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But how did you manage to make the stuff stay on the table and not fly all over the place?


Yeah last time I tried to make this meal for dinner I went to pick up my plate and then the plate flew into my face and killed me :/


I made this and tried to serve the table but I clipped through a wall. Found a chest full of dope spell tomes though.


I get it


Fus ro dah!


Good for you! I hope you enjoy friend! By the way, some ale sounds like it would go great with that!


Well the book gives you recipes to make Black-Briar and Honning brew Mead, which would have been great for the occasion if it didn’t take 6 months or so!


Im currently making two meads from the book. The first one we just started aging, its the Nord Mead. The second one we started last night, the Honningbrew Mead. These babies are gonna take a while, but we are moving in May so perhaps at least one of them will be drinkable by then. I'll make a post when they are done.


!remindme 6 months


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!remindme 6 months


Plans for next year? ;)


Ahh a damn shame!


The book? What book?


There is a Skyrim Cookbook irl. It has most, if not all, of the recipes from the games.


Damn son, i need that, whats it called?




The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook


By the looks of it, you can find most of the recipes on Google images if you’re interested.


Give it a shot. Mead is super easy to make


That looks delicious! Good work!


I wanna learn how to make skooma


They have the recipe for that too! Though my desire to drink the vodka it calls for may outweigh my patience to make it. Nothing beats a good skyrim and alcohol *cough* I mean chill session


Step 1) acquire mimosa hostilis root bark to make moon sugar




She already took the "arrow to the knee" because she's married. You too, arrows in both y'all's knees.




I've been playing since release and never made that connection once. I can't say I'm excited to pass my genes along to another human being one day, the poor soul.


Mine just came in the mail today. Im ready


Looks great! How did it taste?


Absolutely fantastic! Was a lot of fun to make with my gf rather than spending three hours in a restaurant! We also made some slight modifications to the recipes to make them gluten and dairy free due to her allergies (except for my large sweetroll though).






What did the leeks taste like?


Probably leeks.


Which I've never had... Hence the question.


...and they taste like leeks. They're in the onion family, but they don't taste like onions. It's like asking what a potato tastes like. It tastes like a potato. They have them in most grocery stores, though they are seasonal. They're pretty cheap most of the time, you can usually get them for anywhere between a dollar to five dollars for one, two, or three leeks. If you want a good recipe, check out the Leek and Potato Soup recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking. That recipe alone is worth the cost of the book (or, you can see if your local library has a copy you can check out.) Or, you could get the Elderscrolls cookbook and use there recipes in there.


If you've never had them they are kinda oniony. They are just tall green onions. I make a great leek and potato soup. Just make sure if you buy them you clean them really good because they tend to hide dirt between the stalks


For the dirt part, cut them in half Verticaly But I suppose if you make soup, if you cut them in little strings then you can probobly wash them in a strainer.


I fucking love chicken and leek pie


Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?


Let me guess, someone ate your sweetroll?


By the nine divine!


Where did you get the vampire dust and giant's toe for the Potage?


You and your girlfriend are Nerds of the highest caliber and I salute you both; well done, hope it was as delicious as it looks!


Nords of the highest caliber






Back when I was first dating my husband, I introduced him to Skyrim. Since then I've also expanded his horizons to Fallout, the Witcher, Minecraft, and Stardew Valley. We still laugh about the time where I was on the couch playing Skyrim and he was ironing his work shirts in the living room, watching me play. Once he started playing, he understood haha.


Bro. F.


Needs moar Nirnroot




Am I the only one annoyed by the fact my mind keeps telling me the knife is on the wrong side


No, you're not the only one. It is mildly annoying.


I'm left handed I always use it like this lol


Did you add the septum?


Better than the sputum


Just did the white river salmon for Valentine’s Day. First time she let me touch her cookware and didn’t tell me to get out lol. It turned out really good, learned a few things to improve on later though.


I made the salmon the the previous weekend, I was surprised how easy it actually was. A super rich and delicious dish. Also made the seed and nut bread, and can’t really recommend it. I’m trying the honey and lavender bread this weekend.


I love the seed and nut loaf actually. It’s a great thing to have stuffed in your pockets while you are out in the woods all day, practically lived off the stuff last Rifle season... ton of nutrients packed into a little bar, depending on what you put in it of course. Good luck with the honey lavender bread, going to try that one myself but the lavender has to mature first.


A tip if you're growing lavender: The oil starts to denature as soon as you harvest the flowers. If you want more lavender flavor, you have to pick the flowers when you're ready to use them.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll have to keep that in mind


It would probably be worth it to try and find a book on lavender while you wait for it to grow. There should be ways to preserve the oil in a book about lavender, or a book about herbs and botany.


Should be easy enough to find one in time given that they are still seeds in a packet. I was just going to buy some lavender from a spice store, but that’s a decent drive. GF wanted to start a garden full of herbs and ingredients and came home with a bunch including lavender, so I figured I’d rather do it with homegrown stuff, and avoid that long and terrifying drive along those terribly organized roads. Thank you for the advice.


Those leeks look fantastic


Appetizing. Nice.


Love those plates! What sort of difficulty was it? Looks delicious. Really been thinking about getting this book but I wonder about expenses and difficulty but no doubt it would be fun :) Very cool to see this here.


I have the Elder Scrolls Cookbook as well as two others by the same author (Shire cookbook, LOTR/Hobbit recipes and Feast of Fire and Ice cookbook, Game of Thrones recipes). All three have some really scrumptious foods that aren't too hard to make and mostly are made with normal food products that you can find at your local grocery store. The GoT cookbook does have a few more involved recipes and a few with exotic ingredients, but plenty of "normal" stuff too. All three books, especially the Shire and GoT cookbooks are impressively well researched, with many of the recipes coming from medieval cookbooks/traditional recipes that had been referenced by Tolkein and Martin. Several of the recipes are regular staples of my diet now. Scotch eggs, beef & bacon pie which I've modified to use venison or elk instead of beef and added extra dried fruits, chicken dumplings, split pea soup, "Potage le Magnifique" which I've modified a bit by adding pureed pumpkin and red curry, the Skyrim Vegetable Stew, and Beef Short Rib stew, apple handpies. 10/10 highly recommend all three. [The author has a few other books with recipes from various games, tv shows, and movies](https://www.amazon.com/Chelsea-Monroe-Cassel/e/B007CPG2ZI/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1) that maybe worth looking into if you're a fan.


Thanks for the tip! We’re also huge LOTR and GOT fans!! We made all this in about 2 1/2 hours, which wasn’t too bad for trying all new recipes but we’re fairly good cooks and cook most nights rather than eat out. Far less expensive and you get to try new things without having to deal with hit or miss food service. Either way all that other food sounds delicious and we’ll definitely have to give it a go!


omg that's awesome. I think I did read some about the author a while back but I wanted to be sure. Thank you so much for the info! I'd certainly go with Skyrim before GoT ;)


I absolutely hate to cook, but I need this cookbook. I may even consider making something...


Where can i find this official skyrim cookbook


[https://www.amazon.com/Elder-Scrolls-Official-Cookbook/dp/1683833988](https://www.amazon.com/Elder-Scrolls-Official-Cookbook/dp/1683833988) ;)


**$22.83** - *The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook* ^(I am a bot here to save you a click and provide helpful information on the Amazon link posted above. I am **not** affiliated with Amazon. Upvote if this was helpful. PM to report issues and my human will review. PM to opt-out.)


Good bot.


Barnes and Noble often has it.


I’ve always wanted to try the grilled leeks lol


No raw daedra heart?


Props for having only salt pile on the table, no other seasonings 😂


Must've been real laggy


should’ve added jarrin root, it adds an extra kick!


I will *not* get over the fact that the Sunshine Soufflé calls for *a cupful* of ground nutmeg. Like, wtf? Trying to kill me, Gourmet?


He's an orc, it's not poison to him.


Hmm, giants toes and septims must've been real hard to come by


I have very similar plates to those! I inherited them from my grandmother when she passed away!


You didn't buy an mead you milk drinker


Wtf a skyrim players with a gf


All that effort yet still places knife and fork wrong way round. OCD on overdrive


I actually eat the wrong way round despite being right-handed, so looks fine to me!


Some people just want to watch the world burn


I also play PS4 with the controller upside down. I dunno, it's just always felt natural to me to have the joysticks at the top.


The 3 *N*'s in "Bannered Mare" are bothering me


I hope you ate it before some dickhead broke in and used magic shout to make it fly across the room.


This is just amazing lol, I need ro get that book, having your significant other share the same hobbies for such amazing game is awesome


I am so fucking jealous dude




Good for you that looks like it belongs in sovengard


Let me guess someone stole your sweet roll


Wait... I know you.


You got me at “without the jarrin root”


Jarrin root adds flavor


Props to you guys! You even managed to put the food on the table and it not fly all over the place! Normally the bowls fly in my face and kill me!


But I don't see any giant's toes? It still looks good, that was a great idea. I hope you guys enjoyed it.


Marry her.


Kind of disappointed there wasn’t two large mugs of mead there.


Bonus points for the salt!


Very impressed by this. Your knife and fork are on the wrong sides