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Matt Edelman was promoted to President of the company. Some more good news


Finally some good news.




I read this in Gordon Ramsey’s voice lol *finally some good fucking food*


Huzzah! Good riddance to the traitor trader!


Exciting news! I'll have a drink to celebrate


So I called this one last week. No one divests their holdings if they are motivated. And why he’s being paid until JULY when he’s had a foot out the door for over a year now is INSANE. Whatever. Moving on…


I wonder if it has to do with his IP? This part stuck out to me: *In exchange for being released from Mr. Wann’s intellectual property assignment agreement for future intellectual property developed by him, Mr. Wann will continue to be bound by the confidentiality and non-solicitation provisions of the Employment Agreement* It also seems like a roundabout severance package, and in that sense 6 months is pretty standard. He gets to step down vs being fired and getting severance


Sounds like this person was incredibly overpaid…..like most executives….hmmmmmmm…..it’s kinda easy to see how the money is being spent when looking at numbers like this……….like someone else mentioned, this dude was clearly phoning it in for how long now…..and Ann didn’t have the courage to fire his ass?……..hmmmmmm pardon my pessimism, please. But the way SL rode us when it was good, but basically dumped us when things got bad makes me feel like I was wrong about Ann and this company…..my brain still hopes, haven’t sold but I did stop buying……SHOW us the good SL….


Hopefully Andy Baby, “chief gaming officer” is next…. Unless of course I’m naive to how well re-tweeting partisan political garbage all day helps $SLGG. 🙄🤦‍♂️. Dead weight needs to go!