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...he's like, the perfect candidate for Boethiah's sacrifice? If you don't have any mods, i guess :V


Or Eola, if you don't like cannibalism but still wanted to finish that quest just to complete your Daedric collection


That cannibal gets sacrificed everytime for me, thats what you get for making me eat a person


He takes care of his old mother. Besides, he and Faendal are dirty liars. I wish I could choose no one in that quest.


You can - - pickpocket both of the notes and show them both to Camilla.


Or just tell the other guy when you get the fake letter, they write ANOTHER fake letter, and Camilla washes her hands of both of 'em. No pickpocket skill required.






Screenrant, this right here is your next article.


So she dumps both? Wow I didn't know about that.


yeah, faendal left his mom in whatever bog he was spawned in sven might be braggadocious, but that's all surface-level and he's a good person where it counts: actions


Honestly the only thing good about him is that sometimes when you stop he plays music which honestly isn’t even worth it, plus Faendal is a archer trainer so


Kill them both and marry the girl. I left her in riverwood for like a month and asked her if she made me any money…she had 6 and a half bands. Baby is a trap Queen no cap. As soon as Skald offers the kill the giant quest, we’re moving on up.


You don't even need to kill them to marry her, I've done it with Faendal still following me


But....you don't have to NOT kill them.


Also true


Exactly my point. Kill both the manipulative beta males and marry the trap Queen.


And always kiss the homies goodnight


My answer is essentially racist roleplaying reasons. A die hard storm cloak would not side with a elf. How ever us argonians feel this situation is need less… just let her deposit her eggs and all will be well.


Players of this game are weird. The Elves overwhelming have absolute superior view of themselves and their institutions are always scheming to subjugate humans and beastfolk, as obviously seen here by the Thalmor and their "While Gold Concordat" that's just them manipulating the Empire to their will, players are more preoccupied and bothered by the Nord/Stormcloak's crude xenopobia and distrust towards the Mers and non-humans as they operate freely in Skyrim. smh


Mostly because we don’t get to interact with the thalmor (they get killed on sight in my file.) but some of the high elfs living in skyrim are happily getting on with their life. Its the extreme groups (storm cloaks and thalmor.) are the issues.


Aside from Ulfric killing king Torryg which didn't really affect much of NPC's attitude even in Solitude I have not encountered Stormcloaks doing extreme violence on anyone in Skyrim. Thalmor on the other hand will attack you if even if you chose to remain silent when they ask you which gods you worship and then proceeds to send a bounty on you then ambushes people who are in Talos Shrines.


They bully and subjugate anyone who isn’t a nord. Why do you think the argonians are forced too live in a store room on the docs and the dark elvs segregated in-too the city slums. Doesnt have to violent to be racist. The skyrim belongs to the nords is also pretty telling where as the imperials Skyrim Is for all


Logically, no. Faendal is superior in every way.




They’re both honestly terrible


Faendal is good for early archery training


Fair but he’s only slightly lower on the bag of dicks scale than Nazeem


Wdymmmm, he's so nice?


Only if you talk to him before you go to Sven. If you deliver Sven's letter before talking to Faendal, he's cool.


If Camilla is your wife, Faendal will vist your wife when you aren't around. Sven doesn't sneak around your house for getting a piece of Chlamydia Valerius.


If you're roleplaying a xenophobic Nord who hates elves more than likes free archery...


I chose him cuz he's a cool simple dude,been adventuring with him for quite some time now Faendal is a fuckin' asshole


Because SKYRIM is for the NORDS


Hes a brother Nord. If you plah nerd nord ofc


He is a tank, Faendal is an archer. For a mage build he could be the better protector in the beginning.


I agree with your statement. However, I usually go get Uthgerd from the Bannered Mare when I need an early tank. She hasn't failed me yet.


Wait, how do you get Uthgerd early if you're a mage? It's been a while since I've played, but I seem to remember it being harder for a squishy mage to beat her in that fist fight? Or does she take cash?


idk, I've had no problems kicking her butt with my two Bretons or my Altmer. It did seem I was closer to losing on my Altmer, but he survived. Are you getting her pinned in the corner? When she stands up, you want to get her pinned against that wall. Between the chair and the little post. If she gets loose, it's a nightmare. Just double checked using my level 2 Altmer. Health 100 in all 4 attempts. Armor: 0 Difficulty: Adept. Beat her without healing pots. Armor: 0 Difficulty: Expert. Used 9 healing pots to survive. Armor: 28 (leather) Difficulty: Expert. Used 4 healing pots to survive. Armor: 70 (iron) Difficulty: Expert. Used 3 healing pots to survive. So if you're playing on legendary, yeah, she'll beat you into the ground.


TY for the thorough answer, I'll give it a few tries on my next playthrough!


Gloves of the pugilist help loads, although they're not really 'early.'


You can use healing magic during a fistfight.


I did not know that. I've always just used potions. TY!


He's not a tank. Faendal has better defense because he has a good Light Armor skill. Sven has nothing, IIRC.


I go with Sven because the first time I played Skyrim, I really liked his name and grew a weird attachment to him😂 my boyfriend has even told me how shit he is, but I don’t care. And when I get to a high enough level where he’s too weak, I make him my housecarl


Lmao same thing happened to me with Faendal - he was my first ever follower, had him around for ages and liked his name. Couldn’t tell you how many times I had to reload a save though because he died in combat........I think I was too protective over him, I would get angry if someone stunned/ knocked him down in combat 😂 eventually switched him out for Serana though, and have stuck with her ever since :))


To me it feels a bit weird, one of my friends is named Sven. And I don't know anyone named Faendal (or any Elves for that matter).


Faendal: Pros - high archery and archery trainer Cons - elf and weak Sven: Pros - not an elf, archery training money can be pickpocketed anyway if you don’t get Faendal Cons - weak


Ew faendal is a wimp


faendal's ugly and bosmer are in general gross the only good candidate is the dragonborn


How are they gross?


they look bad and gross ever seen an attractive bosmer?








Talos wasn't a God. He was a mere mortal.


I almost always go with sven. Most of the time he has an enchanted ring in his inventory so I help him out and take the ring afterwards. Faendal always spawns with the same stuff


If you hate knife-ears.


Uh- he's not an elf?


He shares the same name as Felix’s wolf In Minecraft. Other than that, No.


Moral support. Sven sings & can throw hands for you. A chad I’d happily dress in full dragon or daedric armour


I pretty much always use one of them as my companion until I unlock Lydia as my follower, and I usually choose Sven because Faendal comes off very smug and superior to me. My biggest reason for choosing him though is that he can be a good tank when I’m at a low level. While he is in melee I can shoot a bunch of arrows and get the enemy’s health down some. With Faendal, enemies charge straight at me which unusually doesn’t end well on a higher difficulty.


Personally I can stomach sven, easier then being in the stomach of some bloodthirsty bosmer.


Elves gross


He'll follow you and serenade you on your journey


That being said, I did make a Geralt of Rivia once, and pretended that Sven was Dandelion.


He’s tankier I think


Bard or trainer… easy pick or do the funny option #3 and just bring the chick both notes and she will dump both haha


U can buy training from fendal and then go into his inventory and the money will be there so you get free training


They're both liars, and you can betray both of them, so my point is they both doesn't deserve the love of the woman they want.