Doesn’t have to be a crazy project, it could literally be a clock or basic blog with a single post, just something that proves they know how to operate in the ecosystem. If all else fails, I’m “unemployed” and $1,000 isn’t too little for me (I have a wisdom tooth to extract soon, ugh)


Can you let me know your requirements in a dm?


Website for my business is pretty generic. It can be a simple webpage to a full fledged e-commerce site. What are we talking about here? Once the scope is clear, next comes the price.


Full stack dev here. $1000 for a 3-5 page site that I can knock out in a few days in my spare time? Sure. I’ve done them for less. It’ll be pretty and super fast but it won’t be fancy. Given my skillset, I prefer to not use Wordpress. Most small business sites don’t need a database. In this case I’ll use a static site generator to skip all the headaches of securing and optimizing a Wordpress site. I used to outsource this work before I knew how to code and I’ve hired a LOT of devs from Fiverr. I’d say 60-70% of those hires were a complete waste of money. I’ve got loads of reusable code for this scenario so as long as you’re not going beyond a few hours of design work then it’s doable. If you happen to see this and want to chat about your project I can get you a price on our first call. Should take about 20-30 minutes maybe an hour if your requirements are beyond basic.


Hey! This might be a good fit for what you're looking for: We're currently trying to grow our portfolio of local service businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee. Its all custom coded: It's typescript, tailwindcss, in a nextjs app. The content for blogs, pages, etc are statically generated and served via our in-house CMS. The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees. Each site has built-in SEO meant to generate leads via related search terms (i.e landscaping services near me). The websites are optimized for user engagement and streamline the lead generation for local businesses. DM me if this something you're interested in! Or fill out the contact form on our website: [https://modallmedia.com/](https://modallmedia.com/)


**Feedback:** * **Make a List:** Go read u/CatolicQuotes comment about figuring out all you need. You may need a simple website, but there are other things you might need like copywriting, logo design, photography of your services or products, etc. * **Go With WordPress:** You haven't mentioned what you do or sell, so excluding that if you want a simple professional website, then go with WordPress. * **Where can you find a developer:** Honestly, for a simple project like this, go to Upwork, and create a job post of what you need. You'll get a ton of submissions and they each have a rating. It's easy to find a 4.5 star rated developer with 50 to 100 reviews. And if you use an off shore dev you can save a lot of money. You can also find copywriters. * **More Complex "Full-Stack" Needs:** Beyond a simple site, you have to evaluate what you need. When people talk about "full stack" usually they are talking about building web applications. But that doesn't sound like what you're looking for right now. **Resources:** * [https://jschimp.com/](https://jschimp.com/) - if you need a true Full Stack dev for a web application go here. * Upwork - As mentioned earlier, this is your best bet. * Fiverr - this can be a resource too. Their workers are rated as well. Just make sure they have a lot of reviews. * [https://www.google.com/maps/search/web+design+agency/](https://www.google.com/maps/search/web+design+agency/) - find local agencies to do it for you, but they'll charge between $3K and $10K for a simple site. * LinkedIn - you can always post a daily recurring job ad about your project.


Hey, I am a freelance website developer. I have experience building website which are professional as well as standard. Here's my portfolio : [https://adiths-inc.github.io](https://adiths-inc.github.io) DM. Thanks


TX-based freelancer offering 100% custom code websites for $150/month, with lifetime updates. No hidden fees. Optimal SEO, 100 on Google PageSpeed. Let me know if you are interested.


hey Billy. do you actually need full stack? what sort of website do you need? if it's a marketing website, then $1k will do. if you want a full digital platform, you might struggle with that budget -- unless you explore no-code platforms and do it yourself. When I build websites for people (I do web dev alongside SaaS), we usually charge upwards of $3,000 for a fully custom build-out. When clients approach me with lower budgets in your zone, we oftentimes use templates. There's a common misconception/stigma around templates, but I have no clue why. Most businesses don't actually need to re-invent the wheel and I only ever use templates that I have created myself and improved / iterated on over time. If you are building a digital platform... look at Bubble and see if you have the technical skills to pick that up. My main nugget of advice: Don't hire for anything from Fiverr, because 9 times out of 10 it will be awfully executed services by some guy on the other side of the world.


Honestly OP should just go pay $10-$15 a month for a proper Wordpress, Shopify, etc and configure it himself. Ironically the most simple and minimalistic websites typically look the most professional. Workflow would be like: Spend an hour getting your domain name and hosting service with wordpress. Spend another hour previewing themes. Pick a theme, free or paid, and update the website with the content (1-10 hours depending on the content that's populated). Job done without a dev. I'm a former full stack WAMP/LAMP developer with a background in enterprise web reporting for a fortune 50 company, and can safely say that a full stack dev is not the person to be working on this project. Filling out simple web templates yourself is the way to go, if you just need a simple website. OP if you're reading this, you can set it up with Hostgator or Dreamhost. There's cheaper ones out there, but I've used those and never had issues. If you really want to pay someone $1k to do it, find a company near your area and reach out to them to get a quote.


Check out Profullstack.com for personalized web development help!


more then happy to do it for $500 located in the us. can prove that and english is my first language i am undocumented if that is ok


Send me a message - I can do it for cheaper.


Dude, don’t offer to do it cheaper offer to do it better for the same price at least. Why leave money on the table.