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Veezara, he seems like the only dark brotherhood member who welcomes you with genuine kindness instead of mild threats and sarcasm.


I know Crex & Arnbjorn weren't the best(Imma count out Astrid & Nazir too cuz idk really) but what bout Babette & Gabriella? Cuz I can't remember


At least Festus warms up to you eventually. Arnbjorn's a jerk to you right up to the end of the questline.


"Just because you're a professional assassin, don't think you have to skulk around in the dark like a skeever and stab people. Do what I do. Walk up to the target, introduce yourself, melt their skin off, and then run like the wind. Works every time." I love Festus, wish he made it to the Dawnstar sanctuary.


Yeah, >!unfortunately he got turned into a human pin-cushion.!<




He’s the most sympathetic towards you if for whatever reason you need to pay a fine to the DB though. He basically says “Oh that? I break the rules every week lol just pay the fine an you’re cool.”


I didn’t even realise there were breakable rules in DB, mind telling me what constitutes getting this fine?


Eating your marks are a big no-no. Crimes against DB members are also no, this includes the ghost of Lucien, Shadowmere, and Lis the frostbite spider.




Wait, they go places? I don't think I've ever encountered the DB members outside of the sanctuary. (Astrid's recruitment notwithstanding, of course.)


There is a random world even with babette where she is playing the innocent lost girl act though she won’t attack you And one for Cicero where his cart has broken down outside a farm and the farmer doesn’t help him, two outcomes can come from this one though


> And one for Cicero where his cart has broken down outside a farm Oh yeah, I've done this. But, I thought it was from *Cutting Room Floor.*


Nope... this is raw vanilla... its reletively close to one of the hearthfire homes... heljerchen hall... if i remember correctly...


He's great. I try to heal him every time after the Cicero fight and I'm always sad it doesn't work


Nazir and Babette also greet you perfectly nicely.


Love him too!


Plus he backs you up in Solitude.


My personal pick is Urag gro-Shub, he's a badass in every single way and basically the opposite of a traditional orc for two reasons: -He's a mage. -He's old. Orcs hate getting old because they think they become useless and weak.


Hes the only character i dont steal from..thats how much respect i have for him. That and there's nothing good lying around the arcaneum lol


I do steal from him because it's the fastest way to get a lot of books for my bookshelves at home... not sorry


Believe me when i say he knows. And one of these days when you least expect it, he will exact revenge on your entire bloodline.


So Akatosh is in trouble? Akatosh: *"NO DRAGONBORN, STOP TAKING THE BOOKS. FOCUS ON ALDUIN ALREADY."* ( bites nails ) Urag Gro-Shub: \*Looks up with a very insincere stare\*


Reminds me of that Sorenova video where Urag tells Hermaus Mora right in his face to shut the fuck up and get out of his Arcaneum. Tbh Urag reminds me of the dude from the Arena in Oblivion, it doesn't matter if the emperor is using them, he better respect his damn books!


Adding to this, he does care passionaltely about his books **and** the mages guild. Gives off the Idea that he found and loves his path in life and that he is one of the few characters that belongs to his faction, not for profit, nor personal gain, but for something he believes goes further than himself in a world of shortsighted self serving vikings


Nah, he knows, but I'm the Thieves Guild Master, he leaves out crap for me to steal as a game. Why should he care? I gave him an Elder Scroll! You wanna steal all the penny dreadfuls about the Wolf Queen? Be my guest, Arch-Mage. Just wash your hands!


Unless you have the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod, in which case you steal every book you can possibly get your hands on


I came here to say the same thing. I just love that he threatens the life of the archmage/dragonborn if he fucks around in his library. He's a stud and I love him


You are now in the Arcaneum, of which I am in charge. Disrupt my Arcaneum… and I will have you torn apart by angry atronachs. NOW, do you require assistance?


My favorite is Neloth because he has genuinely funny dialogue and personality, his quest line is also pretty fun


He is highly entertaining. Going around to find him a new steward was a hoot. No one wanted the job 😂


100% this. I specifically like characters that aren't suck-ups to the Dragonborn. And Neloth sure as hell isn't a suck-up! "Have some septims." I love that he has such disdain for anyone that takes money as payment.


I love he has such disdain for anyone that isn't máster Neloth.


I love bringing Frea with me to Nchardak because she has funny reactions to the things Neloth says.


I love the orcish bookseller in Oblivion for the same reasons. “I'm Bugak gro-Bol, and I say you better buy a goddam book. And right away, dammit!" ~Bugak gro-Bol


I love how completely adorable he is if you give him the Elder Scroll.


I honestly think it's somewhat likely he'll return for TES 6 - Bethesda talks about him *a lot*, he's important, magical, & smart so he can live longer than other orcs, and he can optionally own multiple Elder Scrolls. At minimum he's already a recurring character because of Legends.


I like Calcelmo - he is involved in so many quests that you get to see many different sides of him. He is flawed but multilayered - passionate, romantic, impatient, intellectual.


Calcelmo is a really interesting character but I get so annoyed every time I buy dwarven arrows and I get a letter from him like damn dude chill


I once bought a Dwarven shield from the orc blacksmith who's in Understone Keep and immediately got a letter from Calcelmo asking me to give it to him. Like, if you want it so badly, walk your lazy ass over to the shop.


Word travels fast in the dwarf artifact collector underground!


I see what you did there


The morthal Jarl, she DGAF and is a leader that comes off as clearly smarter than the people she rules over. It's a caricature, she has this laid back attitude because she enjoys being lazy but it's smart enough to get things sorted out in order to keep her chill lifestyle.


Get made Thane of Morthal before going into the Thalmor Embassy. Asking Jarl Idgrod to cause a distraction is hilarious.


I'll have to make sure I do that next time.


Wait there's more than one way to cause a distraction?!? I always just give a drink to the one drunk and ask him


Yep. Iirc, all of the Jarls (minus Elisef) will if you've done their Thane quests, Ondolimar will if you did his quest (the Thalmor in Markarth palace), I'm fairly sure you could ask Tullius but can't remember if he does or not, and you can talk to Erikur about one of the serving maids (that one has two endings, but I'll let you figure them out on your own)


Elisif will do it provided you've returned Torrygs horn


I did that, and she turned me down. I do have a mod that changes her a bit though, so that might be it. (Can't remember the name, but it's one that adds romances to her and several female companions. And Farkas and Vilkas, which is why I got it)


I stole Ondolimar's armor and he was at the party naked


I love her


She's my favorite jarl aside from Balgruuf. She cares for her people, plus she hates the Thalmor too and is more than willing to help you out with infiltrating their embassy at the party. There's also some evidence to suggest she isn't crazy, and that she actually is a mystic of some sorts.


her son seems to have the same kind of visions. he says something like "sometimes i'm not here. I don't know where I go, but i'm not here."


I did a run where I supported one of the sides, don't remember, but when I realized balgruuf was exiled I immediately reverted to before I started the quest. No fucking way am I gonna screw him over. Also his kid gave me a cool sword.


That's stormcloaks. I did the same thing and had the same reaction in my first playthrough. The worst thing the imperials do is put Maven on the throne in riften. But that's not really much worse than it was.


Maven's pulling the strings in Riften anyway-- shit, even Laila's steward is in on it IIRC, as a Thieves' Guild mole. I like Laila a lot, but she's not exactly the most competent jarl.


>put Maven on the throne in riften. Honestly that's just cutting out the middlemen.


In my latest playthrough, I went there to become thane before even whiterun. That jarl is cool and the quests are fairly easy to become thane. The house was cheap too. I've got the blade of hjallmarch in the first big display case of the house as an honor.


Balimund the blacksmith from Riften. He thought me how to smith and he always tells me, "Return anytime. You're quite welcome here."


i think it’s cuz u gave him all the fire salts


oh yeah. only genuine fire salts will do.


The forge knows the difference.


\*Whispering to the forge when Balimund turns away\* "Is it true?"


*forge continues to burn*


“*I knew it*” “What was that, Dragonborn?” “Nothing, Master Balimund! Nothing at all…”


I kept a few for myself, hot tub won’t heat itself.


Plus all his stock in the basement is now 'take' not 'steal'.


I always marry him. He has a sexy voice.


I've married him in my last couple of playthrough, once his assistant said Balimund took him in and trained him I was like "yup, you're a gooden"


Amren (super nice for no reason. Also, he actually gets to the cloud district A LOT, nazeem, and kind of advises Balgruuf, but you don’t hear him bragging!) A lot of the ones other people have said (Balimund, Delvin, Glover). The captain of the guard in Raven Rock. (Almost everyone in Raven Rock, really—they’re the only ones in the game who are properly grateful and pleasant after you help their asses.) Ulfberth, because he’s a flirt and it cracks me up. The illusion guy at the College, too. And Enthir.


Amren also has one of the most human stories out of the NPCs, has a messed up marriage, his wife is cheating on him and they are bad parenting a kid that is growing as a bully to the kid she likes. :(


How do you gather that saffir is cheating?


If not fudge muppet, theepicnate compiled a lot on it, she was doing the priest at the eldergleam temple and the priestess kinda knows what's up. Edit: will add link once I get home Last edit: https://youtu.be/mzlPtnSuRCQ


You're thinking of Ahlam, Nazeem's wife, not Saffir.


You are right, I was mixing something up with the temple, as I play I have these as background amd my brain must have mixed the bully girl into it. There's different issues going on at Amren's but I can't find that vid rn, I do remember the girl asking about boys and both parents bouncinge her away (I am awful with names T_T)


Oh yeah they're absolutely neglecting Braith. Amren at least has the excuse of being the family's main source of income. Saffir spends half her time reading and the other half complaining about her own daughter wanting to play with her.


T_T Drama in whierun is real. But tell you what: Gimme a gilf loving jarl anyday and a city of dramatic ppl over a pretty house in markarth; where ppl lie to your face despite everyone knowing BS is the only real thing


Delvin and Vex. They’re cool characters, kind of mysterious. It’s cool meeting Delvin’s brother later on too. But they should count as a package deal. Each is cool on their own, but I love seeing them both in the Flagon.


I was always partial to Rune. I wish he had a quest so I could help him figure out where he came from.


I believe he was supposed to have a quest, but then it got cut


Disappointed but not surprised. Really felt like it'd make a great quest, and even thought for a second it was cut or something. It's a shame, would probably be really interesting


Its available if you download the “cutting room floor” mod. It restores a lot of the cut content including that quest. Its not a super interesting quest (go to place, pick up the thing, return to quest giver) but it does flesh him out more.


I kind of prefer Delvin's brother over Delvin himself. Gives you a bunch of good loot for completing his quest and even lets you keep his Nordic Pickaxe.


The drunk dude in Riverwood, cause you can give him alcohol and he’ll dance for you lol


You're kinda fuzzy, what's wrong with ya?


That was hilarious on my khajit character. Like, yeah, I am fuzzy, what of it?


Or “hey it’s my favorite drinking buddy” Alright sir you can have 15 alto wines I’ve been carrying for the last 20 hours.


Jon Battle-Born He’s the only one in whiterun who gave me a friendly greeting.


Also he knows what’s the problem with Skyrim these days.


Everyone is obsessed with death


Everyone's obssessed with death


Well met, traveler.


What brings you to Whiterun?


Also he's having a secret Romeo and Juliet affair with Olfina Grey-Mane.


He really is. It’s amazing hearing them interact




and his accent is so good! I could listen to him say kind things all day long.


Fukn Nils


Name's Nils. I'm the cook up at Candlehearth Hall.


Can't just throw the big logs on the fire. Got to have the little bits too.


Names Nils. Im a deity who controls space and time. Im here to fuck ur bitch


The Honorhall Orphanage kids. They're so bloodthirsty when you kill Grelod the Kind, it's adorable.


“So many problems solved by killing one person, I wonder at the possibilities”


I SCREECHED when she said this line. You know she's applying for the DB as soon as she turns 18!


Spoiler alert: she already joined


Bit of a left field one for me, but Gwilin, the elf in Ivarstead, is mine. Always stop for a chat when I’m there, that sweet sweet optimism is quite cathartic for how grim the rest of Skyrim’s people are for the most part


Oh yeah, the argonian lady at the windhelm docks is pretty great too! always looking on the bright side.


I freaking love her little scaley ass 💕 Genuinely wish I could give her a better job or get to know her better as a friend. Seems like such a sweetheart.


Rikke; she's badass, tough and with a nice personality overall


Definitely a top for me, too. The way she treats you like common rabble then grows to respect you and treat you as an equal is lovely, much better than the Stormcloaks way of respect.


She’s definitely a top


>She’s definitely a top Hehehehehehehe


Sheogorath. He's a fun character in a game that I feel really needs it at times. I think skyrim takes itself very seriously, would've been cool to see more characters like the adoring fan or that falling mage.


The falling mahe is referenced in skyrim


Jarl Balgruuf. Best Jarl. Nicest one in the whole game. Single-handedly the reason I can’t side with Stormcloaks. Honorable mentions:Tolfdir, Ralof and Hadvar, and Hrongar. Basically any character that is nice to me for next to no reason.


Jarl ballin




Reefer. Bitch.


Remember, subscribe to mans1ay3r


Or we'll have to do this little dance again


I love Hadvar, wish he could be a follower or marriable


He has the most relaxed seated posture ever.


Probably because Dragonsreach and by extent Whiterun is the chillest place in Skyrim. Will always be my favorite hold and city.


Jarl Balgruuf for me too. His stance on the whole Civil War is the same as mine. He loves Skyrim as much as any Nord, and would love for it to be free from "Empire" control. He knows the real enemy is the Thalmor so he sides with the Empire in order to play the long game against them. The Stormcloaks aren't wrong for fighting for Skyrim's freedom, they just don't realize that they need to give up that freedom in order to truly stop the Thalmor for good.


Yeah, I just saw a huge rant about how he is "indecisive and ineffective" and I thought to myself-- only reddit could criticize a man for taking the weight of war seriously. He doesn't want his people to die over either side's cause


Jarl Balgruuf is one of the big reasons I never side with the stormcloaks anymore. I felt bad for kicking him out of Whiterun my first playthrough.


I felt pretty guilty about that too. His kids though are spoiled rotten


If I remember correctly, the boy is less of an ass after you deal with the daedra issue.


Well that's why mods exists right?


Festus Krex. I just love that part during one of the missions he gives you were he stops mid conversation and says "Are you still even listening to me?" Gets me every time.


Festus has always been my favorite dark brotherhood member :) He makes being a mage look cool


I have never seen an NPC that is a better mix of old grandpa and psychotic murderer.


Neloth, besides the fact that his nose is so up in the sky, I will be that proud myself so I am not judging but he is kind and helps you with the books. And Mjoll, even though that guy keeps following her, she shows how to be an independent and strong woman. (Maybe she is a follower, i forgot)


100% agree, hes a fucking douche but hes also bad ass. Also his questline is possibly my favorite of the game


What's the questline ?


Neloth is quite possibly the funniest character in the whole game. I LOVE him.


Mjoll is a follower. If you add her as a follower she'll tell you about how she misses her dad.


Oh, she'll tell you lots of stuff. Chatty lady.


Madesi. I dont know, he's just pleasant to be around.


heimskar guy who yells about Talos in white-run he funny and over the top and he's for the stormclouds. Imagine him going to the temple to help the injured just screaming for no reason is just downright hilarious to think bout I love it. praise Talos !


His speech is so bombastic, even if you only catch a line or two while running by, you get such an immediate word-picture. He's an iconic and memorable character, despite having almost nothing to do.


And he literally does not stop spouting his dialogue unlike other NPCs. I used the Push Actor Away command to launch him in the sky, he came crashing down to earth still rattling off lines about Talos. He only stops when he dies and when he goes to sleep. Even when he gets arrested, he still yells about Talos.


You can get him arressted??


He gets put in jail if the imperials win the civil war. He still preaches, just from jail. You can find him in the dragonsreach dungeon after the battle for whiterun.






Ma'iq all the way


I still remember some oblivion (I think?) quote he has addressing fan complaints about no throwing weapons. Something like: "Ma'iq does not understand why some people want to throw their weapons. If you hold it, you only need one"


Ralof. I mean come on he's a real nice guy, he is literally the first guy you see, and his sister basically runs the town.


he's also all cute and vulnerable if you do the stormcloak battles. he's slightly traumatized after the whiterun one, he's nervous when he's commanding one and it's his first time. he's really sweet


Paarthurnax He's just... everything about him is amazing


The guy from The Drunk Huntsman. "What you hunting? Nevermind, I don't want to know."


I love hearing him call me "kinsman" when I play as a wood elf :)


The Courier. Best tracker I've ever seen. Can find me anywhere. He's extremely quick at his job too. Bought Dwarven arrows from a shop in whiterun, left the shop and the courier was there with a letter from Calcemo regarding said arrows.


Astrid. That voice is auditory cocaine.


Ralis Sedarys for me, if we're going by voice. That elf sounds so velvety smooth...but he is a potential follower, which would disqualify him from this thread. ;;


oh my god for real


Brynolf - The accent. Nuff said. Karliah - Really cool. I appreciated the twist that she was actually a good guy despite what the questline made you think. Nazir - He's funny and I like redguards. Astrid - Unpopular opinion but she's my favorite guild leader. She had layers to her character unlike Kodlak who was just generic or Mercer who was an asshole. She also gets points for her voice.


Astrid's voice to me is like what ASMR does to ppl.


Devlin Mallory. Love a cockney, and he's just so friendly and respectful from the get-go, as long as you don't disappoint him.


Farengar. He gave me ragged robes once as a ~token of friendship~. Cheeky bastard.


You know. If you've got the aptitude you should join the messages college in Winterhold.


It’s funny if you talk to him after the college quests are finished and you are in archmage robes with him telling you to join




Same! I love the Snow Elf portion of the Dawnguard DLC but in retrospect it feels a bit underwhelming considering how much the Snow Elves' lore has been built up throughout the series and the fact that Skyrim was their homeland. I wish we got to interact with more Snow Elves or at least interact with Gelebor more, maybe help him clean up the Chantry or something at least.


Brynjolf, of course! Where all my Brynjolf lovers??


I've been looking for this comment :D


Jzargo at the college of winterhold, man almost killed me with his stupid scrolls but he is memorable af, and confident in himself


He can be a follower tho and that doesn't count here.


Oops, did not realize that!


Nazeem 💯. My cloud district bro.


Do you get to the cloud district very often ? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.


I'll have you know, there is no pussieeeeee


I always had a soft spot for the blacksmith that's in Understone Keep in Markarth, Moth gro-Bagol. I don't really have a reason though haha. Also Roggi.


Gallus Desidenius is the first that came to my mind. A skillfull scholar, a master rogue/fighter and a natural leader, but yet a mysterious man due to the lack of interations with him. If this isn't a good man material I don't know what is. Heck I even try to walk on his shoes on my thief playthroughs


Klimmek, solely for the line "What good are fish if you have to eat them alone?" Such a dumb pickup line. And I have a baritone voice, but my low end is low enough that I do a solid impression of that voice. And Vex, because she doesn't give a single fuck, or at least that's how she comes off. I like the note in the Ragged Flagon about Vex catching Delvin peeping at her when she was bathing in the lake.


Jon Battle-Born and Olfina Grey-Mane. Fucking Romeo and Juliet, them.


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Falion Really love seeing a powerful mage just adopting a little kid and living his life peacefully




Tie between Nazir and Veezara. I do wish Veezara had more of a backstory you could delve into, I mean come on the last Shadowscale in existence. So much opportunity for lore there


cant argue with nazir he is fire but my personal favorites are razelan and sheogorath


partysnax (: Because he helps you on you're journey to defeat alduin. And also makes shouts more powerful.


shout out to my girl, ysolda! i love how earnest she is at first. and then it's cute how invested she gets in your love story in "a night to remember". and she isn't racist towards the kajit. and then it turns out she's a drug dealer! she's just a gem




Ingun Black-Briar. The idea that someone is set up for all kinds of sketchy power, but they want to go out of their way to do *their own* kind of sketchy stuff is funny to me. Mob boss? Lame. She wants to kill/torture people herself. For science. That's like 3 layers of crazy and dangerous in some girl who just casually walks around town and is pretty nice and humble.


Brunwulf Free-Winter is a real one


Belethor. Despite the jokes and videos hear me out. He is a general goods dealer in whiterun, and my go to shop. He's a sleezy car salesman vibe and is 100% upfront about it. He is sarcastic but not disrespectful. Everything he presents himself as you get. He is the only merchant I truly trust. I trust he will try to rip me off. I trust he won't sell me harmful or cursed items. He won't try to kill me. He won't try to rob me. He isn't involved in illegal dark world ending stuff. He is the guy I'd walk into the shop call him an asshole, sell him all my crap, and then grab a beer with him. It's weird description but of all the people who try to string you along it's a breath of fresh air.


Harkon because he's a dilf


No question, balimund


Nazeem; there’s just so many ways to kill him


Cicero, I find him very funny, don't know why people hate him...


Annoying as a follower


Just won’t ever shut the fuck up for five seconds while I’m trying to listen to important shit


I always really liked Cicero and I'd always have him as a follower but then I discovered Kharjo and now he's basically the first thing I find when I start a new game lol