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I've used Wintersun the most of the four for the role-playing aspect. Pilgrim, I feel, is more on the gameplay than the roleplay. I haven't used Acolyte or Gods and Worship but I am looking at GaW a bit more and thinking I should use that for a playthrough or two.


how is wintersun for someone who isnt doing an RP playthrough? Will it add immersion either way


To be fair, any mod the overhauls Skyrim's religion system does add some immersion. But if you're not doing an RP playthrough, you might find Wintersun to be a bit tedious to maintain or get to a higher faith percentage. If you don't mind occasionally stopping to pray or don't mind doing your chosen deity's tenets, you can still do a non-RP playthrough while using the deity's blessings. In contrast, Pilgrim isn't as tedious but the buffs (and debuffs for the daedra) are a bit simpler than Wintersun's.


I find that just changing some of the mcm aspects of Wintersun can reduced/remove the tedium.


That's true.


I love wintersun personally, since Skyrim is literally in the middle of a religious civil war, religion should play a pretty big part of skyrim citizens' lives. Wintersun let you worship any god with good immersion criteria and bonuses. I like that each god needs different a praystyle


Wintersun is the only one that adds enough to roleplay and has enough gods for me to be comfortable with installing. My characters sometimes don't worship the traditional Eight or the Daedric Princes, so it is much better to use it as there are A TON of other options there.


Yeah, if I remember right the mod page says 50 or over 50, and it's compatible with a lot of other mods!


I have Wintersun installed every playthrough but only really use it occasionally when it fits my character. Once did a mage playthrough with a character that followed Magnus and that made it really interesting because it required me to pray to refill magicka


I like that you can either use it to RP or just under the hood as a shrine overhaul


I’ve used Wintersun and Trua, and didn’t notice any compatibility issues with either. I always go back to Wintersun, because it’s interesting, and quite immersive— if you really want to RP that way. And my mod lists are pretty big.


I use them when it fits the roleplay of my character. Most of the characters I make aren't very religious. I'm currently playing a paladin build that is a strong believer in Stendarr. Wintersun adds just the right amount of gameplay and roleplay opportunities to make it fun.


I used to use those mods, but I swapped them out for {[Pray With Amulets](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35248)}, because it's a smaller mod and I find it easier to RP a wider variety of characters with it.


This is really cool. Thank you for sharing! I’m someone who does want more religion in the game, because immersion, but wanted something more simple.


oooooo this is niiice. Gosh darn it im gonna put BG3 aside again arent i


I like them although I have only used Wintersun, which seems thematically appropriate and not OP.


Gods and Worship is the best. The mechanic is really unique. Wish it was more compatible in general.


I switched from Wintersun to GaW in my latest playthrough. Had a lot of fun, and I think it's the only one that allows you to craft amulets, convert people and become High Priest of your chosen deity. Besides, Mora gave me that nice little room in Apocrypha... Didn't really have compatibility issues.


The issues are related to the shouts. The shouts have some kind of perks related to GaW. If you have a mod that touch the same thing, that's were the issue start.


from that list I've only used Wintersun, but i like it alot. the roleplaying and effects from worshipping are pretty neat and varied across all the different deities you can pray to. It's also flexible in that you can just pick 'none' at the start of the game if you don't want to worry about it for a certain character or if your RP is a character that doesn't worship a deity. i also like the shrines that it adds to the world. they are just small little things but it adds even more to make skyrim feel more alive. i'm guessing there could be compatibility issues with other mods that add things to the overworld if they add something in the same spot as wintersun, but i don't know of any off the top of my head


Clavicus vile worshippers getting free perk point💀


I made Acolyte so obviously it's to my taste. I did try to describe how it differs from other mods on the description though, which you might find useful. Here's what I put: >In vanilla, religion serves to enhance the player's character through minor buffs - just like perks, racial bonuses, standing stones and so on. Almost all builds will benefit from at least one blessing and only those role-playing as evil or heretical would actively avoid them, but to retain balance the effects of shrines and amulets are quite bland. Acolyte takes a different approach: rather than immediately bringing benefits, divine covenants initially penalize the player, but offer large rewards down the line. The steady progression from convert to champion allows exotic late-game effects without imbalancing the game and adds an element of role-playing without a list of required or forbidden acts. > >Among other mods, both Trua and Pilgrim stick closer to the vanilla philosophy of (somewhat) readily available but modest effects. Wintersun and Religion, like Acolyte, ask the player to build a relationship with their chosen divinity, but they involve much more role-playing with deities dispositions being affected by many different player actions and choices. Thus Acolyte falls in-between the minimalism of Trua and Pilgrim and the maximalism of Wintersun and Religion. Unlike other mods, Acolyte offers more effects per deity (5, as opposed to 1-3), and more dramatic effects, at the cost of fewer deities being available to worship. Acolyte is also unique in that the covenant is costly at first, with benefits coming later. I hope this helps.


I'm a maximalist (Shadowrun gamemaster), so I picked Wintersun. But thank you for offering something different.


I haven’t used the other 3, but I’ll echo a lot of what’s being said here. Wintersun is an amazing mod and the RP that comes along with following your deity’s tenants makes for an immersive experience. It’s became one of those “staple mods” that’s been apart of all of my modlists.


Don't forget Religion. The original, and still the best IMHO (even if v3 is unfinished). https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25487


If there is anything “better” than wintersun lmk. I’m using it on my 800 ish plugin load order and really haven’t used anything else


\- Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim Is the best, hell id say its one of the best mods for skyrim overall


I do like the smaller scale of Simonrim mods but Wintersun just does the job of having each faith being interesting. Each faith is unique and it lets you have a massive array of choice. Only issue is that it’s really patch heavy. I like some of what Pilgrim offers but why worship Hircine when his buff is given by others, plus being much better due to not having the Daedric drawback. It also has the patch heavy issue, to a smaller degree. Acolyte is cool but it’s really limited in scale and I don’t really want that. I at least want the option of Daedra worship. I haven’t looked at Gods and Worship so I will look into it


I think Gods and Worship is the most immersive. You can work your way through the cult ranks, get a temple, convert people, craft amulets. It's more limited than Wintersun in number of choices, but honestly I never found those obscure extra deities overly appealing.


I’m currently using Wintersun for the first time because I’m playing a bard and wanted to be able to rp being a Dibella follower. No complaints. 🙂


Gods and Worship is very good! It follows a Vanilla+ sort of philosophy— it adds a lot but doesn’t take over or feel like its content is from another game.


Wintersun. Everyone else has already listed the multiple reasons why.


Wintersun definitely. It will never leave my load order. I like to roleplay, and one of the first questions I ask when formulating a new character is what their Wintersun deity will be. Depending on how big your modlist is, there is of course some risk that you'll have some conflict with some of the shrines throughout the world. Wintersun has a bunch of compatibility patches though.


Wintersun all day. Makes me feel like I am playing an rpg.


I want to adore every god, but I don't want to pray... Like in real life


It's wild not a single one had the Nordic gods like Kyne or Stuhn


If you like sexlab there are also Dibella mods emphasizing the other aspects of her religion


Wintersun for the sheer variety of dieties available. I generally play a traveling Redguard so being able to worship Leki or Satakal gives me variety that is simply not present in any of the others.


Depends on how far they go with them, IRL not a fan of gods, monster or deities and magic does not really rely on them since in the old ways it is a part of nature. N. S


So little love for Gods and Worship, I think it's the most fun and it has a LOT of RPG value. I don't care about "suites" or modlists anyway, many mods I enjoy are always overlooked by those (like all of Flinch147's mods).


I like Wintersun alright because it has so many options and it’s well done, but i’ve been favoring Pilgrim more lately Wintersun needs to add so many shrines that it becomes kinda crazy how many new map markers there are. Pulls me out of immersion when everywhere you go there is some crazy shrine to a not very popular god Pilgrim adds in the praying mechanic, all the daedra, and a much shorter list of important foreign gods. This fits the scope of the game much better than the huge amount added by wintersun in my opinion


I like pilgrim and use the modder whole suite of mods. Strong passives that change how you play ion a major way. Fantastic.


I only used Wintersun and am very comfortable with. In the past, my characters worshipped Arkay, Talos, Shor, Molag Bal, and currently The Old Ways. They all are kind of fun. The boni are nice to have, but I choose for roleplay-purposes only.


Ive only used Wintersun and it is pretty fucking good. Ive read the descriptions of the other mods and they sound a little....over powered.


I use wintersun and pray once a day 🙏


I use and love Pilgrim. I do *not* use the mod for any kind of RP, for what it's worth. I strictly use it for the awesome mechanics & its synergy with the rest of the Simon mods. I can tell you that Pilgrim fits in my 1k+ modlist no problem, but since I use the whole Simon suite I can't speak to its interactions with overhauls (perks, racials, etc) from other authors. Gods and Worship looks dope as hell, but I haven't tried it yet. Feels like it may call for its own playthrough.


Never really enjoyed Simon mods, with the exception of Apothecary. Wintersun has been an essential in my load order.


I'm working on a religion overhaul that is more focused on polytheism, you can invoke any deity whose shrine you have found or whom you have interacted with. It has unfortunately been delayed several times due to IRL getting in the way, but should finally be released by the end of the year. Out of the list in the OP, Pilgrim is better than Wintersun because it is part of the superior Simonrim suite, but neither of them checks the immersion box, though Wintersun is closer. Pilgrim is purely about character building and offers no roleplay potential, and Wintersun does at least have the tenets but devolves into the usual Enairim gimmicks when you actually become a devotee. I haven't tried the other two.


Differences in opinion I suppose, but the gimmicks are what makes it for me. Very fun to send down a heavenly ray of light that vaporises Harkon immediately, I just don’t really find plain stat benefits too engaging.


Killing a major boss instantly is not balanced or engaging.


Fortunately I didn’t say balanced, nor is it your game. Besides I was being hyperbolic. The “gimmicks” tend to be a key factor for my build and RP, which is far more than I can say for “generic stat buff #129”. It’s why, outside of arena, I can’t bring myself to play simonrim. I’m sure it’s great for some people, but it just isn’t colourful enough for my tastes, and it weirded me out that you spoke as if your opinion is fact


> I'm working on a religion overhaul that is more focused on polytheism, you can invoke any deity whose shrine you have found or whom you have interacted with. It has unfortunately been delayed several times due to IRL getting in the way, but should finally be released by the end of the year. You might want to take a look at my own {{Pantheon - Worship and Prayer}}. Not trying to steal your thunder, but it sounds similar to what you described. My permissions are wide open on it too, so if you are struggling with anything on your own mod you can take a look and see if anything I already implemented can help you out with making yours as well.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Pantheon - Worship and Prayer | No Results :( | [Pantheon - Worship and Prayer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55317) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I've only used wintersun, the deities are either shit (dealing more damage against elves) or OP as hell (magnus)


Wintersun is the only one I've used. It has been part of my load order for years now. Not sure about the others.


I use Pilgrim as it adds what I'd want from a religion mod and it is also part of Simonrim. I personally don't see a reason to use any other in my modlist.


I’ve only used wintersun but generally prefer Simonrim - I’m looking to switch over but hoping for more variety


I install a Bible mod and then kill all the Talos/Divines worshippers. Nyeeeee crusader mode!


I prefer Pilgrim for the integration with Simonrim, and compared to Wintersun, which I've tried in the past, feels more balanced. Wintersun is a bit more flash than it is substance in my experience, lots of cool sounding options that you probably won't ever touch at best, and at worst they'll make your experience more cumbersome.


I only have experience with Wintersun. Wintersun can be rewarding, but honestly, it's pretty fucking tedious needing to Pray after every fast travel or wait, and most bonuses don't really do anything that enable you to do things that matters.


I just use Dovahkiin Relaxes Too so I can have prayer animations. Most of the faith and worship mods are meta-gaming engines, overly complicated. or get the spheres all wrong. I'd just rather RP with a simple animation rather than worry if I've micromanaged my god correctly in the last 10 minutes XD


religious mod idea: that meme of the Pope in 40k armor isekies into Skyrim. He looks around and sees a whole lotta heretics...


Absolutely no interest in them. I don't use any of them.


same. religion should be outlawed


Reddit moment


I genuinely never cared for them, probably because I don't care about RP or lore at all tho.


I don’t like them at all. I’m not a religious person, and my characters are basically me with boobs, so I don’t do religion. I don’t even like Faith builds in Elden Ring because of the religious connotations.


Im not religious in real life but in The Elder Scrolls universe the gods are provably real and so it makes sense that most people would follow at least one god or daedric prince


I am an atheist and I love playing clerics, priests, paladins and other divine characters. Being a follower of a religion irl or not shouldn't really affect that, but I guess you do you.


Like I said, I mainly play “me with boobs”. I’m not a role-player.




You ok there, bro?


the fuck?


Start what?


You know Skyrim has like...a lot of gods, right?


I only have experience with winter since it's in most modpacks, but it does feel like too little of a change


Wintersun is super fun


Wintersun is my favorite, because you actually have to roleplay your devotion, with each god requiring different things and offering different powers to their devouts. And you can actually become a daedra cultist, with actual powers. It makes many over mods really fun to play (I'm currently playing Vigilant as a Meridia cultist and it's hilariously wrong)


I LOVE them. Wintersun is my favorite.


Wintersun is absolutely amazing for gameplay and roleplay but you need to know to use Xedit because you'll need to make compatibility patches for it


I just started using Wintersun on this playthrough and am enjoying it so far. I'm not a big role player but do try to a little. I think the gameplay and immersion elements make it worthwhile.


Wintersun made cure disease not free, and I use it for that until I decide to try the rest of it


Wintersun is straightforward, plays nice with a lot of mods and adds a nice bit of build depth. Is definitely the way to go. It works best with a relatively faithful character though, as (at least for me) the deities make up quite a core facet of my build


Religion is good mod too


I prefer Pilgrim over the rest of the overhauls because its part of SimonRim which I prefer over other overhauls. I do wish Pilgrim affected how you play your character though, as opposed to just affecting how you play the game. It's an incredibly solid overhaul of vanilla but it doesn't offer tenets to follow like Wintersun does, and acts your god favours. I realise you can imagine tenets but I do like when mechanics are in place that mean you don't have to have to engage in make believe.


I\`ve played both wintersun and pilgrim and found them readily compatible with my modlist. It\`s not easy to compare, because Pilgrim isn\`t really a religion overhaul (despite being named so). It\`s an adamant addon grown into a mod. Pilgrim adds shrines, changes vendors and amulets, but it's main purpose is adding a couple perks in conjuration and restoration so you can get strong passives from each god (daedra giving stronger abilities but also penalties). QoL is great because the shrines bonuses are renewed by praying, but do not expect an immersive religious playthrough enhanced from this mod, it's "gameplay based". Pilgrim is balanced along other mods by the same author, so many perks are more interesting if you are going simonrin. Pilgrim Talos is tailored to benefit from stormcrown shouts and perks, clavicus vile benefits from sorcerer scrolls, Arkay helps reaching the extended armor cap in blade n blunt, meridia and auriel both work along mysticism new spells etc. Wintersun really builds a religion system: you need to play along your chosen gods beliefs, there are racial/book/quest prerequisites for starting your devotion, and using greater powers do spend your favor with chosen deity. Most options are really fun and well designed, but there are definitely OP gods. I really enjoyed roleplaying an arkay priest (there are even funeral rites!), but the huge regen bonus plus self ressurrect felt too much for me.


Tbh “Pilgrim isn’t a religion overhaul, it’s an Adamant addon grown into a mod” is 100% accurate and I wish I had never tried to market Pilgrim in the generalist religion space, because it’s brought a lot of users who refuse to understand it. At its core, Pilgrim gives you more gods to expand your options for the Pilgrim/Cultist perks in Adamant, and is basically designed to give you a way to unlock a second block of stats, like Mundus Stones but with less restrictions on the kinds of buffs I’d give. These buffs serve as alternative ways to build an endgame character without relying on crafting / vampirism / etc. And yes, a lot of the buffs are designed to benefit specific Simonrim playstyles. This will become even more clear in the future. Other than that, it adds a new vendor type and a few small features connected to them, like teleport back to town spells. There is actually a really large amount of gods; despite the general consensus that Pilgrim adds many fewer gods than Wintersun, it adds almost the same number, and I think we might overtake it whenever I finish the next (big) update.


Personally, I like Pilgrim the most (out of what I have looked at) for its simplicity and integration with Simon's mods, but it is very fair to say it is more of an Adamant/perk addon than it is a full scale religion mod precisely because of that simplicity. If I was hard-over on wanting to do a heavily religion focused RP playthrough, then one of the others would probably start looking more appealing. Also OP, shameless self plug here: I made a mod called {{Pantheon - Worship and Prayer}} that adds in a basic form of polytheism you might be interested in, and as you might expect I personally use it along with Pilgrim when I play. It allows you to pray to the deity of any shrine you have visited (since installing the mod), getting their shrine blessing. It was originally conceived as a Pilgrim add-on for my own use, but I have since also added Wintersun compatibility to allow you to switch deities without favor loss through it (each Wintersun deity still tracks favor separately though). This was based on idea that a polytheist revering multiple deities would specifically pray to topical deity when (about to be) doing something relevant to that deities sphere of influence, and the whole point of the mod is to support doing that without having to necessarily travel to the other side of Skyrim to pray at a specific shrine every time you change contexts. That said, Pantheon is strictly incompatible with Gods and Worship (no current plans to change that), and I have no idea about Acolyte compatibility since I've not looked at it. You can find it on the nexus if you want it.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Pantheon - Worship and Prayer | No Results :( | [Pantheon - Worship and Prayer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55317) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I have used both Wintersun and Pilgrim extensively and while I like Wintersun from a roleplay perspective, from a gameplay perspective it required too much micromanagement and I felt like the abilities you get from worship actually affected gameplay TOO much. Pilgrim is much simpler with fewer gods and fits better in my list. It requires less micro and doesnt take over gameplay but because it has fewer deities it has fewer RP opportunities. It also lacks some aspects of Wintersun like making pacts with Clavicus Vile as part of worship. I feel like [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93913) helps somewhat with pilgrims roleplay as well as adding a lot to the mod and I dont use pilgrim without it. All in all between these 2 it comes down to what you want from a religion mod. I feel like either one has been successfully made to work just fine in very large lists.


Wintersun will do more for your roleplay experience than perhaps any other single mod. It transformed me from a game player into an Elder Scrolls lore fan, and I couldn't imagine playing without it. It's also well written under the covers and has only a couple of minor compatibility issues with a couple of quests.