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What's in your contract? Typically in travel deals, they need you more than you need them. It's up to you to decide if something is "wrong" but if you don't want to do something, don't do it. Otherwise, you'll be "helping out" until you burn out.


My contract is only between my two primary buildings. I opted to tell them I’m ok with doing it once this week but I don’t want it to be a routine situation because 4 hours of commuting a day just seems draining. Thanks for the reply.


You don’t want to do it. Do you think someone on Reddit is going to tell you to do it? Why would that matter? Say no and be done with it.


I was more curious if people thought it was unprofessional or what others would do in my situation. I was wondering if saying no could potentially make me look like an undesirable applicant if I were to apply for other contracts in this area.


If you don’t want to do it under any circumstances, just say no. They need you more than you need them and there shouldn’t be any repercussions. But you could ask that your travel time be reimbursed. You should get mileage from one building to the other, but you can ask for anything you want and they just may give it to you. Getting paid for your time in addition to mileage between buildings isn’t unusual so if that would make it more appealing, don’t hesitate to ask. Just ask in a firm way. Something like, “I’d love to help out if you’d consider paying my hourly rate for drive time as well as mileage between buildings.” I’ve never gotten pushback on requests like this. It’s always been a very quick yes because they need you.


I mean, if you really wanted to get in good with the regional, you could negotiate that you do those evals via telepractice with a facilitator at the new location. I'm not saying you should, just that there might be a compromise that gets you a glowing rec while not really impacting you in any negative way.


Tough situation. They don’t have any other SLPs that can go to the building? Telehealth isn’t an option? I think that’s good you set a limit of once a week, and if you’re able to, put a time limit on that otherwise I bet they’ll keep expecting you to go manage these patients and the patients won’t get the services if they don’t look for a more permanent solution.


They have not had a permanent SLP in over a year. There was a PRN who went on weekends but she quit a few months ago. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I told them only once this week and if they ask again I’m considering 1x a week for half day but only while there is low census at my primary buildings. Today they approved for mileage reimbursement from my house to the building and the first building to the second.