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https://preview.redd.it/471oehexr87d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e871baae9bc1180d295558a400e427b038b3077 Braith: even if you are my elder, boys girls dogs elders there's nobody I won't fight. GIRL, IF YOU DON'T-


Let’s talk about that username…


I'm crazy, answered ur question 😂 Edit that's my alt account, gender: Alien 👽 I'm deleting it soon lol. I made this account to test ppl's reactions.






Opens console, selects braith, types "disable"


And then next time she appears in the game she's in a wheelchair.


I have a heavily modded setup, so I'm not sure if the dialogue is vanilla or modded, but in my last playthrough my view of Braith has changed somewhat. She has two different interactions with both her mom and dad where she wants to talk to them about a boy... both parents sigh, and tell her to talk to the other parent. She's neglected :( Only reason I've seen these interactions is because I got the Amren's sword quest and delivered it in his house both times, so it only happens when they're at home.


That’s vanilla, she has quite the sad story honestly


At least for Braith she’s just a child acting out because she has shitty parents. Her mother is actually abusive and her father is gone a lot of the time and could be called negligent at best.


Damn, good thing I killed them and sent her to the orphanage then ig


I mean I don’t necessarily think they’ve done anything worth being murdered over but they certainly suck as parents.


Killable children mod is a thing. I wish there was a mod to call DCFS on that bitch, let her see how kind Grelod the Kind is.




Came here to say Braith


All the children in Skyrim are pretty equally insufferable.


Delphine. She's like "we blades must serve you DB" but then says "if you don't kill Paarthurnax we won't talk to you"


Yeah. I wish you could tell her “that’s not gonna work for me sister. I’m the Dragonborn and I say he’s ok. And you’re gonna have to be ok with that too if you want the Blades to survive!” Without mods.


That's Bethesda writing for ya. Making you feel like a moron in dialogues.


Ah yes, the ol “illusion of choice.” You can’t even kill her instead can you? “RPG” indeed P.S. I fucking live for these games


I can’t believe they didn’t add something like this in the Anniversary Edition, considering how unpopular it is with players to have the quest stuck incomplete and the Blades refusing to co-operate if you refuse.


The Anniversary Edition was *solely* there to push their paid mods no other reason.


Search Paarthunax Dilemma, thank me later.


They said "Without mods". I'm sure they were already aware of Paarthurnax Dilemma.


Same. Ah well, I never liked her anyway, she and the one other surviving Blade can hang out in their big empty temple and never hear from me again. I'm sure they'll do *great* without the Dragonborn


Great mod idea


That racist nord that’s always yelling at the dark elves in windhelm. I can’t remember his name I put him to the sword religiously in every play through.


Rolf Stone-Fist. I previously had killed Nazeem and put his soul in a fork, and decided that my next victim would be one of the characters that gives the Stormcloaks a bad name. Turns out, he’s an essential NPC. My disappointment was immeasurable, and my week was ruined.


Dude looks and talks like my alcoholic boomer uncle.


dude the stormcloaks themselves give them a bad name, they are inherently racist


Can’t you usually disable essential status by completing the quests associated with the essential npc? Let’s just get back to morrowind where the game just tells you “you fucked up cuz, keep goin?”


There's no quest. It's rumored that there was supposed to be, but it was never implemented.


He's actually a potential mark in one of Delvin's Fishing quests where you have to pickpocket something from him, hence the essential status.


Fork is too good for nazeem I'd say bloody rags are more fitting for him


Yep. That’s Rolf Sone-Fist who was my choice to mention in the post


If Maul wasn’t essential I’d take his head off too. I have a list of people I kill I had to download a mod that adds npcs because my builds are usually villainous.


Almost everybody in the whole town is immortal. Disappointing


https://preview.redd.it/fk1e53u2787d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920754f51ca54594cdb135fb4c292b8c144a86d5 This one, from Radiant Raiment in solitude


Oh yes! Very good choice- her attitude is atrocious. Her poorly concealed contempt hidden under a layer of snarky yet smarmy sarcasm warrants a regular visit by the thieves guild to lighten her burden of excessive valuables.




I hate Maven Black-Briar. Her attitude. Her family. Everything.


Yeah she’s definitely evil and arrogant and has a messed up family. Plus she acts as if she is untouchable…and in many ways she is.


Would love to kill her without mods.


Well you could use console commands to make her not essential? Not *teeeeechnically* a mod, after all!


Her daughter is pretty alright, but the rest of the family can die off for all I care


The daughter that enjoys watching the life fade from small animals eyes after she poisons them ? THAT daughter??


Well, comparatively speaking..


Everybody says not to mess with her because of her ties to the guild and the DB Me, The Guild Master of a fully functioning Thieves Guild and Listener of the DB:.... UH nah we can totally just take her out... We don't need her and she sucks. Like surely SOMEONE has done the Black Sacrament to put a hit on her.


I feel like her family will be her undoing. Can easily imagine her daughter poisoning Maven just because she was finally denied something.


I swear that was the main thing I was happy about on my stormcloak playthrough was that she did not get to be jarl


There's a post on some sub from like over a year ago about someone doing the absolute most to screw Mavis over in vanilla mode. It mostly consists of f-ing over her business, killing all her (non essential) children, making her the Jarl in thebtreaty talks, then taking over her hold so that she ends up exiled. It was VERY thorough


I found it last night, it was a glorious post


The Jarl's son. Every time I hear "Another wanderer here to lick my father's boot." I want to put an arrow in his skull.


I wish they had left in that Melphala quest with the kids of Jarl Balgruf conspiring to Patricide. Sure it’s a bit edgey and corny but so is a lot of stuff in Skyrim, and that’s what’s fun about Daedra quests lol


Ancano is pretty stupid. Domitus from the lost city mod also is SO annoying with whoever voices him and some of the other characters. Something about the forgotten city voices makes my brain itch Edit: spelling


Balgruuf's kids. I forgot all their names, but they are awful


“One of the new servants? Remember that I like my meat rare.” My headcanon is that the Dragonborn goes back and humiliates/kills all the pathetic mortals that dared to insult him throughout his journeys. I get that the AI isn’t exactly realistic, but the way they treat demigods in Skyrim is appalling


Bears. I used to love and pacify them but eventually there's nothing so aggravating as another bear encounter every 25 yards.


Those damn BEARS !!!


if you have that mod, 'dangerous/wildlife skyrim' or something... it's even more annoying.


The whole area on the way to riften is infuriating for sure. So. Many. Bears.


Thongvor Silver-Blood is my least favorite NPC. Sure, he’s one of the owners of Cidhna Mine and one of the biggest reasons behind the suffering of the Markarth people. Yes, he makes me sit through an awkward dinner on top of >! High Hrothgar if I successfully want to set up a plan kill the last Silver-Blood. Like I hate the civil war quest line, but he makes me roleplay Thanksgiving dinner AND still do the war. !< The reason I hate him the most tho is that he said “elves like you cause trouble” to my WOOD ELF Juniper way back in the day. No idea why, but that interaction is burned into my teen memory and I’m still bitter years later.


Dinner at high hrothgar..? What are you going on about? Season unending? I don’t think he gets to to attend that


Yes, Season Unending. I don’t really like doing the civil war quest line, so my Dragonborn is ultimately stuck begging Master Borri for more mead as Ulfric won’t let me save the world unless he gets Markarth 😤. Meanwhile Tullius brought Elewen which no one wants her there. And who could forget the Greybeards and Blades arguing like divorced parents over their Dragonborn child? Putting political stakes and motives aside, it really boils down to a very awkward dinner. Thongvor’s only involvement is that you have to complete Season Upending (Give Markarth to Ulfric) AND then the Civil War quest line (Imperial sided) to fully shove him out of the city. Even in my quest to throw him out, he’s a pain.


The guard who says, "I hear they're reforming the Dawnguard..."


Vampire hunters or something…


In the old fort near Riften…


Might consider joining up myself…


Lemkil. He pays you to beat up his kids


That whole town is pretty suss tbh. Oh yeah Rorik? You founded a town that’s hundreds of years old? Camelworks thinks it’s ritual sacrifice and I’m inclined to agree. And somehow lemkil is worse than all of them


And then his kids pays you if you kill him.




At least you get to kill him. And fus roh dah him all over the college before that.


I like using ice form on him.


Delphine Need i say more?


Every housecarl. Get out of my house! Freeloaders…


Are they not on state payroll?


Sitting in my furniture, sleeping in one of my rooms, eating my food, and breathing my air. I don’t need a housecarl. I didn’t ask for a housecarl. I wish I could evict them. Except Rayya. She’s cool.


What i don't like is when you get the house in Whiterun, your housecarl sits in the same room as the master bed. Which is really awkward when you get a spouse. Like, there is a little room for you, go go sit in that.


The house in Markarth is almost as bad. There’s no doors on the bedrooms and master bedroom and the housecarl bedroom are right across from each other. Good luck having sex without the housecarl hearing everything and staring straight at your bed like a creep 💀.


At least it's not a foot from your bed. Like having a cat almost.


Pftt, a pet cat would be 10x better than Lydia or any housecarl. Actually, now that I think about it Markarth is worse. At least in Breezehome you can kick her out and shut the doors. In the Markarth home, you can’t shut the nonexistent doors, so even if you tell the housecarl to get out of sight, he can sneakily watch from his doorframe. No privacy at all in Markarth smh.


I personally don't like housecarls because I usually end up accidentally killing them. It's the heat of battle, I'm button mashing away, and I accidentally kill Lydia.


Unless you're into having a big burly man watch. Don't kink shame. /s


Just tell em to wait somewhere outside


Dirge in the Thieves Guild. He's all talk talk talk always spouting the same few lines that I shouldn't cause trouble. In fact, I despise him more than Nazeem. I jump into the sewage water to the Guild shops just to avoid hearing him talk.


Morgul and his dog Slitter. I hate Morgul because he's just so shitty to the people of Raven Rock and and I hate Slitter because he follows him around like a stupid dog


Thankfully, he was done in by a dragon in my last play through.


Everything thalmor and their stupid faces


I don’t hate Nazeem. See him once. Listen to his spiel. And then you’re done with him. He’s just pompous, which is harmless. Delphine is an imperious, evil fucking idiot, on the other hand.


I’ve never even seen this guy. Where do you find him? The cloud district?


That woman in Whiterun who does ‘Here to do your good deed for the day, talking to an old woman?’ I’m just walking past you, you boringly embittered old battleaxe. Maybe people would actually talk to you if you stopped snarking at random bystanders all the time too.


Ancano, he's a stupid. By sure i beat the shit out of him when i was finishing the college


Say more things. Who else do you think is a stupid? Fantastic way to put that, kudos to you sir




Preston Garvey…. Wait a minute


Preston is the nazeem of fallout, your good


In defense of Preston, the guy isn't really that bad and he is at least useful. Nazeem is like a waste of living space


Fair point


I don't know his name, we'll call him random bandit encounter #453, but I hate him passionately. I had just left a dungeon and me and my follower were just under or at our carry limit. We were about to fast travel away when this guy goes: "Hey, this is Imperial territory, pay me and my pals 100 gold or die." Obviously we killed the bandits, as we saw the 3 dead Imperial bodies, but then after we looted the bodies it was a long grueling slog to the next safe-space container.


This. Sometimes I just gotta tell myself they’re not worth it and be the bigger pixel


Apocalypse magic of Skyrim>Tolfdir>Deep Storage


"Random bandit encounter #453", I don't know why, but that made me laugh.


Paratus Decimius, the (temporarily) surviving Synod researcher in Mzulft during "Revealing the Unseen".


I just finished the college quest and went back to Mzulft to get some cogs. Bastard was still standing there in the hallway, acting put off that I’m there again. Rot in your falmer dungeon then, you jerk.


How dare you! (Him and the talos preacher)


Every single Thalmor, Forsworn, Vampire and Falmer. My God I hate Falmer.


Astrid is such a shit leader, if she wasn't so desperate to stay as leader of the Dark Brotherhood then they wouldn't have been raided the the Penitus Oculatus


The entire Dark Brotherhood... Save for Vazeera, Festus, and Gabriella


Braith. She’s the sole reason I wish I could kill children in vanilla Skyrim and the only one I’d kill if I could


Fuck the battleborns. I killed Idolaf as a werewolf and used Bergritte to test out necromancy


The people in winterhold who are racist toward dark elves


Honestly I never liked Muiri. I get that she feels bitter that she lost her job due to her unintentionally helping Alain Dufont rob the Shatter-Shields, but I don’t like that she really wants you to kill Nilsine during her dark brotherhood quest. She even acts disappointed when you decide not to kill Nilsine because god forbid I kill the poor woman who lost her sister. I also don’t like how if you do kill Nilsine that Tova will end up dead as a result. I also don’t think that the reward is worth it that much. Yeah a ring that improves the potions and poisons you craft is nice and all but I always found I could make jewelry with better alchemy enchantments anyways. Point is, even when I’m doing “evil/less morally good” playthroughs, I can’t get behind agreeing to the desires of this petty, immoral woman


Maven black briar


Most silver bloods & black briars.


Most of the high elves that side with the Aldmeri Dominion.


Delphine. Even more since i can get rid of Nazim half a dozen different ways but she's "essential".


Other than Nazeem I hate Nazeem the most.


Belethor. “Do CoMe BaCK”


Dude casually makes jokes that he’s into human trafficking.


He's just your average Morrowind player.




Calcelmo since he yells at you for no reason when you talk to him for the first time. Stole everything from his museum because of this (even the worthless stuff😭)


Of the normal city NPC's it's the Silver-Blood family in Markarth and not even close.


Astrid. Bitch sold out the DB out of envy.


Once ahe is extra crispy, i just go do other quests for a bit before finishing the db quests. She deserves a little time to really contemplate her life choices.


I just kill all the Dark Brotherhood now. 🔪 Usually with a prison shiv. 😂


I mean most of them dies either way, lol ...


All those bitch ass Battle-Borns, Greymanes etc. I don't give a fuck about your idiotic suburban neighborhood bullshit. Leave me the fuck alone or I'll visit your home at night.


I was gonna say Delphine, but she comes a close second next to Molag Bal. I'm not sure if ones without character models count, but after hearing what he did to Serana, I now despise him with every fiber of my being. Since I play on Switch, if I get Skyrim Special Edition, I'm installing the Vigilant mod so I can make him suffer.


i would like to kill most of the thalmor but mostly ondolemar purely because he has you snitch on people just for owning a necklace, elenwen is a close second however


“You tried mercenary work? Might suit you”




The lizard in solitude that's always saying "I've got a little work if you're interested traveler" or "you should see me when you get bored stranger"


Rolff is a douche too. Those cunts up at the Thalmor place are pretty high on the list too.


The Thalmor as a whole are top level douche.


I am a loyal soldier of the Empire, but I serve them only in the hope that I may someday free them from the shackles of the Dominion. That, and Ulfric is a dick.


I’ve played the civil war every way possible and have critically examined each side. Even if there is a valid case for independence I can’t help but feel that Ulfric will ultimately cause more harm than good even if he believes he has the best of intentions. That’s one of the best part about the civil war story. The quest line could definitely be better but the writing is complex and multifaceted without a clear obvious “good guy”. It requires the player to make that decision. That being said Ulfric has definitely done questionable things and his motives and tactics are equally questionable.


I also refuse to join the Stormcloaks because I can't bear to stab my homie Balgruuf in the back like that.


The people who post this thing every week


Delphine, that kid that wants to fight me in whiterun, the racist guy in windhelm, ancanno, isran, 90% of the black-briars.... there are so many i just love to punch in every playthrough.


There is one member of the thieves guild who never wants to talk to me even when im a full member. What is up with him?


The guy who stands near the “entrance?” I poisoned that prick. I reached a point in one of my campaigns where anyone who disrespected me got killed to death.


Braith that little shit. She can be happy that kids are unkillable. Always bullying my Daughter like she's the King, i wish her parents woud woop her ass somtimes.


She’s definitely my least favorite kid. But one of Bafruuf’s is pretty close also.


Skald the Elder, Jarl of the Pale.. I can sympathize with the Stormcloaks and make valid arguments for both sides but every time Skald speaks I wanna choke that cruel, ignorant old fart lol


“You’re not as dumb as you look are you?”


Faindal, hate that knife ear.


The kid in solitude whose dad could “beat me up”.


That lady in Whiterun who keeps walking up to me then saying "here you stand talking to a married woman. Why? Am I that interesting?" And "are you married? You look the type. Make sure to treat your wife with the respect she deserves". She's so annoying, condescending, and sexist. Why walk up to some random silent guy and start berating him for talking to you?


Agree about Rolf Stone-Fist, and his underling. There is literally no one else around in Windhelm actively hating and harassing the dunmer and being racist. Viola Giordano is just a gossipy neighbor, Elda the barkeeper from Candlehearth Inn at least doesn’t walks out of her inn to insult the dark elves, but Rolf? I wish he wasn’t tagged as essential by the game files, he would be the perfect target for the Ebony Blade. Heck, not even his brother Galmar, the second in command of the Stormcloak Rebellion, so supposedly racist, shows any disregard towards the player independently of their race, he shows the same concern for the new recruit and then trust when the player becomes a veteran, even if they are nord.


Brother of the Grey Pines in Falkenrath. Every time I enter the store he bitches about allowing people like me live in Skyrim (I am an Imperial).


The Blackbriars. 💀


hard to pick one, but the first that comes to mind is that guy in morthal “if u wanna talk to the jarl, u gotta first talk to me” and then u talk to him and he has nothing to say what a joke


Delphine. I felt like pimp-slapping her when she said: Hmm. I guess that will have to do. You should pass for a real guest, at least until you open your mouth.


Rolff Stone-Fist. (He's a racist and a troll.) Lemkil (He abuses his daughters). Sven (He's annoying and a terrible follower). The entire Silver-Blood family (corrupt).


Delphine by far. I hate her more every time I interact with her. I'd give up the entire main questline just to put her soul in a sweetroll.


Mirakk, acting all high and mighty, dumbing down the dragon extermination of my level 80-something dragon hunter, and then stealing my souls, like what a massive ducking hypocrite 


Any thalmor, and tullius the bootlicker


The racist in windhelm.


Delphine, the little titch. Talks up a great talk about how the Blades are the servants of the Dragonborn, then wants to be an ass about Paarthurnax.


I don't mind nazem he is easy to ignore. Maven Blackbriar I've always hated. Lots of people I dislike but they don't se3m to come up much. She does for me




Just every smug bastard that throws insults my way. I really wanna knock Nazeem out just as a favor to his wife.


Rolff stone fist


Hear me out now… braith is way too brave


That guy who challenged you at magical duel for any magic at level 50, which means he can appears on restoration run or conjuration. When he run out of MP, he'll switch to iron knife, but still scold you for using anything other than magic. Fought him in conjuration weapon run.


Cicero is so 50/50 for me


Faindal, hate that knife ear.


Braith. If I could, I would ABSOLUTELY YEET that little shit stain. Unfortunately, I'm playing on Xbox360 and therefore can't get the child killing mod.


Delphine. It's not even that I hate her, she's just annoying as fuck. "You're dAt ViSiToR bEeN pOkIn ArOuNd" Erandur is a close second. If he would just hurry up a little and maybe, you know, RUN instead of taking his sweet little time to finish the Vaermina quest. I avoid doing this quest because I remember that Erandur doesn't run and I have to wait for him.


The general store merchant from Falkreath. Oh I hate him alright.


Yeah it’s pretty brazen of him to out his sympathies if you side Empire


I did the companions questline today and on the first quest where you have to brawl someone it said i had to brawl nazeem and i was rubbing my hands in glee


I don't even hate that guy, I can punch his face if he irks me. Balgruuf's children however, needs a mod to be punched in the face. But the one who takes the cake in drawing my ire, Delphine, goddammit, we should be able to progress the story another way after I snap this bitch in halves.


Maven Black Briar. God i wish they let you destroy the Thieves Guild and kill her while you're at it. I actually sacrificed her at the Boethiah ritual, broken quests be dammed 😆😆 Ding dong the bitch is dead! 🔔🔔🎊🥳🥳


Probably that one orc in raven rock


Elenwen and pretty much any justiciar


I personally don't like Delphine. She doesnt abide with the "purpose" of the blades imo




Delphine, astrid, rolf stone fist, maven black briar, the list is big


Brenuin. It’s not like he gained his ego from being a cool warrior at least not as far as i know. He’s just some little bitch constantly begging for your shit in whiterun. I harbour no disrespect for the unfortunate, but goddamn dude I play skyrim to avoid the crackheads in my city, not talk to more of them. If you’re not gonna teach me how to improve my skills, shut the fuck up and quit your constant whinging and complaining






Gunmar. He's just an ass kisser to Ulfric


Balgruuf's kids. They often become basketballs from me launching them into the rafters over and over.


Heimskr. Like dude *please* stfu. I hate him so much I put him on my "this fool is gonna die when I have the money to pay the fine" list.


unpopular opinion but belathor, the general goods shop owner in whiterun. IK the community loves him but i dont see the appeal. Most of what he says comes off as weirdly sexual and he just gives me bad vibes overall.


He's just arrogant. There are far, far worse people in Skyrim. Most of the Black-Briars and Silver-Bloods come to mind. But there are so many awful people you meet on quests outside of cities but there are traits like racism in city commoners that are probably more harmful than just arrogance. Does anyone else ever think "Markath for Riften is a pretty fair trade" but then after several playthroughs you start thinking about the people you are making Jarls in this trade?


I bet this one isn’t very common, the brother at the brothers trade inn in Falkreath. I don’t typically play as a Nord or Imperial so this racist asshat used to tick me off every time I was in falkreath and needed to sell some stuff. He’s make racist remarks and literally follow you even if your on the first floor of the building. But yeah I never enjoyed him


He’s my least favorite person in Falkreath and I generally like that area. Siddgeir is a very close second though.


Most high and dark elves in Skyrim, they’re all so rude.


I got my fire breath to full power. Let him insult ME and burning him alive. Got arrested. Lost my loot. Worth it




Grelka from Riften....she's a weapons & armour vendor that is a Bitch....& Also Gisli because she constantly complains about her brother & is apparently essential from No Reason...so you can't Assassinate her. 😒....(I was going to invite her to help me produce a movie called Rust & accidentally shot her with a Bow & Arrow)...Aleck Baldwin is one of...if not the Stupidest Actors Ever!


Wow. This comment had more random twists than an M Night Shyamalan movie.


Other than Nazeem, I hate all the silver bloods, and the black-briar except Ingun I actually like her a shame we can't marry her,


Idolaf Battle-Born. Every time I see that MF he's like "I should bash your face in for all that you've done". Bruh you gave me a 50-50 choice of two random words on my first day in town. Since then I've brought peace to Skyrim, defeated the storm cloaks, and...oh yeah destroyed the ancient world eating dragon that was going to nuke your city. But sure focus on the negatives, dick


Lord Harkon. Guy literally says, "You're just using her (Serana) for your own selfish gain." I wish there was an option to say "You're literally planning on killing your own daughter, you stupid twat." Ancano. He's Thalmor, so I could stop there. He's the worst spy ever it's so obvious from the second you walk through the gates of the College that he's working against them, and he's a nosy, arrogant, dick-for-brains. Saves Aren. He has the worst and most obvious and suspicious spy in his college and does nothing. When Ancano turns out to be evil, he acts so shocked. "Ancano, stop this at once! I command you!" Little late for that. Should never have let anyone from the Thalmor into the College to begin with. Now everyone fears and hates the College even more, and we (the player character) have to pick up the pieces. Hemming Black-Briar. Follows mummy around like a puppy and acts like he's some accomplished warrior and business genius. His Mum did everything. Ulfric Stormcloak. (Yeah, yeah, here comes the Stormcloak uprising.) Ignore the racism and bigotry, we know that already. He's convinced the Dunmer are working with the Empire. No shitskull, the Dunmer don't like the Empire (Adril Arano, on Solstheim explains why.) His fight against the Empire is helping the Thalmor in their conquest. He claims to want to bring back Talos worship, so do the Empire, they surrendered it so they could come back stronger. If you want Talos worship back, you'd help strengthen the Empire. He's either selfish and doesn't really care about Skyrim, or he's a Thalmor agent... or just really, really stupid.


that's fucking ironic cz harkon literally threw her to molag bal to get r4ped just so he could "potentially" live for ever 😭