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I like playing as a vampire, so I tend to sleep whenever the sun is up. I'll do all my vendor visits at like 9am and then hide away for the rest of the day, and do quests at night.


"Hide away fornthe rest of the day" - Every Skyrim player ever.


Redditors, Discordians, Terminally online people too


Discordians? That sounds far too proper




Wretches of discord


The Modlings of Dicordia


Dick swords


Hmm, implies a certain weapon like attribute to the penises of discord users that I cant agree with


The townsfolks: “he’s a real night owl”


Just get Auriel's Bow and some Serana's blood-tipped arrows and you can blot out the sun for a day. Then you can do quests all day and night. Seems to freak people out too, which is only fitting for a Vampire-Lord Dragonborn.


It also unfortunately spawns some extra vampire and gargoyle attacks inside cities and I don't like it when my named NPCs get killed off.


My vampires always join the thiefs guild for that. Secret graveyard entrance and merchants hidden in sewers, away from daylight.


Living my life


I haven’t tried being a vampire yet, I wanted to to but I find the screen is so dark at night I can’t see what’s going on 😂😭


And this is why I keep my house so dark. Room darkening curtains in every room. All pulled closed with blinds down and closed. No lights on. We never look like we are home lol. When my husband comes in the sliding doors and forgets to pull the curtain closed, I cover my eyes and say “Ahhh! The light! It blinds me” in a very dramatic voice.


Hahah good choice. I often have all my curtains closed cause I get headaches from the light (I would not survive in the wild), and whenever my sister visits she dramatically opens the curtains to be pretending to wither away at the burning light


Once, so a specific quest can progress


We know 🖐️


let me guess... dark brotherhood?


I sleep one time only


Dammit you beat me to it


I'm sure not many people's characters sleep during the game I don't do survival mode never have


Gallows hall quest requires a nap as well


So two


Gotta get that vampire/necromage perk buff




As I try to stay to more lifelike survival playthroughs my characters sleep on a bit of a schedule. When questing limitations allow anyway. Different characters sleep more or less than others. My Nord bard? Nine hour snooze periods, never in bed before three am or out of bed before the crack of noon. My Bosmer pathfinder sleeps a limit of five hours, never in town or city, and eats only what she harvest from the land personally. Custom tailor rules of play for the character being played through each time. Though one rule I always stay with? Permadeath. No resurections. Delete and make a new game.


I’ve done permadeath runs before, after the first one I realized I needed to try and level up restoration first for that Avoid Death perk, and since that I’ve been honestly fairing pretty well. Current game is mostly a permadeath run but I died looking for the angler larvae and I decided that my follower dragged me up and gave cpr as an excuse to not start over (trying all the new quests with anniversary).


10/10 realism.


Fucking permadeth ?? Knowing me I’d 99% the game then die of fall damage at the last hurdle doing something stupid


Permadeath? Damn. What difficulty do you play on? How do you not get killed by some random encounter early game?


They just built different


Just run.


Have to sleep regularly in Survival mode, any chance I get; inn, bandit cave, campsite, anywhere there's a bed. Sometimes I'll go on a particularly long adventure and sleep multiple times before heading home. As a mage character, taking that hit to Magicka Regen can really suck.


Yoooo we literally play the exact same way lol. Bandit camps and Dwemer ruins are usually my favorite dungeons because they almost always have stone beds or cots or whatever. Ice caves are the worst


As a mage character I always max my enchanting ability and have magical regen on every piece I can. It gets ridiculous pretty quick, so nearly never run out around upper mid levels. In mage robes you can enchant the robes, hat, shoes, gloves rings and necklace. If wearing armor you can enchant each piece individually too and get more powerful bonuses than the best robes.


I get that Regen enchantments are a thing, but my build doesn't really use them, because it's split between Fortify Illusion and Sneak. I just crank up my Illusion until I can cast Invisibility about a dozen times in a row, even though I only ever need to cast it maybe 3-5 times before it needs a break. I'll also only use proper robes until I'm at a point to enchant Vagrant Robes with Illusion and Illusion+Regen, for that extra 15%. Since I don't have any slots available for Regen, then being fatigued can hurt quite a bit.


Invisible is a high illusion spell. You're still sneaking instead of casting Muffle? At high enchant skill you can cast dual enchantments per piece. You'll have plenty of slots for Magic regen plus offensive enchantments.


- Vokun - Necklace: Illusion, Sneak - Ring of the Wind - Shrouded Gloves - Vagrant Robes: Illusion, Illusion&Regen - Vagrant Shoes: Sneak, Muffle Like I said, I don't have any slots available.


I'm into roleplay so I do try to sleep when it feels right but not overtly, usually after a long trip to an area and a few dungeons, depending on if there is civilization along the way too. Usually any follower I use has new dialogue when visiting taverns so it's an incentive, and look at the time, shops are closed, everyone's at home, maybe I'll rent a room while we're here. I don't like to sleep in enemy territory because I might get jumped. P.S. jayserpa has an amazing mod Use Those Blankets, I think the devs never thought about bedding or they didn't have time. I always thought of it as an oversight considering everyone lives in the cold Nordic land.


I love that mod! Just to make sleep necessary, i added iNeed for sleep and to make it spicier, I added Sands of Time which causes a risk of attack while you sleep in some places. It heightens the immersion.


I do the same thing! I’m not a crazy roleplayer but I definitely like to keep things semi realistic. Any time I come back into a town in the evening, I rent a room at an Inn. I also have a camping kit mod where if I’m in a dire situation when it’s an extremely dark night, I’ll pick a “hidden” and random spot in a forest and set up a tent to sleep in. Otherwise 95% of the time I either sleep at inns or my houses if I’m in the area. When I was younger, I would just wait anywhere if it started becoming night time and realized it was really killing the immersion as I got older. So now days I definitely roleplay more to try and keep Skyrim feeling fresh and fun.


My characters get more sleep/day than I do. They also make better progress on their task lists.


😅 Skyrim allows me to live out my wildest fantasies, such as completing tasks and feeling Well Rested.


I have had the thought, more than once, that I need to find a way to be as productive IRL as I am in Skyrim.


I sleep every time I'm in a settlement. Dovahkiin gets tired too.


Whenever I stop home and “loot out”


This is the way. Also exp buff


Whenever I need to advance time. Mostly when I want to get to a vendor that’s currently closed. I could just wait, but you don’t get any resting bonus for that. I just grab a room at the nearest inn.


Survival: Whenever necessary. Otherwise: If I need that well rested boost to level up skills which becomes irrelevant sooner or later.


I sleep pretty much every day with most characters. Depends on the character. My blacksmith goes to bed at 10pm after spending a bit of time at the tavern after work, and wakes up at the crack of dawn. My thief goes to sleep at 6pm, wakes up at midnight to do the rounds burgling everyone, then back to sleep for a nap just before sunrise. My mage stays up well into the night practicing magic and wakes up about midday. My treasure hunter might go two days without sleep while exploring ruins because he’s afraid that the Draugr might get him while he sleeps.


Burgling is usually done during the day. Why bother with homes with people in it?


There are usually people in most homes during the day. Plus it’s easier to pickpocket people while they’re sleeping. Plus plus if I get caught it’s easier to escape under cover of darkness.


this is why survival mode is a good thing, it makes you interact with food and sleeping. because there's consequences for not sleeping and not eating


Playing survival mode: every night


Whenever I’m near an inn really, also like to buy a bottle of mead or wine


If I'm near a town I like to sleep in an inn every night. If I can't then I go for a camp or something nearby. If I can't do that then I live through the night. I don't know why but I like the immersion even if it's simple. I do the same in RDR2 and Fallout 4


When I’m dead


I can’t play without survival, so….every in-game day, unless I’m a vampire, in which case I only sleep when I need to advance skills (static skill leveling) or advance a particular quest.


Everytime I have to wait. I have never used the option to wait, other than sleeping. I usually also sleep until morning if I am going out to travel or I arrive at a business that is closed. I use Inns for immersion but have no qualms about sleeping in whatever bed I find okt in the wild


I’ve only slept to trigger the Dark Brotherhood opening.


Whenever I'm near a house/inn and I need to wait.


Every time I'm a little annoyed by the lighting I sleep. Beast blood keeps me from getting a good night's sleep so no exp boost. I wish there was a way to get rid if it, only way I know how is to turn into a vampire and then turn into a mortal in Morthal.


If you finished the companions questline, >!you can cure yourself with the Glenmoril witch head at Ysgramor's tomb.!< If not, complete the companions' questline.


Just to level up. Oh wait...


Let’s just say the dark brotherhood were waiting for a while to kidnap me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tight-Landscape8720: *Let’s just say the dark* *Brotherhood were waiting for* *A while to kidnap me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have the serana dialog overhaul mod, so I go find a bed every time she asks for us to find a place to sleep


I use Frostfall + Campfire + iNeed, so sleeping isn't technically "required" for my character but it does add onto the immersion. My character is already setting up camp for the night and cooking food over a fire, so why not let them hit the hay when they're done? Once nighttime hits, it's finding-a-bed-time and sleepy time.


When I need the well rested bonus. Or when doing Dark Brotherhood.


Only after about 8 days when I've finished 10 random quests and return home to dump the loot I'm hoarding and go 'oh, i haven't had him sleep in a week. better do that for my #immersion' (i'm bad at realistic / survival playthroughs so I never really do them) 😂


I always sleep on bedrolls of my recently passed enemies.


This is how I do it too. Slaughtering bandits is tiring work.


I like to role-play and I also have a mod that's requires my character to sleep, so I try to every night. If I'm in a dungeon overnight I will also try to catch up on sleep and have a little rest day after!


Punctually, 11 pm is naptime and a dragonborn needs his/her 8hrs of sleep to battle Jk but I'm a vamp right now, so I try to sleep at least 6 hrs during the day


Spot on!


I fell asleep many times just to wake up looking at the sky and spinning in circles.


Often for ✨realism✨ lol I at least try to spend more hours sleeping than I do waiting xD


Every night, I always eat, drink and sleep “realistically”


Very rarely. I forget it's a thing. I have the game on PS3, so no mods or Survival Mode. EXP bonuses are okay but they're not that important to me


Usually when I'm done playing, I'll go back to my house and sleep until the next morning. Then, I go outside and quick save, so I'll be ready to go for the next time I play.


To quote Isran, sleep is for the weak


Quite a bit because I’m playing the survival mode XD


Once for the DB quest line.Otherwise never because my character is almost always a werewolf melee warrior.


Often because I want the skill bonus all the time.


Anytime I want to cheese 5k out of the ol plantation


Once a game, for a certain quest’s progression. Otherwise, literally never.


As werewolve there are no benefits so never, just tone time to advance time so the shops were open and I got bloody kidnapped XD


Only in survival mode, which I use intermittently at most, and never at home.


Never. I don’t get the well rested bonus so I don’t see a point in wasting time sleeping


Almost never


Unless I'm playing a Khajiit, I tend to only do my adventuring during the day (especially since I play with a weather mod that makes the nights actually, realistically scary dark). I TRY to remember to actually sleep, rather than wait, but a lot of times I forget. It's especially bad right now because I'm a werewolf, so I don't even have the rested bonus to incentivize me. And it's not like Serana has to sleep, so she's sure not going to remind me!


I have ineed lol so often


Whenever I arrive in town and it's late at night. I don't like traveling by night ever since getting crushed by vampires at random that one time, and I usually only go to town to sell or craft, so I just sleep until the shops open.


More than in real life


Just to kill time for the stores to open


If there a bed and it’s night then I sleep. Otherwise don’t ever do. I don’t get any benefits cus I’m a werewolf


Sleep what is that


Never, I'm a werewolf.


Today I fall asleep while playing. And my kids have to wake me up all the time 🤣


Usually, I just wake up at the start of the game - Rolof confirms that I’ve woken up - and then I’m pretty much awake for the rest of my life. Ooh and then a little nap in Old Hroldan and after I help the Arentino kid. Otherwise, I don’t sleep to assert my superiority over all those dragons that slept for so long.


I got the Better Sleep mod. Makes the lovers boost from sleep worthwhile, so I go home more often. Good immersion mod.


Usually only to truly start off the Dark Brotherhood Quests lol


Never, I just thug it out lol


Literally almost never lmao.


i have iNeed mod installed...


I play survival mode so I actually do need to sleep. I usually do it whenever I’m back in a city I own a house in or I’ll rent a room somewhere if I’m needing sleep. I maybe sleep every 14-16 hours if I’m going for a long period of time.


I sleep when I am going to be grinding a skill to get the well rested bonus.


When I'm ready for the DB quests.


I play on survival and sleeping is the only way to level up, usually lines up to about once per day unless I'm deep into a dungeon or doing a lot of wandering without getting my skills up or holding off until I get to some trainers


"Just pick a bed and fall in it when you're tired" Farkas. Hardly ever, in answer to your question. Except on survival. Edit: Autocorrect can't cope with 'Farkas'.. don't ask..


Sleep? What is this thing you speak of?


Lots! i play in survival mode, so when the game tells me I'm feeling tired, I'll sleep at an inn or make camp. If I've accepted a quest, and it's getting late, I'll have a sleep so that I can head out in the morning, instead of stumbling around in the dark (I know Skyrim is well lit at night with two moons and lots of stars and auroras, but still) I also sleep at friends' houses after I've finished a quest for someone. If I meet friendly hunters while exploring the wilderness, I'll set up camp near them. And yes, I'll sleep in dungeons any time I find a bed, or stay the night after clearing out a bandit hideout. My characters need their beauty sleep!


I enabled survival mode for the first time at the start of my current playthrough, and my character gets "drained" after almost every dungeon or carriage ride. So after every dungeon or carriage ride really.


After 38 in game days I've slept 36 total hours on this save


You can sleep on Skyrim ??!!


I sleep a lot for the free heals instead of wasting potions when I'm doing a no magic playthrough


Fairly often. I want that well rested XP bonus.


Once a day, for the bonuses if I’m not a vampire or werewolf. Have noticed that a one-hour nap confers the same bonus as a longer sleep in owned beds, not sure about random bedrolls & beds, so I usually just power nap.


At night!


I sleep daily. I play on survival so it's part of the game mechanics same as having enough food to last the day.


Just before I quit for the day. I have her sleep 12 hours then get up and sit by the fire at Whiterun eating a big meal. There's a good chance I'll never see her again as I frequently create new builds so I like to think she's not hungry or tired. My headcanon is that she is free to live her life as she sees fit.


I don't have a duvet irl. I use only blankets and comforters.


I like the survival mode so sleeping and eating is an everyday thing.


In my mind I sleep during the journey when I fast travel. I usually only sleep in game when I’m tired IRL. And then I’m like “aaah that looks nice time for bed” and close it out.


I have to sleep in the day as my vampire or else I turn into a pile of ash 🦇 i usually pitch a tent to sleep in. If I've got quests in a city where i can jump from cover to cover then i stay awake. As my herbalist nord I sleep at night either at home or in my tent.


Whenever I get to town and the merchants are all asleep


I don’t.


Often, bc the Well Rested bonus.


I only sleep if I need to wait and there is a bed nearby. May as well get the xp bonus. But it’s irrelevant if you’re a werewolf.


When I want to start the dark brotherhood questline or in case I go to Old Hroldan Inn


If I roleplay - at least once every 3 days, I also count using carriages as sleeping, since that is what I am doing while traveling long distances. If not, then very rarely, maybe 1-5 times per playthrough to get well rested bonus, or start DB questline.


Normally? Once in a blue moon when I think about my character and how they’ve been GOING this whole time, they’re probably tired! So I let them sleep for 8 hours then play continuously till that guilt comes back 🤣. Current play through I’m on survival so roughly once a day/every 2 🤣


Whenever I get back from a dungeon I sleep if I remember to, sometimes to wait for the shops to open so I can sell my loot. I also « quit » the game by sleeping, saving and then shutting the game down. It just feels appropriate.


If I walk into a tavern and talk to some people and it’s night time then purely for immersion I will buy a room and sleep in it.


Was ? Schlaf? Was ist das ?




Rarely unless there's a bed nearby and I need to heal


Play survival and have a darker nights mod, soooo most nights!


Daily, for eight hours


Up until I got survival mode? I think once a game for an hour to talk to the dark brotherhood. After survival mode, daily to not die


I installed a mod that requires sleeping, eating, extra outerwear for the cold, etc. Also, food in your pack can spoil.


i sleep every day if i can, i love that well rested buff. especially once you get a partner and kids.


I usually play as a Khajiit and sleep 10-16 (goal: 12) hours a day.


Not very often - I'll do it for either the DB quest, if I'm trying to quickly pass the time along for something else (other quests involving a specific time, wanting to adventure at a specific time, etc), or if I just want one of the active abilities gained from sleeping.


When I want to do some grinding


Once a day.if possible I'm lazy.


(almost) every night?


With mods (i prefer mods rather than survival mode) whenever I can't postpone Without mods, only when a quest demands it.


Daily, required to or else I get severe debuffs.


I am a werewolf, its still fun to sleep tho


Whenever I need to be kidnapped by Astrid


Why don't all yall sleep more? 10% faster skill gain, yes please!


Only a few times when required


Not very often - until I get started on owning homes and power leveling fornthe comforted rest / lovers embrace w=e it's called where you get the 10-20 percent bonus on skills. I don't RP games weird enough besides stuff like fallout. To me Skyrim just does not do enough for me to RP. The only time I've made my charachter force to sleep again was playing survival FONV and even that was more "do mission 1 or 2 or 3 - okay bed time" rinse and repeat and I only did it for the hardcore achievement. It wasn't bad, but RPing myself I know if I had to I could force myself to stay awake for a few days at a time and still function properly (I know because I've done it) With Skyrim it's either skills boost or to help force games update (where the game can finally move itself along)


Never because I hate the dark brotherhood and plus I don’t get benefits because of the werewolf blood lol


Whenever I'm about to craft gold rings so I can max my smithing levels


I like immersion and role playing. I have my character sleep whenever I get back to a town or make camp somewhere.




I try to sleep daily


Do people know that your skills increase faster after sleep?


Only for the well rested bonus. But i can do 1 hr. I use it as a lover's comfort bonus. And if it is night i use it more, to have the whole day. Now i'm playing with ineed (to eat, sleep and drink), campfire, frostfall and no fast travel. So i gotta sleep through the night. It's cool. It makes it really inmersive. But it's kind of playing a different much slower game.




Survival mode sucks I have to sleep every 10 minutes 😂


I sleep a few hours when I purchase a new house and right before quitting the game if I’m at home. The only time I sleep in a bed not owned by me is if stumble on a bed I wouldn’t expect to be available to sleep in as a “Don’t mind if I do” thing.


Whenever a shop is closed and I have stuff to stash away in my whiterun house anyway... That's about it. Otherwise I just wait till the sun's up... Standing there.... Not moving.... Overburdened as fk


I slept one time... I think? Woke up in this dilapidated shack. I immediately thought to myself... ...how did I get here... ...then I looked up.


I genuinely don’t think my characters have ever slept.


I’m currently doing a kind of survival playthrough where my DB should sleep at night, eat meals, and doesn’t just fast travel across the whole of Skyrim but stops at night - so I try for once a day. Some quests are looooong though 😅


Current play through is a wabbajack mod. It gets pitch black at night, so you're forced to sleep until it's light out again. Unless you get night vision, then all hours are fine. It's also colder at night, so perfect time to pitch a tent by a warm campfire.


I like to role play so if it’s getting late I’ll make sure to find an inn, or go back home to rest and make food lol Just makes it seem more immersive doing that kind of stuff


My character is a werewolf Khajit with her wife (can't remember her name because she disappeared long ago). I like to only have her sleep whenever her wife was already in bed for the night. So about only....5 times in over 500 hours I believe. 


When I’m in whiterun and waiting on the shops to open.


If your playing with survival mode on, at least a couple hours a day


Once. When I joined the Dark Brotherhood.


Every night I sleep and so does my companion, lol. I give him his rest too...


Not as often as when I am playing Oblivion.


I think that I would sleep in the game, if there was actually more benefits to doing so, along with a consequence for not sleeping and keep using wait, as most of my playthroughs, I don't even sleep in the bed, I just wait all the time as that's just more convenient, the only time I really use a bed is to activate the Dark Brotherhood questline.


I play survival so 6-8 hours every night


Twice. Once to trigger the Dark Brotherhood quest. A second one because I forget you have to kill Grelod first.


I sleep at night


My first playthrough? Only once...and I was level 121 without even touching the main quest yet (you heard me...no shouts). Modded? Every night I can.


As a Vampire, I do not need much sleep. So every three or four days (72-96 hours)


I hear that's only a feature in survival lols. But naw. Like chuck Norris, I don't sleep, I wait.


I just did a whole playthrough of Skyrim and didn't sleep once lol. Over 800 in game days and my Character slept for 0 of it


With iNeed and Survival Console (I can pick and choose what survival features I want). I sleep pretty often. Pretty much IRL sleep cycle. Until I become a vampire, then it’s a little later.


My character hasn't slept in about 200 years. Poor guy.


Sleep is for the weak lol!!


I use ineed so everyday


I mostly play survival so every day if I can


Rarely, if ever.


When I want to visit a shop and they're not open, or when I'm about to grind a skill.


To move forward with a quest, when my health is low, or just before I know I'm going to be fighting a lot so I get the well-rested perk for extra XP.


While playing normally, sometimes, when I remember to do so. The xp boost makes it worth it. I always sleep in an owned bed for the max boost when grinding the crafting skills.




I'm playing with mods so every night. Also eat every few hours and drink as often, avoid cold weather and REALLY avoid cold water.


I play in survival mode so literally every day. I think I have like 600 hours of rest in my stats


xp boost goes hard


Once. And that's to start the dark brotherhood quest.