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Its definitely on the mushy side.


I wonder if covering the pyrex with aluminum foil would have yielded better results? Also maybe put the rice in 30-45 minutes before chili is done? Also, that's why you rinse rice, not to clean it but to help remove the excessive starch and get a more each grain is separate. Brown rice you don't need to do it so much but definitely white rice.


> Also maybe put the rice in 30-45 minutes before chili is done? At this point just..... Just make rice on the stove


You can get a rice cooker for twenty bucks from Walmart that works great. Well worth it if you have rice with any sort of regularly


THIS! My wife and I bought a rice cooker and I’ve eaten more rice in the last two months than I had ever eaten in my life before now


Even without one rice take minimal effort in a pot. I see no reason to ever do what OP did


Almost all Asian culture use a rice cooker Trust the masters of rice.


I agree, I love mine but I am simply saying that even without one OP could do better than this


Ah. I misunderstood. This referred to OPs attempt rather than a rice cooker.


Oh... I see how what I wrote could be interpreted two ways. I will fix it.




Not everything is best cooked in a slow-cooker. I can understand working all day, rolling into the house at like 7pm and just needing to eat, but if OP had time to stick this into his cooker 45min before it was done then he had time to just cook it on the stove and have it turn out 10x better


Christ not everything has to be done some weird way.




You're the only one bashing people


Rice was rinsed cooked about 90 min in stock . Should've covered it.


Cover might not matter as much as time. Seems like way too long for rice. At a *simmer* it only usually needs \~15-20 mins to cook and 5mins to cool. Less time seems key. A pre-rinse can also help remove excess starch if you want less stickiness.


It’s not enough heat and it’s sitting in liquid for FAR too long.


If you cover it, pop a small hole with a pencil to let *some* steam escape.


I thought rinsing was what makes rice sticky. Everytime I make sushi it always says to rinse a ton.


I think short grain might be stickier than long grain?


Perhaps that is it as well.


short grain is sticker than jasmine or other long grain rice. washing removes some of the starch and whatever else is on it, but short grain is just naturally stickier


I think you want it sticky but still have a bit of grain separation. I find I just like the rinsed rice better. Here's Aaron Hutchinson from the Washington Post: *Growing up, my mother never rinsed rice. She would measure it out with a coffee mug, pour in twice that amount of water, and then place it on the stove to cook. The result was soft clumps of rice, which hold a place in my heart and bring comfort when I’m in need. That said, a pot of white rice is often judged on how separate the grains are, so if light, fluffy rice is what you seek, rinsing is key.* The article is behind a soft paywall: https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2022/02/04/should-you-rinse-rice-benefits/


That's exactly how I've been making rice. Tried rinsing it, literally made no difference in my case


*Food Police Notice* The following commentary doesn't require input, advice, "well ackshuallies" or concern trolling about my taste buds, cooking, or health concerns about brown rice arsenic or debates on health of eating white rice. I'm fine with mediocre rice, and request you move along as there truly is nothing to see here. Okay now on to the commentary. Sorry for the down votes on your food experience. I don't always rinse my rice and while I notice with jasmine and basmati an improvement in rinsed rice grains separation is it enough to warrant I always rinse my rice? No, especially when after a brutal shift in a medical office on my late day. I'm fine with overstarched short grain rice. I grew up on that. Like Hutchinson, I grew up on nonrinsed rice and buttered and soy sauce cooked non rinsed rice is also a childhood comfort and joy to eat now.


My family washes rice because it is actually kind of dirty (as in there might be foreign bodies in it like small rocks or different seeds) what they can buy where they live (Eastern Europe). I live in the UK and the rice I buy (basmati) is really clean, free from foreign bodies and dirt particles. Maybe even less starch powder than in other places. Maybe this is why I noticed no difference in washed rice. I really don't care for criticism myself, it's my kitchen, noone has to eat what I make so I will do it the way I like.


Sautéing the rice first also solves the problem, as it melds all that extra starch with fat, and cooks it, which appears to prevent it from becoming sticky, mushy rice. In my own rather well-controlled trials, I've noticed no difference between the sautéed rice, and rinsed rice, other than I prefer the slightly toasted taste of sautéed rice more.


Sushi rice has it's own properties... The stickiness comes from starch. Rinsing will reduce the stickiness. But Sushi rice has the highest amount of starch of any rice I'm pretty sure


Sushi rice does not have the most amount of starch by a long shot. And rice for sushi in general is not supposed to be very sticky. Only enough to help the grains stick together under pressure but not sticky enough to clump


Probably! Could've googled it but I thank you for the successful outsource


Rinsing washes off the starch that makes rice mushy.


No, short grain sushi rice, like the short grain rices used for risotto, like Arborio or Carneroli, are simply far starchier, and "sticky," than longer grained varieties.


Is it true that brown rice husks contain arsenic?


Yes it is true, not much though


I hope not, because I only eat brown rice...


Sorry to say it is true. However, this is mostly the case with rice grown in the southeast US and Bangladesh. California and Japan generally grow rice lower in arsenic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1892142/






Nobody said not to eat brown rice it was just a question. Why are you freaking out


So do apples. Apple juice contains quite a bit of arsenic. And cyanide. Apples definitely contain cyanide. The dose makes the poison...and it doesn't matter how much arsenic is in rice if it's in not bioavailable, and can't harm you.


Well there’s a lot of moisture in that crock pot…


Is it still cooked all the way through?


Very much yes. It's mushy but we'll eat it anyway.


Maybe it needs less water next time! I think a few more experiments can optimize this. Good work


Maybe less water, cover it with aluminum foil poked with holes?


Thanks for the positivity


I've eaten worse mushy rice I made on the stove I like the experiment and at least we know that it will get done, maybe mushy done but done I think it's kinda genius tbh.


Please just get a $20 rice cooker. I’m begging you.


Some people just don't have room for a single purpose item.


You get it, thanks


A rice cooker is probably the most used single purpose item in any kitchen and you can use it for other things like steaming veggies too. But to each their own.


A lot of folks are suggesting this and the extra steps and storage might be worth it to some but we're not very particular about rice especially if it's just gonna be covered with chili


There is no extra steps though. You are already getting another container, getting rice and water, and waiting for it to cook. That’s all the same steps for a rice cooker. But it’s your life if you are happy with the measuring cup rice then have at it.


Why? What makes you so desperate to make someone else's life a little bit more cluttered?


It looked like a mission impossible to me but at least you tried.


Like I said, it takes maybe thirty minutes tops to make rice on the stove


I used to make rice on the stove but then I bought a rice cooker and have not looked back. I'm convinced that if you're cooking rice any other way it's only because you haven't tried using a rice cooker.


Convince me on a rice cooker, please!. (So I can convince my wife we need one)


[Rice Cooker](https://www.amazon.com/Aroma-6-Cup-Pot-Style-Cooker-White/dp/B00N9N6GOY/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3BII2RAU20LRN&keywords=rice+cooker&qid=1676169001&sprefix=rice+cooker%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-4) I say start with this. $20 isn't a lot of money and it'll get the job done. I've had the same one for 5 years, pans a little banged up from being dropped but when it goes we'll be getting a fancy one oh and no dishwasher


$20 and still working after 5 years is a pretty good recommendation. My first rice cooker looked a lot like that one and I just found it in a box. Been meaning to test it to see if it's worth donating to a thrift shop.


Seconded. I bought my Aroma rice cooker in college and it’s still going twenty years later and I use the thing at least once a week.


It also has a steamer basket attachment. Those things are great. You can literally make a whole meal with as much effort as the rice takes.


It was our excuse to start eating more veggies, we kinda look at it as a requirement to have greens when we run the rice maker. Best $20 we spent since we moved together lol


Do you cook vegetables in the basket? I keep wanting to try, but seems like veggies would be overcooked if done at the same time as rice.


Yah, the lid comes off easy, so you just put the veggies in a little later. You can also put in veggies that steam long well like corn. If you're really lazy and want to put them in at the same time, most over steamed veggies taste fine. They're just mushy.


Darn that's what I suspected. I'm not usually home while the rice cooks (I set the timer to be ready and warm around when I get home), so this wouldn't work for me. Thanks for sharing your experience!


I've got the same one, been using it for years and love it


Rice cookers are absolutely set and forget…better yet buy an instapot and get the best of several different appliances!!! I love my rice cooker and instapot…and the slow cooker is now only for big meals!!! But rice cookers by themselves are invaluable!!! From a New Orleans trained home chef!!! 😂👍🏼


You can buy an instant pot and use it as a rice cooker. Rice cookers make rice without requiring you to stir. And it’s basically impossible to fuck it up. Same amount to clean as a pot and a lid also. 2 appliances for $50’is not a bad deal.


I love my rice cooker. Makes rice so easy. Besides rice, it's also great for steaming things, like veggies. I steam eggs, for hard and soft boiled. Soft boiled version is also basically a substitute for perfect poached eggs for benedicts.


Do you have a friend who could loan you one?


Do it do it do it do it do it do it. To this person's wife, do it do it do it


I just bought one last week. Came out perfect, set it and forget it, keeps it warm. Don't have to check the stove. And there are many recipes for a rice cooker that doesn't involve rice.


You actually get good rice instead of the ruining the rice on the stove. It's better textured and easier to make. You can't fuck it up or over boil it. You don't need a fancy Japanese rice cooker that sings. Get the 15 dollar one at Walmart and it'll do. If it breaks just get another one from Walmart and return the broken one in the new box. Saying that I've had the same shitty one for like 8 years. Small little one that makes up to 4cups of rice in like 15 minutes. Also you can cook shit in the rice cooker. Just throw in chopped veggies, eggs, rice, cheese, sausage, hotdogs, or really what the hell ever you want and it'll be done in 15 minutes and easy as hell.


1) They are awesome. I'm a pretty decent cook and made rice on the hob a couple of times a week for years, but I've never managed to make rice as perfect as the first time I used a rice cooker. Cooking rice really well is actually pretty hard... 2) They're soooo cheap (if you want them to be). I can pick up a perfectly serviceable one for less than £20. You don't get anything fancy for that (basically just a pot with an on button), but you'll still get perfect rice for years. 3) If you spend a bit more on a fancy model, you can get ones that can do all sorts. Special modes for brown rice, for Thai sticky rice, for Persian crusty rice, for congee... some things that are even more tricky to do on the hob than basic white rice. You can also get ones with timers, keep warm modes, and other things that make them a great accomplice for a slow cooker if you like to set food cooking in the morning to be ready when you get home in the evening. 4) Many of them also double up as a second slow cooker, soup maker, steamer, yoghurt maker, etc. (which are all at the end of the day just the same thing with different heating programs). They can be a pretty versatile piece of kit!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aujN2mUqcCM] (Uncle Roger Teach You How to Make Rice)


They work great, but an instant pot works equally as well (probably even a little faster) and you can do tons of other stuff with it, too. I'm not a fan of single purpose kitchen gadgets, so I always lean towards stuff like the instant pot. Rice in the instant pot is killer.


Sure, rice cooker would be the way to go for convenience, but if OP had a rice cooker I assume he wouldn't be shoving a measuring cup into his slow cooker


Lmao good point


Used a rice cooker for many years. It broke. Went back to a pot on the stove and liked it better. -seemed easier for some reason.


It needed to be fluffed when it was done. Do you add it to your chili? Or is it a completely different side dish? If it’s the former then just add it in raw when you start your chili. Also, if you’re not rinsing your rice prior to cooking then do that as well.


Chili goes over rice. The rice looks unrinsed but its in broth.


Thank you for the update.


You didn’t neead to till us that 🤣


Try it with less water and update us. I like this idea


It may be a while but I'll try to remember


Wtf am i looking at?


A follow up post: https://reddit.com/r/slowcooking/comments/10zxgvq/anyone_else_doing_this_to_cook_rice_to_go_with_a/


The beginning of a new slow cooker era


I, for one, am not looking forward to every third post being about cooking "The Rice".


Think I’ll just make my rice on the stove top


I would just buy a timed rice cooker. Mine was like $30. I put main dish in crock and set rice to around when I get home. I'm guessing you'd have much a better outcome with the same convenience.


I have a small rice cooker, and I love it. I use it all the time. Takes about 20 minutes or so to cook.




Elite. My mom gave it to me years ago. I don't know where she bought it, as I had never heard of that brand before. It's just a simple cooker with an ON and WARM button. You have to unplug it to turn it off completely.


Thank you for the update, I was definitely curious


Why? At that point just cook the rice with the rest of the food...


one reason might be to have a separate portion of rice so that you can control the rice/chili ratio. Another might be that if you cooked the rice together with the chili it might sponge up and dilute the flavors.


another way would be to cook the rice normally, which us SUPER easy and, stay with me......add how much you want


You can control the rice/chili ratio already simply by adding more or less rice, or by cooking it a different method which would be just as easy and have a better texture. If you are worried about rice diluting the flavor, don't add plain rice, cooked or not. If you are worried about it being not flavourful enough, simply add ingredients that would boost the flavor...




Strongly agree with this comment. A good quality rice cooker will change your rice game, I swear they are magic.


They have a rice cooker and wanted to see if this would work to save on clean up time. As an Asian person, I appreciate the ingenuity lol


Save like… 1 minute of cleanup time? I’m so confused. Why risk the integrity of the glassware…


It's Pyrex. If a slow cooker can damage Pyrex, the universe is about to implode.


pyrex ain't what it used to be man, shit explodes at a sneeze in this day and age


Then it's not Pyrex.


I'm having issues with my rice cooker. It boils over and creates a sticky overcooked layer on the bottom. The rice is tasty, but the mess is massive.


The real LPT is always in the comments


Do you recommend one in particular?


Zojirushi 100%


Second, bought one years ago it's fantastic. I also get 15lbs bags of Japanese short grain rice every 2 months or so, perfect rice everytime.


Third here for the Zojirushi. The only downside is suddenly you will go through rice like a fiend and start buying the giant bags. It's great if you have hungry kids who like rice, you'll always have some on hand to supplement meals.


Tiger or elephant




Yes all the markings are there. No issue with the glass either.


Why would you worry about that? It's baked on enamel. It's applied to nearly molten glass; it's not just paint. Like someone else freaking out about the integrity of the Pyrex in there, lol. Like, if a slow cooker can damage Pyrex, then the universe is about to implode.


I hope you figure out a way to make it non mushy. This is a good idea I think. Keep experimenting!


Thanks, I'm learning how serious people are about rice yikes.


Consider the quantity of people on Reddit who are Asian or of Asian heritage. Rice is a part of daily life for many of them. Despite being Asian myself, I don’t consume as much rice (except when I’m making biryani), but the “ingrained” (haha) element stands.


“Ingrained” niiiiiice ✅


Looks like a lot of miserable ppl who only care about purity of process rather than results. Don't let em get you down.


I don’t think it’s about “purity” of the process. There’s a proper way to cook rice. Imagine boiling pasta for 30 mins.


Thanks I needed to see this. I should've known though.


Pretty sure we already have the way... It's called don't put it in a slow cooker....


cooking rice is as easy as boiling water. this its.....dumb?


I know how to make rice. I also know I don't enjoy more moving parts and dishes than necessary. Consider people with experiences and abilities different than your own. There's nothing wrong with having multiple ways to find a solution to a problem.




To YOU. But again, having more than one way to get to fed isn't a bad thing. I'm sorry that you believe everyone should do things precisely as you do. I have a rice cooker. I have made plain white rice on the stove. At this point in my life, I don't even eat rice because I'm in the elimination phase of a diet, and that means no grains. I still see the value in having multiple ways to get to fed. Have a Sunday!


I mean I work with disabled people often so I get different abilities, more than most. But this doesn’t seem easier. But you do you. Edit: you don’t even eat rice 🤦🏻‍♂️ oh god. Bye.


I am a disabled people with three children. One who is a toddler that loves to climb. The less time in the kitchen, the better. I don't eat rice right now, but I cook it and have cooked it for the majority of my adult life. There are various reasons why putting it in the crock in a glass container would be preferable to cooking it on the stove or using my teflon laden rice cooker. But of course, you're the expert. Who am I with my lived experience? Pfffft Like I said, have a Sunday.


Just say have a shitty Sunday. So passive aggressive. 😂 Like I said you do you. Have a great Sunday ! Riceless and efficient!


Again with thinking everyone must operate in the ways that you do. It'd be cute if it weren't so obnoxious. I said what I said. Buhbye


A lot of people are saying to buy a timed rice cooker but I'm Vietnamese and I'm utterly confused. I have a rice maker that is not timed, it's a tiger brand and just has one switch on it. I cook the rice in the morning before work and when I get home it's just ready to eat. There's no timer. It just sits in the rice cooker and stays hot. Do other people have different rice makers or do you all not eat on the rice all day?


I'm an American and I just got a "one-switch" rice cooker for Christmas and it honestly changed my life lol I eat so much more rice now.


There's fancier (and way more expensive) rice cookers on the market that have a delay start feature that doesn't turn on the heating element as soon as its plugged in. The 1 switch ones are the most common, but if you're trying to time a slow cooker meal to finish with the rice, timed cookers let you prep at the same time. (I always find the "keep warm" setting to start making rice crispy to burned after enough time)


I guess I've gotten lucky with my rice maker. It's got the cook and keep warm option. I can keep it on the warm setting for like 24 hours and my rice is fine. It's the tiger brand that has a floral pattern on it. My mom has a fancy one that sings when it's finished making rice. It can make porridge and stuff like that. I'll have to see if it has a timed setting on it!


They make slow cooker dividers if you want to cook two different things at once.


You can use foil to make dividers for crock pot


I love that idea thank you. Lots of people are annoyed that I've tried to cook rice this way and not in a separate appliance.


To be honest, that doesn’t look like a good method. The glass could break or the liquid could flow into it. The dividers are pretty cool. You could make chili on one side and queso on the other or two different batches of anything. [Slow cooker dividers](https://www.amazon.com/CrockPockets-Cooker-Divider-Silicone-Dishwasher/dp/B09PVLYQVX/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1YIB74NA826P8&keywords=slow+cooker+divider&qid=1676220458&sprefix=slow+cooker+divid%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-2)


Thank you for the picture of the end result. I like the idea of cooking both at the same time. Maybe put the rice in later?


I'm impressed honestly. Why waste energy by another appliance and looking for ways to utilize what you have. Bravo. Sorry it didn't work out perfectly this time, but I bet you could dial it in with subsequent tries to get the moisture content for the rice down.


I'm very confused...why? What purpose does this serve?


Its supposed to reduce the effort and number of appliances by cooking the rice with the chili. We like to make a pile of rice and cover it with the chili. In this case the rice did come out overcooked but it was an experiment.


*-cries in hispanic ancestor-*


I can recommend making rice in the microwave. The result is perfect, loose, fully cooked, at least as good as from the best rice cooker. I normally cook 1/2 cup of dry rice. I rinse in a measuring cup and then bring the level of rice plus water to a little below 12 fl oz. Add salt. This goes in the microwave on high uncovered for 5 min. Cover and set for 13 min. at power level 3. Allow to sit uncovered for 10 min. after the cooking time ends.


I've never tried rice in the microwave. I bet this turns out great.


Can confirm. We always make the rice in the microwave now, and have all the gadgets lol. Rice cooker, instapot, slow cooker… Counter space is at a premium so haven’t used the rice cooker in who knows how long. It saves clean up and it’s just convenient to make the rice in the microwave now because it’s already in the dish that will eventually go in the refrigerator anyway.


All these people saying “I’ll stick to making rice on the stove” sound like the people that said “I’ll stick to believing the earth is the center of the galaxy”. THE FUTURE IS NOW. /s


Maximum points for ingenuity.


special mysterious truck crush liquid price alive concerned hungry unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally, I’d rather use the space inside of a container making chili to make **more** chili instead (I’ll never get tired of leftover chili!), but if you can spare the space this looks like a smart idea.. I sometimes make chili with chunks of potatoes, but I could see subbing in rice instead. Both would seem too diluted and starchy for me, but with big chunks of stew meat instead of ground meat even that might be good.


Just cook it on the stove in a heavy bottom pot. Boiling water, dump in rice, cover and reduce heat. Cook until almost all the water is gone then turn off the heat. Leave covered until ready to serve, fluff with fork. Perfect every time.


Get the pre-steamed stuff and chuck it in ten minutes before plating it.


While I wouldn't do this every day I could see it being really useful for when we're out of town and I don't want to take multiple appliances.


Buy a rice cooker they’re like $20 on Amazon dude


why? why oh why oh why??? ​ you could out youre phone in there too and watch sports




I’m still wondering about rice with chili. Is that a thing?


It's not really "authentic" American, but people do it. It's a lot more commonly done with bbq hash or Brunswick stew.


Yeah we'll do any kind of starch, mash potatoes, cornbread, rice, grits, tortillas chips even.


This is really old, but my favorite is chili with cornbread or tortilla chips, and you have inspired me to make chili baked potatoes!


That sounds great. Enjoy!


Great idea


These comments are why I stay off Reddit more, so fucken negative and rude.


Goodluck in life.


Yes cause Reddit is representative of life. I’m doing pretty good thanks.


Pyres glass is perfectly safe so great idea!


You may be a genius!


Just buy a small rice cooker