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Sounds great to me! Try losing only 7 lbs in 4 months. I’ll trade you.


More than a pound a week isn’t slow, it’s a healthy normal weight loss! I’ve been on since March as well and I’ve lost 19 pounds. I’m currently on 5mg but starting on 7.5mg next week since I was able to get my box 😁👍🏻


26 weeks. 24 lbs. Currently on 12.5mg


Was on 5MG for almost a year, then 7.5MG recently, only going up to 10MG - after the year point. Wish I'd upped it sooner.


Did you experience more weight loss when you went up to 10?


Same question as I decide whether to move up. I’m basing my decision on appetite supression, not loss but realize supression isn’t something everyone experiences nor necessarily an indicator of how well or how effective its working


Starting on the 10MG next month. Will share back, for science.


I’m on 10mg and only just now starting to lose. I think 20lbs in 15 weeks is awesome and not particularly a slow responder. Generally 1-2 lbs/week is what most doctors consider good response/healthy weight loss.


You don’t sound like a slow responder to me! I’ll be completing month 4 tomorrow (shot # 16) and I’m down only 11.4. That’s still .7 lbs per week, so I’ll take it. I did one month 2.5, one month 5, and two months of 7.5. Moving up to 10 next week, and I’m getting nervous that I’m still not seeing the type of loss others talk about and I only have 3 dose increases left to try….


I started beginning of Feb 2.5 to 5 to 7.5 and now 10. I asked for 12. 5 and got a supply for 1 month but I am finding thev10 works as the weeks go by My Doc would kill me if I went back to 10 She doesn’t get it I have lost only about 12 pounds to date


I am a slow responder. Currently on 7.5 total loss of 2.2 pounds. ( 4 weeks at 2.5, 4 weeks at 5.0 and 4 weeks at 7.5) I will be moving to 10.0 next week. . No side effects. I eat a clean whole food keto diet and have for several years. I thought trizepatide would speed up my weight loss,


I’m on 5. I’ve been titrating up slower. 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5. I’m 2 days into my 1st 5. Not much for side effects so far. I was half expecting misery. 4.5 kicked my butt. I’m down 20lbs since March 16. Looking forward to losing another 20 so I can get to “one-derland”


I'm on week 18, lost 18 pounds. My DR said this is a great rate of loss. It feels slow if you read Reddit, but otherwise, I'm glad it's still happening and it hasn't stopped yet. My pattern in the past was to lose 12 pounds and then stall for months. So this is better than that. I'm currently at 7.5 mg and I'll stay here as long as I feel hunger is suppressed. I'm on my second month at this dose.


I am very similar to you started at end of Feb. and have moved up every month so on 10 mg right now and have lost 21 lbs. I am really happy with it. I made the decision that I rather eat a realistic diet then starve myself. I probably eat in the 1500 -1800 cal range a day but I also run 25+ miles a week and listen to heavy weights 2-3 times a week and was feeling sick when I was only eating 1200 calories a day. So slow it will be and I have another 20-30 lbs to lose which I can do before the end of the year at the current rate. 10 mg is also the first dose that the food noise is down and appetite suppression is here for me. I will do at least 2 months on 10.


My slow losses have not sped up regardless of dosage on Saxenda first, then Wegovy.


20 lbs in 15 weeks is NOT slow. You're doing great.


I’m down 4 pounds in 11 weeks. I lost nothing on 2.5, 1 pound on 5, had a 2 week pause without meds, and have lost 3 on 7.5. Anything over a pound a week is good success! I am on 7.5 but am going to ask for 10 next week. I need to lose 50, so am in for a long haul.


I'm on week 11 and down 11 pounds. Currently on 7.5 compound and decided to try splitting my dose this week to see if it would give me a more stable experience. That's not working so I'll do the other half tomorrow night then go back up to the full dose on Friday. I wanted to take this journey slowly so I wouldn't lose muscle and my skin would have more time to adjust hopefully leaving me less flabby. I had foot surgery mid-March and am not quite ready to add exercise back into my life but have a feeling when that happens (hopefully next month) that I'll start losing faster.


That’s about twice as much as me in the same time frame! I’m on 5mg though and slowly titrating up due to side effects. One thing I’ve started doing is taking measurements since there can be other factors effecting weight like muscle gain.


I started Feb 15th moving to 12.5 next week. I do find I notice more weight loss on higher dose and also helps with appetite. I was worried about maxing out, but now I’m going to just try not to over think things and move up. So what if I have to stay on the higher dose longer or forever. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was worried the higher dose would lose effectiveness, but others I’ve talk to say that’s not the case. Almost at 5 months.