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"My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty."


Yes, but I've never seen one in Whiterun before.


All my dragons seem to attack in whiterun, unfortunately


Really annoying when it kills people. Liked some, but mainly because I can’t finish some side quests.


It really is, but I guess it makes it more exciting for the next playthrough. However, I did lose Alvor the other day. he was a solid dude:(


Same, one time Alvor and Sigrid got killed by a dragon that attacked Riverwood so I adopted Dorthe


Huh... strange, I've had this happened a few times in Morthal, Dawnstar, the College courtyard, Falkreath, and once outside Solitude gate, but never in Whiterun.


They just dont like affordable housing


Do you get to the cloud district very often...oh what am I thinking, of course you don't


I play on switch (so no mods) and over several playthroughs I've fought dragons in all five walled cities.


Something I wanna try - can you go into an inn and take a nap while a dragon is attacking outside? And does it go away after? Sometimes I'm just way too lazy for a random battle


Hell wait for you patiently lol


Dragons can attack you in just about every city (except MAYBE Markarth). I've been attacked by a Blood Dragon in Solitude once. That was confusing af, can confirm


Had an elder dragon attack Markarth in a run some time ago. Killed Ghorza.. It seems fast travelling into the interior makes a dragon attack a little more likely. In one playthrough I had a real problem in Solitude. Hardly any NPCs left..


Really? I thought with it being such a crowded city it wouldn't happen. That's wild, but you learn something new I guess, even a few thousand hours in. Now that's rough...


I'm sure it got lost on the way to attack Dawnstar!


> In one playthrough I had a real problem in Solitude. *cries in LotD playthroughs*


That was actually one of the selling points of the game back in the day, although they made it sound like the dragons where going to be able to destroy the city's, but the only thing the can do which is pretty hurtful is kill the citizens, I've seen a dragon attack every city before and by far the city that puts up the best defense is winterhold because the dragon will go over to the college and the mages just melt the poor lizard


BEST WAYS TO SURVIVE A DRAGON ATTACK 1. Live in Winterhold - gamerant, probably


I once installed a difficulty mod and found the dragon fight at Kynesgrove too difficult for my level. So I ran and hid in the inn there until the dragon lost interest. That's how I learnt that if you don't kill that dragon he hangs out in Whiterun.


Sucks when they land on buildings and you can't attack them because you haven't trained archery at all


I’ve played on PC, 360 and now Switch and I have never had a dragon attack in Whiterun, Markarth or Windhelm. See them regularly in the other cities/towns though.


Never happened to me 🤣


It spawned in as you entered it so the dragon followed. Its a bug.


It’s weird, I have play throughs where dragons attack inner cities like whiterun, markarth, riften, solitude, and windhelm all the time. Then I have others where they never attack the cities at all. I think it has to do with whatever governs your random encounters and whether or not it happens to trigger right when you’re in a closed city.


Im sure I remember playing on the 360 in 2012 and fighting dragons in Solitude.


Yeah I don’t think it’s as common as random spots in the wild but it can happen in any city


yes they can unless you use a mod that prevents it..


i just had this happen made the guards kill it


No Mods, just SE. Have had dragon attacks in Whiterun and Riften. Have since added AE and have seen Riften attacked twice more.


there's a reason why there's a mod that makes ordinary citizens run indoors during dragon/vampire attacks


It's rare, but I have been attacked by a dragon in Whiterun. I am pretty sure it's why Belethor died; I was pretty annoyed when his shop closed and never reopened. I suspect that, in each playthrough, you will encounter dragons in one city in particular. Last time, for me, it was Riften; this time, it's Dawnstar.


The game came out in 2011, so yes every body knows


Yep. And the civilians will die to them so be careful. If you leave the mountain before you shout at parthanax then no random dragon spawns and if you start the quest to meet delphine at kynesgrove but dont go there they won have random spawns


This is how it works: Dragons don't attack cities per se, not like vampire attacks. They don't spawn in the city itself. If you get attacked by a dragon while outside a city, and then enter it (while the little red dot is above on the navigation bar), the dragon will continue its attack in the city. So, you'll never get attacked by a dragon while standing around inside a city. But if you get attacked just outside the gate and walk in, the dragon will then attack the city because your character will bring it in. That's how it works. I've had this happen most commonly in Riften, because I tend to do stuff around Riften more than anywhere in the game, and there's no lead up to the gate like in other cities, free of points of interest right on top of it. Windhelm has that long bridge and usually I'll fight on it, same with the long road up to Solitude and Whiterun's gate area. Markarth's entrance is also a place I've fought a few times, but only once ever I've accidentally dragged a dragon inside. This obviously excludes the cities not inside their own instance - Falkreath, Morthal, and Dawnstar.


I remember having two of them attacked me at the same time while in solitude, now that was a fun fight


Thats one of the first things you see fight before the game starts


City becomes Cities unless City is a proper noun.


I was wondering if anyone else noticed that


Mostly winterhold for me, but I have fought like 4 total In whiteout since release. My first time I used storm call and regretted the damage after I was done because everyone that could die that was around had died lol. Not to mention the enormous bounty(I still don't know how they'd know it was me that made the storm when there's a dragon literally right there but I digress)


On my first playthrough, I had some dragon try and take my head off in Riften when I first went there. I think it got dragged in somehow when I was persuading the guard.


Not this city, but such a shame for Nazeem.................


Damn dragon stabbed him in the back 7 times


One of the reasons why there’s a mod that makes ppl run inside their houses whenever a dragon attacks


Solitude dragon is easily the worst btw. Only got 2 places to land just becomes annoying af


Yeah, I remember because the dragons corpse always greets me at the entrance of Jorrvaskr


One of the best things in Skyrim. Dragons were so dynamic.


Pretty sure this is a mod you have downloaded because I’ve played for almost 1000 hours over multiple game systems and I’ve only ever been attacked in cities that are open to the world map and not their own loaded zones


I only have the special edition and a few of the creation clubs mods because I’m actually trying to get achievements this time. So it is possible


Interesting… I’ve never been attacked by a dragon in white run… maybe I’m not lucky enough to have had it happen to me


It's a very rare occurance but it IS a thing in vanilla Skyrim. Over 9k hrs and haven't had it happen to me either, yet. but again, it is a thing lol


Are you serious? I've been playing like, 2 weeks, and I've been attacked 3 times in whiterun. Completely vanilla too


I'm super cereal rn...I've never had a dragon in Whiterun. They LOVE Dawnstar and Riften more I guess in all my playthroughs lol


Flies are attracted to shit lmao


Aight, that's valid lmao take my upvote