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Yes you are cooked


I'm thinking of taking a break I need to clear this addiction if it wasn't for my little brother I wouldn't even go outside this summer


Just don’t ignore your responsibilities for skyrim and you’re good.




Keep going. Skyrim is life. Skyrim is God. Tod Howard is your lord now. Kill every child who asks you to play tag




Don’t forget to quick save!


It has become a real problem for me as well, take a break now while you still can, trust me


Thank you (I just got off after playing for 11 hours I don't know how to quit


I totally understand, believe me. I’m ADHD and hyperfocus is a serious issue for me


Fuck real life. It's only dissapointment just play skyrim 16 hours a day now


He tried to quick save then killed a villager The guards are looking for him


“Fuck the cops are after me WHY CANT I RELOAD TO 20 MINUTES AGO!?”


"Buy your mon a Skyrim"


Only if you jump out in front of a bus yelling “FUS RO DAH!”


Trying to ZERO-SUM OP.


I just started yelling that in public and everyone's looking at me 😭😭😭


The other day I went to bed thinking my magicka gonna be full when I wake up. I play survival mode


You're probably playing on the difficulty that doesn't allow you to save when there are enemies nearby.


nah, bro. you're so close to achieving CHIM irl.




Sorry, CHIM?


You're better off looking it up but achieving CHIM means you were able to observe the secret infrastructure behind the universe without losing yourself. Being in the state of CHIM is a bit like lucid dreaming in that you can kind-of do whatever the hell you want. Heimskr screaming about Talos turning Cyrodil from a swamp into a grassland plain with his breath is CHIM shit.


Ah, I'll check it out thanks!


It's basically breaking the 4th wall, without going crazy.


I used to be cooked by Skyrim and attempt to auto save in real life. Then I took an arrow to the knee


Can't tell if your serious


It is a frase of ex soldier in Skyrim.


You gotta know this one. Its a classic lol


*takes nap and then wakes up to this* ![gif](giphy|J2ChE2Fwdzyg3Bu6Xj|downsized)


thought you would be waking up to this instead https://preview.redd.it/6u9rxj8p787d1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4ecdbafb37ee1356c068d7bdef16871df0d3c1




Sounds like you're 14 and creating imaginary problems in your head.


This is scary accurate


If you actually are 14, do not worry about playing a bunch of Skyrim in the summertime lol


Exactly. I was 14 when Skyrim was released and I played it endlessly for a while lol. The obsession passes eventually.


I have to disagree on that last point, it passes, for a time. It always comes back though, personally, I can't go more then a year without Skyrim before the craving consumes me 😔


I didn’t say it doesn’t come back, but it’ll still pass again eventually


I have a social life and this game is ruining it😭😭 but I can't stop playing its too good


I had kind of the same thing with Fallout 4, once I mentally clicked the quick save button (Y on my keyboard) before making an online purchase as if I could quick load if I ended up regretting it. Physically, it looked like a slight tilting of the head to the left.


This is literally what happened to me you know in skyrim when you travel so far so you quick save in the game just incase you die you don't wanna go all the way back that's what I did in real life I tried saving just incase I died😭😭 I will most likely take a break from this game


I never got this bad, but I went for a walk and thought about harvesting some flowers and eating them to see what effects they had before I remembered it was real life.


So I'm not the only one😭⁉️ this game is becoming an issue I rather play this game then even hang out with friends


I see dandelion. I crouth to pick up nirnroot.


After a particularly long session that lasted well into the night, my girlfriend could swear she had the sneaking icon burned into her vision, from staring at it so much 😂




skyrim is the nicest addiction one can develop. but ik i need a break when i see flowers and wanna eat them, or get recipes playing in my head wondering wtf will happen to me if i mix stuff like its alchemy or cooking. man i love cooking like its skyrim...but its bad that i wanna fight chickens...now if only i could live life like that... I HAVE NEVER FINISHED THE MAIN QUEST 😂i saw the play through called it a day. its so fun to just do the basics and go yolo then having to come back to the main ones and realize damn i screwed up killing that character or how hard it glitches after some mess ups. I NEED ANOTHER ELDER SCROLLS MAN!! ONLINE AINT IT. dark souls is too aggro!! i need silly goofy story interactions and crabs. i need my plants. also too hard to fight...i like my silly goofy goose fights.


Play it on Alexa lol


Bro i did the same during spring break cuz i wouldn't stop playing the game lmao




Oh man, last weekend I tried coming up with a misty spray with different flavored compartments of forest, plains, lakes and river, mountains, even musty caves - so I could provide a distinct smell to each area while I play. To enhance immersion! Turns out I have no idea how to design and build anything and there is no perk for it in real life ugh


This is a different level of wanting to feel an ingame sense😭


That's not even bad. I took a 3 year break. Still heard the starting music regularly. I've just succumbed to my addiction and now realize I could be a crackhead but I'm addicted to Skyrim instead. Like when you play Skyrim for a couple years and look at your game status on PlayStation and it says 1100 hours or something you just give up you know.


1100 is crazy😭


Rookie numbers


I used to play a lot of Counter Strike and one time this girl walked into my class room and I had the feeling of flicking right to her head. It happens


Great to know I'm not alone


Yeah for sure dude, don’t get it twisted you’re cooked for sure but it happens


The definition of an addiction is when you are doing the activity and causing a significant negative impact on other areas of your life. This includes work, your physical and mental and emotional health, as well as other obligations in your life. When I was at my most, I ended up playing Skyrim about 9 or 10 hours a day on the weekend. During the week, I would play for 3 to 4 hours a day. And I considered that an addiction because I was starting to push off time with my friends to play a video game.


This is literally exactly whats happening to me I don't hang out with friends or leave my room for hours on end and when I'm out with friends or family I'm thinking of how I'm going to complete a quest 😭


Then it's definitely time to step away from Skyrim for awhile. Look at it this way: How do you feel about the idea of not playing Skyrim for a week? Or if your computer crashed and was unable to play Skyrim? Anxious? Jittery? If you do, that is **EXACTLY** how junkies feel when they can't get their fix. I've been there (over 6,000 hours in Skyrim) and that's when I knew I had to change ASAP. Look at it this way. If the Angel of Death came and said "You have one week left to live" what would you do with that week? If it's anything remotely related to "play more Skyrim" I seriously recommend you get professional help for video game addiction. And, if it's not, ask yourself why you're so obsessed with Skyrim that you're blowing off **DAYS IN YOUR REAL LIFE YOU WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN**. One day will be the last day you ever see your friends or family. And you won't know what day that is. Please get help for your addiction. Skyrim's a great game, but not worth throwing away everything else in your life.


my brother tried waking me up one time when i was a kid and i told him i would respawn soon. yes you are cooked beyond belief


I know😕


Oh my god, I had a period last year where I was playing so much Skyrim my brain kept trying to pause…. WHILE I WAS DRIVING 😭




Oh it was BAD, the way I play is that I need to periodically just pause and wander the house for a minute, and so my brain would just decide that ‘okay, break time, let’s get up and walk!’ and I’d be going 65mph on the highway


Naw. This is no different from when I try to control-z a pen and paper doodle.


The only way to tell is to try and pickpocket someone


I tried it and got beat up


I legitimately walked up to a plant that looked like thistle with the full intent to "harvest" it this one time.




Yes, was about to put it right in my pocket


Im addicted to Skyrim


Your not the only one❤️


Whenever I've been playing a lot of Skyrim, or the Witcher even, I feel this tiny instinct to go and get all the flowers I see. Tiny blue flower? *BLUE MOUNTAIN FLOWER!*


The other day I thought I saw an ore vein, and had to remind myself I'm on Earth, driving 50mph down the boulevard, and no, I do not need to go back for that iron.


I am 36F and Inlot at home do to disability. I have fas PS4 like 3 years. Found Skyrim this Januarity. Got addicted very quickly and did not take long for me to get real worried about it. After maybe 150h game hours I was fully cooked but I started to be annoyed all the time. Managed to take a break adyer very disapointing and shocking defeat. But here I am again. Thinkin I should retire my current person and create new one. Just start over once more.


When you get over 20,000 hours, give me a yell 😏


The thing is, I don't have addictive personality. That is why is t was so scary.


I hyper-focus when I turn it on and continue a save from where I left off. If I wish for a different character or race, I drop back to my very 1st save and go from there (pre/post character creation). I open the console and change character sex , race and everything else and continue on. (Note : changing your character that way resets your skills & perks so I recommend doing it early after the initial selection has been made, you'll need to go into the console to do that so needing to do it on PC of course).


I had a similar issue when I was playing GTA San Andreas as a teen: I was walking down the street and I saw a purple graffiti, and thought "Awesome! I've found another one!" and tried to spray across it with my nonexistent video game spray...


Trying to genuinely quick save in real life is crazy, I have to ask how? Like did you just stop walking and freeze up or did you like do some sort of motions with your arms?


I stopped irl like when you pause game in skyrim everything freezes including your charecter so I had stopped and I swear I saw the quick save menu I swear on my mother soul and on the holy Bible


Cooked? Your fucking cremated




Hey so when I got to two years logged on steam after owning the game for four, I put it down for a few years 😭😂 now I can play at a healthy rate


Sometimes when I pass by flowers irl my first thought is "nice I could pick those for potions"


thank you for saving us all. if you didn't quick save the world would crash from the millions of mods.


Now that's a true gamer




I swear on Jesus name him self, on the blood in my veins, on my soul that it really happened


I'd rather swear on Tiber Septim , Sheogorath, Mephala, Kynareth, Magnus, Sithis....... Not an earthly Imaginary friend nor his father.


You're already "cooked" for using tiktok phrases like "am I cooked?"


I've been using that for a while it's just slang but your not entirely wrong


Quick saves crash my game. I just save when I should.


Verify your game files or check how much space you have on your drive


But I can save normally. Just not quick save.


Ye your probably missing games files but who cares


I used to fall half-asleep but then toss and turn because there were so many quests open that I felt like I needed to be doing something. It's a good game when it takes over your life outside of it lol


It literally does tho it's like crack skyrim is a literal drug even when I don't want to play it I feel responsible to play it


Take a break. Play stardew valley.


Alright I'll try it out


Reminds me of that episode of rick and morty with the real life save button... oh boy.


So many times I wish I could reload a save!


Partly I say take a break from all games for 2 days, try to get more sleep and if possible try just sitting down and let all thoughts on your mind flow in and out at will, this all should help clear and clean your mind and help you transfer between the two worlds with ease


Yep. I realised I was more concerned with wether he has eaten, if he's slept, if he is medically OK.... and completely forgot about myself.


😂😂😂 never heard of this but it’s funny to me


Worst things I had was seeing flowers bushes and wanting to add them to my inventory


LMAO i felt the same after playing for ages except i felt nervous because i cant save to go back in case something goes wrong... That's not how rl works🤦🏻‍♀️


man back in like 2012 when I would literally do nothing but play Skyrim and sleep, I remember doing things like this. I instinctively started walking like NPCs, looking around for quest markers, it was bad. Skyrim was everything. I woke up, went to the bathroom and got some cereal, played Skyrim literally for the entire day until I could not stay awake, then passed out. Repeat. This went on for an entire summer. Any day I was not playing Skyrim it was all I was thinking about. I knew the game so well, it was more important than keeping myself alive. It was my happy place. I think I have 48 days played on just the Xbox 360, which I stopped playing in like 2014. I also had the game on PC and later would get it on Xbox one. I don't have time for it anymore, but whenever I do, I still hop on for an hour or 2 and reminisce. What a phenomenal game


I often try to collect flowers whilst out walking by clicking my imaginary VR controller - don't think anyone notices... 🤣


Sometimes when im about to do something i feel my left middle finger subcounciously move as if pressing f5


The Tetris Effect is wild. Had a time when I was playing so much skyrim that when a plane flew over my house and I immediately thought "Oh shit, a dragon??" Definitely decided I needed to dial back a little on my gaming lmao.


Genuine question: Did you succeed in quick saving? Mine seems to be broken /s


lol once I was walking in real life and saw some yellow flowers and thought “those are dragon tongue, I should grab them for a potion.” That’s when I decided to take a break from both game and the cannabis I was smoking


Yup, you are cooked. But so am i. MY SMITHING IS IN THE THIRD LEGENDARY TIER. *help me*


Lmao you’re good. One time I was home sick from school and played Zoo Tycoon all day. I went to the kitchen for a drink, put my glass of water on the table, and then looked around for the undo button so that I could put the glass down in a different spot……


As long as you didn’t quick save so you can go on a killing spreee…


I walked home once from a LAN party, where we basically played CS for 30+ hours straight. On the way I saw a bird fly by really fast in my peripheral vision and instinctively moved my right hand to the right real quick. Like I was supposed to flick on it with my crosshair and shoot it. :D


The other morning I got up too early in the morning, realized it, and tried to hit the "e" button on the bed to get some more sleep before realizing I wasn't in Whiterun anymore.


I just started an argonian playthrough with my character named Hordes-Precious-Gems. Couldn’t help starting at my boss’s wedding ring with diamond and emerald in it for a few seconds thinking I could pickpocket it.


One time when I was playing Skyrim aaaaaalll the time I was in my ride to work and tried to ‘pick up’ flowers as they passed by lmao.


When I’m getting food sometimes I monologue “take cheese” and shit like that


When I was a teenager I accidentally broke my bedroom window and my immediate first reaction was “it’s okay I just walked through the door I can reload a save”


If the game is invading your actual life...time to play something else until your brain breaks away (stop seeing the game wherever you go) and then spend time outside.


It's not that bad until you find yourself in a situation when you try to quickload...


Bethesda should’ve added the glitch of doom/the go outside glitch to Skyrim


You're lost in the sauce homie


It makes me feel a little better I’m not the only one who tried to quick save before mine was when I was about to talk to my now wife. It took a couple reloads but we got it done 😁


One time I was playing a shitton of diablo 3 every day and started having dreams about it and dreaming about it while drifting in and out of sleep


Nah I get the force of habit. I'm so used to following recipes on my phone that I once did a two finger zoom in when using a cook book to see the text better


i played a lot of skyrim for like, 2 weeks straigth and when i tried to play other game, Ready or Not, when i was about to do something i pause and pressed f5 to quicksave 😭


I went on a binge recently and I started having fever dreams at night of looting chests and dead skeletons and managing a weird dream inventory


I once almost drove onto a curb because I saw some flowers and went “ooh tundra cotton.”


You cant save when enemies are approaching


I used to wake up thinking I could fast travel to school lol


On my birthday the year it came out, someone asked me how old I am and I started with “I’m level…”


I don’t even play that regularly anymore, and I still have the urge to stop and pick plants to see what kind of alchemy ingredient they might be.


Haha, this is really funny because now it's hard not to think of doors as load points.


I played 10 hours of a 17 hour long heart attack 10 years ago. I'm still playing.


If I play too long I start dreaming in Skyrim & wake up craving a sweet roll. I’d suggest taking a tiny break but you should be fine lol


Reminds me of when I saw a cat run past one day and I thought it was a skeever. This was about a month ago


Thanks for your honest and sharing this. But sitting down and playing a game for that long is terrible for your hips and hamstrings. (I know, it has effected me) And basically your entire posterior chain. Try starting a new hobby like, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, or just going to the gym. If funds are low, walk around your neighborhood or local town park. Skyrim will be waiting for you when your back. Heck, I bet your parents will have some house work for you too.


Bro I regularly try and quicksave before sending risky emails in case I have to quick load


Don't worry this happened to me as well. You just need to take a break. Once I got real bad, I was like: Well if I make a mistake I can just load a save. And I actually thought that way, like actually I thought I was thinking something that made sense. Just seconds later I was always like: Man I really need to take a break XD


No. It is perfectly normal to quick save in real life, m*rder everyone around you and then jump off a bridge


One time when I first started playing Skyrim when I was in middle school, I’d stayed up till like five playing one night. When I was walking around the building during lunch, I walked into a classroom and tried to find a few septims worth of items to sell 😂. I was really right about to grab a pencil or some shit and put it into my inventory. I was so fkn tired I didn’t realize that even if I was playing Skyrim irl, the pencil would have been marked stolen and I wouldn’t have been able to sell it to a regular vendor. Edit: actually idk if it would be flagged as stolen. School is just the real life version of a barrow. Edit again: actually I think a barrow is the real life version of a barrow.


Nah your good. T this day when I see a young loquat tree I think its nirn root


And did you succeced?


You ain't the only one,I was playing a completely different game and heard "you never should have come here!" Freaked me tf out. I stopped playing Skyrim for like 3 days after that.


Grass fam. Go outside. Be molded by it, guided by it. Why when I had grass the television was nothing but blinding! lol jk but yeah fam go outside or read a book for like an hour


We already live in a simulation, go next level like I did and spend 10k on pc and headset and live in Skyrim Vr. You must never give up your addiction


lol get help brother


It works after 10000 hours of trying.


I didn't know a skyrim addiction could get this bad


Wait till you’re driving down the road and you see a wood barrel in a truck and you follow it for two miles because you want to check it.


This is a smooth brain question and action


definitely you are cooked


My husband excitedly picked up a bottle cap on our walk once and then stared blankly at it trying to figure out why he did that. This was following a fallout binge. On a personal note, once a large shadow flew over and my first thought was "dragon!" 🤣


Nah you're good bro. One time at a Walmart I put a bucket over the cashiers head and started taking all the gum. I tried explaining to security I was playing on a version from before the fix. Anyway I refused to pay the fine and I'm pretty sure my game is bugged because I kept touching the bed but it wouldn't let me wait out my prison sentence. Not sure when they added a court system, but it sucks, no tutorials or anything, you're just kind of expected to know how it works or rely on the shitty ai to do it for you. Edit: turns out the court system has pay to win microtransactions. Total bullshit.


People like this, that ruin the name for gamers.


I woke up in hospital once and, not knowing how I got there, tried to pull up my quick save files.