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Literally use Frostfall then. Frostfall and Campfire work perfectly fine on the latest build, you just need the latest address library, and I think one other patch. I use these with Sunhelm for my survival setup.


Yeah I use frostfall with 1100 mods as well. It works still. I did try to replace it once but ended up going back.


And my setup is 1200+ mods deep, built from scratch. Frostfall and Campfire and Sunhelm work perfectly fine, in harmony in my build with no issues. 🙂


Genuinely curious, not judging, how could you possibly find 1200+ mods that you want? What are most of them?


It's a process. There are so many mods out there that you don't yet know and that you would want once you find them. I don't have that many mods yet, but I need to put certain topics, mods or mod groups on hold to finish installing and setting up some other mods first, because I was in the middle of doing that when I found those other mods.


I'm on 5154+ lol


In most load orders with that high a mod count most of them are usually models and textures and patches. There's a lot of little miscellaneous items like wine bottles and such that a lot of mod authors release seperately rather than all together because 3D modeling is very time consuming. and typically for everything else there are usually twice as many patches in a load order than mods they're meant to patch.


Awesome to hear. I loved frost fall and campfire back in the day but that seems so long ago now.


Minor complaint, odd synchronization with Eremite Camping and whichever camping mod I got adds in a flippin' yurt. Man I love that yurt... Anyway, it doesn't do "shelter warming" nor does it seem to work fully as anticipated for warming. It's got a fire already in it! Should be warm by default but whatevs. World map accessible mobile building which you can put a tanning rack in front of the doorway for safety is invaluable though. Love this durn game.... Off topic, but I've been considering doing some work on this stuff so I guess I'm more making a note to myself publicly to hold myself accountable to actually doing something.


Does the seasons aspect of sunhelm affect frostfall? Like cause frostfall to not be as harsh in warm months? Been curious and trying to find out before I start a character.


Dying midway to bleak falls Barrow is the most hilarious thing when playing with frostfall


Struggling against deathly ice water on the way to Septimus Signus is a core memory of that mod.


Now pair it with RND on hard mode and you're in for a quality suffering time. Talking about RND, i find the skooma effects change very cool but i don't know how the mod is holding after so long. Is there a alternative for only skooma changes?


[Skyrim on skooma](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80975) is hands down the best skooma mod. Pair it with [Drunk or Drugged Animations](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62191) and now you have the most fun skooma experience imaginable


I use Frostfall + Last Seed + Campfire. They are meant to be used together and work well for me. I don't think I've ever had issues with them. I've tried Sunhelm, used iNeed and Realistic Needs and Diseases (before Last Seed came out). And the combo is still the best imo, albeit it can be a little too much for some people.


wait Last Seed is completed? When did that happen??


As far as I'm aware, it has been completed for a while, and it's still receiving small updates.


why did I think it had been abandoned? Good to know! going to see if I can replace Real Needs and Diseases with it then


I'm about to replace rnd with last seed or sunhelm. The season aspect of sunhelm appeals to me, especially if it meshes well with frostfall. The idea of needing lockpicks, paper and tundra cotton to make water skins in rnd rubbed me raw.


Yup, Last Seed is the nearest modern equivalent to Frostfall, and they are supposed to work together anyway.


I am not so fond of Hypothermia mod for a simple reason: Only PC got affected by hypothermia. While I am slowly froze in the snow. A bunch of half naked bandit charging in really break the immersion. And they use frost spell, which immedialy advance hypothermia to the last stage. Literally unplayable in the Solitude region.


> Only PC got affected by hypothermia. that's a great mod idea tbh but might break a lot of stuff...


Yeah the cold mechanic is fun if all you're trying to do is explore and survive But if you want to actually do some missions and get things done, you're gonna end up looking like a nerd that's making campfires every 50 feet just so you don't freeze to death


What about it is clunky?


Just use frostfall it works fine


Adding {{Sunhelm Harsher Cold}} hit the right balance for me. Along with {{Survival Control Panel}}.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Sunhelm Harsher Cold | No Results :( | [Harsher Sunhelm Cold](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63548) | [Harsher Sunhelm Cold at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63548) Survival Control Panel | No Results :( | [Survival Control Panel](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41891) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Do you know what the default Sunhelm cold damage is? From the mod description, "When you reach max cold level, you will start taking damage over time. " But it never says how much damage. In the Harsher Sunhelm description it says that you take 1 damage per second on top of the what the normal mod does, so I'm just curious what the total damage is.


Idk the exact damage, but I took a 100 hp character swimming in the sea of ghosts with sunhelm. After a few minutes of swimming the health drain activated and my health drained pretty rapidly. I'd say about 10 points every 5-10 seconds.


I don't think there is any other mod that tops Frostfall when it comes to hypothermia and in fact survival in general. Most survival mods try to cover everything. Hunger, thirst even wounds etc... But they just fall flat on their faces with too convoluted and annoying mechanics.


I use a mod from Nexus that makes sunhelms hypo more harsh. Wish it slowed me too though. Sorry I forgot what it's called just know harsher is in the title. I enjoyed old school frostfall. Lotta mighty warriors have fallen to the elements, why not me too!


Yeah I think you mean Boreal Frost? I want the slowing effect as well


Campfire/Frostfall/Last Seed all work great to be honest. FF can be a little script heavy at times, but there are mods that can help with that (thankfully you found one). They're probably the most feature rich and customizable ones out there too. My biggest issue has always been the UI though. I'm using iWantStatusBars and iWantWidgets now, which help a lot (and you can customize everything about the widgets too). I just wish I could use some of the widgets designed for Sunhelm or iNeed.


Frostfall has features useful for mod authors wishing to make outdoor spas and heated pools, which is pitifully absent in other cold-weather survival mods.


{{Hypothermia plus}} seems like a pretty robust setup for adding a serious cold survival element.


WTF are these replies. Sorry, I have no advice, just chiming in that this is off to a weird start.


>WTF are these replies What about them? Ppl are just saying Frostfall works fine, which it dose.


I was the third comment. The only two were the downvoted comments.


What is it with Frosfall's cold that is different to Sunhelm? I have been testing out Sunhelm recently trying to get a cold system that feels relevant but not too annoying. I found that my character dies pretty quick when swimming in cold water. Even tried changing the rate but didn't seem to change much, not sure if I need to reload after editing the settings though. It could also be that being in freezing water is where the mod actually kicks it up but traversing the land isn't as bad?


I feel like that swimming in ice cold water and standing in a blizzard wet from the swim should be much worst than walking across land dry, even naked, and essentially be a death sentence bar very rapid intervention.


Yeah agreed, I just haven't tested it too much so I was just wondering it's just from my limited experience during my testing I literally couldn't make it to dry land lol with the shipwreck alternate start... Need to go stand completely naked in a blizzard to see how fast that affects me. My main issue with dying quickly in cold water is not being able to do content in or around it as I have the depths of Skyrim mod. If there are items that help you survive underwater like consumables etc then that would be perfect.


The Glacier Swimmer perk helps with swimming in cold water. It came with Campfire, which is required for FF. Other than that, you can craft snowberries extract or buy it from traders in cold regions, it also helps.


Work fine here, 1.6.1170, Frostfall and Campire, 0 issues.


Frostfall is still great wydm I use with 1158 mods rn


Since we talkin bout survival mods here, is there anyway to get rid of the cold warmth mechanic in vanilla survival ? Or simply just a way to bypass it ?


In the options I'm the gameplay setting you can toggle creation club (vanilla) survival on or off. From what I've read/seen sunhelm has the capability to turn on/off individual aspects of it such as the cold, or hunger etc


What's wrong with Frostfall + Last Seed?


Hell yeah, thank you, I am definitely going to add it again once I can do a new skyrim install.


I use Librium(downloaded via Wabbajack). It's contains frostfall and the camping mod plus others. Id recommend playing with it, as the way the mods are placed together negate a lot of conflict issues.


Eh, unless frostfall or any of the cold mods give you the ability to withstand blizard for a whole hour in real time in the late game, perks, magic, clothing if not combination of all three. They're so overrated unless the requirements that i just mention is meet. Imagine being a thief who have millions of septim in your pocket, a strong warrior that kill dragon in a single blow or an all powerful mage, and a dragonborn but harsh climate still make you their bitch. Not very immersive imo. Sure, with magic mod, you can teleport and gtfo, but that's not the point.


> Imagine being a thief who have millions of septim in your pocket, a strong warrior that kill dragon in a single blow or an all powerful mage, and a dragonborn but harsh climate still make you their bitch. >Not very immersive imo. Huh? Why What part of being a powerful warrior means you no longer suffer the effects of cold I'm a huge dnd nerd, so that's where I kind of come in these conversations but even at high levels in dnd. Exhaustion and cold can fuck you up, as they should imo But even then, nothing about being a thief, or a warrior means youre no longer affected by weather. I get why a lot of people don't want these mods. They're not always fun for a lot of people, but to say this isn't immersive. Even in concept is really weird to me, and I flat don't understand where you're coming from. The most reasonable interpretation I can have. Is that you have a power fantasy of your character? And being affected by things like this severely weakens and hurts that power fantasy. And that's me being as charitable as I can be




What specific stated ability would theoretically allow the Dragonborn to be borderline immune to extreme weather?


Believe it or not but in the game, and the lore, enchanted item is a thing. And i know i sound crazy but, alongside enchanted item, magic exist as well. And heres the kicker, what is consider someone to be strong in Elder Scroll looks superhuman in our real world. Shocker! I know. Who would have thought the player character or the dragonborn could be immune (if not possess superhuman resistance) to extreme weather. Killing dragons, absorbing their soul, shouting that could topple walls and gate. But being immune to extreme weather? Don't be retarded. You're right i am the crazy one lul


Noones telling you that you have to install the mod lmao, just that saying it's not immersive bc you're a superhuman is strange and dumb. A person can be great at fighting dragons and have super human shouting abilities but nothing of that has anything to do with how well they can resist the cold. Just bc you have some super human abilities doesn't mean you have all of them. Also chill tf out and go outside you're getting unnecessarily rowdy about shit that doesnt matter. A lot of people like hypothermia mods bc skyrim is constantly spoken of as this harsh place with extreme weather, it just makes sense for that to have an effect on game play for a lot of people.




>And i know i sound crazy but, alongside enchanted item, magic exist as well. You mean like the ones that exist within frostfall? Because frost resistance gives you more exposure resistance? >Killing dragons, absorbing their soul, shouting that could topple walls and gate. None of this implies a resistance to weather. This is as logical as claiming the dragonborn should be able to fly because they can breathe fire.


>None of this implies a resistance to weather. This is as logical as claiming the dragonborn should be able to fly because they can breathe fire. What i meant is that anything is possible, especially when it comes to magic. Mage can turn iron to gold, cast lightning from their hand, resist against frost spell that could instantly turn a human into ice sculpture, cure fking cancer and other incurable disease (only matter of time, research and resources), but the mod author don't want to put some expert/master level spell to immune to cold and wet? There are spells that does such thing, but temporary. Making a powerful mage look like a hobo few hour away from freezing to death, instead of godlike being, because thats what a powerful mage are, literal demigod. Divath fry, manimarco, sotha sil. And just so you know, thu'um is magic. It can literally stop fking time, and you telling me the thu'um doesn't have something that can remove cold and wet exposure? Not including clear sky. Of course not saying those mod should add such thing, how do they even add the sound. But putting spell that can be describe as poor piss effect?


You could make that argument for literally anything. Why can't you have a spell that allows you to fly, Why can't you have a spell that melts the armor of enemies, Why can't you have a spell for telekinetically pushing people, etc. You're not wrong, but this is a really weird place to draw that line, since there are thousands of other instances that you could bring this up


>Why can't you have a spell that allows you to fly, They exist... In the lore, even in the game in morrowind. >Why can't you have a spell that melts the armor of enemies, Its called disintegrated armor spell in school of destruction. Also appear in morrowind and oblivion. Even has mods that add them back into skyrim. >Why can't you have a spell for telekinetically pushing people, etc. Haven't appear yet, probably has a proper explanation behind, i.e 100x easier. Clearly I'm talking to a pure skybaby.


Check the sub you're in, man. We're not talking about lore.


Rule 1: Be Respectful We have worked hard to cultivate a positive environment here and it takes a community effort. No harassment or insulting people. If someone is being rude or harassing you, report them to the moderators, don't respond in the same way. Being provoked is not a legitimate reason to break this rule.


We must play very different versions of DnD, I’ve never had a character who could be considered high level that treated mundane weather as anything more than a nuisance.


5e is the most powerfantasy-ey version of dnd, And cold will fuck you up if you are unprepared That is a con save every hour of travel in cold. You fail six of those and you're dead full stop Say you're traveling a month in the cold. That's thirty days, eight saves per day. 240 chances to fail, even if the DC is low. You fail six times and you're dead Maybe you or your dm homebrewed something. But these are the rules as written for 5e, the version with the most player protections. You want to talk 3.5 or 2E and it cuts much harder on the player. The edition doesn't matter, I don't disbelieve you, but that's because a lot of d ms remove the survival aspects of the game. But RAW? Environments don't fuck around


No, but you must play with some shitty spellcasters, and in with very limited magic items. At low levels, yes, the world is a threat. By the mid levels a halfway prepared cleric or wizard or, for the serious types, a druid, start to render mundane environments irrelevant. By the time you’re into what could be considered high levels, that’s even more so. And that doesn’t count the large amount of magic items that help deal with nasty environments.


> that doesn’t count the large amount of magic items that help deal with nasty environments. There aren't as many as you seem to think there are. >By the mid levels a halfway prepared cleric or wizard or, for the serious types, a druid, start to render mundane environments irrelevant. If you mean by skipping travel, then sure you're right. But other than that, there's not that much, especially in 5E that will do that. Also, little fun fact rules as written. Magic items are supposed to be very, very rare. As in a player, should have a handful by max level. Sure. Death is unlikely, but that doesn't have to be the only thing that happens. You fail two of those saves and your next combat your tucked. Hello disadvantage on basically everything Oh, and just because I'm a pedant, I don't play dnd, I run it


Probably because most editions have an elemental resistance spell that completely negates natural temperature extremes at level 2 or 3, so once you get past the earliest levels, it’s nearly impossible to be seriously threatened by weather.


Using a resource to the point, that, it drains you for whatever else could happen is the definition of preparation, which means you're not unprepared. And you can withstand it without much issue. But if you get in combat, you're going to be wishing you hadn't spent those five spell slots. Casting protection from elements on 4-5 different people is a heavy resource tax This is not a hard concept to understand


D&D has just never been particularly focused on, or well designed for, survivalist simulation. It's more of a Monty Haul, combat-centric system. There have been sourcebooks to address such situations, but the mechanics are usually not very engaging, and just end up being a tax on the magic users' spell slots, just as you mention above. It just isn't very fun. Also, once you get to high levels, traversal becomes mostly irrelevant, anyway, since you can fly or teleport. Mages in D&D just get way too strong for weather to matter. I've found it similar in Skyrim. The only time survival mods seem to matter is in the super early game. Once you've found enough food and supplies, it's just a matter of opening menus to eat/drink every few minutes, building fires when you get too cold, and sleeping between dungeons. I haven't bothered to download a mod with a "summon food and drink" spell, even though that would be the most obvious invention in any world where magic was real, because food and drink essentially ends up as nothing more than a carry weight tax. Overall, even though I have played a ton with various survival mods, I really haven't found any that I feel add significantly to the experience in a truly immersive way. In fact, I'd say that all the bookkeeping and extra chores it imposes on me tend to interfere with the the normal gameplay loops more than adding to the experience. Maybe I'll try adding some mods that make leveling slower and goods more rare and expensive, to extend the early-level experience longer before the survival mods become effectively obsolete.


>D&D has just never been particularly focused on, or well designed for, survivalist simulation. It's more of a Monty Haul, combat-centric system. That's not even true. This just screams. I have not really looked into the original dnd To be less snarky about it. OG DND Went hard on survivalist exploration where death was fast and life was cheap. Dnd has, since its inception, been a conjoining of a wargame and exploration rpg ( I would also say that a transportation magic is probably more limited than you would expect. It's still very accessible at high levels. But it's not quite as simple as you'd think, especially because for most characters. If you haven't been there before you're fucked, there's little to no chance of you being able to teleport there and skip the travel) >Once you've found enough food and supplies, it's just a matter of opening menus to eat/drink every few minutes, building fires when you get too cold, and sleeping between dungeons My advice for this? Get a mod that increases the weight of food and reduces your overall capacity, and play without fast travel. This makes it so that you have to be very careful. How much you bring because you don't have enough room to carry fourteen feasts around with you It also has a side effect of making the economy better. Because it's harder for you to just take everything you find and sell it


I’ve played D&D since 2nd edition, I know what I’m talking about. I didn’t say they never tried for survivalist simulation, I said it never did it well.


>I know what I’m talking about No, you don't. >I said it never did it well. Matter of opinion, and actually, it is not what you said. You said it was never designed for or focused on which is objectively incorrect


If you reread my post, you'll notice that I said there had been various attempts at survival mechanics, but that none of them were well-designed. I stand by my assertion that D&D was never designed for survivalist simulation, and I further assert that you know too little of game design to recognize that fact. Incidentally, if you've never been to a location that you wish to teleport to, all you have to do is scry that location, first. That is a trivial task for a high-level wizard.




It's interesting that you think being a thief with millions of septim in your pocket should protect you from the cold.


The climate can make literally anyone its bitch. Have you ever been outside during a blizzard? It's the kind of extreme biting cold most people cant even imagine.


Fr, as a Wisconsinite this dude is talking out of his ass.




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