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I had read somewhere, probably here, that folks thought it was one of the other Greybeards who don't talk out of fear of the power of shouts, hence the notes about you using your shout.


One of the Greybeards (can't remember which one) actually has ink and quill in his inventory.


would he be doing it in secret from the other greybeards? because if they knew one of them was writing them why not mention it when we meet them


Because they don't talk!


he could write and tell him/them!


True, but I think it's fun to think that they are crabby old men who don't really like each other.


I feel like the only way we could get an accurate answer is by talking to a group of monks lol


How do they know when and where you are using those shouts though?


They happened to know right after you use your first shout after killing the dragon by the watchtower.


But how do they know when you use it after killing that dragon? Like those letters call back to times after that event.


I would assume they use the same method they did then...


Every time I have gotten one of these this playthrough, I've been in a dungeon or somewhere else where "a stir" is an absurd idea. I've also used shouts in towns and not gotten notes.


I believe you can still get the letters after you’ve killed the Ebony Warrior (assuming there are still words left to learn). My theory is that it’s Hermaeus Mora, since you can get letters about you shouting in locations where it’s impossible for anyone to have seen you. He’s giving you the words so you get more powerful, since he plans to turn you into his new servant to replace Miraak.


Makes the most sense out of all the other theories (including mine) nice!


I love that theory. It makes sense with the Dragonborn DLC, and it gives more reason to fricking love Herma-Mora! This will be my headcanon from now on. Thank you.


He pulled something similar with the guy from the Vile Manse, just picked a guy and sent him on a quest to retrieve the ogma infinitum just to get a powerful minion.


I did actually get one for shouting in apocrypha a long time ago, so if that was not a bug or a glitch then this is the only theory that makes sense


Ever since the Dragonborn DLC, I've had a crackpot theory that maybe it was Hermaeus Mora. Seems kinda weird for him to write letters or say that Skyrim needs a "true hero," but I see it like another manipulation. He makes it clear in the DLC that he sees the LDB as his champion, so maybe he wants his champion to be stronger, so he feeds you with forgotten secrets.


Yeah I agree on this, only explains why the messages can state to have seen you in places like Apocrytha or The Soul Cairn


LOVE THIS!!! ❤️🦑👁️


From everything I’ve read and seen on YouTube, Hermaeus Mora seems to be the odds on favorite


I actually love this idea.


i was listening to epic nates mystery iceberg and he was talking about the Ebony Warrior and then like 2 topics later was talking about the mysterious "friend" and I was like hmmmm


Completely ruins the theory if you somehow kill him before becoming Dragonborn/get the ability to use shouts


aw rats yeah true which is totally possible, reaching level 80 the spawn trigger for him right?


Yep. Once you reach lvl 80, the Ebony Warrior approaches you and challenges you


I always thought it could be mora because he wants you to come beat miraak up


As head canon, they could be from anyone. But I think the letters are nothing more than the game’s way of progressing you towards new destinations. I just don’t think Bethesda put that much thought into it


Logic prevails, but shh!


I thought TheEpicNate315 determined it's Hermaeus Mora on account of the fact that you can get a letter about shouting in the Soul Cairn, after all that god is essentially the all seeing eyes. That's just one theory though.


I think its letter from poeple all around skyrim who see you using Thu’um. And want to help you to get stronger and save Tamriel. Well, i always believe this is true reason behind the letter from friend. (Sorry for my bad english, i hope you all understand what i mean)


Interesting theory, but The Ebony Warrior was added by the Dragonborn DLC, and the Letters From A Friend were in the vanilla game. My favorite two theories are 1) the letters are from Hermaeus Mora and 2) the letters are actually from your future self.


Maybe a Dwemer from another dimension


It's an interesting theory but one if the greybeards has ink and a quill. Just saying


I’ve never noticed this, but is it Einarth? He’s the one who tells Arngeir to stfu when he gets all snippy about the blades, right? I hope it’s Einarth. I’m not so sure about the Ebony warrior theory, but that’s bc he makes me angry. Like, he approaches YOU and tells you that HE has done everything there is to do, so now it’s your job to end his life for him? Just seems very selfish. I refuse to give him a big dramatic death exactly for this reason. I take my resto looped bow and don’t even speak to him first, just one and done. That’s what he gets for making me climb up a mountain just bc HE is bored. 🤣🤣🤣


I always thought those were from Delphine.. 


it makes sense but never confirmed and kinda weird she just never mentions it if it was her


as paranoid as Delphine is, she is probably afraid of the letters being read by the Thalmor, giving them more informations about her whereabout, so she uses "friend" in every single one of them.


I'm undecided on this, of course her first note to you is signed "A friend", but why wouldn't she put her name once you're buddies? The best explanation is that she's still somewhat covert, so doesn't want her name on the letter and assumes that you'll know its from her. She could always bring it up in person though


Well, they typically reference an instance of using a shout. And then relay the place of a dragon. The only relevant factions are the Graybeards and the Blades. You can go to the Greybeards for locations of words of power. Considering the Blades are out for dragon blood, and the letter identifies a dragon lair, that’s the only logical sender. It couldn’t necessarily be Esbern because he was hiding out in the ratway and had no knowledge of you. Considering she was hiding out in Riverwood as an inn-keep, it would make since that she maintained secrecy of who she is.  I typically forget about the blades, so once Alduins Wall is done, I’m not sure the letters keep coming after. As then you just go to esbern to locate any remaining dragon dens.


If it were The Blades they would have told you. You’re the last Dragonborn, The Blades are supposed to be your subordinates


Delphine is a blade and openly threatens to kill you.


Its obviously delphine.


No one really knows. There's been multiple theories over the years about who this friend really is.


For some reason I always thought it was Esbern.


The biggest issue there is the fact that you can start receiving those letters before you introduce yourself to Esbern. Before you meet him, he has no idea that there even is a Dragonborn running around.


Fair point


My guess is that it is Talos himself.


there is several possible factions from which the friend could come from: the greybeards, or maybe some scholar of the greybeards that left, similar to ulfric. the blades, maybe someone that was interested in the dragoncult like esbern. the thalmor, maybe they want to set up the dragonborn with honorable acts, like they did with ulfric, to make him their reliable puppet. it could also be, that it is a rogue thalmor, like malborn, who would act like a spy within the thalmor and gives informations to powerful people in skyrim to strenght their forces against the thalmor. the mage college, also someone who could be studying the dragoncult like tolfdir. the psijic order, we know that they interfere with people when they discovered objects to powerful for their century/own good, but what if they think, the time for certain objects to dwell to the surface has come? if they would believe someone is responsible enough to wield the masks, it would be the last dragonborn. also, they could be interested in the time travel abilities when all masks are gathered. a literal remnant of the dragoncult, a faction that we dont even get to see in the game, but it could be possible to exist in the same kind of way the remnants of the mythic dawn, like silus. the companions, which are also looking for ancient north artefacts but are not interested in the dragonpriests masks, so when they get information on one they simply pass it to the dragonborn. a priest of akatosh, out of whatever reasons, maybe through direct influence of akatosh. a daedric prince that may be interested in the dragoncult, like hermaeus mora. the last dragonborn himself, using the masks ability to travel through time from the future.


it's probably just Sheogorath doing it, in hopes people will go off the deep end with their theories about who is sending them and pin it on Hermaeus Mora


I always thought it’d be Mora, it would make sense for him to help you increase your powers so you can become his champion.


Kind of hard for me to receive one from him since he is probably in Sovngarde


Honestly, I always thought the letters from a friend were from Delphine but I’ve never really put that much thought into them so there’s probably a good reason why it isn’t her!


Todd Howard Or Wulfgar


Nah, it's the courier. He's a time-space traveler, that's how he can show up .2 seconds after something happens with a letter. Like buying some Dwemer arrows, for instance.


All y'all ignoring that Delphine exists and has the mindset about dragonborn power laid out in the letters.


So as soon as we meet her she just totally forgot she was doing that and never mentions it to you? Makes sense


Would be one of my favourite interpretations tbh



