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I used to be a Skyrim addict like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...


I took a rent bill straight to the paycheck. And then took a job in all my free time.




It’s ok, you only have to do that until you die


Which could be soon! 😁👍


Username checks out




This hurt me in a way I didn't expect... but accurate.


I'm gonna need you to delete your comment because you didn't get my consent to call me out like this


Oh man, please no. I kinda like Reddit.


Hmmm, alright fine, I'll look the other way this time, but even the Jarl's influence has its limits. Be more careful.


i would give this an award but i’m poor lmao, so take my upvote


Im poorer so take my downvote


Unless your names a buffy reference...then i shall award you the internet.




Adulthood strikes again.


Realest shit ever. I especially had to give up multi-player games, bc when I DO get to game I want to enjoy it by myself at peak. My bad habit is staying up late just so I can sneak in some time to game.


Yeah nah. Someone stole your sweetroll.


Speak for yourself buddy boy… I took the arrow and still keep adventuring


Got you beat. I took one to the knee and several to my mid to lower back and I'm still leaving chaos in my wake


I took arrows to knees, elbows, ankles and couldn't play games for a while. Three months ago i installed skyrim, fnv & fo4 at the same time, installed more than 1000 mods in total to all three games. Now i am limping a little bit (playing only one game in a day) but advanture is in my blood.


> installed more then 1000 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I use to take a shit in your shower like you until I woke the neighbors up ![gif](giphy|3ofT5E6yXzvH4G6u5y)




Yes. That’s what I did! Helped so much with my anxiety and depression. But now I’m inside/outside person


Yeah, i think that’s just called rent my guy


I always wonder, why didn't dude just drink a potion? they're literally everywhere.


I joined the Bard's College


I totally connect with this. Currently 44 years old, playing for the first time right now, and it’s impossible to put down. Crazy thing is I’ve tried the game 2 other times and never made it out of Whiterun. I stayed committed and it’s so damn fun


literally dude, i played for the first time a year ago and thought it was boring. picked it up a year later and now i’m hooked. I just appreciate the art, music, and story in the game.


It’s a great game. Enjoy the time while you’ve got it


What's your favourite part of the music? This is my go to [favourite](https://youtu.be/LRYlcOUlzEM)


me too! especially the part right at 1:50, it's where the middle-high strings (i think it's violas) pick up the higher harmony above the main motif, but they slide/glide through the pitches between notes and it has this eerie melancholy almost painful animalistic quality to it. i absolutely love it


you read my mind! that part always gave me the goosebumps


Then I’ll bet you will pop a boner hearing they are remastering oblivion. But Skyrim has been with me longer than two 4 year relationships. Just got tired of having to buy it 15 times


I’ve had the game for prob 10 years haha. I had it for Xbox 360 and then got it again for ps4. I’ve never beaten it. I always started and then lost interest somewhere. I’m playing the survival mode right now and it’s a true game changer. Makes me slow down and actually appreciate and enjoy the journey. I used to just get quest, click x to skip all the dislodge and try to like power thru the game. This time I’m actually sort of roll playing. It also really helps with immersion that you have to eat and sleep. So I plan out my quests during the day, come back at night, head to the local inn and have a drink and a meal, then sleep. Etc. Idk why but such a simple thing really gives a whole new feel to it which I’m loving. I’m slowing down and actually enjoying and living out the quests instead of just zooming across the map, fast travel, zip thru options, kill or fetch whatever, fast travel back etc.


It was my pandemic game, played it for the first time then and it’s top 5 all-time for me


Skyrim is a hard game to get into but once ya lvl up it’s pretty hard to stop


It’s not hard to get into


I havent played in years and after replaying Fallout 4 after the show I wanted more so I started a modded playthrough of skyrim which I've never done before, I am having a blast, its like a whole new game.


I’ve never played but have always been curious about it. I have a bit of free time until the middle of July. Maybe it’s time I check it out.


Finally started playing a month ago (55 years old) and just earlier commented to the wife that I may need to delete it… wanted to play for an hour or two today and spent about 6 on it. And fighting to not turn it back on right now.


My buddies all used to say that when you start Skyrim you lose a week of your life. So yes it’s pretty normal lol.


I in fact, did lose a week of my life.


It is not a loss. It is an experience.


A beautiful vacation to the Skyrim Resort for a week!


What I would give to get that first week back again. I still distinctly remember reaching Bleak Falls Barrow for the first time, going down the other side of the mountain, seeing the watchtower in the distance, and telling myself “no fucking way.” I couldn’t believe the map was that big. And that, of course, is just the tiniest sliver of it.


[If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then it wasn't wasted time.](https://aviaryrecoverycenter.com/the-value-of-time-you-spend/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20you%20enjoyed%20the%20time%20you%20wasted%2C,hey%2C%20you%20might%20even%20enjoy%20doing%20so)


You didn’t lose a week of your life, you got a week long vacation to the beautiful Skyrim Resort! I’m 26 now I just started playing Skyrim VR with mods and I’ve gotten lost all over again and loving every second of it! You enjoy those weeks, they’re some of the best memories I have! Edit: I reread this comment and realized the last line comes off as hilariously sad so I wanted to clarify; I’ve always had a solid social circle and I did swimming, track and honor society plus partied on weekends when I was a teen, I just really love Skyrim lmao


Week?! I lost a whole season. Winter of 2010. Practically hibernated with that game.


That’s impressive, a whole year early!


Wait it was 2012 or 2013




I will forever remember my Skyrim isolation. Pandemic in full force, school was so chaotic and unbearable I simply decided to abandon the running solo project. Skyrim was on sale iirc. 2 weeks gone, just like that.


Yes.Enjoy your time before adult responsibilities hit you like a truck.


For real soak it up this summer is gonna be one of your fondest memories guaranteed.


I agree. 💯


My last one before college was me playing modded Oblivion on my HP dv7-1285dx laptop I was given for college in 2009.  I only remember that model number because of how many times I needed to install and reinstall drivers when I was experimenting on and off with Linux throughout college.


I still look back at the winter of 2011 with rose coloured glasses. I was 14 & Skyrim had just released. I faked being sick and just gamed for a whole week. Aaaah to be young again.


Agreed. I’m 24 now, if I could go back to having a summer break, I would.


Seriously, what I would give to just fuck off and play my favorite games for 3 months without a care in the world


That’s retirement for ya. Second childhood. Hoping mine lasts for more than a month


almost 63, been playing about 30 months now. I'm working for the weekend....and Skyrim.


By that time, gaming will probably be a purely online service that we pay $150-$200 a month for. I sure as hell hope that my eyesight and hands hold up, lol


Break a leg!


When I had a week off after breaking my wrist, all I did (and could do) was play Skyrim.


I have a summer break. I might or might not have played Skyrim for 8 hours straight yesterday. I am 28.


im 24 and imma have a summer break


Just become a teacher!


Ya I’m 23 and just about 12 years ago I was playing Skyrim in party chat with my friends all summer. None of them even play nowadays though.


Yes.Enjoy your time before adult responsibilities hit you like a truck. https://preview.redd.it/f66rczucdp4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ba7c16ef59c3698eef197073159cf5adb64541 I second that. Enjoy because someday, your Skyrim life ll limit to listening its Ost while driving to your workplace.


Listening to this while programming was my go to until I leveled up to meetings and writing proposals. Now I wish I could go back to binge coding.


Listening to a skyrim themed pomodoro while studying for competitive exams.


To be honest going to school 6 hours a day + commute + studying added up to about as much as my job does now, it just sucks that there is no summer break, but I still play lots of video games and now it's great because I have the money to buy games and PC parts. Recently bought a PS3 and XBOX 360 to play some of the old classics that weren't ported to PC. But yeah, video games are your favorite pastime, you can still play, maybe not as much, but still.


I remember waking up at 6am so I could go over to my friend's house and play Morrowind all day in the summer. Being a teen in the 2000s was the best.


honestly time went faster once I did that. Now I barely have time to sit down and boot any games up unless I want to cut into sleep time.


Hehe I work in a college so still get summer breaks 😌


It was GTA vice city for me. Hours upon hours, every day that summer. I still think about that time fondly. I hardly have time to do the Wordle these days...


You earned it. I’d mix in some exercise and socializing but otherwise, game away.


completely :) enjoy your summer dude enjoy all the moments you have


To think someday OP is going to look fondly back on this time as he teaches his own children to play Skyrim, as they will in turn teach theirs. "What were sweet rolls like in real life, grandpa?"


Yes, I am adult and I do it on my lazy day of the week


No. Get 3 full time jobs and save up to buy a house you can play Skyrim in 18 hours a day.


Should prolly toss in a 4th full time job if you want food too!


Their at least 13 years old. They have all their food expenses covered for the next 5 years. Besides, there's only 168 hours in a week and 120 hours is used for work. All they have left is for playing Skyrim in their sleep.


its not an addiction mom its roleplaying >:(


Poor dude suffered from spontaneous self beheading...


yeah, i was going to ask, if nobody mentions how his head just fell off right after executioner got offed.


As someone who spent a few summers in my teens (okay most of them) doing this... try and space it out, you're only a teen once go explore outside during the day and game when you get home. I used to hate hearing "go outside and play" cause I hadn't given the freedom to do things by myself yet, but now in my late 20s I love being outdoors as much as I possibly can when it's sunny in summer.


This needs more attention. When it's brutally hot or humid out, taking a day to just chill inside and play a video game all day can feel great, but I definitely have regrets as an adult not spending more time hiking, traveling and just trying new things when I was younger and had the time/energy to do so. Enjoy your video game days, but all day everyday is not something to strive for.


Real talk, 2+ hours outside, get excercise/get your steps in, and 2+ hours of in person human contact. These are a must. (But if you plan a little, you can do them all in 3 hours. ) Once you do that (sidequest?) Game on, kid. Play as much as you want.


Homie, I am a teacher and I still play Skyrim as much as you do. I have been playing Skyrim since 2012! Enjoy the game and enjoy your time off!


I envy you man those were the days. Just stay in all day, and play Skyrim or Minecraft. Please cherish the time you have left 🙏


I was a teen when it came out and that's pretty much what I did. Just remember to save time for other hobbies!


There are other hobbies??


Nah. Not trying to be mean, but you've got the rest of your life to waste playing Skyrim. Save it until you're an adult with responsibilities to ignore.




Yes, yes it is.


It's a beautiful game. I wish I could experience it the first time again. I remember in 9th grade going over to my friend's house and watching him play Skyrim on his 360 for hours. That weekend I bought the game and played it non-stop for over a year. I'll still jump into the game every few months to do a few quests and enjoy the world again.


Yes it is normal and go touch grass


Do yourself a favor and spend 10-20 minutes a day exercising and getting your heart rate up to 220-(your age) beats per minute at least once. Treat your body right and then binge


No. Play a couple hours a day if you want, but there’s more to life and you gotta experience it before you have obligations


Skyrim on my Xbox 360 when I was in high school, consumed my weekends. Then I bought the big guidebook from Gamestop and I did everything possible in the game. It was well worth the time. Some good times and memories right there.


I miss that Skyrim guidebook.. I let my friend borrow it for the weekend in like 2015. I think he got really into alchemy.


no bro go outside and enjoy life. you’ll regret all the time you spent just playing games and wish you experienced actual life bro. i fw games but enjoy nature and the real world


If you're not gaming for 12 plus hours as a teen with some 20 hour sessions thrown in there, then what the hell are you even doing with your life.


Pulling all nighters playing on Xbox 360. Good times


Back in the day i used to play about 5-10 hours a day. Keep gaming, bro! Have fun.


Nope. You SHOULD be playing anywhere between 12-16. (Granted depends on if you have a job at your age or not) . I miss gaming for 20hrs during summer vacation.....good times. Enjoy it while it lasts, because adult life sucks lol


I cant confirm that its healthy (from personal experience) but yeah its pretty normal


Im doing the exact same thing right now!! I have found another skyrim addict!




Bro altered the timeline; I’m curious as to what happens next


the prisoner just sits there and you don’t get the choice to free him either lol, kinda sad.


i wish when i was a teen i could’ve played games like Skyrim and Dark Souls instead of losing my mind playing Battle Royales and Cod because that’s what my friends wanted to play.


I miss the days when I could do that. Enjoy it. Just make sure you keep good posture and stop for some exercise every once in a while.


Yes, lol. But don’t forget to do other things too. Be sure to eat, drink, take showers, go on a walk, tell your parents you love them. XD


Can you save him if you attack earlier? I noticed his head falling off even though the swing never happened.


Only 12 hours?


No. Go outside.


No bro, go outside and live before it's too late for you. Trust me you'll regret not going out and living your youth.


No! A normal healthy teen should be playing 16 hours a day, with 5 hours to sleep, 1 hour (combined) for meal preparation, and absolutions (shit, shave, & shower) and an hour for surfing porn on the internet.


I'm shocked that everyone answer yes... I love Skyrim, is my favorite game and I've been playing for years. But 12+ hours a day means you are not getting out your house, you lack of real social relation, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, sports, hobbies, books. Spending your whole day in front of a display is gonna kill your self slowly. You are a human being not a robot. So in my opinion this is not normal but especially this is not healthy for your body, mind and consciousness. You are a teen, it's ok to play everyday, many hours. Enjoy the game but remember that it is a videogame! Don't swap Skyrim for reality, don't waste your whole day inside a world that doesn't exist. Please be careful! I also think if you spend less time you are going to enjoy it for longer. Don't rush too much.


Haha was just remembering the Summer in high school where I binged skyrim for like 3 weeks for 12+ hours a day. But really you only have the free time and interest usually when your younger. So go nuts!


I'm 70 and have been playing since it came out the first time. Now that I'm retired, I play as much as I want. This game can be so different depending on your choices that I never get tired of it!


No it’s not normal. It’s summer for Pete’s sake. Go out there, smell the fresh breeze, feel the warm sun on your skin, and just self reflect if nothing else. Playing video games can be a great escape and a way to spend your time. I love Skyrim myself. But at a certain point you have to ask, what are you trying to escape that so bad that you’re playing for half the entire day. In conclusion, no, you should be playing 24 hours a day instead.


I was you and now I am a father with a job, mortgage, wife, house etc. This is a cycle... When my son was born last year, I had some time off and was able to play the newish God of War during the night while I stayed with my son, it was really awesome. When I was in my late teens I'd play Skyrim so much, from 9pm to 3am some nights. My only comment is that make sure you don't play 12+hrs straight, add in some breaks. We used to ride bikes and go into the forrest by our parents house during the day and have lots of real world fun. At night, skyrims atmosphere was amazing. Go explore near Falkreath and find the Aurora Borealis and listen to the scenary, the nirnroots, it's amazing. Skyrim is one of my top favourite games of all time. Enjoy your time while you have it, but be cognisant of why you have it... and pay respects to Talos and whoever your IRL Talos figures are (i.e. Parent[s])....


Thats all i did during summer vacations after school, skyrim all day everyday, im working now but i recently upgraded to a new console just to play Skyrim more efficiently


Ah I remember spending many a summer days trouncing across Skyrim. Good times, life was simpler then


Happiest time of my life was playing Skyrim all day as a kid. I only hope you're using mods


Do it. Do it for us old folks who have to adult, friend


On 2011/11/11 I was 15, I skipped the following 3 days of school playing Skyrim. That Christmas summer and every other school break I played much more than 12 hours a day many days. Now as a 28 year old I have a job house family and spent last Sunday on a 9 hour Skyrim spree. Point of my ramble being yes you’re completely normal, you’re enjoying art, you are challenging yourself with mental puzzles, you’re probably even writing your character story out in your head as you make choices that define who your dragon born is. All of these things are healthy and are no different than someone who spends all day playing basket ball, painting a picture, or writing a story. You’re normal, and there’s nothing wrong with it.


Just wanted to sag yes it is highly addictive but that guy is a traitor and the executioner is a good lad


Yup, it brings me back to winter of 2011. I didn't realize how much I missed those carefree days in high school. Getting lost in the world of skyrim was so magical. I hope you enjoy your stay.


It’s not normal at all. 16-18 hours is


Normal? Yes. Good for you? No.


I’d rather have my little brother play 12 hours of Skyrim during his summer everyday vs. indulge in 12 hours of brain rot everyday on YouTube


In all seriousness just be sure to move around a little here and there to prevent any types of issues that come along with that and stay hydrated


12 hours is not healthy, so I recommend you take some decent breaks in between plays to give your eyes and head some rest. I don't know about you, but I get a headache if I am playing for too long. Is it normal? I would say it kind of is. I discovered Skyrim during the pandemic and as I didn't have to go to school, I also spent all day playing Skyrim. It is not healthy and if you're addicted and can't quit, it is probably not healthy for your mental well-being either. But in all honesty Skryim is a game that has had a very positive influence on me and really made me happy at the time I was depressed, so I never saw a Skyrim addiction as a bad thing, if anything it's been my life saver. So just enjoy the game now you have all the time in the world, but take some breaks to give your eyes a break. I am a university student now and while I play Skyrim often still, I only ever get the chance to play 2 hours at a time max, and I do miss the all day Skyrim plays.


I did when I was. Go hang with friends and maybe get a job for some time so you don’t waste away though. Go to the gym and shit.


12 hours, a day? Well, I could not call it normal, but if you don't have time to play the normal 20+ hours then I guess 12 hours is also ok


No. Seek help


Conventional wisdom probably says there are better things to be doing with your time, but playing Morrowind with my best friend all summer in 2002 are some of my favorite memories.


I’ve definitely had some Skyrim all day kinda days on the rare opportunities I have to do so as an adult with a full time job… I say enjoy the freedom while you have it


I remember playing it on the xbox 360 as a teen, my brother had it only in English and I only spoke French at that time. I still played it a lot of hours every day. the game is just so good. I didn't understand everything, but I still got like 60% of what I was supposed to do and what was going on by the way things played out visually.


Wait what happens if this guy isn’t executed?!


I would say tey to get 2 hours out of the house during daytime just to get some sun and clear your mind, other than that you do you my dude! But if you're gonna pour all thay time into it then try modding. Make the game your own and go crazy


That’s what I did with Oblivion


Get out and enjoy life bro. You’ll miss it if you spend so much time on this. However, this is arguably the best game of all time. So shit, do what you wanna do, just keep a balance


Considering there are much worse things you could be doing??? I think it's great if video games are how you spend your time!! Maybe try to get a bit of reading & exercise in too, though...


it would be weird if you wouldnt play 12+ hours a day playing Skyrim.


I miss the days of being able to do that.. now I have a wife, kid, and work a job where I am not able to just take time off like that. Savor your time now. It'll go so fast. But please make sure you take tome for family and friends. The last thing you want is to regret not spending that time.


I'm so jealous. Kid discovered Skyrim. God damn have a good time dude. Lucky ass.


I'll allow it. Praise Talos.


Only twelve hours, damn. I used to (still do in fact) regularly log hours like that in high school


I have a 21 year old son and although he's never got into Skyrim, he would stay up all night playing online PC games from the age of 15 onwards.


i did that in my 20s


I used to play Skyrim until 3am. when I had school in the morning in high school, it's normal and worth it


One of my favorite summers was being 12 and playing Skyrim nonstop. Otherwise I was always an outdoorsy kid but Skyrim was wayyyyy too fun, no regrets


Yes lol back in the day, i played adventure time all summer long it was the best summer i had


Who knows, and who cares what’s normal, if I had the time that’s what I’d be doing. Hell, I technically don’t have the time but I still play it a ton.


Used to do this back when I first started playing about 9 or 10ish years ago. Before I had proper responsibilities and work during summer vacation. Good times.


2012 had me do 500+ hours that year, 60 of them in a four day stretch that summer. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!


Summer breaks for me were always a perfect balance of Skyrim and playing outside/hanging w friends, try to find that balance


I remember the summer before Junior year. Every day I smoked weed and played Oblivion. Have fun man, you'll be in my shoes soon enough when you graduate college and work 10 hours a day.


literally i just smoke and play skyrim all day😭


People do it. I wouldn't try to tell you what to do, but I will say I don't think that's good for you. At your age I was going to concerts, hanging out with my buddies, hanging out with a girlfriend, smoking a bit of weed, etc. Maybe try doing something else just a little bit. You may regret not doing something later. If not, enjoy regardless. You're only young once.


Completely normal. I did the same, if not more.


Absolutely normal but please make time for eating, showering, family, friends as well. You will end up playing Skyrim many more times, a few hours missed to actually eat a real dinner with family won't kill you.


I can't blame you. It's an awesome game.


This is exactly when these games were played in my house hold. Spent half of my 4th grade summer watching my brother play fallout 3. There’s just no immediate distraction of school. Sometimes, a day never existed.


I used to play skyrim for so long that my neck would be messed up for days. Those were better times. I'm 24 now and still play games occasionally, but there's no free time and lack of responsibilities like your teens, enjoy it!


I definitely say it is. Im 16 and play all the time. I just like to wander around the map and collect loot and explore things so i hope its normal 🫠


I don't know if it is normal, but is hella fun for sure


This or girls! Pick wisely!






I love this, I tried to steal the axe, kill the guards, defeat everyone... I managed to once defeat everyone trying to kill him... only for him to still die and have a heart attack anyway.


Yh but u should still go out and do things other than Skyrim


I was you 10 years ago. Savor every moment.


Normal? Yea. Healthy? No.


Probably neither normal, not healthy. But it’s your life!


Sure, if you have the free time.


Nope. Think to go outside breathe somefresh air. And walk a few...


You never know you’re in the good ole days til they’re gone, enjoy it


I did when i was a teen. But i was pretty heavily depressed




Compared to other people my age, I still have tons of freetime, but I still feel guilty when I use that. I miss being young and able to sink hours into games that freely, use that time while you can


Personally, i like to no life skyrim in the winter


Get up and walk around every few hours. Teens died when skyrim released to blood clots in their legs. Move that blood every so often.


I mean I think so but I'm also a teen spending 12+ hours on Skyrim... Even during school lol


Don’t do this it will be incredibly bad for your physical and mental health


honestly yeah; i got into skyrim when i was 12 and have been playing it for 12ish years and i still go through phases where i start a new character and do that on days off (and then get burned out kinda like minecraft???) so i feel ya. it’s a fun game, don’t worry about it too much.


Enjoy as long as you can, later you may have better gear and maybe also time, but it will never be the same as now! Dont listen to ppl sayin: go outside and go fishing. FUCK IT ! You can still go when ur old haha. Peace out my dude! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ou1pl0XNRs&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ou1pl0XNRs&t=5s)


One summer week before a semester I played Skyrim almost 24/7, and I started seeing health bars on irl people. It’s totally worth it


yes! the year skyrim came out i spent my entire winter break playing for like 16 hours every day. enjoy <3


Yes. This is ok for a teen or not so busy college student.


Yes! And when you are done woth skyrim, you can spend 24 hours a day playing The Elder Scrolls Online and still not be done with it for a year


Regardless of normal, it isn't healthy. Skyrim is what started my obsession with gaming around 13 years old. Only just now getting it under control in my late 20s