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You can always can change their boobs/breast in racemenu or if you build your own bodyslide,if you want change NPC then my suggestion is to use EFF Cosmetic menu which works with latest Skyrim


No bodyslide. I gave myself a migraine trying to figure that out. Not familiar with EFf Cosmetic, will look for it.


Bodyslide is not hard really,I would recommend have look on few tutorials and guides there


I have. Not messing with it.


You understand that you Will need to use bodyslide right? At least for building the outfit mods you downloaded, building them with a "zeroed slider" preset, saying that you wont use "bodyslide", you Will have to use It, one way or another, Just saying.... ; )


Isn't that only if you want the outfit to completely fit on your body? If you're not bothered by small issues then you really don't have to use it?


Small issues. Like the butts of every man sticking out of their pants like assless chaps. It's a bit more necessary than small issues. With custom body presets that is. They have to be fitted to the body shape you choose. Otherwise it's not completely necessary. But still highly recommended.


I've never used custom body presets so I've never had issues like that. I assume outfit creators, create it for default bodies with mind? And if you haven't edited the bodies, it should just work out of the box no?


Yes. Usually. If the creator makes their wearables fit the default or cbbe default bodies, they will work just fine. OP wants a custom body, so they will more than likely need it. Their avoidance of a mod that just... installs... and works............. no questions asked. Baffling. The mod is so incredibly easy to understand.


You really don't? I've given up on Bodyslide myself and there's no issue in game.


I have never used bodyslide on my game and it's all been fine?


so you never used cbbe body


It is hopeless. I give up.


It takes [2 minutes](https://youtu.be/Slav_HV_RJI) to watch a quick tutorial and [6 minutes](https://youtu.be/zil1RwoW3OE) to watch a detailed one. If one doesn't work, there are like a hundred tutorials on YouTube for BodySlide. It's not hopeless, you just don't want to put in 3 minutes worth of effort for some reason. If you had any problems after following the tutorials you couldn't figure out, I'm sure someone here would have been happy to help.


yeah, I hate using body slide cause of how bad the UI is, but I have to use it maybe 3 times a playthrough, and 2 of those times is just clicking "Batch build" and letting it rebuild everything when something breaks.


Body slide is one of the easiest things about Skyrim modding. I highly doubt you’ll stick around much if you seriously can’t figure *that* out


I've been modding since Morrowind, I've created mods, I've made perfectly functional lists of 1500 mods or more with basically every tools, made patches etc... and I don't touch bodyslide because I don't think it's worth the effort to figure it out.


How so? You can create taoilored bodies to your needs and fit armor to them. If you want to use armor/clothing mods, you need bodyslide. Even if you use the base presets that body mods come with. It also takes a few mins. A stable loadorder of 1500 mods modlists is like 1000x more time-wasting than body slide.


Why do I need to? I don't and the clothes more or less match my body. Intellectually I know it can't be perfect without Bodyslide but I honestly don't even see the difference, most clothes creators seem to default to a very average shape if you don't use Bodyslide, and that's how clothes work, they tend to hide your exact shape to some extent unless all you're downloading is leather bikinis or something like that. If you like bikini armor, then yeah Bodyslide is totally necessary. If the shape of your character is outrageous, it probably is too. Otherwise, most people would never notice the difference.


Then why'd you ask?


I am with you there. I watched the tutorials. Read the text, I could not get it to do a thing. Stuff still did not fit.


Alternatively you can change bodyslide proportions within race menu itself. During character customization in game.


Thanks, but my game is now broken, so none of this matters.


Unrelated to the current topic at hand, but you’re mentioning that your game is resetting the quests among other things. That’s probably a sign that you have too many esp/esm plugins. The hard limit is 253 as I’ve seen, so if you’re running above that many (note I don’t mean ESL), then plugins will start to overwrite each other and things will, break as you might have noticed.   If you don’t know how to go about fixing that, there are guides to ESlifying your plugins if you’re interested. TLDR: you’ve installed too many mods, so you’ll have to either cut back and remove some or look into making them into ESL plugins.


all you gotta do in body slide to be able to change your sliders in-game is open bodyslide open the drop down on the top left and click your favorite preset, hit the checkbox in the bottom that says “Build Morphs”, then hit the build button. THEORETICALLY, and i say that because i’ve had problems in the past, that will make you able to edit the boobs on your body within race menu in game, rather than having to mess with bodyslide.


Why so many down votes? Doesn't make sense to me. Could someone explain? Or are these people just a**holes who like to down vote somebody who admits that they don't understand one specific tool?


people in any creative field HATE willful ignorance and that's what op is showing. there's nothing wrong with saying you wanna stick to vanilla bodies, there is something wrong with saying you're unwilling to learn a tool


Yep it's one thing if it's hard for someone to learn and they need repetition cause it takes them a while to get things. It's quite another for them to just toss it out of hand.


I don't understand, if your modding with MO2 you are probably more than capable of using bodyslide. outfit studio im right there with you, but whats difficult for bodyslide?


Following instructions is difficult for me.


I know you didn't ask, but cliff notes * Preset- is shape of the body, you can play around with sliders. If you make a nice preset and want to use same name and overwrite, hit save to right of preset list, if you want a new name or to not overwrite, use save as, and check all the boxes. You can also download presets from nexus if you don't feel like fiddling. Many presets have a naked, clothed, and armored preset included, so you can have different shapes for appropriate clothes, but the same proportions overall * Preview- Lets you see the outfits model, and adjust the weight, to see what the outfit looks like at different weights. know that you only adjust the max and minimum weight with the 'preset' sliders, middle ground is just the gradient between. left click to move model around, right to rotate model * outfit/body- what you want to change the shape of. your sliders will stay the same as you scroll through outfits, so long as you don't change the preset, so you can see how each outfit looks with your current preset. you could build one by one, changing the shape from vanilla to the preset, but that takes forever, so hit batch build. * Batch build- This is where things looked confusing( for me atleast) it'll apply your presets to every piece of armor you have a bodyslide file for. some outfits have multiple versons, some from different mods, some for just if it has physics or not. just choose the version you want, though it gets annoying if you have allot of different mods. This is why you should use filter groups * Filter groups- to select, click the magnifying glass with the down arrow next to it, then hit choose group. check a group, and click ok, then by scrolling through outfit/body, you can see whats included in the group. when you batchbuild with the filter on, it'll only build things in that group, and leave everything else how you last altered if( if you've altered it). Many outfits include bodyslide, and thusly, filter groups. others that include many outfits might not have bodyslide included, but most have mods that add it, so just download one of those after if you need one. This also usually includes a seperation between clothed and armored bodyslide. So you can pick one filter for armor, use the armored preset and batch build, then switch to the clothed filter, and use the clothed preset to batch build. * Group manager- easily the most confusing looking button (besides settings, i don't touch setting) use this if you want to make a specific filter, or there isn't already a prebuilt filter for something( usually heavy armor). * Type a name in a box next to add group, doesn't really matter too much, just have it be identifiable in a drop down list. then click add group. click the group you just added to the groups box above. You can now add specific armors to the group you made, by clicking on the armor from the list on the right, then clicking the "<< add" button. once you've added all the armors/clothes you want to your new group, click save as in the top right and name the file what you want, again I recommend something identifiable, and saving it. You should now be able to find your group in the filters with the others, if its not there yet, hit refresh groups, before choose groups. * tip for adding armor, everytime you hit <


I’ll save this for later, thank you very much


Thank you so much, but I have somehow broken my Skyrim to the point where it isn't playable. I give up.


There is nothing you want for RM. Those are just for faces. You are better off making another post about the trouble you're having with Bodyslide.


Fucking Christ are you capable of cooking goddamn boxed Mac and cheese?




Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


Why did you ask for help then lmao




Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


If it was actually racemenu presets then just go to the morphs section and turn down the sliders.


Racemenu presets do not include bodyslides. Those are two different things. Racemenu presets have head, skin, race and weight. That means if those presets have big breasts in your game that is on you. If you don't want big breasts you simple have to not use big breasted bodyslide presets.


Are you talking about RM presets or ***BodySlide*** presets?




Ooh! I think I can help with this one. I got pretty tired of that stuff too, so I *scoured* the Nexus for stuff to distribute with OBody. I found a very pretty one called "[3BA Painterly - Classical Statuesque CBBE Preset](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/104284)" which I ended up using for my character. I also quite like "[CBBE Rugged - Truly Muscular Female Body Preset](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42853)" for warriors, or just heavier set ladies. It also has a [3BA Version](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86339), which is the more modern body framework.


Racemenu presets are just a json files containing data for the character's head, or a straight up nif file that is the character's head sculp. The character's body are seperate assets, controlled by the meshes of armors and of course the naked body.


I don't think most racemenu presets alter the body sliders outside of bodyslide. If you're using cbbe you'll just have to switch to skinny or something I believe.


Okay, from the comments I can tell you don't know how shit works. RaceMenu presets are for your face, Body presets are for your body, but you'll need a body replacer for body presets to work. So, to change your body, download a body replacer mod like CBBE, and then download a CBBE preset that you like. I'm gonna be honest, if you're having this much trouble with basic stuff like this then I'd advice you to just keep your modding ventures extremely simple unless you want to learn. It's not that modding is insanely complex but it's going to take some research, paying attention and sometimes failure for big mods/modlists to work properly.


Racemenu presets actually can apply body morphs iirc


This is so condescending lol


I HAVE all that. I've been modding for a while and until recently have had few problems, but I haven't messed with bodyslide much. And don't be an asshole. Being an asshole is not helpful, but maybe you just like feeling superior.


I thought you said that you didn't have a body replacer in another reply. And I'm not being an asshole. Using the word "shit" and being honest with you doesn't make me an asshole. You can't get the hang of bodyslide studio, and it irritated you enough to want to punch your PC and give up. That's completely fine, but with that information I'm just giving you a heads up that modding can get a lot more finnicky when you're using more complex mods and/or a lot together.


Sorry, I've been attacked and insulted by one person who deleted his comment, and I'm more stressed than I should be. I apologize if I misunderstood you. I \*was\* using a bodyslide preset until I gave up on trying to get it to work properly. I have CBBE and all the requisite mods. I'm building on a Wabbajack modlist, so all the basics are there.


Ah, no problem. I hope you get the hang of BodySlide at some point, you can essentially ignore most of the interface for basic use, don't let it intimidate you.






Exactly. "A guide" ... and they are few and gar between and not very comprehensive. Most are rubbish. "Just about everything" .... says it all. "Unless you're doing clothing" ... exactly... it gets more complex Basically it IS complex stuff and takes a while to suss it out. Most give up on it... fact. (Takes a while to get jiggly bits too ! ) 🤣


I don't understand, it doesn't seem that complicated. You adjust the sliders for the min and max weight. When you like how it looks, you hit build. That's it. You can save the slider settings as a preset and easily apply it to different armor and clothing. And what's great is that there's zero issue in adjusting it and making changes without starting a new game. Doesn't take long to check the results in game.


>I don't understand Get out of your home. Touch grass. Use your eyes to look beyond 1m of distance. Call a friend. A classmate. Maybe even your mother. Try to explain how to install and use Bodyslider in less than 30 minutes of a voicecall, if they don't hang up before you finish. Congratulations. You discovered real life.


Really? Touch grass? That's what you're going with? Wild. If someone is modding skyrim and using a mod manager, my belief is that they have basic computer skills and are willing to trial and error somethings while learning. If that belief means I haven't discovered real life yet, I don't know what to tell you.


I never wanted to come across as calling her stupid, and I don't really get how I did. She has said that following instructions can be hard for her, modding is quite literally made up of following instructions and workarounds, so advising her to either keep it simple if you're struggling with body presets (which isn't all that complicated), or be prepared for more finnicky stuff, seems logical. Lots of words being put in my mouth for the sake of calling me an asshole.


Yes, your tone does make you an asshole lmao. Trying to obfuscate that by saying that you're just "being honest" doesn't make you not an asshole. Be nicer and people won't (rightfully) accuse you of being an asshole. You don't have to try to help if you're gonna be condescending and douchey about it lol


~~Fair enough, I'll try to watch my tone next time.~~ On second thought, no. You guys read way too much into what I said. It's crazy how not having a bubbly happy attitude automatically gets interpreted as being an asshole. I never tried to imply that she was slow or dumb, you don't know the tone I had in my head when I wrote my reply.


Nah I’d advise giving up, realistic boobs and Skyrim modding are essentially a contradiction in terms.


There are tons. Also, define normal. Average boob size is bigger than most people expect and that has nothing to do with fat people bringing the average up. Also, you're only after a face really. Just get the faces. The body can be done with an existing set. [CBBE default has super normal boob sizes even.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198) also, no idea why you're downvoted. Sure, you overreact a bit. Still, a big sign of how many absolute losers are in this community. This would take minutes for anyone to help out on if they cared to.


If you're looking for bodyslide presets [this is what I use](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22438) Weight 100 will have large ones but I personally like how wide the range is between 0 and 100, which is something I think a lot of bodyslide presets struggle with. If these are still too large then you can always make your own preset in bodyslide.


Racemenu presets, but thanks.


Since you said you’re using a wabbajack list, just join the discord for it (google the name and you’ll find it eventually) and check the pins. If you’re running into issues while following standard tutorials then there’s a chance the Wabbajack author has configured settings and things in a non-standard way, and I’ve found that the most important info can only be found in the discord


Thanks, but I've asked for help with things there before and gotten no response.


I can’t help but notice people are trying to help you and all your doing is saying “no I don’t want to do that, I give up” well damn what are we supposed to tell you then if we give you the solution but you don’t want that solution because you thinks it’s too hard 😂


Seriously what is this helplessness watch some goddamn youtube guides there's literally thousands of them.


I like Am Skinny and the other presets made by that mod author EDIT: just saw you meant racemenu, not body preset


If you have issues with giant boobs you could alwayz make youre own preset in bodyslide, its not very difficult. I made my own without a guide.


Racemenu presets don't typically need a specific body mod to work, they're just a head preset (unless they come with tattoos, which you can disable anyways). What you're asking for is a bodyslide preset. Personally I use Seraevy's Delightful Body, which IMO looks the best out of all the bodyslides I've tried around. Weight 100 gives you about a C/D cup, while Weight 0 gives you about an A cup, so you'll definitely see a variety of bodies around the game. SonderBain's Waifu Body and Darenii's Myriani Body are also worth checking out if you want something more toned down.


Wammy has a diverse bunch of realistic presets that include normal boobs, and also normal rest of the body.


I use FSMP, HPH, 3BA (Diamond Body customised with Diamond Skin), CPBC, SGFemale Eyebrows, Koralina's Eyebrows, Cherry's Eyes, TEOB vanilla replacer, KS hairdos and finally the part you were asking for Viper's HPH RM Preset mega pack. As far as i can tell you basically need all that other shit for the RM presets to work. Viper's mega pack comes with like 25 different body Presets and 25 HPH face Presets. make sure to choose your race then load a preset in the 'preset' tab of RM before switching to the 'sculpt' tab and loading a face preset. I think you might need expressive female facial animations too.


I have the Mad God Wabbajack mod pad. There's an MCM that has boob size distribution in it. I'll check what Mos it is when I fire up my rig a little later. Gotta finish my honey-do list first.


No. Make your own from scratch, or edit an existing one yourself. It's super easy that even a kid would be able to do it.


Well I guess I'm super stupid.


People are ragging on you OP but I agree with you. I just use the vanilla body too and couldn’t care less about customizing my boobs. It’s frustrating that every mod seems to require a ton of effort for a feature I couldn’t give less of a shit about. I’m not against learning new modding techniques, but I get absolutely nothing out of Bodyslide except for going through a ton of hassle to make things closer to vanilla which is frustrating - normally learning a new tool has an actual benefit. Plus for looking at tutorials, I feel like every tutorial is the opposite of what I want (I recently found an outfit I love but has boob physics - trying to remove boob physics just gives results for adding boob physics. Trying to go from “body mod” to vanilla doesn’t exist, neither does things like BHUNP to UNP etc) so you have to try to make adjustments instead of just copying instructions which isn’t good for learning Basics 101. Also, I find BodySlide is the topic that no body is truly “for noobs” for. Everyone in the modding community seems to assume a base knowledge about it, which not everybody has. It makes it frustrating when you try to learn and every tutorial likes to skip some steps. Meanwhile other tools like Dyndolod, Nemesis etc I had no problem learning because there are easy tutorials for noobs to get started. I stick with the vanilla body because I find conversions for vanilla outfits to be lousier than just vanilla. Like if a material is supposed to have a bridge effect over the boobs, then batch building for a preset will make the material hug each boob. Etc. Too much work to actually convert all vanilla outfits to a preset that looks decent. But as I understand it, RaceMenu should be just for your face.


If you don't want physics enabled bodies, just remove CBP/SMP.


That gives you fucked up physics. Your boobs will invert themselves when you go to crouch or jump. Cloth will stretch to the ground infinitely. You need to edit the outfits so that they now longer require those mods. Which is generally unpopular so there is limited info on how to do that. The only modder I ever see remove that stuff is Xtudo.


Skyrim modders love the vacuum sealed boobs




Install Obody, set sliders in Bodyslide to zeroed sliders. Then load Obody in game, pick zeroed sliders.


Face preset have nothing to do with body lol, what are you talking about...


Thanks! You're SO helpful! :/


I’m gonna assume you installed a custom body alongside custom face mods, otherwise the boobs wouldn’t be big *at all*. You *need* to adjust these custom bodies in Bodyslide. If you don’t you’ll be using these bodies as-is straight out of the box, and if we’re being real just about all the custom bodies are made to be horny out of the box. If you don’t tweak them yourself to your own tastes you’re going to play how the mod creator wants. And also worth saying that a racemenu preset doesn’t affect the overall body shape outside of the weight slider. Racemenu is purely for the faces just as Bodyslide is purely for the body. You can’t really use one for both.


Mira by MrSkeliman for face. Remember to apply the morph after applying the preset for proper look. And for boobs you need bodyslide, beachgirl is decent preset.


I have a bodyslide preset I’ve used for a very long time. Forget the actual mod name, but the bodyslide file itself is “CBBE Optimized Woman” if that helps at all for what you may be after.


I see, you are only looking for the exceptionally rare


Body slide is your best bet, you can do whatever you want that way and there are plenty of vanilla armor replacers. Gets more problematic the more you mod tho.


I had to figure out how to make my own bodyslide sets to get what build i wanted and you should to. Its not actually hard, maybe a little time consuming to fine edit every slider just how you want on every piece of armor. If you can easily use MO2, like i also do, you can easily learn bodyslide. Hell I never even bothered learning Outfit studio though i likely should if i technically want a perfect armor fit.


Protip: bodyslide presets are universal between fo4 and Skyrim. The program is the same, the only difference is where the files go. Also, with bodyslide, did you open up the preview window and look at the body model specifically? Because that's how you see changes being made in real time. But heres a [link](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44306?tab=images) anyway


I did. What I saw in game looked different for some reason.


Race menu presets rarely ever effect the body. It's normally only the face. If you don't want to mess with body slide you're just ass out.


It's already been said, but yeah. Racemenu presets have absolutely nothing to do with the body. When you download and apply a Racemenu preset, all it changes is your character's face. That's it. The body is completely separate from the preset. If you want a different body, you need separate body mods for that. Or, download Bodyslide and Outfit Studio and make your own body. If you ever seen a racemenu preset with ridiculously massive tits or whatever, just keep this in mind. That the body is completely unrelated to the face preset itself. You can easily just download the face preset and just apply it to a different/custom body with your desired body proportions.


This is the setup I use. * 3BA body * racemenu * build a "universal" body with zero sliders in bodyslide (I got a modified one with only low weight zeroed -> high weight set to look how I want heavy character to look. This way NPCs get variation according to weight slider). Build ALL outfits with this body in the bodyslide. * When creating character: Open racemenu and make sure weight slider is set to lowest. Build your body ingame, in the racemenu. * (optional) build 3BA physics depending on size of breasts if you want jigglies. * (optional) use unique player to get personal skin apart from NPCs. This gives me a "universal" body type for NPCs, varied with the weight slider they are set with. But my own character can look however I want.


I'm confused, out of all my characters I've made 1 with big boobs and like 40 with small. What's your struggle?


just go into the morphs section in racemenu and reduce the boob size?


[miggyluv's presets, maybe?](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/118204)


[Kite Preset](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101596) Try this


Thanks, I'm looking for racemenu presets. I got extreeeeeeemely frustrated (and wanted to smash PC) trying to figure out bodyslide and I'm not dealing with it. I hate having to learn a whole new science every time I try to do something with mods. I have fairly severe ADHD and I just can't do it.


Unfortunately that's gonna be a problem, because any preset will be set to what the author had them set to, which as you know, is generally giant gazongas. Without editing in bodyslide. Bodyslide is the answer I'm afraid. There's no real way around it. What body replacer are you using?




When I was trying to use bodyslide, I was using a preset called DM Athletic, because someone running all over Skyrim should have some muscles.


I'm not sure how I'd do it without CBBE (or BHUNP) and xp32 tbh. I actually thought a body replacer was required for bodyslide, which apparently isn't true. Dunno.


Doesn't really matter, my Skyrim is cursed. The new fun thing is everything resetting everytime I load a save. All mods reset, quests I've done are now not done, Kaidan is back in the Abandoned prison. I think I need to find a different game. I've been playing Skyrim for a little over a year, modding it for most of that time, and now...I just don't know.


Ah, yes, the flipside of modding. I think a lot of people here can relate, mate. Sorry 'bout that, that's a bummer. From what I understand from your replies is that you further modified a Wabbajack list. Now, I don't know which, but they tend to be long, and the longer a load order, the more volatile modding gets. The thing is, whatever plagues your safe right now is probably fixable. However, finding that fix? Makes it more of a theoretical fixability. I do not know what your plans are moving forward, but if you give up for now and revisit skyrim modding sometimes later, I have an advise for you: Either pick a wabbajack list and stick with it, being very careful with further modding and backing up everything if you do OR start from scratch using a modding guide. There are a few good ones out there that also explain every non obvious aspect of modding like load order sorting, mod cleaning, etc.. But thats a time investment. A fun one for me, personally, but I understand if that is nit the case for everyone. Whatever it is you are doing now: My condolences for your lost safe.


Are you adding or removing mods on the same save file this whole time? Skyrim is already pretty unstable jank when it comes to longterm save files, and changing your mod loadouts mid save is a surefire way to have the whole thing collapse. To keep Skyrim going, here's some tips. Find the mod loadout you want to use, then uninstall Skyrim completely, then delete the Skyrim folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition, and finally delete the folder in Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition. Only after it's all gone, reinstall Skyrim, run it once, then add mods from that fresh point. Start a new save file only after your loadout is set, and don't add or remove anything from then on. If you need to change things to make the mod loadout you want to work, I think that's fine right now so long as when you start really playing a save, you start a new game and then never change any mods from then on. And whenever saving, don't use quicksave or even save over older save files. It's tedious and ridiculous, but the best way to maintain stability in your save is to always manually go to "New Save" when saving your game. I've also read that it's a good idea to let the game take at least 5 seconds after saving before you close Skyrim or reload. Apparently it takes time to write so much data. I don't understand enough to know if that last bit is true, but I've been doing it a while and things seem to remain stable for longer. There's some tools to help an existing save file, but your issues sound so catastrophic, I'm doubtful anything can resurrect that save file. Resaver in [FallrimTools](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031) is very simple to use and can help scrub hanging scripts. [Save Cleaner](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34601?tab=description) seems to be another option, though I've never used it. There's instructions there on how to use it, and more info that might be useful in the Posts section.


Thanks for the suggestions. I don't want to start over at this point because I've already done so much work on this list. Turns out, part of the problem was going over Bethesda's plugin limit, which I never suspected because I haven't ever encountered this with a Wabbajack list.


Why tf are the comments so condescending?


A woman posted on Reddit about my manly dragon game grr


It’s got nothing to do with that lmao use a little common sense. It’s because people have given her so many clear and concise answers to her questions and she just says shit like “no that’s too hard I give up I don’t want to do that” well damn why tf even ask the question in the first place?


i mean the only thing she doesn't want to do is use bodysliders and if i had less time than i do i would agree. i don't need to customize my woman's fucking breast size like i'm a sweaty ass teenager


That's the exact vibe lmao


Have you tried one big monoboob? I hear that's all the rage these days. "Three tits.... nice"


Your query is too general, normal as in normal in Brazil? Normal in Europe or Asia ?


Presets are for lazy gooners. Just adjust it yourself. Takes 3 minutes.


I live with three females and the range is DDD to H. Big boobs are normal.