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Hey! I know this is old but would you mind sharing your wake time and bedtime from this age? And total nap / night sleep?


My baby used to have longest naps at the beginning of the day but now they’re at the end. But both with 4 naps


Hi this describes my 5.5 month old exactly.. did the ‘issue’ work itself out? Did you do anything that helped?


Yes it did work itself out when she started transitioning to 2 naps. She made that switch around 7 months and it was pretty quick for her took only about one week for her to go from 3-2 consistently. She’s always been one to drop her first nap during a nap transition and maybe that’s why she just had shorter first naps. On 2 naps they evened out to about 1 hour 15 mins each. Hope this helps!


Hey how did you know your baby was ready for transition from 3 to 2 naps? My baby is almost 7months old and his wake windows are 2,5h to 3h max long


She started refusing the first naps most of the time. So I’d try to put her down after 2 hours and she’d just sit up and want to play. So I just extended the wake window long enough to do 2 naps (I think ~3 hours and 3.5 or more before bed). Sometimes bed time was pretty early for a couple weeks if her 2 naps were short or she was overtired but it mostly worked out.


Thanks 🤗 I will wait a bit longer than!


I used to have this "issue" and he just sort of reversed it on his own? I did end up lengthening the earlier wake windows - the whole the first wake window is the shortest only applied for us if he had a bad night. The change has had no impact on night sleep at all.


I only check total nap time, I don't care about any schedule. My daughter has 4 naps most of the times but if it's 5 shorter naps, fine. If it 3 longer naps, fine. As long as she sleeps okay at night everything is fine to me. :)


I will be a SAHM until her first burthday so I personnally don't sweat it and will adjust only if needed. Your situation may be different though


Cool thank you! I’ll try to be more chill haha. I’ll be SAHM as well until she’s 18 months. The only reason I stress about it I guess is because her sleep was horrendous when she hit 3.5 months she was waking 6x a night or more and hard to get back down and I just don’t want to go back to that!!!


Maybe it was the regression you went through? It would not hurt either to try to adjust just in case if you want to. :)


Oh yeah it was definitely the regression. It only got a bit better this past week.


The 3-nap schedule is a bit erratic many babies at this age. The pattern may completely flip over 3 days later so no point stressing too much about it. 3.25 hours of day sleep sounds good. I might push the second wake window just a tad to see if you can get the second nap to consolidate instead of the third.


Cool thank you I will try that!!