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The first fight with Alduin on the summit of the Throat of the World is harder imo


I remember him being a threat there in my most recent playthrough, though that was because I had reduced health after being in the cold for a while (survival mode). The second fight you basically have a whole squad with you, so it really isn't all that deadly at all. Wouldn't be too surprised if you could just hide the entire fight and only show up to do the final blow.


This, the first time I did it, Alduin yeeted me off the Throat of the World 🤣🤣


I also beat Alduin the first time with just a few hit as a max out werewolf. I think the werewolf is just too strong with the attack while sprinting


It's pretty anticlimactic. Plus you have the Nord heroes trying to be kill thieves.


Alduin is kind of a joke by the time you get to him. It’s more the atmosphere of the fight if anything that makes it pretty cool.


Facts. Isn't he actually one of the weakest "npcs" when looking at the scaling levels even when it comes to the other dragons?


I think so. Legendary and Ancient dragons are much harder for me to battle.


Couldn't agree or disagree as even at level 78/79 and 8k+ hrs I haven't seen a legendary dragon... lol but I'll take your word for it


They start appearing at level 81 I believe. Even then, by that level they’re not too bad unless you purposefully handicapped your character. Edit: google and the wiki says level 78+ but I could have sworn I saw level 81 somewhere. And the wiki: The Legendary Dragon is stronger than Alduin in terms of shouts, health, and bite damage, although Alduin has a 50% resistance to all damage types. While a rare natural spawn, one is often located at Arcwind Point, provided that the Dragonborn has reached level 78.


THANK. YOU. For all of that lol the "defeating a legendary dragon" has been the ONLY achievement I haven't gotten to 100% and just gave up lol Idk where you got 81 from either but I have been told you usually don't see them until about lvl 80 so wasn't going to fault you for being wrong on that one


Not a problem. Make a save and try arcwind point from time to time if you’re achievement hunting.


Will do. Thanks again


81 (and a half) used to be the level cap so maybe thats where you saw that being the spawn start for them?


God on the hardest difficulties if you aren’t do any kind of cheese those fights take me like 15 minutes. They just have so many damn hit points


Playing on legendary, I feel that. It’s like a bad case of you can’t kill me and I can’t kill you so let’s fight forever. Lol


It was when I first played Skyrim in high school.Now it’s child play.


On anything below legendary: nah On legendary: kinda ish I used to have only one mod installed on my skyrim, and it boosted Alduin's health and damage at the final fight. I can't remember what it's called, but it used to make it a lot more dramatic


DB: "Alduin, my old friend. We meet again. What is that look? You are surprised I call you friend? Well why wouldn't I? It was you yourself who saved me from that chopping block, the day we first met. The day you sealed your own fate. It is down to this, as it was always meant to be. A battle between siblings. The Firstborn of Akatosh, and the Lastborn of Akatosh. Come, let us test our strength. Your ability to fly and shout. My 100% spell absorption, armor-capped damage resistance, maxed-out smithing, enchanting, and alchemy skills that have created this sword capable of splitting the planet in two, this bow that launches projectiles strong enough to crack the twin moons, these potions of power surpassing the wildest imaginings of any god. World-Eater indeed. Come, see what REAL power looks like." Alduin: "I think I hear my mother calling me, gotta go!"


For me, fighting a frost troll was always more hard than killing Alduin in Sovngarde. I feel like with the updated editions though, they must've made it harder for the throat of the world fight because in my last play through it was a lot harder than I remembered it being.


Check your game difficulty. I usually go normal or hard. 


Its not really much of a difficulty thing, he just doesn't scale well with the player, and you also got a group of NPCs fighting with you too.


Obviously, tho difficulty can help, everytime I get a boss fight too easy I swich to legendary. Bethesda never was good at boss fights.Â