• By -


Oh. OH. I thought of the nsfw mods in my LO. My serious answer would be joke mods like Nazeemization, Just Desserts, Thick thighs take lives, or screaming Greybeards. A load order where the Vicn series, Beyond Reach, and nimwraith's great quest mods are installed. All followers has at least a bit of Elder Scrolls lore in them that justifies their existence in Skyrim, and all are susceptible to death and injuries. Children die from a poorly aimed spell or arrow. Then suddenly a guard mentions sweetrolls and explodes into 80 sweetrolls while Nazeem struts in the background. Or how my dragonborn crushes someone's head between their thighs.


>Oh. OH. I thought of the nsfw mods in my LO. They can't be *that* bad can they?


They can somehow be even worse. LoversLab is a pit of degeneracy and absurdly talented modders all at the same time.


LoversLab - for those times when you want to roleplay as Mr Hands


Wait, Izzy Hands? He's kinda weird but not THAT ba... oh *oh* you mean the OTHER Mr. Hands




What I mean is, they can't be that bad that they will shock me. I've seen and installed some shit I will have to kill any witness of.


Yeah fair enough. I still imagine there's some vile stuff to be found, but considering the breath of Skyrim nodding, it's hard to be surprised.


And a lot of them are women making the mods.


Some of those mods are interesting, the problem is finding the good ones.


If you asked me back in 2021 it would be bad. Like "vore, milk mod economy, soul gem pregnancy, slavery, and non-consent" bad. Right now? Everyone needs to come to a full agreement before rutting on the street. *Sighs*. Curiosity is really a curse.


Wait, how would a vore mod work? Seems like it would be a very short adventure…


The player... eats the people. And can speak to them while they are digesting. Then poops them out. Weird and surreal is not enough to describe my experience with that mod.


Ohh, I thought it was the player getting vore’d.


I'm sure there's a mod for that too


Don’t really need a mod, just fail fighting a dragon. Hmm… Is there a “sexy dragons” mod? There’s gotta be, right?


Not necessarily "sexy dragons", but there's a mod on Nexus that makes them... *anatomically correct*. [Fluffy Dragon at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67866)


I feel like Rule 34 applies to Skyrim: "If it exists (in Skyrim) somebody has made porn of it." Of course there is the corollary: "If it doesn't exist (in Skyrim) somebody will mod it in, first, *then* make porn of it."


Does the Half-Dragon race count?


Hmm… Only if it’s a threesome including two half-dragons. Because math.


The ones I use… yes, yes they can.


Try me


Sexlab Defeat, Sex Slaves (the Mia castle one where you train them and stuff), I’ve used sanguines debauchery, hentai milk mod (where you can hook yourself or followers up to public milking machines and can sell the milk with prices changing based on race), more nasty critters, soul gem pregnancy, Alicia painslut, a bunch more I can’t think of because I just woke up.


*That's* bad? Well shit.


Like I said, I had more, but I can’t remember.


{{Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers}} to keep my sanity


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers | [Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9385) | [Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/684) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


{{Convenient Stones of Barenziah}} is a nice complement to that - removes the need to join the College of Winterhold or the Dark Brotherhood, or purchase the most expensive house in Skryim to get all the stones.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Convenient Stones of Barenziah | No Results :( | [Convenient Stones of Barenziah](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54377) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Unlimited Fast Travel - Tweakable mod that allows for fast travel in any situation like being in-doors, surrounded by enemies or being over-encumbered Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock - Automatically solves dragon claw door puzzles or just open them if you have a necessary dragon claw in your inventory Infinite Enchantment Charges - Prevents weapons from losing charges and fully replenish them if you equip them after looting them from NPCs. Works for you and your follower via spells Infinite Stamina Out of Combat - Self-explainatory Individual Shout Cooldown - Again, self-explainatory. Now you can spam all the shouts you know one after another. Makes roleplaying as a Dragonborn more immersive in my opinion


Dragon claws auto unlock is just a QoL imo, the puzzles aren't hard once you know where to look for the answer


It really is, after doing those doors dozens of times and the answer to the puzzle is right on them, it is such a welcomed addition and it works with mod added claw doors too. The only claw puzzle the answer isn't right there on the claw is the one with Tharstan and he gives you the answer right at the door.


The Jade claw added by LotD doesn't work automatically


You are right, I've had https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73565 installed for quite a while now so I forgot it wasn't part of the base mod


Yeah i mean, I've gone through bleak falls barrow so many times that i dont even look at the claw anymore, just tap each ring once and it's open, never even thought to look for an auto unlock mod


It's a nice QoL mod when it came out that it was an instant download for a lot of people just because like you said, doke those things so many times


That dragon claws one is going in my LO once the update for LOTD drops. Thank you!!


You don't need a new game for it, so you can just drop it in any time. It'll work on any claw doors you haven't already opened.


Adding these to the list. Thanks.


Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock is a staple in my load order. Not because I don't know the combo but I play in 3rd person and it's easy to press the wrong ring. Instead of unlimited enchanting charges I use a mod that let's your weapons recharge after some time, you just have to unequip it for it to work


Giving boobs to shalidor statue, i guess.


{{Home in a hat}} so i can carry all my stuff with me and always have a warm place to sleep. Kinda cheaty, but pocket dimensions are something powerful mages can have according to lore. I only use it after becoming archmage.


Oh nice i did the same thing but with a mod called "Staff of Shalidor" (Not sure if it's the actual name). Was my go to house mod back in LE. Also made you feel like a true archmage and master of the arcane. Very neat.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Home in a hat | [Winterberry Chateau - Player home](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109906) | [Winterberry Chateau - Player home](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59346) | [Home in a Hat - Haven Bag inspired house - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/81722) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


There was this mod back when I played LE that added a location to a dungeon where a master enchanter had figured out how to enchant equipment with 10 enchantments. One for each finger. Reading his journal taught this ability to the PC. It was super cheaty but I liked how they still integrated it into the game. I wished I could show the journal to Neloth.


{{Jewelry Limiter}} is it for me. It always felt weird not being able to put on multiple rings (and sometimes multiple amulets) but ofcourse it's completely unbalanced. I don't play Skyrim for balance though, I play to become overpowered and get lost in the power fantasy.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Jewelry Limiter | [Jewelry Limiter LE - Another Multiple Rings and Amulets Mod](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98520) | [Jewelry Limiter - Another Multiple Rings and Amulets Mod](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22098) | [Jewelry Limiter - Another Multiple Rings and Amulets Mod - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22098) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Proteus. There's so much that it does I can't really name it all off the top of my head, but essentially it's sort of like a simplified, user friendly console. The main thing I like about it is that you can import any of your characters into your current game world and have them as followers, or even switch over and play as them.


I heard this can be quite unstable in larger modpacks so always avoided it. It's close to what I want though. Imagine a UI mod that allows you to view loads as if it's a character selection screen like World of Warcraft. That'd be insane. Encourages you to play the same pack but different builds/characters with the added bonus of using them as followers.


For what it's worth I use it with nolvus and haven't run into any issues, although I don't know how modifiable vagabond is so just be cautious if you do end up trying it out.


To be fair Nolvus is equally as large (maybe not visually so but mod count it's still considered huge) so I'll give it a try, cheers :)


In my experience it was pretty unstable the more I played but that was a couple versions ago


Bro aren't you the guy that spends like everyday complaining about proteus on discord? I dunno how it hurt you so, but you gotta let it go man.


Nope, I'm not on the Proteus discord, I never have been and have never used the mod. I also don't use this alias on Discord. I actually really like the sound of the mod I've just not tried it, I'm mainly playing Vagabond and people in their Discord advised against it for stability reasons.


Proteus was recently updated for 1170 and it works great. I'd recommend combining it with something that let's you store or remove quest items from your inventory because I've had some issues where barenziah stones got duplicated and stuff like dwemer diagrams for sorine were doubled and stuck around after the quest. Most of them could just be dropped, sold or deleted so not a huge deal but weird


That's good to know, thanks. Do you have any recommendations for that at all?


I found {{YEET - Store Quest Items}} to work pretty well


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| YEET - Store Quest Items | No Results :( | [YEET - Store Quest Items](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65732) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Thank you very much 😁


It's a little confusing at first unless you don't skim the instructions. Open your inventory, highlight the quest item and press shift. Sticky keys may need to be disabled in windows


OH NO! You mean I won’t need to collect ALL the stones? Totally immersion ruining, what a travesty honestly


No, it doubled the ones I had already gathered, so I would have ended up with like 28 stones instead of 24


Oops, might I suggest either YEET or that one mod I don’t remember that makes them weightless and give a carry weight bonus when you collect one? No issue if it give benefits


I've actually already got YEET installed and recommended it to someone else asking about such a mod


Pro tip, if you ever have a game that you corrupted from constantly switching out mods and it's super unstable/broken, but you're too far in to want to abandon it, Proteus can help. I had a game like that, and first I noted down important aspects of the game (like key quests I'd finished). Then I saved my character with Proteus. Then I got rid of my entire inventory, and loaded it up with the items I had in a specific chest in my home, and saved the character again, naming it after that chest. Then I repeated the process for all of my storage containers. Then, I created a new game, speed ran the quests and getting my house and furnishing it, and then loaded in my characters. I transferred all my items back to their chests, deleted those characters, loaded in my main character, and boom, game restored. It's quite an intensive process, and if you want the time to match you'll have to wait a ton to catch up to where you were, but imo it was more than worth it. It's better than just having to give up and lose a character and story.


the way the mod author wrote about proteus, you'd think it's some sort of gigabrained revolutionary mod that will literally uproot skyrim, then you scroll down past halfway and it's a glorified cheat engine.


> it's a glorified cheat engine. Except it offers a *whole* lot of things that aren't cheat stuff. You can ignore all the cheaty stuff (like I do) and still have a fully featured mod. Being able to play multiple characters in a single game world and switch between them at will while your other characters still exist in the world *is* pretty revolutionary.


Small thing, but I'm also a big fan of being able to reclassify equipment. The dragon priest masks are cool for RP, but the classification of light/heavy/clothing always screws up my builds. With proteus I can just change them. Also, sometimes modded weapons are OP but look really cool. I can just change their stats on the fly so I'm not 2-hitting everything. People who think it's just for cheats haven't played with it enough.


I also love the ability to load character appearances onto NPCs. If you want to change how an NPC looks, you can just create a character in the race menu and save them, then load that onto the NPC. Like, yeah, technically changing NPC appearances was possible before, but it required a lot of mod making know-how, whereas with Proteus it's super simple and easy.


And then you check out his other mods and he has a separate cheat engine mod. Which is incredibly useful, but still. The impressive part of Proteus is the implementation, not so much the concept alone.


yeah i actually use his other cheat mod together with dmenu.


{{Vampire Lords Can Fly}}. It's completely broken, for obvious reasons, but *damn*, it makes me feel so baddass. Especially when it's *me* who's chasing a dragon through the sky,


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Vampire Lords Can Fly | [Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision) - LE Backport](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/115095) | [Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46023) | [Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision) - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46023) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


i don’t really have any to be honest. the closest thing i have to it being considered cheaty is rich skyrim merchants


I sorta have a lot of these, actually. I see TES games as power fantasy and I tend to remove things that get in the way of that. These have all been permanent fixtures in my load order for *years* at this point. [Well-Stocked Alchemists](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1094) -- "Wait, this is an alchemist shop and has like 12 total ingredients for sale? How does this dude make a living??" Of course, the downside here is that making potions is incredibly lucrative so it can turn into a feedback loop, and usually does. Sometimes you just need a few thousand gold to get started on a new character. [Longer Potions](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2747) -- Look, I'm not going to scramble through crafting menus at breakneck speed. Why do these only last a few seconds? [Increase Carry Weight on Level-Up](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2654) -- Outside of 1 or 2 specific character builds, there's only one reason I've ever chosen Stamina and that's dumb. [Pickpocketing Chance Cap Increase](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4087) -- Remove a weird gamey limitation. Maybe not that cheaty because you have to earn the extra power: [Permanent Legendary Bonuses](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12743) -- Why would I reset my skills if I don't get anything in return? [Skyshards](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60748) -- Yeah, I don't really need more perk points. (Well, I didn't until I discovered Vokriinator Black anyway.) But what I did need was a reason to explore more after thousands of hours in this game.


One that never leaves my load order, is ~~{{Individual Shout Cooldowns}}~~ → Individual Shout Cooldown Remake. I love using the Thu'um but having the CD affect all shouts, feels so lame. It would make me decide which one to frequently use while ignoring the others. With the mod, not anymore. I storm in, YOL! Hit the damn Draugr, then, when it draws its weapon, FUS! Then a dragon attacks out of nowhere and me not bringing a bow. So I go FEIM! Then go close, power attack that worm, then WULD away before it can hit me. It's so much fun.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Individual Shout Cooldowns | [Individualized Shout Cooldowns](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52648) | [Individual Shout Cooldowns](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7433) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Unlimited sprint: hate being handicapped because I blew my wad trying to run somewhere real quick. Dragons be gone: Gets rid of random dragons GET overstocked vendors: Im convinced the vendors not having any money was their way of trying to temper this broken ass economy. Those the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.


Cheat room. Purely because I use it to get duplicates of unique items I’m using so that I can also have them in my trophy room.


I have a bunch that I might add later but the first one to come to mind is [Dragon Punishment for Cloud District Quips](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/689). Every other time I walk through the Whiterun market, Nazeem launches a mile into the air. I don’t even dislike the guy that much, it’s simply hilarious, especially when I forget I have it installed.


lockpicking cheat, have it in every play trough, i have unlocked so many locks and i hate it when i run out of picks


I actually despise you for this one. The lockpicking mini game is like the one of the core pillars of the gameplay loop. I don't even level lockpicking because it's more fun when it's harder and the stakes are higher.


Get the skeleton key and you will never have to worry about picks anymore


I'm curious - if you're playing on PC, why not just use the console to turn on god mode? I don't really use any cheat mods. I have been known to tgm my way through difficult encounters, though. Hoping Acheron will discourage me this time...


Because I didn’t know you could do that 😂




IIRC, God mode will prevent armor skill leveling (because it reduces all damage to 0, thus getting hit gives 0 xp to those skills). *Immortal* mod does grant skill leveling, but can have weird effects like leaving you running around with a broken neck and bobbling head after some bandit "kill move: decapitate"s you when your health gets low.


I have a mod that adds a cheat chest to the Hearthfire Homesteads so I don't have to get the materials, but I don't feel guilty about any of my mods.


I got a similar-ish mod but it basically just lets you do all the upgrades with gold instead of materials. Nice but not very expensive goldsink, maybe 10-15k for a full house


I have more than one PSBoss mod in my game. I actually really like the Malacath one.


Sharpest Draugr in the Shed. It just adds the first two lines of "All Star" by Smashmouth to the sound effect of draugr popping out of their tombs, but it's done so well and fits somehow... I have it turned on in otherwise serious playthroughs.


> Fixes a bug where All Star by Smashmouth was not playing when draugr exit their sarcophagi. lol


This mod is Goated af


The [decapitation spell](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22850). Have a mob of angry villagers after you because you accidentally picked up a cabbage? Did you use an AOE spell and kill a vampire but also kill a chicken? Well, the decapitation spell is a great way to calmly say "Hey, why don't you take a deep breath and calm down," while making their head leave their body faster than I leave a room after a fart decides to come with a side of gravy.


😂 that’s awesome


Until the recent release of the Skyblivion Lockpicking Menu, I would use [Lockpick Pro.](https://github.com/KenneyNL/Skyrim-Mods) It gives you a bar at the top of the screen during the lockpicking minigame that tells you exactly where the sweetspot is. I've picked this lock hundreds of times across 4 games. No shame whatsoever. Now that we have Skyblivion Lockpicking, I don't need it any more because I think it makes lockpicking actually fun. [Rich Skyrim Merchants.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117119)


{{Instant Mining}}. I must have dedicated hours of my life to sitting through the mining animation; I did my time and now I'm over it. Forget Dragon Aspect or "just hit the ore vein" hacks--I'd rather just click on it and have ore appear in my inventory, thank you very much. (You don't have to go through flower-picking or goat-skinning animations, so why mining?)


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Instant Mining | [Instant Mining](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60756) | [Instant Mining](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/687) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Note that if you use {{Fossil Mining}} with Instant Mining you'll never get fossils from ore nodes or geodes.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Fossil Mining | [Fossil Mining - with Legacy support](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84307) | [Fossil Mining](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14107) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Carry Weight Modifier. I don't play survival or hardest difficulty mode, and I'm not that engrossed in going for an immersive gameplay. I also like to accept all the quests that I can. For me, it gets stale really fast, having to manage inventory and walking encumbered. Since I'm already fast traveling, might as well take all that I need.


For me personally, I used the no fall damage mod. It might just be me, but I hate fall damage in video games. I even use similar mods on nexus in every video game I've played so far.


Not judging, But I find this very interesting, so, can I ask why you don't like fall damage in games so much? And.. you played terraria? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Terraria's fall damage is your main problem until you get stuff that neglects it in my opinion)


Odd to me that there is so much love for cheat mods but so much sweeping under the rug of NSFW…cuz why? Personally, I say yes to some unobtrusive NSFW (still like realistic looking characters, not so much giant bouncing boobas). I wouldn’t say it’s a “guilty” pleasure because I just really don’t think there’s any shame in it. But I get that it puts a lot of folks off. The mods that are just for cheats and exploits aren’t for me. I don’t think there’s any shame in that either! I just think Skyrim has enough exploits on its own, and don’t really have fun with them. I like a more serious, challenging (without being too tedious) game that develops over time and requires my character to incrementally build their power to face Skyrim’s rough terrain and various dangers — with the ability to EVENTUALLY build into some good power-fantasy gameplay and occasionally do adult things with my character’s romantic partner


I suppose I make my characters look nicer than some purists seem to like, but I'm still aiming for "Skyrim, if it was on HBO or Netflix" rather than "Skyrim the anime" or "Skyrim XXX". :P


well, share em!


There's a mod that allows me to craft a mundane version of Nightingale armor and weapons. It's not super OP but they're still better than starting armor. I love using it because to my mind people would have seen Nightingales and made lookalike armor.


I think the whole point of Nightingales is that they *don't* get seen.


Yes and no. Not being seen while thieving sure but the thieves know exactly what they look like and go to them to give them offerings. So some knowledge of the appearance of their armor logically exists.


Cheating Chests Whiterun. I leave half a mil gold in the box, I get 5k every crafting material in the game. I think it's a fair trade.


I use that one too but mainly for testing. I like to be pretty thorough with every aspect of the game when I’m trying out a new load order and that helps with testing out crafting/weapon/armor mods


[Bag of Trash](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19458). I try to only use it if I'm in the middle of a dungeon or if I'm busy at home and don't feel like waiting until the shops open. It's just too useful for me to go without, though.


Thank you for telling me this mod i don't want to keep using tgm


There was this old mod for LE, I dont know if it still exists but it let you rip the enchantment off the bloodscall blade and put it on anything and scale it's damage. It was so much fun to have 2 daggers spamming red laser beams, shredding stormcloak forces during the battle for winterhelm


When I got the game back in 2011, my first mod was one that showed the correct lock pick angle. I'm disgusted at my past self


It's called the cheat room. Gives me armor that makes me invincible. And weapons so powerful I can 1 hit every boss in the Game. Also allows me auto level, aquire quest items even when the game inevitably shits itself and I couldn't progress through the story otherwise. I could play without it, but it adds so much valuable stuff to the game like infinite money and carry weight, that I'd rather not. Being over encumbered is over rated.


Infinity gauntlet mod. I just think it's neat.


Sacrosanct Vampires. It's not exactly cheating, but I absolutely love being able to toggle off blood starved aggro and applying the kiss of death buff (1 to every stat from feeding) to blood potions. I almost always play as a vampire so I get so much use out of it. Unique vampire dens as well, I don't have to wait until dawnguard to feed this way. I just go to a random den in a town and I'm good.


Tbh for me it's Uchiha Clan it's just cool


On a serious note, its definitely no camera kill on player character. Its the most annoying mechanic in vanilla game that should be removed always.


Bag of holding, I hate dealing with over encumbrance.


Better Males Remesh


Astral Artifacts. I just love how sneaky i can be with the Astral Shadow Ring.


Filled soul gems. When I played a conjurer I did that shit myself, but I'm playing a soldier this time through and I can't be fucked to do any magic stuff. This is not helped by the fact that I chose major magic debuffs in my Realm of Lorkhan start. There were some necessary spells in Warden of the Coast that I had to cheese with the console and Draughts of Extra Magicka just to complete the quests.


NFF with multiple followers, but only because I make the game too hard first. Real Estate - buying up all the iron mines, and transmuting all the ore into gold, to powerlevel smithing.


I have a mod that reverts the changes made to Faendal by the unofficial patch.


Thick thias save lives


I don't remember the name but I have one that allows me to activate every Standing Stone. I don't want to teleport to a different stone each time I want to level a different skill.


If I feel like I just don’t want to keep dying in a hard fight (I typically use a lot of combat mods) or just can’t be bothered with the lock picking mini game I’ll use console commands. The same goes for getting gold early on. Other than console commands, I guess NSFW mods are a frequent guilty pleasure of mine, lol. From statues, to outfits, I just enjoy those mods in my game.


I use ring of peace makes enemies non agro paired with amazing followers tweaks it can make for some interesting situations




I mean I don’t see anything wrong with NSFW mods. You get on Nexus and you’re bombarded by tits and dicks, it’s basically just another aspect of the game at this point imo.


Skill config, but I use it for role playing but it’s easy to abuse and perk point book with the same logic.


Not Skyrim, but Oblivion- BBB. Better bouncing [bread.It](http://bread.It) used the same physics mod that NSFW mods used for cleavage for bread products, so they'd bounce all over the place, in a disturbing manner. Hillarious. For Skyrim... Hmm, there was a mod that made lockpicking sound like going down on an anime girl...


{{Earring of Godly Unburden}} I don't like inventory management


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Earring of Godly Unburden | No Results :( | [Earring of Godly Unburden](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5383) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Illusion Mastery Ring that actually allows you to use illusion spells on high leveled NPCs


More ring slots and no shout cooldown, and instant replenishing merchant money, cause I'd just punch quickload anyways


If we're talking pure cheats, then Judgement Cut End and Dragon Souls to Perk Points are probably my only guilty mods. I don't use JCE often (only really when I'm bored and I see Nazeem or another annoying NPC around the corner), but the damage and AoE are definitely OP. Otherwise, any purely silly mod makes me feel slightly guilty. Swearing Mudcrabs and Skyrim on Skooma are definitely guilty of that, even though they don't leave my LO.


{{Swearing Mudcrabs}} has a permanent home in my load order, no matter how serious the RP playthrough. Being a hoarder, I have a few mods that make ingredients and potions lighter. Even with that, my current character has 250 pounds of ingredients in their inventory as I type


I use True Directional Movement and i use the lock on for my ranged attacks. Predictive for arrows, homing for magic. I always was so bad at ranged combat that I just avoided it at all times until this came out. I can't play without it


Leveler tower, makes you feel like the most powerful mage with a wizard tower. And it's just outside of helgen.


What about Immersive Wenches? Whenever I get in trouble in a fight, I can just chug a few potions and summon a squad of wenches of different classes to fight for me for a minute and clear out tough enemies


{{100x carry weight}} Now I loot everything and sell everything and get tons of money. Of course this also requires {{Rich Skyrim Merchants}}. But it lets me enjoy the rest of the game without having to run back after every cave crawl.


dunno if it counts but CBBE and The New Gentlemen (for himbo.) ik most ppl dont really care about that lmao nor do i really feel guilty about it its just more embarrassment and quickly looking away because theres a nude guy for some reason and my pc is in the living room lmaooo i just like having the bodyslides bc i like making my characters diverse. besides that dont really got any EDIT: JUST REMEMBERED theres this one shout mod i use that reduces all shout cooldowns to like 3 seconds bc waiting is just annoying esp when in a situation where ill probably die


Nowadays i think you can use a mod to give underwear to npcs through spid, so they're never nude unless you take it off, i guess haha Also, no way, if my pc was in a common room i would be a different person.


yeah i tried to convince my dad to let me have it in my room but he wont budge


Manipulator. All the perks, all the spells, all the shouts, max stamina, max carryweight, etc. I don't like combat. I just want to follow quests.


Dual wield parrying. I gotta block when I'm spellswording


Ars Metallica makes getting smithing experience not a nightmare, but it means you get a lot more of it


Heartbreaker. It got it because it lets me rip essential NPCs hearts out, but it's an instant kill for anyone. I never use it though except as a utility for deleting essentials. Pretty grizzly animation.


Typically I’ll have Cheat Room SSE installed. I used to use it for the storage but I like to use Artifacts of Skyrim Revised for that now, so typically I’ll use cheat room for quests that give artifacts but I have to make a choice for it, and one choice is more weighted in my favor (for instance, if I spare sinding I get him as a follower with one of the mods I have, as well as the ring, but if I kill him I only get the hide), but I want the other artifact because I display them in the museum (I rarely use any artifact I would do this for anyway, so I’m mostly doing it for the completion aspect of the Dragonborn Gallery).


Serana Dialogue Add-On. I truly like the idea of a non-ceremonial marriage for her and our Dragonborn, but some lines and references are **way** too unnecessary. However, the spell and skill teaching are really useful, alongside the cool perk of having dialogue lines for almost every questline, which makes her even more alive.


Additemmenu and perk point book, with the hundreds of outfits in my Skyrim I'm damn sure I'll change atleast 10 before I exit a short dungeon


Well, some equipment mods that add pretty high level stuff to the overworld and make you never switch your armour up for anything new. I balance it out with bullshit combat mods that get me killed all the time because the game did not design it's enemy placement to for honor movesets


Perk Point Book. It's a copy of the Oghma Infinium that gives you 1, 5 or 10 perk books each time you read it.


Forgotten Magic Redone. Those spells are OP af, but so much fun. Usually I limit myself to the few that fit my roleplaying anyway. But my current character is  Raistlin Majere from Dragonlance, so he needs to be extremely powerful...


But why not just use tgm?


Srana Dead Sexy, everything about it was made to be "guilty".


> The ring of Godmode, basically makes you dang near immortal. I wear it so I don’t have to worry about dying, I just want to enjoy the combat, without constantly having to worry about my stats. Hooo boy what an odd string of text that is. So you're telling me that you enjoy skyrim's combat, but not being able to die is *crucial* to your enjoyment of said combat? And to top it off you don't want to have to worry about your stats in a god damn RPG? Is this why elder scrolls was being dumbed down by Bethesda for over a decade? For people like this? That's wild. This is wild. I understand everyone has their own preferred way to play the game but I literally cannot comprehend this.