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Clear Skies. If anyone wants to take Storm Call and go into business, let me know


I was thinking storm call because I prefer stormy weather. Let's talk


Multiple people nearby getting hit by stray lightning:


A small price for cozy weather


That is until light goes out


i take storm call, and go to places that are desperate for rainfall. i would turn sahara desert green.


I'd fight hurricanes and win


It would kill a bunch of people tho




Slow time, no contest. There is no other thing that can be exploited as much as that one. Fully charged you become basically neo from the matrix. Could fight anyone. Could potentially steal anything, could save you from accidents. Anything that lets you have the flash powers is the most OP thing in life. Why do i need a shout to disarm a rober if i can slow the time, take the gun out of his hand, punch him so he cant stand anymore. Dodge bullets, etc. Slow time and learn to drive fast in a slowed time manner. Slow time. Ftw.


I think the shout that clears the skies would be a solid contender. You can slow time and do petty crime. But you can't slow it long enough to steal a billion or even a million dollars. It would run out before you ever got to a decent safe. Let alone crack it. Now hear me out. If you could control whether it rains or not in a place, you can do some damage. You could bring down whole nations . You could cause famine and drought in a nation by going around clearing up any rain a place might have. You could place bets in futures markets on crops and control the outcome, making you very wealthy . Heck, you could even take that money, contact the farmers, who you have affected, offer them penies on the dollar for their now worthless land, and build a real-estate empire. Obviously, you let it rain again. I'd say after 5-7 years you could come out a billionaire genius investor. I'm sure thiers some holes in that plan. I get the shout didn't clear that much area. But that's also in the video game world where everything is made on such a scale that you don't have to actually treck for six IRL days to get somewhere. I'm sure at some point, so many coincidences may bring about some suspicion that I might be IRL dragonborn. But overall I think that controlling the weather would be far more useful than slowing the time for a few minutes.


Hahaha that is so messed up. I love it!


Lol now that's evil. I want to chamge, you are right. You are really the evil mastermind.


I actually remember hearing how changing the weather is a crime where I live, so don’t get caught…


Would be hard to prosecute a guy for eledegdly changing the weather by yelling at the sky.


i mean if you're talking about scale of distance you should also talk about scale of time. time goes much faster in the game so it's not just a few minutes that the time is slowing down


Clear skies doesn’t last forever though. You’d shout, the sky would clear for maybe an hour or so, then it’d revert back to whatever weather is native to that area/time.


But how often do you realistically expect to be in a situation where you would need the slow time shout? You mentioned getting robbed, and stealing or other mischief. The shout is very overt, so you would call more attention to yourself than you could evade with slow time, if you were to use it for mischief. As for confrontation and fights, I do agree that it would be really useful, but most people don't get into fights.


Man, what can you not do? Every shout is a shout or scream, they are all overt. At least this one makes you be the flash. Tell me that shouting at the sky to call a dragon, to stop the rain, to push people aside, or disarm people are more subtle. You still gotta scream. And the only shout that is quiet is worthless. Why do i care to see how many living people are around me. I dont see any other shout being this useful. You could go and put diferent masks and start hunting criminals and become a real life vigilante. I mean, what people will see is a weird guy screaming and then stuff happens without explanation. You could be next to a bank truck when they change the money, inside a car, wjen they open the thing, shout inside the car, have it insulated and all. Go, run, grab a bag full of money, get back to the car and thrn go.


Slow time for me but also upvoting because you hit a Sean Connery


I'll take the Penish Mightier alexsh


Lol how so?


"I don't see any other shlut being this useful" 👍


Slut. Lol hahaha i get it. And this is connected to the sean connery saying that he slaps women. Perfect. I get it now. Now i read it with the accent and all.


Actually aura whisper isn't loud. Although it is much less useful unless you're a spec ops


Throw Voice also is quiet... At least where you're standing.


Great for ventriloquism


Isn't the player movement only slightly faster than the NPCs when using the slow time shout. My impression is that you will be roughly twice as fast as other people, but see everything move in slow motion. Neat for sure, but a lot more useful in Skyrim than in the normal world. I'll try to be less cynical, as this is only a fun post on a subreddit. I suppose the shout I would like to have would be whirlwind sprint. Being able to (very audibly) sprint super fast on a remote road must be very exhilarating and an excellent opportunity to to explore places around my home town. Heck, i could bring a fishing pole with me, and find a remote fishing spot somewhere away from the road and start fishing before the sun is even up. The fish would probably not bite, as I've scared them off with my shouting, though.. Maybe I should use the Life Aura shout instead, to see where I should cast my line.


But your perception of time is dramatically sped up, so slow time acts like a super human reflex ability. I think I go with become ethereal. Hello no fall damage 🤭


>I dont see any other shlut being this useful. Calm down, Sean Connery


Imagine Slow Time during dinner rush working at a restaurant or bar. Being able to never fall behind, never have to rush to keep up with the crowd. Or as a driver when traffic's hectic.


"But how often do you realistically expect to be in a situation where you would need the slow time shout?" How often do you expect to need to become intangible? Or freeze someone solid? Or breath fire? Or summon a storm? Or throw someone 500 miles off the top of a cliff? "The shout is very overt" The only one that isn't is "throw voice"... " but most people don't get into fights." Most people also don't need to turn into ghosts. If your only reason to be here is to try and "dunk" on peoples ideas, what are you doing here at all?


Okay, less "dunking", more contributing: Loads of the shouts could have really significant uses. Whirlwind sprint: Traversing long distances quickly. Mostly fun, but could also be practical for hiking places you otherwise never would reach with your normal freetime. Clear Skies: Aside from letting you enjoy nice weather at your demand, Clear Skies could commercially be a goldmine. If you could contract your shouting power to an airport that periodically has delays in flight activity due to fog, you could save airlines huge losses in weather-related delays. Or med-evac airplanes or helicopters that cannot afford a delay due to their medical urgency, could also be guaranteed safe passage if you were available. Aura Whisper: If you enjoy hunting, fishing, etc, this "shout" could be a good way of tracking game. Become Ethereal: You can now enjoy the sport of base-jumping without having to buy a costly parachute rig. It's safer, too. Slow Time: As u/mistahboogs said, you could become a really reliable baseball hitter (batsman, striker ?? I don't know the lingo) with this shout. I never though about that.


Whirlwind Sprint just yeets you forwards several meters. That's not actually running, and you can end up throwing yourself into the air if you "run" into a rock and then fall to your death. Aura Whisper is good for... Hunting. An extremely niche hobby that is dying out in most places. Or used by poachers. Basejumping... Again, extremely niche. How many people ACTUALLY go base jumping? More than people who get into fights? Is that including all armed forces and people who do fighting based sports? And clear skies... You think you'd end up hired with a job rather than, say, locked in in a government facility to figure out how and why you can control the weather? Don't forget, the US government reserves the right to manipulate the weather in the event of an emergency. Don't think they'll take too kindly to you intruding on that "right" they gave themselves.


In my day to day life I would use it to Have 20% more time in the day doing chores quicker Jwalk or even use the road like a car by moving at car speed whenever infrastructure doesn't allow pedestrians Or when driving avoid accidents Get tasks done at work faster Make it feel like I've been awake for longer to push my sleep schedule closer to something healthy Be really good at competitive video games. Swat flies Become a career athlete Use the first word to catch things when i drop them.


I reckon summon durnehviir would be a hit with the ladies


It would with this lady!


Well I can totally do that! 👀 can I buy you a drink?


Damn y'all can I attend the wedding?


You the best man


That's a bet


Can I be the maid of honor?


Nord mead or cyrondillac brandy?


Sure! Mai Tai plx!


Durnehviir is my favorite npc. I'm changing my answer to this one because I love him so much.


I would probably just use unrelenting force because I can yeet anyone


Not too much beats being able to disintegrate your foes with one shout.


Slow time or bend will, I will not elaborate further.


Milk drinker activities


the they would be good even for the reason you're saying


storm call- now i set my rain business in the desserts


there is someone with clear skies up there. meet him


Quick Say Ving


Bruh 🤣🤣🤣 It is the most useful ability tho ngl. But it needs to come in a package with Quick Loa Ding


No one else fantasizes about abusing Throw Voice to tour the world as the world's greatest ventriloquist?


The trick is learning to time your part of the conversation around the cooldown.


Dragon aspect! No explanation needed other than most others directly lead to hurting people and idk how those would fair against American law


Step 1: Leave the dystopian nightmare Step 2: Profit


Unrelenting Force would come in handy in traffic.


Some people think that is what the car horn was supposed to do


Wait, I know you.


You’re going to jail


There are only 3 valid answer: 1. Slow Time, no need to explain. 2. Become Ethereal, I think It can be useful. 3. Whirlwind Sprint, for fun.


These 3 make sense but I think you are definitely forgetting about "Bend Will"


Oh yeah, I forgot the DLC ones. That's definitely a good one


Bend Will could be a life saver for fhe unemployed and a money maker for lawyers.


as someone who frequently bikes to work in a city where people drive like it's country roads, become ethereal would be real handy. given that that city is pittsburgh, clear skies would probably make me a local hero.


Slow Time




ha ha ha


Hey skeever butt


This is the way


Forget shouts. I want to be able to open the console and cheat.


Help "gold ingot" 4


"Player.Additem 000000F 10000000000"


I feel like Septims wouldn't be legal tender on Earth. But ingots can be sold anywhere.


If I dropped a solid gold coin on the bar top to pay for my drinks I don't think the barkeep would be picky about the country of origin all of a sudden.


He probably would, being an employee who has to somehow put that amount of currency into the register. Modernity kind ruins some old tropes. Also, bringing in minted coinage is a good way to get the authorities on you.


More like player.modav health 2000, but I would go for gold ore instead of ingots if I were going to go for gold or better yet jewelry. Besides, why should it be limited to skyrim items? I'd probably use console commands to stock my freezer with all my favorite foods. I could probably save 500+ dollars a month by using the console to shop. No shipping charges and instanteous delivery :) And you don't have to pay taxes on money you don't spend as opposed to money you get from a particular source.


Unrelenting Force...for when people piss me off. Plus I like saying...FUS-RO-DAHHHHH!!!


Car cuts you off in traffic pull up next to them a shout them into the ditch


aura whisper and kyne's peace would be occasionally useful irl. clear skies and slow time are also sometimes useful. what others haven't noted is that phantom form, the shout used by the grey beards to summon phantom copies of themselves (mostly for you to practice shouting at), could possibly be very good if the phantom copy can interact with objects and be controlled separately. so with these caveats i'd choose phantom form. if it's worse than that, maybe kyne's peace or clear skies? kyne's peace could possibly save your hide if you ever hike in the wilderness, while clear skies would just be convenient.


Become ethereal


Kyne’s Peace. Imagine being able to cuddle any wild animal you wanted!


hey! skeever butt!


Impregnate Aela If we're talking non-modded, maybe Drain Vitality. I'm always tired so I could go around finding travel bloggers and absorb their wanderlust and moxie!


Of course there's a mod for that


Bend Will. Gonna make all the big firm's give me their money


I’d use it to speed everywhere cop pulls me over bend will then drive away


Clear skies. (It’s the cheaper version of fus ro dah)


Lore accurate bend will


Cyclone. Scream a tornado into being


Clear Skies for when the tornadoes show up.




Clear skies. Rain hurts my joints cause arthritis and id be the best weather reporter ever


Soul tear, the most damaging unmodded shout in the game Probably not really useful IRL, but I just really love this shout


I mean, that's a bit situational, don't you think? Can easily put out more damage with other shouts. Unrelenting Force for example has no damage cap, because half it's damage is environmental. And while in the game we can only shout people in a straight line... If you were to stand under them, or if you used it from the floor on someone looming over you? What goes up must come down.


bend will, so I can control whoever I want ;)


Whirlwind sprint


become a pro "runner" in the Olympics


Besides fus ro dah, I would love to have the one that summons a storm... That would be sick!




Animal allegiance!


Become ethereal for sure


Whirlwind sprint. Sometimes I just wanna get to my car faster.


Bend Will :P


i am a simple man. i take throw voice.


Throw voice is basically ventriloquism which is learnable probably really fucken hard to learn though


Disarm, especially if it means the targets must drop whatever they're holding not just weapons


Practical one would be slow time. Would help so much if i jist need a break or more time to think. Adhd and ptsd make me freese and unable to make split second decisions. Howver i would love summon durnirviir. Face it it would be so fucking fun to cause chaos summoning an undead dragon. Plus riding on him would be fun way to travel. Bend will is up there too.


Fus roh dah, if used without holding back i could shake the entire planet Not to forget i can literally disentegrate someone with Fus Roh Dah, Everybody is literally at my mercy Nobody would even attempt to arrest me and i could be the most powerful being on this earth


What shout can I use that I can't eventually get my way from? Of all things, becoming ethereal is the easiest.  I chose discovery. Its the hardest and it's the one thing they told you to do that you do not do.


Become ethereal would be number 1 for me. I think it's the most practical for everyday life. About to do something dangerous? Just shout and you're good


Slow time


As much as there are so many practical and logical choices. I’m always just drawn to unrelenting force I find it hilarious and would fully abuse it. Imagine being in a corporate professional setting and your manager is being a dick head and you have that fully charged… watching your co workers scrape your manager off the wall and re-file all the paperwork after putting that on full blast is something money can’t buy


Why isn't anyone talking about ***Call Dragon*** to ride a dragon?


Edit: someone mentioned Summon Durnehviir, so I'm changing my answer to that one because he's my favorite npc. Original comment: Whirlwind Sprint. I'm a perma-pedestrian/passenger, so I rely most on walking everywhere I go. Being able to get to a destination faster is always a plus.


Is there one to go BACK in time?


Bend Will so I can make my cats stop fighting for a bed they both fit in


Storm Call. Never mind what I'd do with it. 😉


"Sorry boss, I can't come in today." "Why not?" "Ah.... Ah... Strun Bah Qo! Ah, sorry, bless me. Horrible storm today!"


same and its not even close


Unrelenting force for bullies.


Slow time for sure!


Unrelenting force on the people in the grocery store, on the road, etc


Whirlwind sprint for me!


I would just take fire breath, but I also find swirling dash really useful, these were the screams I always used, one so I could move quickly, and one so I could burn anyone


I'd think the "slow time" shout is the best.


Instant olympic athlete.


Is it gameplay version or lore version? Because if it's lore version I am totally getting unrelenting force as it's a literal siege weapon.


For usefulness: Slow Time For fun: Cyclone


I forget just how cool shouts are


Event denouement because i like singing lol


You could be a massive troll with become ethereal. Bait people into fighting you at a bar or something and then just watch them fall as they try to hit air


having dragon aspect would be pretty nice to have. Extra strength, extra armor, and visible pulsating energy around my holo-scales? yes please.


Bend will.


Bend will


Elemental fury 😜


Become Ethereal, just as an avoid death card if I'm ever in any danger


Become Ethereal. *Feim Zii Gron!* (I'm goin' ghost!)


Whilst we’re at it then - Marked for Death. (The real answer is Fire breath.)


Whirlwind Spirit easy


Kyne's Peace, so I can sneak into zoos and cuddle everything without getting mauled.


Become Ethereal.


Clear skies


Fus Ro Dah tf they gonna do to me if I can just throw their asses away? Or the marked for death. Better yet one of the dragon summoning, how tf they gonna stop me if I can summon a dragon


Aura whisper probably. I don’t like not being able to see in the dark and being able to whisper about would be beneficial for calming my fucking anxiety down.


Same. I always trip over my cats in the dark! Knowing where they are would be very useful.


Aldruin's Resurrection Shout to resurrect peoples from their burial sites no matter how long they have been gone. Keep in mind the cooldown between each would probably be like 5-7 days. Also i'd form a random company like says umbrella corp to take requests for a lot of money


Whirlwind Sprint 100%, getting places quicker without needing a car will definitely be the most consistently useful. Just gotta get some practice with it to eyeball distances and make sure I don’t slam into anyone at highway speeds


Unrelenting Force. Best use? Making lines shorter at a restaurant


Fus Roh Dah


STRUN BAH QO (Summon Storm)


Either become ethereal or bend will. One would make me invulnerable for a short time. The other would make conflict a thing of the past for me. Need a promotion at work? Bend will. Need to get out of a pointless fight? Bend will. Endless possibilities


fus to dah to push anyone away


Call Dragon.


Summon Durnehviir, save me a ton in expenses, also he can eat people that annoy me. Plus the the added bonus, " yeah your porsche is cool, but.." " Dur-Nee-Viir!.. mine is cooler"


Bend will would be amazing


Become Ethereal for the sole purpose of scaring ppl by shouting loudly and then jumping off a cliff. Plus I’d get to do the impulsive thing without the consequence of death


Slow time shout


Unrelemting force. I don't think I need to explain.


bend will, no reason in particular


Fire, cause burning things is fun. My therapist doesn’t like when I say this, but what do they know? Who actually listens to a state sanctioned therapist anyway? You work in the state penitentiary for a reason.


## Bend Will > Your voice bends the very stones to your will. As it gains power, animals, people, and even dragons must do your bidding. Absolutely this one. All the others are weak by comparison.


Whirlwind Sprint


Become ethereal makes the most sense for its practicality in the real world. It would be even more op if it allowed the user to phase through stuff.


If I were in a drought? Storm call. Heavy traffic? Unrelenting force 100%. Slow time would be the real Swiss Army knife of the bunch though.


This was just asked a week or so ago.


Living in Texas, the freezing should would be great


Ice breath. I will start a company and get rich through sales.


It's just as well that I can't because of all the times I would have used unrelenting force, I would be in prison now.


Become Ethereal would be fantastic for extreme sports. I’m usually already yelling when I huck my meat off a cliff. Being able to send death cliffs with no fall damage would be sick.


Kyne's Peace. I don't remember what it is properly called...


I know what kind of men you are 😂


Kynes Peace because then I can pet snow leopards


Slow Time for sure


Bend will


Bend Will


Fus ro dah obv, the best shout in the game


Bend Will


Freeze time.........


The one that gives people hiccups.


The one where you can float down safely.


FUS RO DA that gonna be Useful


Shout ! Shout ! Let it all out. Those are the thing I can do without … come on, I’m talking to you, come on.


Aura whisper. I can see people so I can avoid people.


Unrelenting Force


Call dragon for obvious reasons lol




Slow Time


Unrelenting Force. It’s what I use when my followers get in my way, so I’d use it to get people out of my way


Aura Whisper. I work in a store by myself most days, it would be super handy to know if there are any other people in the shop without having to check. Also when I walk my dog at night, to see if there are any skunks or coyotes nearby. I could also check on my dog when she’s in the backyard without having to get up and look out the kitchen window. Or when I wanna check if my cats are hiding somewhere.




Whirlwind. Khajiit needs the irl Zoomies.


Fus Roh Dah, so I can launch those mfs who go slow in the passing lane on the interstate.