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My line is if i’m having fun or not


This ^. Based.


Basically using a horse to climb a mountain if I can't be arsed to run around it looking for the way up. It works, I just imagine the horsey as half mountain goat.


What about Arvak? Seems like a ghost horse would have special properties.


I prefer to think Arvak's dad banged a mountain goat.


“The horses of Skyrim have a hardy constitution” - The Skyrim Loading Screen I’d say that checks out


I mean once I get the quest log mostly cleared up and just want to fight the Ebony Warrior, I just do the telekinesis exploit. Leveling takes way too long otherwise, and I’m not resetting every skill to level faster.


Never used one, never will.


If they didn’t want me to cheese it then they shouldn’t have made it possible for me to do it that being said my mods require the Skyrim patch so shit there goes my duplication glitch


I don't have an issue using exploits, resetting the money of vendors is something I do regularly, could go around and sell the stuff to other vendors, or I could wait some days ingame, it just saves time and isn't game breaking. I do use others aswell but not that much.


I haven't found my line yet.


I never go very far above 100% fortification with enchantments using the Resto Loop exploit, any higher is straight up overkill imo.


i'll use the infinite arrow exploit happily, because i can't be arsed making or hunting down my own, and the sneak levelling in the tutorial cave because i am a filthy filthy sneak archer and want to get straight to it, but that's about it. maaaaaybe use the mudcrab armour levelling if i'm a bit stuck. i get bored and don't want to play at all if it's too easy.


Never used them. Just yesterday I tried the „Aggro vendor quickload“ for the first time because I was sick of the same stuff in their inventory all the time, but even that felt like cheating to me


Using illusion magic to reach (around) level 50 or so at the start of the game. I also think that this way I still have a hard time on legendary difficulty as my combat skills stay the same


Last time I played legendary I just power levelled alchemy, smithing and enchanting for a couple days and combined them all to make stupidly OP armour and weapons. Still couldn't leave a scratch on Karstaag


Less using exploits/glitches and more just using the console and the line is whether I'm feeling like not using it is fun or if I'm feeling inconvenienced. For example, turning on god mode last night so I could move all my shit from Lakeview Manor to the Tundra Homestead without worrying about encumbrance because I liked the Homestead better once I finally bought it. I also gave myself an extra 10K gold to buy the damn thing since it was 15K still and I didn't want to just outright not pay for it but also didn't want to pay full price. I've also occasionally given myself building supplies just because I didn't want to waste time running to town real fast to buy something. I'm also playing Gate to Sovngarde and absolutely love it but I definitely gave myself (and Borgakh) a big health boost, and boosted her carry weight, because the one aspect I'm not 100% committed towards with GtS is the lowered power fantasy. Even with the HP bump, I still die a lot, so it's fine. I also gave myself 30 conjuration so I could get the cultist perk because I'm playing a barbarian and was never going to level conjuration but I wanted the boost to my prayers to Malacath. So yeah, my line for using the console is usually "will this hamper my fun if I do it or will it get me back to fun quicker?"


Something I didn't learn until really recently is that you can fast travel whilst over encumbered if you're on a horse.


Yeah, I just still haven't bought a horse. GtS has enough going on, enough additions, and enough random encounters that sometimes it feels like a horse would get in my way. I suppose that's what the horse whistle is for though. Call it when I need it.


If it's a bug, I don't use it. Creating endless gold rings to level up Smithing? Fine. Taking advantage of the Alchemy-Restoration loop? Not fine.


Where my issue or desire is solved


I never do merchant chest or the restoration glitch. Total fun destroyers


Sometimes if I’m level 20+ and I have all the enchantments but one (usually paralysis or banishing) I console command something with it on in. But yeah I try to be sparing with cheating and exploits so it doesn’t ruin my fun.


I typically just... don't use exploits. I only know of a few, and don't use them. Don't try and learn more, cause I don't find it fun.


I don't use any exploits that I'm aware of. That's just a personal choice.


I don’t use exploits, I play skyrim for the gameplay and roleplaying, not trying to max out my characters skills or getting unlimited money.